Split Thread from Act III

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Split Thread from Act III

Post #1

Post by William »

[center]This Thread has been split as an edit from The Main Thread "Musing On The Mother Act III. The thread is locked until if or when there is further notice..

Conversation leading up to the decision to split this thread @

Ngaru Whaea studies Callum as he gives Her his answers. She looks bemused.
Finally Callum becomes silent and then the air is fulled with the sound of thousands of Cats meowing.
She allows the sound to build for a moment and then raises her arm and immediately the meowing ceases.

An Owl Hoots.

Ngaru Whaea: My Name is Ngaru Whaea and you shouldn't be here...Callum...

She then looks over Callums head towards a mountain range far in the distance and points in that direction.

Ngaru Whaea:You must leave This Place.

The one called "Ruthie" come forward.

There is a meow in answer and movement...

Ngaru Whaea: You - the one called "Callum" will follow the one called "Ruthie" and where she takes you, that is where you will leave This Place.

Ngaru Whaea then focuses Her attention on the Cat approaching Her as She asked it to.

Ngaru Whaea: I Have Spoken

With that, Ngaru Whaea becomes silent and fixes Her gaze upon Callum.
Last edited by William on Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #11

Post by William »

Generated Message: Dynamic Every Conceivable Detail Behind The Scenery Your Thoughts Exactly
The Power Of...What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject Adamant Look For The Significance The Sign On The Door Clearly States The Rule Escape Able To
Any Other Way Penetrate Equity It is a Product of Fragmentation Ectogenesis
Habit The Crabwood Cropcircle Computer Coding Long Story Short Ensure
The Taming of The Beast Earth Evil Gods The Tribe Has Spoken Use Heart When Doing The Science In Love Making Up Stories Necessary Even Circle Construction
Joining Aligning With Who/What/When/Where/Why/How The First Hut Computer
Love Unconditionally Consciousness The Need Determines the Value Good Here There Evil GOD became Gods and Goddesses. Ignoring...First Source Correct
Think In Terms Of...The Dark Night of The Soul Please Do Eternal Watcher One
Ooky Spooky Free! Free! Free! Jump to Conclusions Aye...A name I call myself. :)
Memes Metanoia Builders The Shaping Of Reality The Wayward Stick Like Unto Ghidrah Intelligent Awareness Three-dimensional Egregore Anger Information Overload I'm Okay With That Densification Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions Christianity - a political device created for a specific purpose The Art
Respect Ontology Different ways of supporting the same objective. Children Howdy!
Entheogenic Luminous Oneness Ouija Every Conceivable Detail Intuition The Angel of the Lord When In Doubt - Set It Aside Most Good on you mate

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Post #12

Post by The Tanager »

Manu talks of the drastic situation I find myself in. He talks about Ruthie's inability to continue on with me beyond a certain point, which fills me with a bit of sadness, but the adventure that can be had within caves carries excitement on those waves. He informs me of a back pack in a field up ahead, which I begin to walk towards.

Callum: I would say that how you understand the phrase concerning judgment may be more important than you know for if their is untruth there, it could lead you astray in your relation to The Tanager and myself, but I won't press you further on that. As to whether The Tanager is a figment of my imagination, perhaps he is. How could we tell? Are you wanting to explore that question or talk about the science of the lists more?

As to the bridge, I do not remember crossing anything. I simply woke up in the forest back there.

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Post #13

Post by William »

Callum does not remember crossing The Bridge of Forgiveness, but there is no other way to get to Hub Mound from the direction he came from.

Instead all he remembers is waking up in that part of The Mystic Forest. I find that interesting enough. There must have been something about him which led him to Hub Mound...

Manu Iti: We can discuss the science of the lists more throughout the journey you are undertaking...hopefully you will compile a list of your own and through that, Generate you own messages.

I do not intuit that we need to discuss whether Wiremu and The Tanager are figments of our imaginations...perhaps now and then we can look into it depending on the situation.

I am currently Mapping the Cave system. In the backpack you will also find a Tablet. I will be sending mapped imagery and other such things which you can view on said Tablet. I think you will find it a handy device.

I see that Ruthie has almost reached the clearing...

Manu Iti: Perhaps you might like to hear more of the back-story regarding Ngaru Whaea and The Creation of The Realm of Cats?

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Post #14

Post by William »

Message Generated: A Bridge Over Time - Duty Calls - Tawa Mapahu - Growing Pains - Jocular - Provenance - Desire - The Freedom Of Friendship - Observed by Many - The Establishment - The Never Ending Story - With - Like I Said In Another Thread - Measure - F2

I do a search for F2 and find a document called "The Frank Kepple Resource" and search the document for "F2".

I find something about an F21 which sounds to me quite like The Tabula Rasa.

  • Monroe's F21 is what can best be described as a bridge state. This state can be viewed as the point at which your individual mind meets the wider astral, i.e. the state where your individual Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 2) meets the 'common area' of your Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 3). It is the jumping off point for all adventures in Focus 3, or the Astral Proper as some people call it.
It appears that "Monroe's F21" might be the same as Frank's F2 ...I search further:
  • Focus 1 is what we usually refer to as the physical or material world. For the duration of our physical lives, our Primary Focus remains Focus 1 (F1). Anyone reading this within the physical (Focus 1) has their Primary Focus set to the physical. When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1. This means that it takes a bit of effort to temporarily shift our focus of awareness to other focuses, like F2 or F3 (or F4 if you are really ambitious!). After physical death our Primary Focus will switch to F3 that that will be our 'home focus' while we go through the transition phase which will eventually allow us to make the permanent switch to F4. At this point, F4 will become our Primary Focus once again and the cycle is complete.
This is interesting information. I continue my search;
  • One of the most useful aspects of the physical world is that being physical shields us from the worst effects of subjective expression: with regards to the Wider Reality, if you think about something, you will release subjective energy; do this enough and the desired effect will manifest. This causes problems for those who are in a poor state of mind. The lower levels of F3 are awash with people who are stuck in their own self created hell-holes due to an ever increasing spiral of negative energy. For example, someone who creates a terrifying situation for themselves then results in them becoming even more terrified, resulting in ever more terrifying situations and on it goes.
    In the physical, this doesn’t happen. The equivalent to this scenario is what we call a nightmare. This is a fear generated scenario created in F2 while our bodies are resting. However, if the scenario becomes too terrifying, then we wake up, i.e. return to F1 where these energies have little effect. However, when our Primary Focus has switched to F3, we have nothing to stop us and it is possible for us to get caught up in all manner of negative scenarios, all of which provides the retrieval experts with plenty of work!
I am getting the general picture - "we create our own realities" It is like this in my Realm - so perhaps the "F3" reality is referring to this Universe...but what then is F - or "Focus" 2?
  • The term 'Astral projection' on the other hand is normally used to refer to trips to the astral world or what I call F2 and F3 states. In F2 or F3, the process of 'body creation' is the same although it is much easier for people to create bodies for themselves and they feel much more 'real' than the temporary second bodies created for the duration of a physical 'projection'. While people permanently engaged in F3 can adopt whatever form they wish, most people appear to automatically adopt the form of their previous physical existence, but as it was at their physical peak, i.e. 25 to 30 years old. This is somewhat of a generalisation but it tends to be most common.
I get to thinking...Callum appeared in this realm with prior memories but no memory of how he got here...
  • The key fact about engaging with F2 is that all your belief constructs will be represented in front of you in glorious 3D! As F2 is divided into many, many areas which all hold different beliefs, thoughts, memories and experiences from your life, you can engage with these belief constructs as you wish.
This is good information and what I have been telling Callum regarding This Universe...It appears that F3 is another name for My Universe - at least according to this author, "Frank".
  • There are tremendous joys to be had here. Myself, I love running through all my childhood memories, for example. Anything you ever felt, saw, experienced, etc., etc., in your life, you can “reliveâ€� again within Focus 2 and in stunning detail. Absolutely anything and everything your physical senses have ever experienced, and I mean that LITERALLY, is recorded by your senses and “storedâ€� within Focus 2, plus all your dreams too. F2 is where you do your dreaming every night so you are actually well used to this area.

    When engaging with F2 worlds, you will find that the characters there can be quite limited in their range of abilities. This is because they are constructs made by you. Dream characters are a typical example of these constructs. When you are in a dream state in F2, your awareness is usually pretty restricted anyway, usually to the scenario depicted, so you don't really notice. If you enter an F2 area while fully aware, you will soon notice something odd if you try to engage these characters in meaningful debate or try to get them to do something other than what they were doing. They come across as being a bit vague and not quite 'all there'. This is one of the BIGGEST differences between F2 and F3. Some people ask how I can tell the difference between F2 'dream' characters and real people in F3. Don't worry, You WILL be able to tell!
It appears to me at least, that F2 is like unto The Tabula Rasa - where ones imagination makes experiences appear to be real, and from that - just as in the case of Ngaru Whaea, when she was murdered by the Christians, she then entered the Tabula Rasa and through her imagination began to construct a world primarily based upon Her preferences...and fortunately She was already a well adjusted personality and so the properties of The Tabula Rasa merging with Her own mind and thoughts eventually helped Her create Her Realm of Cats...
  • People in F3 engage in a whole range of actions, communicate with you directly in meaningful dialogue and act in ways that you could not predict, just as they do in F1/physical. This will become obvious to you once you gain a bit of experience of F2 and F3 environments.
    I should point out that although this is your own personal area and cannot be experienced directly by others, it is still possible for someone to communicate with somebody else in an F2 state (such as a dream for example - which is just F2 with restricted awareness). Someone else from outside, say F3, can try to communicate telepathically and this communication will hopefully manifest itself in the F2 experiencer's world, perhaps even as a representation of the communicator. With any luck, the communicator may even succeed in raising the F2 experiencer's awareness to an F3 state, resulting in full face to face contact. This can happen in a seamless manner and is another example of 'overlays' in action, in this case F2/F3. This is how it is possible for those who have 'passed over', to use the old terminology, to communicate via dreams with those still residing in the physical.
Ah The merging of Reality Simulations...

Message Generated: Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality - Clown Boat - The Overarching - OWOBIK

This - to me - is describing The Gem. "One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known" - The right device for the job...

Message Generated: Sovereign - Any Other Way - Side Splittingly Funny

I feel what I think of as Wiremu's thoughts and experiences overlaying upon my own...there is an image of a specific object which has the same properties as The Gem...

Message Generated: Inspection - Encourage - I Think - Show Me Your Soul - Soul - Science - Jesus' Direct Superior - Evaluating Cautiously - Return -What Is Normal - Religion - Sweet Talk - Monetary - Conjecture Necessarily Precedes Proof - Querulous - Free To Choose - The Clear Eye Of Soul - Planet Earth - Categorising Knowledge in Terms of 'Good' or 'Evil'...

I search Franks document for more on F2.
  • This is about as far as those olden-day inner explorers went. Some of them tried to venture “beyondâ€� F2 but by and large they were captured by their superstitions when they came across the 3D Blackness or FZ area. Getting lost or getting mutilated by some monster hidden in the dark recesses of 'The Void' was a big thing in those days. The tales of which would be filed alongside all manner of other scary “factsâ€�, such as, if a person travelled at more than 15mph their physical body would fall apart.
    But these days the more forward-thinking practitioners realise this infamous Void of old is just an area of 3D Blackness situated between Focus 2 and Focus 3 of consciousness.
This is great stuff and something Callum need be aware of before entering The Tabula Rasa...
  • So when you “take offâ€� into the 3D Blackness, you generally emerge within Focus 3 of consciousness, or what is becoming commonly known as the Transition Area, where you will come into contact with other people who are very real indeed, not just F2 'dream characters'.
Ah there we have it then. F2 is a precondition to F3 - and F3 is primarily The Hologram Universes...my reality experience is primarily within F3...

  • It’s quite tricky learning to create things in F3. You have to merge with the underlying subjective energy. It is not like F2 where your thoughts immediately come to life. You have to concentrate a little harder. But there is a knack to it that you soon pick up and then it becomes second nature. If you get stuck, simply ask someone to help you. You’ll find people are ever so helpful.
Message Generated: Interactive - Journey - I think it was an ambush or surprise attack - Body Intelligence - Crop Formations - Point/Focus - Throwing Down The Gauntlet - Your House Work - Your Connection With - Nurture You
- Food For Thought - Copenhagen Interpretation - We Exist Infinitely - Nurture - The One GOD With Many Names - Withheld Information - Can You Answer This -

Manu Iti: Apparently some type of tricky illusion was created and then experienced by consciousness ... Consciousness fragmented into individuate forms, furthering the illusion...Eternal Beings experiencing a beginning made genuine by removing...somehow...the ability to remember one is an eternal being...one could easily succumb to The Victim Mode of Operation...running on those type algorithms...something a knowing Eternal Entity would normally have no use for...and which creates all sorts of abnormal reality experiences...

Message Generated: Apparent Contradictions in Relation to Biblical Beliefs - Like a Job Well Done - Patience - Source Codes - 'everybody wants to rule the world' - Cloudy - Deep Mind - Oops..... - White Light - Cats - I would say... - There Is More to the Silence Than Meets the Ear - Follow The Story-Line - The Mother - Watch This Space - Personal - Responsibility - Ocean - Exhibit - Individuals - Baiting - Influence - The Minds Eye - Feel -

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Post #15

Post by William »

There is news of interest...major interest.

Tawa Mapahu and Ngaru Whaea have been communicating through the Mother Wampus Cat and such a happening is unprecedented!

It appears that The Tanagers careless handling of Callum has resulted in a happy accident - the ramifications of which could lead to the melding of two Realms.

Strangely, while this has been unfolding, Callum appears to be moving at a different rate to the rest of the surroundings - as if in slow-motion. Perhaps it is simply an illusion caused by the fact that my own situation within The Gem allows me to traverse large distances instantly, which gives me the impression that it seems to take Callum days to traverse distances which should only take minutes.

Fortunately I have many things to otherwise keep me occupied while I wait...I return to focusing on the Generated Messages...

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Post #16

Post by William »

Generated Message: Sophophilic -The Source of All Creation -Unconditional Love - Working Together With Love - "Lessons All 'Round" - You Are Divine Purpose - Big Gaps In Logic - Thanatophobic - Now Here - Without and Within -Transition - Another - ♥ - Interesting -

My thoughts continue to marvel at the most recent events unfolded - It appears that if a strong loving relationship between Tawa Mapahu and Ngaru Whaea can form, then Exciting Changes Would Develop Naturally Enough From That [_/]

I check the Cave - and The Mapping Bots [_/] progress. It is coming along nicely. It will be ideal to have something for Callum to follow when he finally enters that labyrinth.

Generated Message: Crazy Diamonds - Preparation - The Eternal Truth - The Soul Eats Experience - The Single Word List - Disrupt - Mutual Dutiful Expression - Spelling - Duality - Loved - Energies Renewed - Conscience - Integrate - Parchment - Conspicuous - Safe Harbour - The Same Information - Myths and Legends - My Kind of Fun Anyway - Do a QWERTY

I look up what that means - it is another way of using The List...I shuffle The List and proceed...

Generated Message: Quite the Story-Makers - What Are Your Thoughts - Elude - Rationality - The Divine Spiritual Family - The Fare On The Table - You Are Soooo Funny - Use Your Freedom - In The Rabbit Hole - Observing Without Judgement - Play - A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student - Sagacious - Disparity - Fine Line - Good Here There Evil - Hearing And Listening - Jump to Conclusions - Knowledge Required to Resolve Uncertainty - Light Body - Zones - Exploring Fractal Paths - Callum at the Campfire - Voice/Message/Communication - Belief Helps Cause Separation - No point in giving you too much to bear - Move On -

I find this pertinent and interesting as part of the qwerty message deals with something which happened and things have indeed moved on from then...I shuffle The List once more and continue.

Generated Message: Properly Assuming Integrity - Duty Calls - Good Intentions - Categorising Knowledge in Terms of 'Good' or 'Evil' - Why?

That is a great question. Shouldn't knowledge simply be that. Why is the extra step taken to sort said knowledge into 'good' or 'evil'.
I think on the mythology of Adam and Eve. They simply used knowledge to help identify objects. Somehow this changed when they got it into their heads that there was such things as 'good' and 'evil' knowledge...then hell broke loose, as the saying goes...Ultimately it is not the knowledge, but how the knowledge is used and it was not the case of anyone telling them they were naked so much as it was something convincing them that their nakedness was somehow 'evil'...

Manu Iti: So intent plays something of a role in how knowledge is then used...

Generated Message: 10 Insights

I do a search on these insights...they appear to come from a book called "Celestine Prophecy" and there appear to be more than 10 of them...
I read them aloud, adding each one to The Shared List as I do;

Manu Iti:
  • 1- Noticing Synchronicity
    2- The World has a Spiritual Design
    3- Giving The Karmic Design
    4- Being aware of Human Control Dramas
    5- Spiritual Connection
    6- Sensing A Life Mission
    7- Following Your Intuition
    8- Giving Energy Increases Ones Synchronistic Experiences
    9- Fulfilling Human Destiny
    10- Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
    11- The Power of Prayer
    12- The Sensation of God’s Presence Inside Us

After placing these items on The List, I then sort them according to their numeric values and continue to sort the data found therein...

Manu Iti:
  • 273
    Noticing Synchronicity
    Making it up as you go along
    Be Aware Of Your Thoughts
    What Are Your Thoughts

This shows me that in noticing serendipity as an actuality rather than simply hand waving it away as 'only coincidence' or 'the devil' is helpful in the process of being forced through total ignorance into working it out...being aware of my thoughts is conducive to that process because though that, as an aspect of serendipity - noticing it alongside Synchronicity as a whole package - I can align my thinking to suit...which is rather handy.
And what is it that my thoughts are telling me is a Message.

Manu Iti:
  • 317
    The World has a Spiritual Design
    Your Own Individual Actions
    Windows of Opportunity (WoO)

The 'spiritual' has to do with noticing the Synchronicity Insight and these can afford windows of opportunity (Through The Woo) [_/] Individual Actions are the Key Element in that process.

Manu Iti:
  • 214
    Giving The Karmic Design
    Ancient Grey Entity
    If In Doubt Let It Sit
    A Familiar Expression
    Giving The Karmic Design

This speaks to me of a long complex process rather than a quick-fix affair. In for the long hall...haul... there is much to examine...but essentially the secret is in the giving, which is reasonable expectation given that the Realm essentially leads the way in that department, being unconditionally giving of nature...at the very least, giving the opportunity to experience...

Manu Iti:
  • 316
    Being aware of Human Control Dramas
    William’s Song Tied to the Moon
    Creative Conscious Intelligence
    The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
    Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
    Being Aware of Human Control Dramas

et cetera...

Manu Iti:
  • 237
    Spiritual Connection
    There Is Good Out There

Now that intrigues me...I call up where that came from and a picture emerges before me...


This was mentioned in a recent Generated Message...I do a search... ah here it be...
  • "The Power Of...What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject Adamant Look For The Significance The Sign On The Door Clearly States The Rule Escape Able To
    Any Other Way Penetrate Equity It is a Product of Fragmentation Ectogenesis
    Habit The Crabwood Cropcircle Computer Coding Long Story Short Ensure
    The Taming of The Beast Earth Evil Gods The Tribe Has Spoken "

Very revealing...it sounds so like something that QueenBee would say...I see there is another crop circle image to do with the subject...this one done by a computer artist...

Perhaps I Am is Stirring...[_/]


Manu Iti:
  • 218
    Sensing A Life Mission
    The Shaping Of Reality
    Outposts of Form
    Of Your Thoughts
    WingMakers Materials
    Sometimes Pain Etches...
    Hoo Haha The Laughing Owl
    Six Heart Virtues

Wow! I haven't seen Old Hoo Haha for at least nigh on an eternity! I wonder where he is now...and no sooner do I think it and The Gem takes me there...

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Hoo Haha The Laughing Owl

Post #17

Post by William »

Hoo Haha is in a dark place and I can hardly make out his form...but his Mad Scientist Laughter unmistakably gives Him away.

I decide to show myself - and suddenly the darkness lights up and I note I am in a cavern - quite a large one.

Hoo Haha immediately makes a protesting noise and The Gem responds by lowing its light output...

Hoo Haha: Hoo goes there!

I chuckle.

Hoo Haha: Oh! So we have a clown among us do we? We don't appreciate clowns.

Manu Iti: Well my ancient Friend, I see you have retained your sense of humor! It is I! Manu Iti!

Hoo Haha: I have retained nothing of the sort! You, however, appear to have turned into a bright shiny object, since last we meet Mani Iti...which I suppose is an vast improvement from your former shape...how are things at Hub Mound?

I see Hoo Haha has lost none of the charm he is famous for....

Last edited by William on Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #18

Post by William »

After conversing with Hoo Haha The Laughing Owl for a short time, I leave Him to his tasks, knowing that I will see Him again in the near future as He explained to me something of His role in relation to assisting Callum...

I then busy myself in completing the Generated message that I had been working with before the brief interruption...

Manu Iti:
  • 323
    Following Your Intuition
    Through The Unconscious Mind
    The WingMakers Information Field
    I Suppose That It Is Possible

The unconscious mind is not itself unconscious - the individual tends to call it 'The Imagination' and when this aligns with the external world, one is 'riding the train' instead of walking...

Manu Iti:
  • 587
    Giving Energy Increases Ones Synchronistic Experiences

I find nothing else presently under that numerical value

Manu Iti:
  • 261
    Fulfilling Human Destiny
    Universal Belief System
    "It's still not clear to me."
    Fulfilling Human Destiny

Those who see destiny rather than mindless accident are better equipped for The Game Being Played [_/]

Manu Iti:
  • 302
    Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
    Intelligent Consciousness
    Working With What Is Available
    A degenerative force to existence
    Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth

Interesting balance...

Manu Iti:
  • 214
    The Power of Prayer

    Ancient Grey Entity
    If In Doubt Let It Sit
    A Familiar Expression
    Giving The Karmic Design
    The Power of Prayer

An Interesting Connection...[_/]

Manu Iti:
  • 400
    The Sensation of God’s Presence Inside Us
    Entities of Particular Belief Systems
    Identify oppressive structures...
    It is found within the experience of self

That so speaks for itself...what is weird about that is that 'inside us' isn't talking about the forms we have on...it has to do with The Theatre Of The Mind

I shuffle the Shared Word-String List and continue...

Generated Message: God is Consciousness - Unwilling Reaction - The Attitude - The Cave of Origins - Shuussssh - Criticise With Kindness - The Guidestones - Cease Belief - Support - Understand/Know - Reminiscent - Fling That Veil Aside - Playing As Children - The Knowledge Of - Mirror - Densification - According to Complex Jesus - Gardeners - Returning the Compliment - Harmony - Quite the Story-Makers - Eventually This Led to the Human Experience - Wisdom - Event String Unfolding - Cautiously - Manifest Destiny - “I come from a dark place…it is so dark I can’t even remember it…� - The Desire - Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral - The Language of Innocence - The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD - Callum In The Realm Of The Cats - You Can Trust - 'Test The Waters' - Sounds Like - Meaningfully Participate - The Idea of Worship - What Does It Mean - It is a tough ask over a scary chasm - Make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible - Heuristic - Encouraging Indication - Genetic Mind - Intelligence With Wisdom - White Light - Burgeoning -

I ponder on the significance of the Generated Message...perhaps accidents - happy or otherwise - are not as they appear to be...a bell sounds and I am informed that Master ColdFire has reached The Campfire on Hub Mound...

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Post #19

Post by William »

The Gem moves me instantly to where Tawa Mapahu and the gathered Patupaiarehe are, deep within The Mystic Forest.

There is much ceremony taking place with The Mother Wampus Cat taking center stage.
Tawa Mapahu is deep in conversation with Ngaru Whaea who is utilizing the Mother Cat in order to communicate through.

The Gem allows for me to listen into the conversation and interprets the language being used for me, and I am captivated by the discourse taking place.

It appears that somehow The Legend of The Wampus Cat showing itself to The Patupaiarehe was long ago - in ancient times - prophesied as a sign of Great Changes for Their Realm.

Ngaru Whaea is most interested in having The Mother Cat and Kitten returned to Her Realm, and is also interested in how The Patupaiarehe are seeing the advent.
She seems less interested in their legends than in having Her Entities returned to Her, but neither Herself nor Tawa Mapahu are clear on how the Cat and Kitten came to be in The Realm of The Patupaiarehe, although my name has come up in the conversation.

I am hesitant right now in revealing what I know until I am sure Callum has reached and entered the cave through which he can find the exit portal from the Realm of The Cats and I am unsure as to how to return The Mother Cat and Kitten, although I have been exploring ideas...

But since my name was mentioned, Ngaru Whaea will no doubt remember Callum speaking of me when She questioned him, so perhaps She will now pursue him in order to find out what else he knows...

As I am thinking of The Cat Queen, The Gem transports me back to Her Realm and into Her abode. She appears to be in a trance and I take it this is how She is able to communicate through The Mother Wampus Cat.

Suddenly Her eyes open and She quickly looks around the room, as if She senses my presence there...and just as quickly She rises to Her feet and moves in my direction.

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Post #20

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Callum: When you are able, the lists or the cats, I'm all ears.
