How are we to be like God?

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How are we to be like God?

Post #1

Post by AdHoc »

If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #2

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to post 1 by AdHoc]

A characteristic of God?


If we strive to show love to everybody, we will be imitating God. We cannot do it perfectly in this system of things, but He only expects us to try our best. If we love God and people (as Jesus indicated; Matthew 22:37-40), we will be kind, helpful, respectful, etc.

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Post #3

Post by Divine Insight »


For Jesus tells us so:

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Apparently this is not only a description of a characteristic of God, but it's also a commandment that Jesus himself commands us to obey.
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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #4

Post by Checkpoint »

AdHoc wrote: If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #5

Post by tam »

Peace to you AdHoc.

I am going to respond to both your OP TITLE question and your OP question if that is okay?

OP Title question:
How are we to be like God?
What one word would you use to describe?
The one word that came to mind for me upon reading your title... is "Christ".

If we are to be like God, then we must be like Christ. Christ is the image of God, after all. We (who are disciples and/or Christians) are to follow Christ and the example He gave us.

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. John 13:15

And we are being made into the image of Christ (who is Himself the image of God):

17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinth 3:17, 18

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29

OP question:
AdHoc wrote: If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

Again: Christ is the Image of God and He is the One to whom God told us to listen. He is the One we are to follow as our example, including remaining in and obeying His word. So Christ covers everything (including love, which He taught and showed, even to our enemies).

But going by a characteristic - an attribute - of God (which you ask about here in the OP), then love - as OWH mentioned above - was the next word that came to mind. God IS love - and the law that comes from Him is also love (love is the law of the new covenant that is written upon the heart). Love covers over a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8; Proverbs 10:12), and there is no law against love (Galatians 5:22, 23).

The verse about being perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect (which DI mentioned above) is about LOVE. When Christ told us to be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect, He was speaking about loving both friend AND ENEMY.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48

Peace again to you,
your servant and a slave of Christ,

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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #6

Post by Checkpoint »

AdHoc wrote: If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

Light is the opposite of darkness, and light exposes and expunges darkness.
1 john 1:

5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you: God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
6 If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

Matthew 5:

14 “You are the light of the world.

A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

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Post #7

Post by Checkpoint »

Divine Insight wrote: PERFECTION

For Jesus tells us so:

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Apparently this is not only a description of a characteristic of God, but it's also a commandment that Jesus himself commands us to obey.
It would seem so, but the meaning of the Greek word is not perfect or perfection.
From HELPS Word-studies

Cognate: 5046 téleios (an adjective, derived from 5056 /télos, "consummated goal") – mature (consummated) from going through the necessary stages to reach the end-goal, i.e. developed into a consummating completion by fulfilling the necessary process (spiritual journey). See 5056 (telos).

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Post #8

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to post 6 by Checkpoint]

Yes---"going through the necessary stages to reach an end goal"---exactly. So perfection isn't as perfect as God, but as perfect as one can be in the fulfillment of God's end goal or purpose for that particular creation.

He wanted humans to be as perfectly righteous as they are able to be as humans, and we show our love for Him and other humans by striving to be as "perfect" as humans can be in this present world. We do this now by following His commands as closely as we are able to. In the new system of things, we will reach true perfection, the perfection that God created us to be before Adam rebelled.

"This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome." (I John 5:3)

"In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely." (I Peter 2:21)

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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #9

Post by Sojournerofthearth »

AdHoc wrote: If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?

We are to become as He is. We don't know exactly what we'll be like, but we know we shall be like Him at His appearing.

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Re: How are we to be like God?

Post #10

Post by polonius »

AdHoc wrote: If you can only use one word to describe a characteristic of God that we should follow as an example what word would you use?

And why do you choose that word?
RESPONSE: Simple. Be existent

What could be simpler or more basis.

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