How are we to be like God?

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How are we to be like God?

Post #1

Post by AdHoc »

If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

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Post #111

Post by Checkpoint » wrote: [Replying to post 106 by Checkpoint]

And you still cannot dispute them.
Of course I can.

I have already done so, and will again.

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Post #112

Post by Checkpoint » wrote: [Replying to post 106 by Checkpoint]

And you still cannot dispute them.
I don't need to.

You've done a pretty good job in self-contradiction.

Here it is.

Those who believe in Jesus have their names written in the Book of life as inheritors unto salvation.

They will receive their inheritance at the Second Coming when resurrected to everlasting spiritual bodied life. That is when they will be born again as spirits.

They will then spend the Millennium with Jesus.

The Great White Throne Judgment occurs after the Millennium.

After judgment the Book of Life is checked again! Those whose names are in it then, will also be born again as Spirits.

Those whose names are not in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire and quickly perish.

So the billions who never heard the gospel good news of salvation will hear it and make their choice between life or death at that time. That is when the Great Commission will be accomplished.
No, the Great Commission must occur before Jesus can return.
Your move, myth-one.
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Post #113

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Checkpoint wrote: wrote: [Replying to post 106 by Checkpoint]

And you still cannot dispute them.
I don't need to.

You've done a pretty good job in self-contradiction.

Here it is.
Those who believe in Jesus have their names written in the Book of life as inheritors unto salvation.

They will receive their inheritance at the Second Coming when resurrected to everlasting spiritual bodied life. That is when they will be born again as spirits.

They will then spend the Millennium with Jesus.

The Great White Throne Judgment occurs after the Millennium.

After judgment the Book of Life is checked again! Those whose names are in it then, will also be born again as Spirits.

Those whose names are not in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire and quickly perish.

So the billions who never heard the gospel good news of salvation will hear it and make their choice between life or death at that time. That is when the Great Commission will be accomplished.
No, the Great Commission must occur before Jesus can return.
Your move, myth-one.
It did occur before Jusus' return. God had to send an angel to fulfill the Great Commission due to the failure of mankind to do so. This occurs shortly before the Second Coming.
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. (Revelation 14:6)
The billions of people who never heard the everlasting gospel or the name Jesus were dead and buried at the time of the Second Coming.

They will be born again as humans at the second resurrection for mankind -- which occurs a thousand years after the Second Coming!

They will be preached the gospel good news and make their decision regarding Jesus at that time!

That is why the Book of Life will be checked again after the Great White Throne Judgment.

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Post #114

Post by PinSeeker »

I will just say here again -- as I've said several times before -- that myth-one's opinions lie far, far outside of orthodox Christian understanding, belief, and testimony, at any time in the past or currently.
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Post #115

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PinSeeker wrote:I will just say here again -- as I've said several times before -- that myth-one's opinions lie far, far outside of orthodox Christian understanding, belief, and testimony, at any time in the past or currently.
That's a courageous admission on your part! Thanks!

My opinions are based upon the scriptures. And I quote scriptures to confirm the truthfulness of my beliefs.

Yes, you are correct that the scriptures are far outside of any orthodox Christian understanding.

That's because the scriptures are sealed from their understanding.

They are sealed due to the initial false belief that man is born with an "immortal soul."

This initial false belief that man is born as an immortal soul living within a physical body seals the remainder of the Bible from man's understanding.

This "immortal soul myth" contradicts the Bible, which states that the unsaved die, perish, and are lost and gone for eternity. That is the end, or death, of them. There is no recovery from the second death.

Thus, the remainder of the Bible must then be incorrectly "interpreted" to support this original error which was instilled in mankind in the first few pages of Genesis by Satan:
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (Genesis 3:4)
Satan lied when he informed Eve that she would live forever, "Ye shall not surely die."

Mainstream Christian theologians have incorporated that lie into their theologies for nearly two thousand years!

Thus, with a little assistance from Satan, man seals the scriptures from his own understanding!


God will send an angel to unseal the scriptures shortly before the Second Coming.

Until then, you're doing what you are supposed to be doing -- sealing the scriptures from mankind's understanding.

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Post #116

Post by PinSeeker » wrote: My opinions are based upon the scriptures.
That's obvious. But opinions can be incorrect. That is most certainly the case, with all due respect, with yours. wrote: And I quote scriptures to confirm the truthfulness of my beliefs.
What good does reinforcing your own opinions by confirming them with erroneous understandings, except to dig the hole one is already in deeper and deeper? None; quite the opposite. wrote: Yes, you are correct that the scriptures are far outside of any orthodox Christian understanding.
Well, your understandings are far outside orthodox Christian understanding; that's what I said. In implying that I said what you say here, you're pointedly lying; I never said such a thing, but quite the opposite. wrote: That's because the scriptures are sealed from their understanding.
That's a reckless, brazen, and irresponsible statement... mere opinion. wrote: They are sealed due to the initial false belief that man is born with an "immortal soul."
It's not a false belief at all. Your understanding is based on a terrible misreading of Genesis 3 and 1 Corinthians 15, among other passages.

The serpent's lie in Genesis 3:4 is really made when he tells Adam and Eve that will be like God when they eat of the tree -- he implies, deceitfully, that they are not like God. But unlike Satan, Adam and Eve, being made in the image of God, are already like God. And being in the image of God, they are expected to exercise authority over all the beasts of the field, which includes the serpent. By obeying the serpent, however, they betray the trust placed in them by God. This is not merely and act of disobedience; it is an act of treachery. And while they do not cease to exist physically, they are expelled from Eden and God's presence and are cut off from the source of life and the tree of life, and they enter the realm of the dead... they experience spiritual death, and therefore what God told them in Genesis 2:17 came to fruition: in the day that they ate of the fruit of the tree, they surely died. And they bequeathed that condition to all the living from that time forward.

What you're inadvertently doing is accusing God of lying to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:17. So what you accuse me and people like me of is actually on your own head. No, He told them they would die in that day, and they surely did. wrote: This initial false belief that man is born as an immortal soul living within a physical body seals the remainder of the Bible from man's understanding.
That's another reckless, brazen, and irresponsible statement. The false premise, as shown, is yours. wrote: ...the unsaved die, perish, and are lost and gone for eternity. That is the end, or death, of them. There is no recovery from the second death.
Agreed, but cessation of existence is not implied and is not the case. The words 'die,' 'death,' and 'perish,' in the context of the second death do not imply or entail cessation of existence. This "understanding" that it does is in egregious error. Just as Adam and Eve did not cease to exist -- but surely died when they fell from grace -- neither will those who do come to repentance and belief. wrote: Until then, you're doing what you are supposed to be doing -- sealing the scriptures from mankind's understanding.
That's yet another reckless, brazen, and irresponsible -- and blind, really -- statement.
Last edited by PinSeeker on Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #117

Post by Checkpoint »

[Replying to post 110 by]

Not a good move, myth-one.

Just the same old same old.

The same old mixture of scripture and imagination, of eisegesis instead of exegesis.

It does not become all true however much you keep saying it.
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Post #118

Post by » wrote:Yes, you are correct that the scriptures are far outside of any orthodox Christian understanding.

That's because the scriptures are sealed from their understanding.
PinSeeker wrote:That's a reckless, brazen, and irresponsible statement... mere opinion.
Isaiah 29 wrote:11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:

12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Daniel 12:4 wrote:But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. wrote:They (the scriptures) are sealed due to the initial false belief that man is born with an "immortal soul."
PinSeeker wrote:It's not a false belief at all.
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (Genesis 3:22-23)
PinSeeker wrote:The serpent's lie in Genesis 3:4 is really made when he tells Adam and Eve that they will be like God when they eat of the tree -- he implies, deceitfully, that they are not like God. But unlike Satan, Adam and Eve, being made in the image of God, are already like God.
Adam and Eve are not "like" or equal to God.

The one difference at this point between man and God and the angels is mortality!

Here it is again:
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (Genesis 3:22-23) wrote: ...the unsaved die, perish, and are lost and gone for eternity. That is the end, or death, of them. There is no recovery from the second death.
PinSeeker wrote:Agreed, but cessation of existence is not implied and is not the case. The words 'die,' 'death,' and 'perish,' in the context of the second death do not imply or entail cessation of existence. This "understanding" that it does is in egregious error. Just as Adam and Eve did not cease to exist -- but surely died when they fell from grace -- neither will those who do come to repentance and belief.
So you're saying they do not "surely die!"
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (Genesis 3:4)

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Post #119

Post by Checkpoint »

[Replying to post 112 by]
That's because the scriptures are sealed from their understanding.

They are sealed due to the initial false belief that man is born with an "immortal soul."

This initial false belief that man is born as an immortal soul living within a physical body seals the remainder of the Bible from man's understanding.

This "immortal soul myth" contradicts the Bible, which states that the unsaved die, perish, and are lost and gone for eternity. That is the end, or death, of them. There is no recovery from the second death.

Thus, the remainder of the Bible must then be incorrectly "interpreted" to support this original error which was instilled in mankind in the first few pages of Genesis by Satan:
Another mixed bag; this time of a little truth plus a great exaggeration, and a false claim.

The little truth is that we are not born with an immortal soul. Immortality is not innate, but it is conditional.

The great exaggeration is the assertion that this one error seals the Bible from being understood. It doesn't do that.

The false claim is that the Bible has been sealed for several thousand years, and is today.

The Bible is not closed; it is not sealed, but rather is open to all those with eyes to see and ears to hear, just as Jesus told us.

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Post #120

Post by PinSeeker » wrote: Adam and Eve are not "like" or equal to God.
That's not what I said, myth-one. "Made in God's image" does not mean "equal to God." Do you just not understand what I said? Or are you intentionally twisting what I said into something it's not? My guess is the former, because your lack of understanding (in many things) is readily apparent. wrote: So you're saying they do not "surely die!"
No, I'm saying that even though they (Adam and Eve) didn't cease to exist, nevertheless, they surely died the day the partook of the tree, just as God said they would in Genesis 2:17. You're saying -- and keep saying -- He lied to them, which is not the case. You are the one making God out to be a liar... in addition to what you think the serpent's deception was.

Grace and peace to you.

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