Sex with young girls!!!!!

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Sex with young girls!!!!!

Post #1

Post by DanMRaymond »

If I were to engage in sexual activity with a girl of any age younger than 17, (in most states) that would be illegal and I could go to jail. (I'm 19 by the way) I think this is interesting because this concept is fairly new. And if you go back as far as history goes, it was highly common for older men to be with young girls. I think its also very natural for older men and younger women to be attracted to each other. And i'm not even old!!

(This doesn't mean I go around having sex with 15 year olds all the time. But I sure would if I was allowed, and so would everybody else!)

So do you guys think its right or wrong to have sex with a "minor" if you are an "adult" ? And of course this is only with full consent from the girl

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Post #2

Post by Zarathustra »

Full consent of the minor, and full understanding of the consquences by the minor. Sure.

However, when you say "older men and younger women...attracted to each other" I assume you are referring to the relationships of yore when a 50-something man and an 17-year old girl would get together. Not a 19 year old man and a 12 year old girl. 19 and 16 is really as far as I would even think of going, personally.

Also, those relations between older men and younger women generally came about for financial or political reasons, the woman didn't say "Hey, that old guy is kinda sexy", it's more likely they said "Hey, that old guy looks like he has some cash, and I have no way of making any on my own soo....". So, keep in mind that times have changed.

Also also ( :roll: ), with the increased life-span and advent of public education and things like that, children stay "children" a bit longer than they used to.

So, in conclusion, there are quite a number of new factors to consider, and times have changed, in general. But, to some degree, I would still consider it alright.

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Re: Sex with young girls!!!!!

Post #3

Post by concerro »

DanMRaymond wrote:If I were to engage in sexual activity with a girl of any age younger than 17, (in most states) that would be illegal and I could go to jail. (I'm 19 by the way) I think this is interesting because this concept is fairly new. And if you go back as far as history goes, it was highly common for older men to be with young girls. I think its also very natural for older men and younger women to be attracted to each other. And i'm not even old!!

(This doesn't mean I go around having sex with 15 year olds all the time. But I sure would if I was allowed, and so would everybody else!)

So do you guys think its right or wrong to have sex with a "minor" if you are an "adult" ? And of course this is only with full consent from the girl
The reason why there are laws is mostly becuase young girls dont know anything and are to easy to take advantage of. I am 27 and most of the nonsense I did when I was younger would never work now.
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Re: Sex with young girls!!!!!

Post #4

Post by ST88 »

I think this is an issue of consent and the legal definition of adulthood. Before the age of 18, the parent is legally and financially responsible for the child. In some jurisdictions, the parent is punished for the misdeeds of the child, and parents are financially liable if their children break windows or worse. Legally speaking, the parents are authorized by the state to treat and make decisions for the child as the parents see fit (short of an abusive relationship).

Because the child (<17) is not legally able to consent, sex with a minor is de facto rape, regardless if the minor expresses consent. Naturally, every child progresses physically and socially at different rates, so the age limit is in some sense arbitrary, just as the drinking and voting ages are arbitrary.

But I think the law was meant to discourage predatory behavior from older males towards highly impressionable girls. At least, that is how it's used now.

Interestingly, the recent nutritional advances (i.e., food energy from fat) in the Western world (last 100 years) have caused females to "develop" at younger and younger ages. In 1900, the average age of Menarche (1st menstruation) was 14. By 1960, it was 12.7. Some girls experience Menarche as young as 7. There is also a racial disparity:
American girls reach puberty earlier than commonly believed, with nearly half of Afro-American girls and 15% of white ones beginning to develop sexually by age 8, a study at UNC Chapel Hill indicates. The study reported in the journal Pediatrics involved 17,000 girls age 3 through 12.

By age 8, 48.3% of the Afro-American girls and 14.7% of the white girls had begun developing breasts, pubic hair or both while menstruation occurred at 12.16 years and 12.88 years, respectively. The average age of menstruation onset for white girls has remained unchanged for 45 years but the average age of menstruation for Afro-American girls is about 4 months younger than 30 years ago.
-- Sugar and Spice
This means that females have been dealing with their new bodies for longer and longer times when they reach the age of 17. Physical development does not mean emotional development, however, and the American culture has squeezed a new concept into the human lifespan since about WWI or so, called adolescence. In my opinion, there is a deliberate attempt by many parents to keep children as adolescents as long as possible -- possibly to protect them from the world as they find out who they are.

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