Marriage at very young age

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Marriage at very young age

Post #1

Post by mms20102 »

Marriage at the age of 10 11 and 12 was the habit of the 11th up to 17th century what do you think about it

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Re: Marriage at very young age

Post #61

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 60 by KenRU]
False. Show me where I ever said that. Good luck.
Post 38
No. She is not an adult. She may be able to reproduce, but her brain may not be, and probably is not, fully developed. That is a huge and important issue in my book. Why isn’t it yours?
You seem to be forgetting fast
For the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! 16+ year olds are more developed than a 13 year old. What is the title of this post?
control, controlling impulses, and planning ahead—the hallmarks of adult behavior—
are among the last to mature

First that means they gain skills at late points which is 19 to 26 which is also against your point means that even 16 17 18 is having poor control and controlling impulses

They are more developed at age 26 they are more developed at the age of 40 . see this is the point its not about mental development .
That is because you want an all or nothing, black or white answer. IT ISN'T. The brain develops over time. Again, a 13 year old brain is different than a 19 year old. AND we are not talking about experience.
Grey has no space here if you are not clear then its undebatable what is good is good what is bad is bad once you adopt an opinion stick to it or make clarification
Why would I do that? The chart clearly shows that a teenager's brain continuously develops. AND that a 13 year old is on the low end of important functions (already mentioned a zillion times).

No where did I say that we should wait until the brain is fully developed. The data (that you keep ignoring) shows that teenagers do eventually get better at Impulse Control. This statement shows the weakness of your argument - and a veritable lack of compassion imo.
I didn't ignore any thing in fact you ignore that 40+ aged people
got crystalized intelligent generating a resistance to frustration , better inductive reasoning and greater tolerance for ambiguity . Skill at managing relationships improve.
According to my chart that means even an adult is still developing

I said they can do decisions but they also some time do irrational decisions and that's why parental control needed (according to most of sites )
Accept any evidence and accept my answer once you accept one

You accept the chart ok marry at the age of 40 since your brain is still developing up to " 40 " and you will do irrational things even after you become adult

you accept " sites " then you should marry at the age of 26 and not before since its the age of mind to be developed 13 years old to a 16 years old is same as 16 years to 19 years old same as 19 years old to 22 years old all are developing
Only if you are NOT following my point. Read again.

now you need to read your posts again because you make a point then you say no I didn't say that
What a horrible concept.
according to you only its horrible according to roughly 23% of the global population its totally normal
Or, and here is an idea, we can judge them by how mature they are - and this is comprised of both puberty's development and their neurological development.
Again neurological development doesn't stop neither its has start from 0 ... I-057.aspx

Middle School and Early High School Years ( 11 - 14 )

•Mostly interested in present, with limited thoughts of the future
•Intellectual interests expand and gain in importance
•Greater ability to do work (physical, mental, emotional)
Sure it can. We can use science: biology, neurology and psychology to inform our decisions. How is this a bad idea?
please use them while they tell you when a teen is able to have sex !!!!
Well, we wholly disagree here. We know more now than when your religion was founded. I think it is a good idea to use that information to make better and more informed decisions. You don't. And that is a bad thing, imo.
strange to say this while my religion described gynecology better than any doctor 1450 years ago and only when we advanced we realized how right it was

" Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot(some translate is as leech), and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. " Quran " 23:14 "

Please you know nothing about my religion please don't make claims

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Re: Marriage at very young age

Post #62

Post by KenRU »

mms20102 wrote: [Replying to post 60 by KenRU]
False. Show me where I ever said that. Good luck.
Post 38
No. She is not an adult. She may be able to reproduce, but her brain may not be, and probably is not, fully developed. That is a huge and important issue in my book. Why isn’t it yours?
You seem to be forgetting fast
Now you are being disingenuous. I argued that she should not be considered an adult JUST because she can reproduce. There is a difference. Hopefully you can see that distinction.
That is because you want an all or nothing, black or white answer. IT ISN'T. The brain develops over time. Again, a 13 year old brain is different than a 19 year old. AND we are not talking about experience.
Grey has no space here if you are not clear then its undebatable what is good is good what is bad is bad once you adopt an opinion stick to it or make clarification
And here we have what is probably the root of our contention. 1) I am quite clear. 2) What you do not want to accept as important is that there are neurological differences between a 13 year old and 19 year old. The data (not me) shows a gradual developmental process. You want to say that is irrelevant – just because your holy book says so and because the brain continues to develop beyond teenage years. That is not a good reason to allow a child (yes a 13 year old is in my book a child) to engage in certain adult behaviors. We should set a standard based upon science and empathy. The 13 year old brain is at the low point of developing important abilities. How that isn’t relevant to you is beyond me.

To head you off at the pass, that is also to say that as the teenager ages, the brain gets better at such things. When is a good time? I’ll have to review the data and make a subjective opinion on the subject. When is it not a good time? When the data tells us the brain is at the lowest/poorest ability to function (regarding Impulse Control, etc).
Please you know nothing about my religion please don't make claims
My claim was that science knows more now than your religion when it was founded. I’m wrong to say that?

Really? Evidence please.

As for 13 year olds engaging in sex, we are just going around in circles.

I leave you with this last challenge:

Find me any scientific article, journal or link (psychological, neurological or from any other reputable science field) that argues it is a good and healthy idea for 13 year olds to engage in sex or in adult style relationships. Not one that says they can physically reproduce. Find one that says it is healthy, that it is a good thing. I wish you well.
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg

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Re: Marriage at very young age

Post #63

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 62 by KenRU]
Now you are being disingenuous. I argued that she should not be considered an adult JUST because she can reproduce. There is a difference. Hopefully you can see that distinction.
does fully main part or fully means fully ?! I don't have to prove what you said its already there at post 38 any kid can understand what you did there
And here we have what is probably the root of our contention. 1) I am quite clear.
Really fully is not fully that quite make sense
2) What you do not want to accept as important is that there are neurological differences between a 13 year old and 19 year old.
now I didn't say that
The data (not me) shows a gradual developmental process. You want to say that is irrelevant – just because your holy book says so and because the brain continues to develop beyond teenage years.
Again a false claim I said if we depend on brain development then we need to wait until late ages " according to your fully standard "
That is not a good reason to allow a child (yes a 13 year old is in my book a child) to engage in certain adult behaviors.
well you have your own book the book of every one says a teenage is from 11 to 19 so no wonder its only your book
We should set a standard based upon science and empathy.
you don't seem to accept science you accept your book
The 13 year old brain is at the low point of developing important abilities. How that isn’t relevant to you is beyond me.
False according to all scientific sites . The only true thing is they need guidance as they develop more emotional and control abilities and it doesn't mean they lack it but the emotional part is greatly exaggerated that's why they may do some irrational decisions and that's why parental guidance is required
To head you off at the pass, that is also to say that as the teenager ages, the brain gets better at such things. When is a good time? I’ll have to review the data and make a subjective opinion on the subject. When is it not a good time? When the data tells us the brain is at the lowest/poorest ability to function (regarding Impulse Control, etc).
false statement again its not the poorest but comparing to adults its poor and comparing adults to old men they are also poor and comparing a kid to a teen its more rich in fact its half way developed when any kid become a teen hence I have already proven that with the start puberty brain develop starts
My claim was that science knows more now than your religion when it was founded. I’m wrong to say that?

Really? Evidence please.
you have been given evidence and ignored it just like you have ignored many parts of my post
Find me any scientific article, journal or link (psychological, neurological or from any other reputable science field) that argues it is a good and healthy idea for 13 year olds to engage in sex or in adult style relationships. Not one that says they can physically reproduce. Find one that says it is healthy, that it is a good thing. I wish you well. ... ationships

Please note I said marriage and not hidden relationship means a female totally knows she will have a child and she has no problem with any party good luck

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Re: Marriage at very young age

Post #64

Post by KenRU »

mms20102 wrote:
Find me any scientific article, journal or link (psychological, neurological or from any other reputable science field) that argues it is a good and healthy idea for 13 year olds to engage in sex or in adult style relationships. Not one that says they can physically reproduce. Find one that says it is healthy, that it is a good thing. I wish you well. ... ationships

Please note I said marriage and not hidden relationship means a female totally knows she will have a child and she has no problem with any party good luck
Readers, here is the text from mms's link. I leave it to you to determine if this either answers my request for evidence. I believe this furthers my point and not his.

I will also leave it to the readers to determine who was avoiding points and who wasn't, and who was ignoring scientific data, and who wasn't.


Early Sex Can Have Emotional, Physical Effects Later
March 06, 1991|By Dr. Allan Bruckheim.

Q-I would like to know if having sex at an early age can affect you in later life. I think this is an important question for you to answer in the paper.

A-This is a hard question to answer for you personally since you provided me with no background about yourself. But here is some important general information, which may be educational for you and others as well.

If childhood self-exploration, masturbation or peer sex play has been pleasurable and without a frightening experience attached to it, then there should be no negative effects later in life.

But if the early sexual experience is marred by a frightening episode, such as the discovery by an adult, exploitation, shame, punishment or pressure into the act (such as incest or rape), then an early sexual experience may lead to sexual dysfunction later in life.

Feelings of shame, anxiety, inhibition, guilt and remorse may lead to arrested sexual development. It may make the person unable to continue normal personal growth and leave him or her unable to achieve appropriate relationships involving trust, closeness and positive sexual expression.

Early sex can also lead to medical problems later in life. Cancer of the uterus is more prevalent in women who began sexual relationships early in life. There is also a high rate of venereal diseases associated with early sex.

If you are a young teenager thinking about getting involved in a sexual relationship, you have some important thinking to do before making a major decision. You would be wise to discuss this with parents, counselors, clergy, teachers or physicians, anyone you trust and respect.

If you decide to proceed, find out all you can about disease prevention and learn about birth control, whether you are a boy or girl. Using condoms and spermicidal jellies and creams, you can help prevent unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of some forms of venereal disease.

I`m not advocating any action, merely trying to make it clear that there are responsibilities you must accept that accompany these deeds.


-all the best
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg

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