Musing On The Mother - ACT III

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mother - ACT III

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Post #61

Post by William »

Callum is hesitant. He is obviously thinking about his options.

Manu Iti: Are you having second thoughts Callum? It appears that The Gem is happy to accommodate you...

Callum: I know Manu Iti. I suppose what I know about the Tabula Rasa - it being so unpredictable - what you have spoken of it...I guess what I am saying is that getting there faster isn't going to mean my problems are over.

I suppose that I am really just stalling...because...I don't know what is in store for me. I am a little anxious about being here and having to do this.

Manu Iti: Yes Callum. I understand your feelings about your situation. I can say that no great harm will befall you. The best way to approach this is with a sense of adventure.

The Gem closes and rises from the ground.

Callum: I don't want to make the wrong choice...even that you say no great harm will come to me - I am apprehensive...

Manu Iti: What do you remember of your life before...coming upon Hub Mound?

Callum: Well I remember lots of things. Being a child - growing up with my siblings and parents and other family...

Callum sits down and puts his head in his hands.

Callum: I miss them. I don't know where I am or why I am here.

Manu Iti: I know where you are and why you are here Callum.

Callum looks up at The Gem and then sighs.

Callum: I died, didn't I.

Manu Iti: Yes Callum. You departed from that reality experience and moved into this one.

Callum appears to be handling the news reasonably.

Callum: I have suspected something like that for some time now.
So why Hub Mound? Why did I end up here?

I ponder on how to answer Callum's question...

Manu Iti: I have been wondering that for some time Callum. You recall my recently asking you if you remember crossing The Bridge Of Forgiveness?

Callum: Yes. I could not remember doing so Manu Iti. The first thing I recall about this place,is walking through the forest up Hub Mound and finding the Campfire.

Manu Iti: Yes - So you told me.
I have been thinking on that. The only way you can get to Hub Mound is over The Bridge of Forgiveness.
You cannot remember crossing the Bridge, but you must have done so.
When you departed your last reality experience - for some reason The Tabular Rasa deposited you at The Bridge of Forgiveness.

Callum: Why?

Manu Iti: Since The Tabular Rasa responds to the individuals beliefs and attitudes, there must have been something within you which made it happened the way that it did.

Callum: What do you mean?

Manu Iti: There really are no 'mindless accidents' Callum. Even your collision with Ruthie in The Tabula Rasa was no accident. The result of that at present is that two Creators of separate realms have the opportunity to integrate and become one realm. That is a big thing really.

Callum: So - you are saying that it is no accident that I am now currently here in this Cave?

Manu Iti: Exactly!

Callum sits thinking on this for some time before continuing.

Callum: But then, what exactly is it about me which allowed for things to unfold as they have done?

Manu Iti: That is hard to say Callum. All I would offer is that when you arrived at The Campfire, you showed signs of wanting to argue about things and be judgmental. This lead me to think - in my capacity as someone who helps place the misplaced - that you were bound for The Realm of Judgement.

Callum: But doesn't 'misplaced' go against the idea that all things that happen are not accidental?

Manu Iti: No. I did not assume that because I wasn't sure about where you should be placed, that you were therefore in the wrong place...had been placed here by accident. I waited and tried to learn more about you, so that I would have enough information to be able to help you find the place that would best serve you.

Callum thinks on this for a while.

Callum: So do you now know where that place is?

Manu Iti: Like I said - due to your demeanor I was beginning to conclude that it was The Realm of Judgement which would best suit your needs.
But it became apparent that your beliefs about your creator where influencing you untoward - something else, not so obvious - behind the veil of your person was confusing you.

Callum: You mean The Tanager?

Manu Iti: Who is The Tanager really? Perhaps no more than a creation of your own, which - for some reason - you felt necessary to assign as your 'spokesperson'?

Callum: Your point being?

Manu Iti: That perhaps something which greatly influenced you in your former existence, was familiar enough to you that you did not want to part with it, even that it was proving to be of no particular benefit to your new reality.

Callum: Yet the influence was not so profound that it allowed for The Tabula Rasa to deposit me into an experience suited to my overall nature.

Manu Iti: Most obviously. It was more a case of an echo of influence which was of no particular use to you in this new environment...and perhaps was not as useful to you in your old one either - but was simply a somewhat desperate means for you to create a defense against what was unfamiliar to you...because you were afraid...

Callum: So if Tanager isn't really my Creator, then who or what is?

I smile at Callum's question.

Manu Iti: You are not the product of a creator Callum. Indeed, no conscious entity is.
All things are products of a Creator Mind. You are not a 'thing'.

I can see that Callum is struggling to understand that concept.

Manu Iti: For the time being, you can sit with that and contemplate the finer details of what it might mean for you. For now though, you have a task to perform.

Callum smiles at that.

Callum: Yes! How to make the best choice.

He looks at the Map on his Tablet...he counts out the number of paths going off from the main one...

Callum: Perhaps I can make something of a game of this...Maybe I could get some guiding directions by using some kind of list to generate help in you do with the Message Generator and Word-String Lists?

Manu Iti: I don't see why not. How would you create your list?

Callum: I suppose that I could start by asking which path to take next. I see there are two options. A fork in the road...

I like the fact that Callum is becoming interested in trying out this way of doing things. Rather than simply making a verdict, he is now more willing to do the science...test it out rather than simply assume...

Manu Iti: That sounds like a great idea Callum. To see what might be found there...

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Post #62

Post by William »

Callum studies the section of Map on his Tablet.


Callum: So I can add something like "Go Right" and "Go Left" since they are my only two options at present...I can copy these a multitude of times into a list, and then randomly make a selection from that, as you do with your Message Generating Process.

Manu Iti: Yes. There are presently two options available. In this way you are allowing something else the opportunity to make the decision for you - or at least offer a suggestion, as you can always decide to choose the other if you want to. Essentially the choice is always still yours to make.

Callum: Since I have to make a choice of some kind...

Manu Iti: Indeed. This is just helping you, if you choose the help. It will not appear to be anything significant, but if it were to prove itself helpful to you in this situation and in more situations where you use it, you will begin to see that it is a viable device in which to use to help you. It will prove its viability to you...

Callum nods his understanding and then gets busy making his first basic list...

Callum: Okay - so I will type "Left" and "Right" into the list...and now copy and past those...

Callum works for a while doing this...

Callum: I have 132 pages of this.

He holds up the Tablet which shows a page;
  • Left
Callum: How will this do Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: It looks fine Callum. Perhaps you might now put the whole list through The List Randomizer, to make things even more of a random selection.

Callum nods and then works on doing that. When finished, he again shows me a page of the results...
  • Left
Manu Iti: Yes - That looks fine Callum.

Callum: Okay - so now I just use the cursor as a pointer and this page down button to move down the list and stop wherever I feel like it.

Manu Iti: Sure. When I do this, I also don't look at the screen, and this removes any chance of my consciously influencing the outcome.

Callum: I think the page moves down too fast for me to consciously influence anything Mani Iti.

Manu Iti: No doubt Callum. I simply do it to take away any argument that the process is being consciously manipulated...

Callum: Understand.
So here goes then...which way am I going to go....?

Callum presses the down-page button and looks away from the screen. At some point he then take his finger off the button, and looks at the screen to see where the cursor has stopped.

Manu Iti: So - is it left or right Callum?

Callum: It says "Right" Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Excellent! Then 'Right' it shall be...unless you have a change of mind from now until you get to the fork.

Callum thinks about that for a moment.

Callum: If I did that Manu Iti, what would be the point of even doing this?

Manu Iti: It is a tool Callum. You are a free agent, not bound to it in any way that you cannot decide differently.

Callum: What if I do it again, to see if there is confirmation or a contradiction?

Manu Iti: While you could do so, and it contradicted the first selection...that would then amount to you having to make a decision for yourself, rather than get assistance from this source.

Callum: But I am also interested in seeing if it would choose the same Manu Iti. In theory if I should turn Right - the device will once more pick 'Right', would it not?

Manu Iti: Is it a matter of 'Should' versus 'Shouldn't' Callum? At this stage you are simply wanting help in making a choice. The options are only two, so if you did it again, and it came up "Left" - you would essentially be back where you started before asking.

Callum: But if it came up "Right" it would be conformation, would it not.

Manu Iti: Yes - I suppose so Callum. So are you looking for confirmation, or simply helpful suggestion?

Callum: But going 'Right' might take me to a place less desirable than if I have gone 'Left'.

Manu Iti: Then put the device away and simply make your own choice Callum.

Again Callum thinks on it for a moment before replying.

Callum: But I am curious Manu Iti. I think I will do it again, and if it selects "Left" then I will put it away and make my own choice when I get to the fork.

I like that Callum is curious.

Manu Iti: That is perfectly fine Callum. If it helps to satisfy your curiosity, then go for it!

Callum: Okay!

Once more Callum uses the list, pressing the 'down page' key and the pages of the list quickly move. He does this without looking at the screen and then abruptly also changes from the 'down' key to the 'up' key for a time, then changes back to the 'down' key. Once he is satisfied, he looks at the screen to see where the cursor has stopped.

Manu Iti: What does it say Callum.

Callum smiles.

Callum: It stopped at "Right" again Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Great! Okay you have your confirmation. I think it is time we move toward that objective. I would say you have about an hour's walk before you get to the fork.

Callum: could give me a lift and we could get there instantly!

The Gem flashes Red.

Callum: I guess I will be walking then...

Callum packs away the Tablet, and secures his knapsack before swinging it over onto his back and fastening the clasps. He shines his torch in the direction he needs to head and then begins to move forward.

Callum: I suppose the walk won't do me any harm. We can talk as we go, if you want to Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Sure Callum. What do you want to talk about?

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The Power Of Imagination

Post #63

Post by William »

Callum: I think I would like to continue talking about where I thought I was, just prior to climbing Hub Mound and meeting you for the first time.

Manu Iti: Okay.

Callum continues walking on in silence, collecting his thoughts.

Callum: I had the impression that I was on one of my usual hikes in the foothills. I also felt least a little...and noticed it was getting rapidly dark. I remember feeling a little panicky and then relief when I saw the light of your campfire and a little fearful as well. I remember thinking about my mother, and how she admonished me to be careful with strangers because of "guns and shootings".

I am not sure, but I think that perhaps my mother had a close relative who's life had been cut short in that manner...but anyway, wherever my cautious fear derived,my needs at that moment outweighed said caution, and I called out and you responded and welcomed me and fed me and even sang me a song.

Manu Iti: Do you remember the words to that song Callum?

Callum: I remember being lifted by the melody but also confused by some of the words you used...they seemed to 'rub me the wrong way' as the saying goes.

Manu Iti: Yes. You were specific in questioning two elements within the song. The 'Dragon' and the 'Fallen Angel'. Do you know exactly why those two things stuck out for you?

Callum: Probably due to my Christian upbringing. The Dragon is the enemy, as is the Fallen Angel...both are pretty much representing Satan/Lucifer in Christian Lore...but the rest of the song seemed to be more the opposite, so I became confused as to what the song seemed to be implying.

Manu Iti: Yes. And that directly led to our disagreement about Judgmentalism.

We continue in silence for a time.

Callum: I was really just trying to get my head around what you were saying. I still don't fully understand, but I also feel less defensive.

Manu Iti: Do you know why you were defensive Callum?

Callum: I think that it was just the strange situation I found myself in as our arguing led us down that track Manu Iti. You started to show me things that should have been impossible...and at first I thought they were just very good magic tricks....Then you left for your quiet time, and after returning, Master ColdFire came along...things changed...

Manu Iti: Yes. When you thought that you were somehow saving Master ColdFire by pulling the burning stick from the fire, in your own mind you chose to see it that way.
When you were told it was not Master ColdFire, you simply decided that it must be a copy of him.

Callum: I really didn't feel as if I was in control...there was another influence involved in my decisions.

Manu Iti: Yes. I could see that. And that influence did not want to just admit a mistake and simply rectify it.

Callum: The ensuring result was that I tried to cover that up and in doing so, created more of a problem which had to be resolved.

Manu Iti: How things can quickly and unnecessarily escalate...

Callum: I just felt that I was in a less advantageous position than you were, because there was so much I didn't know, and this made me feel threatened and defensive.

Manu Iti: I understand. My withdrawing altogether from that dynamic helped to bring it to the allow for the opportunity for you to see it for what it was and let you deal with it as you would.

Callum: I have been thinking though...if Tanager is simply someone I created in my is it that I ended up blanking out and going into The Tabula Rasa to collide with Ruthie? How can I have been adopted by Wiremu if Wiremu is not any more real than Tanager?

Callum makes his way around a small rockfall which has cover an area of the cave floor. There are minutes of silence as he concentrates on the task...after he clears the rubble, I continue.

Manu Iti: Indeed. We are best to hold such observations and add to these any more which come up in relation to the question about Wiremu and Tanager being real. My suggestion of seeing them as possibly being figments of our imaginations simply allows for us to examine that possibility.
As it may turn out, we might start asking ourselves "what do we mean by 'imagination'?".

Callum: Being careful what we imagine...especially in the holographic Universes?

Manu Iti: Different areas respond differently...some, what is imagined is instantly manifested, while others require one builds what is imagined, from the materials around with the last reality simulation you experienced.

Callum: And then there is the idea that something does not come from manifesting anything instantly means...?

Callum's voice trails off, leaving a question mark.

Manu Iti: Yes. It simply means that whatever is manifested, comes from somewhere.

Callum: That implies that everything already exists...

Manu Iti: Yes - even as potential. In the physical universe you have experienced, 'things' are made through processes which require, at there very essence - imagination. Without imagination, the potential to create such things is absent and as such, those things cannot be created...just as surely as things cannot be created unless something already exists in order to create things from...or out of.

Callum: So...where does imagination come from? Our brains?

Manu Iti: What is a 'brain' really, but a type computer? Perhaps they are also interfacing with a greater 'computer' and ideas etc come through from that source, rather than directly from the brain?

Callum thinks on this for a time.

Callum: I suppose that is possible. We do not see everything that exists...some instruments help us to discover those things...but the design of our brains and forms are not set up to...naturally...pick up on those things.

Manu Iti: If they were, we could not experience 'things'. We could not experience different states of being. Everything would exist as indistinguishable to everything else, and in that, no thing would exist as an actual thing.

Callum: That being the case, we would have nothing..or no thing, to experience!

Manu Iti: Correct. We would not even be able to experience one another.

Callum: The whole idea is so complex Manu Iti...we have brains which act as interfaces to a greater reality we are unaware of because those same brains are designed to prevent us from experiencing the greater reality. I wonder who created it to be that way, and why?

I chuckle. It is pleasing to engage with Callum in this way. He was so convinced that his idea of a Creator could literally make things out of nothing, that any other idea contrary to that, was not worth looking into.

Manu Iti: I think that the answer is that before 'we' were 'others' 'we' were One Creator Being and designed it that way in order to experience and experiment within different environments purpose built for various reasons.

Callum: Like...'We' were once just 'Me' and I purpose built reality simulations in order to experience 'Me' as 'We'.

Manu Iti: In a myriad of different environments, also purpose built.

Callum: So 'we' are just aspects of 'me'.

Manu Iti: Yes. 'We' are just aspects of 'Me'...not really 'created' at all - but having the impression that we are created because of the forms which are design built to give us that impression...when we incarnate into them.

Callum looks down at his hands...

Callum: This form I am is pretty much as I remember.
It is the same form which I had when I was in the Physical Universe...

Manu Iti: This is because you are close to that memory. It is familiar to you and you learned to identify with it as your 'self'.

Callum: is who I am...a least I think so...

Manu Iti: Indeed. Identifying with the form you occupy, helps to keep that illusion intact and viable...but also acts as a defense against anything which threatens that sense of self identity...I myself cannot see you - although The Gem translates your energy field into an image for I 'see' that image on The Screen...

Callum: What about the fact that you can hear me? Does that not add weight to the evidence that I am physical?

Manu Iti: Not really. Is the thought-voice in your own mind 'physical'? Does it have lungs and vocal chords and airways which enable sound to reverberate in your mind?

Callum: I suppose not. I haven't really thought about can I hear a physical voice in my mind, when those things are clearly missing?

Manu Iti: So to me you are invisible but I 'see' you because I actually hear you, but how does that mean you are actually in the form you see yourself within? You may be simply a figment of my imagination...

Callum: But did you not just say that imagination is a connection to what is real, even if it is unseen?

Manu Iti: Exactly! It does not need to concern us that either of us are to the other, an 'imaginary' friend. Because as long as this is happening between us, we are engaging with that which is real to us, and we are undeniably real to each other. So too is the environment in which that interaction takes place.

Callum: A part of me thinks it is all a kind of madness!

Manu Iti: Aye. But then ...really... 'what is rational' about anything?

Callum: I suppose, perhaps, no thing?

Manu Iti: And if no thing exists, therein is rationality?

Callum: So do I word this? If I the Creator, am not a 'thing' then I am 'No Thing' and if no thing is rational, I - The Creator - am that which - of its own - is all that is rational.

Manu Iti: Since all things are created by the Creator who is not a 'thing' then one could argue that all things, did indeed derive from no thing.

Callum: Rather than from nothing.

Manu Iti: Essentially. There is no such thing as nothing. If your senses cannot confirm its existence, the existence of a thing - does not mean that the thing does not exist. It means that the thing which exists simply isn't able to be seen, either by the sensory devices of ones form, or any other devices which are created in order to help the form see what it isn't itself designed to see.

Callum: Which - as you explained - allows for us to experience things.

Manu Iti: Yes. We are no things enabled to experience some things. Individual Units of Consciousness experiencing Reality Simulations.

Callum: Things are simulations.

Manu Iti: And consciousness is not.

Callum: Consciousness is that which experiences the Reality Simulations...the 'Holographic Universes'...

Manu Iti: Precisely. Every thing is a simulation and a product of The Creators Mind.

We move on together in silence. Callum is obviously content for now to mull over what we have been talking about. No doubt he will have more questions. I see we are nearing the first fork in the Cave system.

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Post #64

Post by William »

Reaching the first fork in the cave system, Callum stops to rest.

Callum: Manu Iti. I did not bring food with me. I am feeling rather hungry. When can I eat? What can I eat?

Manu Iti: I will sort something out for you soon Callum.

Callum: I see too that I will soon run out of map once I take the right hand path.

Manu Iti: You will need to find a Cave Disk for each section of map that you require.

Callum: What is a 'Cave Disk'?

Manu Iti: It is a type of currency invented for the purpose.
Originally it was meant as a way of getting Tanager to contribute - to invest - in the ongoing story-line...perhaps as a show of good faith...

Callum: But I thought Tanager only existed in my mind...

Manu Iti: Not really Callum. That was for the sake of thought experiment in order to help you detach from Tanagers overriding influence in regard to your general less-than-helpful behavior.

Callum: So you are saying The Tanager does actually exist?

Manu Iti: Well, I have never meet Tanager so cannot say for sure.
But Wiremu certainly does exist and from what I gather from him, he understands that Tanager exists as well, although only as an entity invisible to Wiremu. Tanager isn't likely his real name either. Tanager is a type of Avatar used by someone in order to express their self into that particular Game-Play...When he and Wiremu could not get on the same page, Tanager gave you up for adoption.

Callum: But why?

Manu Iti: You have to understand Callum. As far as Tanager is concerned, you are a fictional character in a fictional story. You don't exist 'for real'. You simply represent a figment of imagination. Someone Tanager 'made up' in order to enter into a story-line intended to discuss deep and meaningful ideas without the additional barriers of Judgmentalism.

Callum: And yet - here I am...

Manu Iti: Yes. Here you are.

Callum goes quiet as he digests this information. After a time, he continues...

Callum: So...The Tanager doesn't care about me because he doesn't believe I am real?

I ponder on how to best reply.

Manu Iti: I suppose that is the case Callum. Perhaps if he knew the power of belief and imagination, and how it appears to make things real...has an effect on reality...he would have behaved differently in regard to you.
I suspected early on that he was losing interest because he was not following the story-line and that was confirmed with his last communication with Wiremu.

Callum: What did he say to Wiremu then?

I look up the details...

Manu Iti: Wiremu said to him;
  • "I hope then that you will continue to read the progress of the unfolding story now that I have charge of The Character Callum."

Tanager replied;
  • "To be forthright, I will not be following the story further"

Callum takes a moment to think on this information before making comment...

Callum: So you are saying that Tanager was already displaying a lack of interest in the story-line and it culminated in his withdrawing from it altogether.

Manu Iti: Pretty much. Most humans are ignorant of the fact that Their imaginations act as a creative force which shapes reality...they also think of 'reality' as only being 'The Physical Universe' they are presently experiencing, with the exception of those who believe certain stories about afterlife expectations...

It is most likely you ended up at Hub Mound because Tanagers expectations of such...

Callum: What do you mean his 'expectations'?

Manu Iti: Tanager is a Christian - the type of Christian who believes in heaven but has difficulties believing in hell. He accepts the idea of a Creator who would create heaven and joy, but cannot grasp the idea that the same Creator would also create hell and suffering...

Callum: I find that understandable. It seems a terrible contradiction...

Manu Iti: Indeed it does.

Callum: So...are you saying that hell exists? That the one who created heaven, also created hell?

Manu Iti: Heaven and Hell are ancient Human Creations Callum.
Remember that The Hologram Universe responds to Human imagination and belief and attitudes.
Because Humans experience both joy and suffering in their Universe, they take all that into account and transfer it to what they call 'The Afterlife' which they believe exists...and indeed - as you can see - it does...

Callum: So - I ended up here because of Tanagers beliefs about afterlife?

Manu Iti: In a sense, yes. You were an aspect of Tanager. He 'placed' you here not knowing what this place was. He did not think of you or This Place as 'real' and I suppose he thought he was placing you within a story based upon The Physical Universe...only it is not...although of course, there are many similarities.

From my perspective, you are someone who has come from the Physical Universe into 'The Afterlife' only it is not at all - I suspect - the type of Afterlife Tanager is expecting to experience for himself...It is not 'Heaven'...

Callum: Where is Heaven then?

I ponder on that momentarily...I know full well and have been wanting to enlighten Callum about that since not too long after his arrival at Hub Mound...

Manu Iti: Heaven...and indeed Hell, exist in The Realm Of Judgment. They are not Created by The Creator...they are created by Human Creators, and every Human ending up in those places, created those places themselves. It is just how things work out. It is Human Belief Systems interacting with The Holographic Universe which allows for such things to be made to be experienced as Real.

Callum: The Tabula Rasa?

Manu Iti: The Tabula Rasa acts as The Medium by which Human Imagination can then be experienced as Real.

Callum: And that is why Ngaru Whaea was able to create The Realm of The Cats? She was once a Human being in The Physical Universe and once she passed on from that, She went through The Tabula Rasa and her beliefs and attitudes interacting with The Tabula Rasa resulted in this...

Callum moves his hands and arms in a gesture taking everything into account...the cave system, as well as from where he recently journeyed through, outside of The Cave.

Manu Iti: That is the gist of it, yes Callum. There is far more outside The Realm of Judgement, than there is within it. The Cave system represents many things which influenced Ngaru Whaea but which she had no more use for, or didn't outright own...

I pause for a time to allow for more questions from Callum, but he remains silent.

Manu Iti: On that note, I think it time we ate.

At that, The Gem immediately transports me to The Campfire on Hub Mound, where I get busy loading a plate of stew to take back to Callum.

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Post #65

Post by William »

After Callum has eaten, we continue down the first right hand fork of the Cave.

Callum: So Manu Iti. I remember you asking me if I wanted to know more about Ngaru Whaea, when she existed for a time in the Physical Universe...I think I would like to know more about help me understand better about how a Human Creator, creates their particular Realms.

Once again, I am gladdened by Callum's interest in learning as much as he can about how the Hologram Universe functions. Without Tanagers direct influence, Callum is far more focused upon the here and now rather than trying to involve me in bickering.

Manu Iti: Certainly Callum!
Ngaru Whaea experienced life in the Physical Universe in a time when witches were persecuted and put to death by Christians.

She was a kind and passionate Woman and possessed keen intelligence and a particular love for nature. For the better part of her life She kept to Herself, away from what She called 'petty human squabbling', preferring the company of her cats and the wildlife.

However, as is the case with all Human History, one cannot escape the corrupted practices of those who are propelled by greed and possessiveness, and She was tried and convicted as a Witch and sentenced to death by being burned alive.

Ngaru Whaea accepted her fate with dignity. She had a strong connect with The Mother and understood her murderers to being ...underdeveloped...and she had no interest in continuing on in that universe, having learned all She needed to learn. For Her, it was simply 'time' to move on, and She held no particular malice toward her killers.

Callum: That seems astounding to me Manu Iti. I have met Her and from that brief encounter, She gave me the impression She was an angry individual. I was really quite afraid for my life, truth be told.

Manu Iti: Well Callum...She is indeed an imposing Entity...and I do not claim She was 'perfect' in the sense that She understood the finer details of Her story-line in that universe, but she trusted in both her instinct for nature and intuition for The Mother, and in that - and Her knowing that Jesus was not involved in the Christians behavior - She held no grudge against those who had ended Her experience in that universe...deciding instead to take with her, those things which shaped and defined Her as an Individual Entity, and Her Realm is the direct result of that Overarching Attitude...

Callum: You mentioned how this Cave System is the result of...the way I heard it - some kind of residual 'stuff' for which She had no use for, or wasn't Her's.

Manu Iti: Yes. One could look at The Cave System as something of a 'wake' such as a ship leaves behind. It solidified in darkness and acts as a connection between the portal of The Realm of Cats and the Tabula Rasa...The Queen knows of it, but has had no interest in exploring it. She views it as something not worth remembering, I suppose. As something not of herself...or the dross of a former time and place to which - while helpful in creating Her Realm, has no other significance for her.

Callum: So...whatever we might encounter here...?

Callum's question hangs in the air awaiting my answer.

Manu Iti: Whatever we encounter here, has yet to be seen and may or may not reflect a darker aspect of Queen Whaea to which She has long since abandoned...

Callum: That makes me more than a little frightened, Manu Iti.

I chuckle.

Manu Iti: That is understandable Callum. Fear has it's part to play. But be assured, the potential harm it can bring, depends largely on the one who is doing the fearing.

Callum absorbs this information in silence. After a time we reach the end of his First Map Section.
As if to reflect the situation, the light of his torch fails to pierce the blackness of what lies ahead...and balanced on the edge of the light and dark, a glint of something on the Cave floor catches his eye. He moves forward and stoops to take a closer look.

Callum: What do you think this is Manu Iti?

Callum reaches out to pick the object up.

Manu Iti: Hold on a mo Callum! It might be a trap!

Callum freezes in mid-grab.

Callum: What do you mean "a Trap" Manu Iti? You never told me that there would be Traps.

Once more, I chuckle.

Manu Iti: Objects of Interest Callum! Presently this Whole Cave System is a "Trap" of sorts - one in which you need to escape from.

Callum also chuckles...somewhat uncomfortably.

Callum: Good Point...

Manu Iti: I simply caution cautiousness...

Callum: So what is it and what do we do with it?

Manu Iti: I think it unlikely that it is a trap. I only mention traps because I know that there will be traps and wish to instill in you the idea not to be hasty, but rather, to take care and think about things.

Callum once more shines his light upon the disk object, half covered in darkness.

Callum: There is nothing obvious that I can see which might indicate some kind of trap...but I really don't know.

Manu Iti: What do you know?

Callum smiles.

Callum: I know that I require the Cave Disk in order to get the next part of the map. I know I need these Map Sections in order to get through the labyrinth of the Cave System. Perhaps the Message Generator might provide a clue?

Callum reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out the Message Generator...he turns it on. He then asks aloud;

Callum: Is it safe to pick up the disk?
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Post #66

Post by William »

As Callum uses the 'down page' button with the Word-String-List, he looks up at The Gem floating above him. The Gem constantly changes from one geometrical shape to another, whilst emitting a warm white light.

He then lifts his finger from off of the button, and looks down at where the pointer stopped. He reads out the word-strings as he proceeds through the process, moving the pointer both up and down the page and stopping randomly at each line selected.

Callum: Symbol
Good and Evil
The Purpose
The Vessel of Argument Sinks

Callum stops.

Callum: This just appears to be jibber-jabber to me Manu Iti.
Does it signify anything to you at all?

Manu Iti: Well if we take it that the Cave Disk is the 'Symbol' and the 'good and evil' represent the concern regarding the possibly trap associated with the Cave Disk...

I let my voice trail away...

Callum: So who is 'The Author'?

I Think on Callum's question;

Manu Iti: I think that we all are...The Gem, you and I, and perhaps -primarily - Wiremu. We help write the Story, through our decisions...and consequent actions.

Callum: That makes sense I suppose...but this is not about whether I should pick up the Cave seems more a commentary on recent events...

Manu Iti: I would agree with your assessment Callum. Perhaps the Symbol for good and evil is the cave system itself, and you being within it - essentially trapped - and this is convenient for Wiremu. Perhaps even, the Tanager adopting you out was convenient for Wiremu because this did away with the consistent arguing which conflicted with the flow of The Story-line.

Callum thinks about this for a moment, nodding his agreement, and decides to continue with The Message Generator. He continues to read out the results.

Callum: Christ
Love One Another
Red Light

Callum: I don't understand! What has this to do with getting an answer to my question?

Manu Iti: Perhaps nothing Callum. Or perhaps it is an opportunity to get information through to you which might not altogether have anything to do with this moment...but may be relevant to another ... perhaps a past moment, or perhaps a future one.
It is my experience that using the Message Generator requires patience and understanding. It is not simply a device to help you immediately with whatever concerns you might currently have.

Callum: Then why am I using it?

Manu Iti: You can put it away if you want to. I am not saying that an answer to your question about the Cave Disk won't be forthcoming, or found hidden within the structure of the unfolding message.
Ultimately what you do with the Cave Disk is up to you. You are to be the author of that action.

Callum continues with the Message Generator.

Callum: Fear Of The Unknown
In The Back of My Mind
Ultimate Expression
Provincial Thinking
It is obviously in line with providence...

Manu Iti: Does that help you any?

Callum studies the words before him.
  • Symbol Good and Evil Author Convenient The Purpose The Vessel of Argument Sinks
    Christ Make Phasing Love One Another Red Light Fear Of The Unknown Discipline
    In The Back of My Mind Ultimate Expression Provincial Thinking Available
    It is obviously in line with providence...

Callum: The feeling I am getting from the message is that I should put aside my fear and pick up the Cave Disk because it is a necessary item. I cannot go any further without it.
I should trust my own intuition in line with the unfolding story.

Manu Iti: I concur with you Callum.

Callum switches off The Message Generator and returns it to his jacket pocket, and then bends down and picks up the Cave Disk. There is some type of Symbol on its face.


Callum: What do I do with it now Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: You need to place it in the slot of your Tablet Callum. That will activate the Tablet and give you the Map to this section of The Cave.

Callum gets out his Tablet from the knapsack and finds the slot at the side of it. He then gently inserts the disk into the slot and immediately a section of map is revealed, and as this happens, the interpenetrating darkness in front of him is suddenly removed to reveal the beginning of the next section.

Callum: Well that was easier than I anticipated.

Callum studies the new section of Map.


Callum: How do I join the two sections together on this device, Manu Iti?

I walk Callum through the easy process of joining the two pieces of map. After this, he rises from his crouching position and stretches.

Callum: I am keen to get moving now Manu Iti. Can I get a lift?

The Gem Flashes Red, signifying 'no'.

Callum shrugs and starts walking...

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Post #67

Post by William »

This section of The Cave narrows and the roof descends as Callum walks on, down a slight incline for many clacks, having now to duck on occasion to save banging his head on the overhead rock.

The Gem floating behind Callum's head, changes into the shape of a Star Tetrahedron, and has shrunken in size so much that Callum supposes that it could fit into the palm of his hand.

Callum: How is it that The Gem can get so small with you inside of it, Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: The Gem is a 'She' Callum. From my perspective, I sense that nothing has changed. I do not know the answer to your question any more than that. It intrigues me, nonetheless.

A blue light flashes a symbol on the armrest of my chair...I press it and images flash on The Screen before me.

Manu Iti: Gem tells me that She can be any size She wants to...literal as big as a planet, or as infinitesimal as a molecule.

Callum: How interesting! How do you also become that, being that you are within...Her.

I check the Screen for clues I can use to formulate an answer to Callum's question. Immediately an image of the Magician Tarot appears. I understand the implication.

Manu Iti: For now it seems to me that it is some kind of unknown science Callum. Best I can do presently is to say "It's a Kind of Magic". I will let you know if any other enlightening data comes through on that question...

Callum laughs at that.

Callum: Fair enough Manu Iti.

Suddenly the light of Callum's torch fades, as a greater light implies itself into the situation with each step forward Callum takes, and soon enough we find ourselves in a vast cavern, illuminated by sunshine descending through a huge hole many clacks above the narrow cavern floor.

Callum: Wow!

Manu Iti: "Wow" is right!

Before us is a vast door stretching halfway to the ceiling...or rather - halfway to the hole where the ceiling would be, if there were a ceiling...The floor of this section is completely clear of debris, so either it has since been cleared away, or there has never been a ceiling...I focus my thoughts on examining The Great Door which stands before us, looking as if it has been carved from the very rock it sits in.


Callum whistles in awe.

Callum: That is impressive!

Manu Iti: Let us hope that it opens easily enough...

Callum makes his way to the rock face before him, climbing up onto the ledge on which The Great Doors frame sits upon.
Once there, he reaches up feeling for some kind of handle in which to open it by, but finds nothing.

Callum: I does not appear to have any mechanism to open it Manu Iti. This part looks like a handle, but does not move at all.

Manu Iti: I notice some geometric shapes just below the part Callum points out looks like a handle, and bring these to Callum's attention.

Callum: Ah yes - I see them. They appear to be shapes in which objects can be inserted into them...

Callum pushes a finger into one of the shapes, and then does the same with the others.

Callum: They all have inserts as deep as my first knuckle. Perhaps these shapes are some kind of keyhole....only for what, I couldn't say. Do you have any ideas?

Manu Iti: I think you are on the right track Callum. Perhaps if you look around you might find some kind of clue.

Callum does a quick search of the area, but find nothing else.

Callum: Well Manu Iti, it appears that this way is blocked and we cannot go any further. We have no choice but to turn around and go back to the first fork.

Manu Iti: I think you might be right Callum. No doubt the Great Door is significant and we will have to find a way to open it, but whatever that is - if it is to be found - then it will be somewhere else.

Callum looks disappointed at that. I try to sound upbeat.

Manu Iti: At least we did not have to come far before finding this obstacle.
Take a picture of the shapes with your tablet camera

Callum takes the Tablet from his knapsack and finds the camera function, taking a closeup of the geometric shapes.


Callum: True that. But why did the Generated Message have me turn down this path if I only have to turn back?

Manu Iti: I would think the most obvious answer Callum, is that you needed to know that it was here...and in all likelihood, you will be coming back to it, if indeed you discover what goes into those geometric shaped holes.

Callum grunts in agreement, and turning on his heal, makes haste toward the low exit we used to get to this vast and narrow chamber...only this time we use it as an entrance as we make our way back up the incline, toward the first fork.

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Post #68

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Before long we reach the First Fork again and Callum immediately turns right, moving at a quick pace. Once again the floor descends on a gradual incline.

Callum: Manu Iti. If everything is a product of simulation through holograms which can be experienced as being real...then what exactly can be said to be actually Real?

I smile at Callum's question.

Manu Iti: The Answer To The Question Is Within The Question Itself Callum.

Callum thinks about this for a while.

Callum: I don't understand what that means.

Manu Iti: If I were to repeat back to you, your statement..."Don't understand what it means" - what have I left out?

Callum: What?

I chuckle.

Manu Iti: What word that you said in your statement, did I leave out when I repeated it back to you?

Callum: Umm...The word "I"?

Manu Iti: Correct. What does the "I" represent?

Once again Callum is silent as he contemplates my question. His footfalls echoing off the walls as he moves forward.

Callum: I suppose it represents who I am?

Manu Iti: Does it though? Could we not easily branch off on a tangent of discussion as to what that might be?

Callum: Sure...but isn't that what you where asking?

Manu Iti: Not really Callum. I was asking you what it represents in relation to the rest of the statement you made - whilst remembering what question you originally asked.

Callum: I asked you "If everything was simply holographic then what can be said to be 'real'?"

Manu Iti: What you actually said was;
  • "If everything is a product of simulation through holograms which can be experienced as being real...then what exactly can be said to be actually Real?"

Then I replied?

Callum: You said something along the lines of..."The Answer to the Question is in the Question itself"

Manu Iti: So look at the question and find the answer therein Callum.

Callum: But I did look at the question Manu Iti! That is why I then stated that I didn't understand what you meant by that.

Manu Iti: And in return I asked you to tell me what does the "I" in your statement represent?

Callum thinks on this for some moments.

Callum: So let's see if I am following you correctly are saying then that what can be said to be actually Real, is..."I"?

Manu Iti: Yes. That which is experiencing the simulation, is that which is actually real. "I" is the short answer to your question.

Callum: But what exactly is "I"?

Manu Iti: Well now - how many tangents shall we explore to find the answer to that particular question Callum!

We both laugh at that.

Callum: But if there is any number of answers to that question Manu Iti...then how can "I" be real?

Manu Iti: Just because "I" is not understood to being any one thing Callum, does not mean that it isn't real.

Imagine that everything exists already. Would it exist if "I" didn't?

Callum: You mean if "We" didn't...if everyone didn't exist?

Manu Iti: Yes - If every "I" which exists, didn't exist, would things still exist?

Callum: I suppose in theory, yes they would still exist.

Manu Iti: So in that theory, things can exist without any "I"'s existing. Then who is to say those things would actually exist?

Callum: I hear what you are saying Manu Iti. But so what that no "I"'s exist? How would that matter?

Manu Iti: It would matter no more than every thing that exists would matter. What makes things matter or not, is determined by the "I" and in that, what matters in relation to your original question, is focused upon the answer to the question "What is actually real" - and in that, one can at least say for sure that "I" is actually real.

Callum: But how do we know this for sure?

Manu Iti: Because, we are experiencing things.

Callum: What if there was no thing to experience? How would the "I" be? Still real?

Manu Iti: If the "I" exists, then it can acknowledge that it is real, regardless of whether things exist or not.

Callum: I find it difficult to imagine existing without things...existing alone with myself.

Manu Iti: Meditate on that then. See if you can imagine that and then empathize with it.
See if you can remain in that place without creating Tangents.

Callum: Talking about tangents...

We have arrived at the next fork in the Cave System...Callum gets out his Message generator.
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Post #69

Post by William »

In using the Message Generator, "Left" is selected. Callum does it again, and gets the same result.
He then accesses the image of the first map.

Callum: So according to The First Map Section, I have a ways to go before I reach the next fork in the path...

Callum puts away the Message Generating device and moves forward. The decline of The Cave floor gradually descending.
The light of his torch cuts through the darkness for many clacks.

Callum: Who created the Hologram Universe Manu Iti? I understand that everything within it is a creation of Human beliefs, attitudes and imagination interacting with it, but what IS it and who created it?

Manu Iti: I cannot say Callum. What I can say is that an "I" created it.
I suspect that we all are that Entity...or at least, in our individuate forms, aspects of that Entity...

Callum: That Entity?

Manu Iti: Yes...or perhaps 'those Entities'. We cannot know for sure while we are occupied within the Hologram Universes. But it is neither here nor there whether The Creator is a single Entity or a multitude of least as far as I understand.

Callum: So we created the Hologram Universes as that Entity...or those Entities?

Manu Iti: No. As those Entities, we created the potential in which to have these Hologram Universes Created. The Platform in which the Realms could be created through.

Callum: The Tabula Rasa?

Manu Iti: Yes.

Callum thinks about that for a time before continuing.

Callum: But why? Why would we create something which would do that? Something that would do that to ourselves?

I chuckle.

Manu Iti: We are Eternal Beings Callum. We could just as easily ask why we would not create something which would do that.

Callum: But that seems to me to be...reckless. What purpose is there in doing so?

Manu Iti: We can only guess Callum. Perhaps it is simply a type of game which appears to be harmful...especially when we are playing within it -but isn't really harmful at all.
I do not know, but I suspect that if I were to make judgments about it, I would only really be judging myself, since I am an aspect of The One Who Created It. We all are, so I would also be Judging all who are within The Game.

That was what the Fallen Angel Song was about Callum. Learning to wake up to who we truly are which requires we forgive that which we had become within The Game.

Callum: I still find the whole concept rather twisted Manu Iti.
I cannot help it. I have memories of loved ones suffering. Of loss and abandonment.
To think it is all just a Game that I helped to create seems to me to be an act of marginalizing those things I experienced.

I let the silence that follows Callum's spoken concerns, to linger for a while. I understand his difficulty in accepting what I am revealing to him. He comes from a place of belief that he had nothing to do with his existing in such circumstances where loss and suffering are part of the Game-Play.
He believes The Physical Universe to be a Creation of his idea of God - but also believes that The Creator is separate from The Creation - above those things - not responsible for those things occurring within said Creation.

Manu Iti: Tell me Callum. Are your experiences yours?

Callum stops and turns and looks up at The Gem.

Callum: Of course they are mine Manu Iti! Who else is having them?

Manu Iti: Where are they then? Can you show me that they are yours?

Callum taps the side of his head with his index finger.

Callum: They are here Manu Iti. They are mine alone.

Manu Iti: What about those experiences we share Callum?
Are they also yours?

Callum laughs.

Callum: Well now. Those ones are ours, are they not? You have yours from your perspective, as I do from mine. But they are uniquely different, and in that - how you experience and how I experience are different, and cannot belong to anyone but our self.

Manu Iti: But is the memory of the experience the same as the experience Callum? Is it not true that the only thing we can say belongs to us is our self? The "I" that we each are?

Callum: The memory of the experience tells us that we had the experience Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Then my question can be reshaped to ask you this Callum.
Does the memory of your experience belong to you and to you alone?

Callum: I don't see why not Manu Iti. Who else could it belong to?

Manu Iti: As information Callum, it could belong to anyone who has access to it. More-so, if it can be saved, wouldn't it belong to that which can save it?

Callum: You mean, like The Creator?

Manu Iti: Or "Creators". Yes, That is what I am getting at.

Callum: But it is me who is having the experience Manu Iti.
Why should The Creator own it? What did The Creator do to make it The Creators property? Why would The Creator even want to own it? It is mine. I am the one having it.

Manu Iti: But if The Creator made it possible for you to have experience Callum, how can we say the experience only belongs to we who are having the experience?

Callum: Even so Manu Iti. It is not The Creator having the experience, it is me. So my experience is mine, not The Creators. My Experience belongs to me!

Manu Iti: Unless of course, I am correct and we are aspects of The Creator. Then what?

Callum: Then I suppose that my experience would belong to...I and The Creator. But how do you suppose that this is the correct way to see things Manu Iti? How do we know that we are actually these' aspects of The Creator' you speak of and not independently made by The Creator.

Manu Iti: Well - I have many reasons as to why I think it is the case Callum. But let me ask you this then;

If you are not an aspect of The Creator, then how can you say that you own your experiences? Wouldn't you just be The Creators property? You and everything you experience?

Callum turns and continues walking.

Callum: I suppose so Manu Iti. Perhaps that is why I believed that I am saved and would go to heaven as a reward. Because I tried to experience my life within the parameters of that overarching concept. "Not I Lord - But You".

To present my life as full and complete and pleasing in the eyes of The Lord as I possibly could.

Manu Iti: What do you believe now Callum?

Callum: I am unsure Manu Iti. I want to believe that the Lord is with me, even here - in these Caves - in this strange world I was not expecting to experience, after I passed on from the Physical Universe.

Callum taps on the Cave wall as he walks.

Callum: Although, this new universe I am experiencing appears to be no less physical than the old one. I don't want to feel like I have been abandoned...left out of heaven...left to this new experience. It is too much like the last...which is not so much a complaint as it is a disappointment...and only because I had held hope in something far more...heavenly. Better. Freer. I have to continue to believe in that hope Manu Iti. In the hope of seeing my loved ones again. In the hope of finally meeting The Lord face to face.

Manu Iti: Perhaps you can eventually create that for yourself Callum. With the assistance of The Tabula Rasa.

Callum: What good would that do Manu Iti? I would rather have something real.

Manu Iti: What makes you think that what you Create through The Tabula Rasa, wouldn't be real Callum? YOU are the one who is real! What makes you think your last experience in the Physical Universe, with all the memories of that place- delightful and dreadful as they were...what makes those experiences any more real than any other? Are they not merely memories?
Are they more real than this Cave you are presently experiencing?

Surely the only real you have to hold, is the very moment you are always occupying? And even then, surely the only real thing about that which can be experienced, is - as we have discussed already - the "I" which is having the actual experience.

Callum say's nothing more, as he contemplates that idea internally. Before long we reach the sharp bend in the Cave and continue descending in that new direction.

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Post #70

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After some time has passed simply walking in silence, Callum speaks.

Callum: So are you basically saying that if I cannot say for sure if I am real or not, how can I say anything else I experience is real?

Manu Iti: Not really Callum. I am saying that you are real regardless. The fact that we are experiencing something at all and call it 'real' tells us that we must come before the fact.

Callum: But I have no memory of 'before the fact' Manu Iti! I only know for a fact that I ..."became real" within something which was already established as 'real' before I became real. That happened in The Physical Universe.

Manu Iti: My point was that just because you have no memory of a prior existence as an Eternal Entity, does not in itself mean that you have no prior existence as an Eternal Entity Callum.

Callum: I suppose that could be true Manu Iti. But I have to ask you where is your evidence for that being the case.

Manu Iti: Where is the evidence that your memories of having a experience of The Physical Universe are true Callum?

Callum: They are in my mind Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: And so it is with me Callum. I too have no prior memory of any other existence - just as you did when experiencing The Physical Universe. I have only ever known that I have always existed within The Hologram Dimensions.
That alone does not mean I had no prior existence. It simply means that I have no memory of it.

Callum: But that is confusing to me Manu Iti. If you have no memory of it, why would you suppose that it was the case?

Manu Iti: I don't suppose anything Callum. I only accept that it is a possibility, and thus work from that premise. I thus am open to that being the case.

Callum: My struggle with all this is that it does not present The Creator is a very..wholesome light.
This is why Christianity separates the Creator from The Creation, so as to make The Creator blameless.

Manu Iti: This is also why I am saying that if one does not Judge, one does not need to attribute 'blame' in the first instance Callum.

Callum: But since we all do Judge and attribute blame, it is done!

Manu Iti: Which is why it was necessary for something to be created and injected into The Story of The Physical Universe which blame could be cast on and left there. In order to give us the opportunity to learn how NOT to blame.

In that way, The Creator is not held responsible for that which Humans judge as "Wrong' or 'Evil' etc.

Callum: But that same thing is achieved if we separate the Creator from the Creation!

Manu Iti: The question is Callum. Which is Truth. "The Creator is separate from The Creation." or "The Creator is not separate from The Creation."?

If The Creator can be shown to interact with The Creation - with the Creatures within The Creation, then it can be said that The Creator is not separate from the Creation.

Callum: Why can't The Creator interact with The Creation while still being separate from The Creation?

Manu Iti: Because that branches off into an oxymoron tangent Callum. It is an unnecessary "Extra Step" to assume.

Also - by understanding that we are aspects of The Creator Consciousness, this gives us a 'leg up' in our understanding Who We Are. Being able to forgive ourselves for creating The Creation and injecting our Selves into it, we can then begin to see clearly what our role is, from that premise.

Callum: But Christianity offers that too!

Manu Iti: Apparently not Callum. For The World humans are creating in their Physical Universe, is having an unwholesome affect on how things are unfolding within the rest of The Hologram Universes, especially in relation to The Realm of Judgement, which houses and contains those Realms created through judgmentalism. - those Creations.

Callum: I have not seen those Creations in The Realm of Judgement Manu Iti. How can I comment on what is essentially only Hearsay?

Manu Iti: That is fair enough Callum. I am not asking you to take anyone's word for it. Perhaps you may yet get to see that Realm for yourself.
My particular focus is on helping you to Create Your Own Realm, hopefully outside of The Realm of Judgment.

Callum: King of My Own Castle?

Manu Iti: In a manner of speaking, yes. But not necessarily cut off permanently from other Realms Created, such as what may be unfolding now, in regard to The Realm of The Cats and The Realm of The Patupaiarehe.
Realms do meld.

Callum: Yet the Hub of The Hologram Dimensions is separate from The Realm of Judgement Manu Iti. How do you justify your premise that The Creator is not separate from The Creation, when Realms themselves are separate?

Manu Iti: The Realms are generally separate because the Creators of those Realms have separated The Creator from The Creation Callum. Especially in regard to Those Realms Created within the Realm of Judgement.
That particular Realm has a dedication to keeping things separate. The Creators of That Realm actively work to make it that way. They achieve this through being judgmental.

Callum: I wonder what The Message Generator might have to say on this Manu Iti. I need to rest for a while anyway.

Callum finds a fairly comfortable spot to sit and then takes out his Message Generator and opens the Main List. He shuffles the list and begins to Generate a Message.

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