Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Gay marriage and same sex marriage

Post #1

Post by puddleglum »

I believe in gay marriage. Gay people have the same right to marry that straight people do.

I believe that God established marriage as a union between a man and a woman. A “marriage� between two men and two women is a sin.

Do these statements seem contradictory to you? There is a lot of confusion on this subject because most people use the terms “gay marriage� and “same sex marriage� interchangeably. In fact they do not mean the same thing.

Gay marriage is a marriage in which one or both of the partners experiences sexual attraction to others of the same sex. Same sex marriage is a partnership between two members of the same sex which claims to be a marriage. The difference is obscured by the fact that nearly all marriages involving gay people fall into both of these categories. However there are gays who are happily married to members of the opposite sex. You can read about some of them here: ... e-roundup/ . These marriages are gay marriages but they are not same sex marriages.

Proponents of legalizing same sex marriage claim this is a civil rights issue. They want gays to have the same rights straight people do. But gay people have always had the right to marry; most of them just chose not to exercise it. Some states in the United States once had laws against interracial marriage and other governments have passed laws prohibiting marriage between certain classes of people. But no law has ever prohibited gay people from marrying.

God established marriage for two purposes. The obvious reason is to provide a home to produce and bring up children, but there is another reason. Marriage was intended to serve as a symbol of the relationship between God and those who worship him. In the Old Testament Israel is called the wife of God; in the New Testament the Church is call the bride of Christ. In both cases God is represented by the male marriage partner and his people by the female. A union of two men or two women can’t accurately picture this relationship.

Many gay people would like to live with their same sex partner in a relationship that is legally recognized as marriage. Because our society no longer acknowledges the authority of God there are many who believe they should have the right to do this. Proponents of same sex marriage sincerely want to help gays live happier lives but they don’t realize that they are encouraging people to violate God’s laws. Gays in same sex marriages may experience happiness for a while but in the end they will face God’s judgment. Even some gay people recognize this fact: .

Opponents of legalizing same sex marriage are accused of hating gays. In some cases this is true. Westboro Baptist Church is an example of this. But most who oppose same sex marriage do so because we love gays and know that in the long run same sex marriage will hurt them. Proponents of same sex marriage want to help them but what they are doing will lead to their condemnation. You have all heard the saying: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. This is certainly true in the controversy about same sex marriage.
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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by endtimer »

[Replying to post 1 by puddleglum]

I fully agree with that statement and would like to air my view also...
I also dont understand how religion and same sex marriages works... If you believe that God created you, then you must accept what you are because you believe He created you that way? So I dont know how I can go to God telling Him He must Marry me, but at the same time also that He made a mistake by putting my soul in the wrong body ? If He is Intelligent , then He doesnt make mistakes. How can I 1st go to Him blaming Him for that and then ask Him to bless me in marriage... If it was normal to demand from the bottom up in any system or movement, then it would have worked out that way, but the world started out differently >

The beginning of the 1st biblical male female union/marriage is recorded in Gen.1:27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male & female created He them. That was the beginning Jesus referred to in Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female. Now trace back the ancestry in Gen.2 God make a body for the spiritual man. Gen. 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Gen.2:21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam & he slept & He took one of his ribs & closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman & brought her unto the man. See that? God brought the woman to Adam, Adam did not run around searching for a wife. God made him a wife & brought the wife to him. God arranged the meeting for his son & brought the woman unto him just like God brings His bride unto the 2nd Adam whose side we come from. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones & flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.Therefore shall a man leave his father & his mother & shall cleave unto his wife & they shall be one flesh.

As a true believer, ask yourself this question, was this man or woman my partner in Gods books in the beginning before God made us flesh bodies to dwell in.

Much Confusion on this, but Loving is not something that is taught in scriptures, it is felt in your heart.

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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 2 by endtimer]

The Jehovah's Witness view is that all humans are subject to imperfections which result in mental, emotional, spiritual or physical malfunction on one level or another. Homosexuality and all sexual perversion biblically come under that catagory. On can no longer say "God must have made me gay" than one can claim "God made me with a cancer", none of it was part of God's plan.

Jehovahs Witness
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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by hoghead1 »

[Replying to post 3 by JehovahsWitness]

Sorry, but no Jehovah in the Bible. Big mistranslation. YHWH, yes;Jehovah, no.
Also, your claim about homosexuality seems based on biblical pr9ohitiioons against it. Now, do you, however, follow all the laws in the OT? Certainly not. If you did, you'd have a very different diet. At the same time, you would be selling your daughter into slavery, and beating slaves, just not killing them (Exod.21). In the NT, Christ threw out all these "Mosaic" laws. Instead, we are to do what is loving and liberating.
My point is that appealing to biblical laws cannot serve as the basis for any sound morality.

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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by Talishi »

JehovahsWitness wrote:On can no longer say "God must have made me gay" than one can claim "God made me with a cancer", none of it was part of God's plan.
There's no God, so God didn't make me gay. But I didn't make me gay either. I just liked Farrah Fawcett posters better than Leif Garrett posters.
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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by JehovahsWitness »

Talishi wrote:
JehovahsWitness wrote:On can no longer say "God must have made me gay" than one can claim "God made me with a cancer", none of it was part of God's plan.
There's no God, so God didn't make me gay. But I didn't make me gay either. I just liked Farrah Fawcett posters better than Leif Garrett posters.[/quote

This subforum is for bible study, which bible verse are you proposing says "there is no God"?
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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

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Post by Talishi »

JehovahsWitness wrote: On can no longer say "God must have made me gay" than one can claim "God made me with a cancer", none of it was part of God's plan.
This subforum is for bible study, which bible verse are you proposing says "there is no God"?[/quote]

Let me throw that back at you. Which Bible verse says none of it was part of God's plan?
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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

Post #8

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Talishi wrote:
Let me throw that back at you. Which Bible verse says none of it was part of God's plan?
Answer my question first and I will consider answering yours. You said "There is no God" which bible verse is this based on?

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Re: Gay marriage and same sex marriage

Post #9

Post by Rufus21 »

puddleglum wrote: Gay marriage is a marriage in which one or both of the partners experiences sexual attraction to others of the same sex. Same sex marriage is a partnership between two members of the same sex which claims to be a marriage.
I've never heard that distinction before, and I don't think I fully understand it. So a gay marriage is between and man and a woman, one of whom is gay or bisexual?
puddleglum wrote: But no law has ever prohibited gay people from marrying.
Except in the US between 1995 and 2015 when there were federal and/or state laws prohibiting it. Or in 76 other highly religious countries across the world.
puddleglum wrote: God established marriage for two purposes.
God didn't establish marriage, man did. It was invented centuries before Christianity existed and had nothing to do with a bond between humans and God. The early Christians embraced the concept of marriage and used it as a way to feel closer to God, but that is not the original, or only definition of marriage.

I don't believe its purpose was to create a home to raise children either. Our ancient ancestors didn't get married and they survived for 650 million years. For over 4.5 billion years the earth existed without marriage and everything was just fine.
puddleglum wrote: Because our society no longer acknowledges the authority of God there are many who believe they should have the right to do this.
I certainly can't speak for everyone in the world, but I live in the US so I can talk about that. It is true that my country was created in a way that would not acknowledge the authority of God over any other opinion. That freedom is what makes me love this country so much. The only way to retain that freedom is to allow different lifestyles and different belief systems to express themselves and live by their own rules. If we want to make America great again, we have to start by granting ourselves the freedom that our forefathers fought and died to preserve.

If you want to live in a society that is ruled by God's authority, places like Africa and the Middle East are good examples. I think the results speak for themselves.
puddleglum wrote: But most who oppose same sex marriage do so because we love gays and know that in the long run same sex marriage will hurt them.
I have noticed this too. All of the people I have met who oppose same sex marriage are genuinely trying to help the gay people turn their life around and change their ways. But I have to disagree with the "[we] know that in the long run same sex marriage will hurt them" part. That is simply not true. You do know KNOW that it will hurt them, you only THINK so because of your faith in your belief system. That is a very important difference, and it is the reason that I believe same sex marriages should not be outlawed based on personal opinions.

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