Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

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Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #1

Post by Diogenes »

White Evangelicals were Trump's biggest voting block in 2016. We might give them a pass for that. But they again supported him in 2020 despite the proof he violated virtually every commandment and everything Jesus of Nazareth preached. Even now when he is charged with multiple felonies, including violating the espionage act and been convicted of fraud, "Christians still support him."

Does this prove Christianity, or at least white evangelical Christianity in the United States, is merely a tribal passion rather than a religion that believes in the principles and teachings of Jesus?
For eight years, Donald Trump has managed to secure the support of many evangelical and conservative Christians despite behavior that often seemed at odds with teachings espoused by Christ in the Gospels.

https://apnews.com/article/trump-evange ... b7344a0dd0

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #2

Post by boatsnguitars »

Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely Yes.

There is no question that Trumpism is a Cult and that Evangelicals are cult followers looking desperately for a leader.

What we have to digest - as hard as it is to swallow - is that about 20% of the population are knuckle-headed morons. Easily led, easily persuaded by the types of people that lead mega churches, self-help gurus, Anthony Robbins, EST, Revered Moon, Joel Orsteen, etc. They love the "prosperity gospel", they believe the Constitution is nigh divine, they believe the GOP and the "vote for Billionaires because they know how the system works and will save you - the peon" is a legitimate argument.

These people are the reason wars are lost, why humanity struggles to progress, why disease proliferates, why death is more common than it should be. These people are scum. They are the worst - yet think they are the best - which makes them the absolute worst. They are uneducated, ignorant, irrational, greedy, lustful... vile in almost every way. Even in their cowardice - since they actually don't do anything overtly. They always have others do their crimes: like making the State impose laws against their enemies.

They are John Calvin if they could be. They would execute half the people who support them, if given a chance. They would control all women, beat all children, and rape the men.

Just saying.
“And do you think that unto such as you
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew
God gave a secret, and denied it me?
Well, well—what matters it? Believe that, too!”
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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #3

Post by otseng »

[Replying to boatsnguitars in post #2]

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #4

Post by Diogenes »

We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections. They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream.

__ Donald Trump, November 12, 2023
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... opponents/

If mainstream evangelical Christianity stands for anything resembling principle and the teachings of Jesus, they would repudiate Donald Trump and his Fascist messages that perfectly sums the ideology and rhetoric of Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf and speeches to the German people of the 1920's 30's.

Unfortunately they will fail to do so, again demonstrating how religion has become a corrupt tool of the State instead of a guide to being a better person. This is directly from Hitler's playbook.
"We demand freedom for all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or conflict with the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The party as such represents the standpoint of a positive Christianity, without owing itself to a particular confession...."
- Article 20 of the program of the German Workers' Party (later named the National Socialist German Workers' Party, NSDAP)

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
- Adolf Hitler, to General Gerhard Engel, 1941

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #5

Post by Clownboat »

boatsnguitars wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:15 pm Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely Yes.

There is no question that Trumpism is a Cult and that Evangelicals are cult followers looking desperately for a leader.

What we have to digest - as hard as it is to swallow - is that about 20% of the population are knuckle-headed morons. Easily led, easily persuaded by the types of people that lead mega churches, self-help gurus, Anthony Robbins, EST, Revered Moon, Joel Orsteen, etc. They love the "prosperity gospel", they believe the Constitution is nigh divine, they believe the GOP and the "vote for Billionaires because they know how the system works and will save you - the peon" is a legitimate argument.

These people are the reason wars are lost, why humanity struggles to progress, why disease proliferates, why death is more common than it should be. These people are scum. They are the worst - yet think they are the best - which makes them the absolute worst. They are uneducated, ignorant, irrational, greedy, lustful... vile in almost every way. Even in their cowardice - since they actually don't do anything overtly. They always have others do their crimes: like making the State impose laws against their enemies.

They are John Calvin if they could be. They would execute half the people who support them, if given a chance. They would control all women, beat all children, and rape the men.

Just saying.
You don't feel like a bully at all do you? Some self reflection my be needed perhaps.
Imagine singling out Johnny and telling him that he is a moron, the reason why wars are lost and is the worst kind of scum. And why?... because he supports a political candidate you appose.

You are just doing it en masse, but that doesn't make it right IMO.
Murder is still wrong, even when done en masse and to the sound of trumpets. Same goes for bullying IMO.

What if you did this type of thing on a daily basis knowing full well that it causes pain and suffering to those you level it at? Should you be punished or fined by the government for it? :-k
(Done with my derail. It just seemed so relevant due to the recent topic we were discussing on another thread...)

To the debate question...
Religions were first imagined by tribes, so yes, they are very much tribal. Many a religious person is likely more kind due to their religion though, but religion can also cause bullying and pain to those outside the 'tribe'. So religion can encourage both types of behavior, but not necessarily one over the other.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #6

Post by alexxcJRO »

boatsnguitars wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:15 pm Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely Yes.

There is no question that Trumpism is a Cult and that Evangelicals are cult followers looking desperately for a leader.

What we have to digest - as hard as it is to swallow - is that about 20% of the population are knuckle-headed morons. Easily led, easily persuaded by the types of people that lead mega churches, self-help gurus, Anthony Robbins, EST, Revered Moon, Joel Orsteen, etc. They love the "prosperity gospel", they believe the Constitution is nigh divine, they believe the GOP and the "vote for Billionaires because they know how the system works and will save you - the peon" is a legitimate argument.

These people are the reason wars are lost, why humanity struggles to progress, why disease proliferates, why death is more common than it should be. These people are scum. They are the worst - yet think they are the best - which makes them the absolute worst. They are uneducated, ignorant, irrational, greedy, lustful... vile in almost every way. Even in their cowardice - since they actually don't do anything overtly. They always have others do their crimes: like making the State impose laws against their enemies.

They are John Calvin if they could be. They would execute half the people who support them, if given a chance. They would control all women, beat all children, and rape the men.

Just saying.
No need to get over-emotionally in criticizing in general a whole group of humans saying they are the worst. This can lead to negative outcomes as history has teached us.
General comments like: "The Jew was only and always a parasite in the body of other peoples….The Jews are a people under whose parasitism the whole of honest humanity is suffering" or "Armenians—including women and children—collectively guilty for "betraying" the empire" have lead to genocides in the past.

I am sure the Left of America has many bad aspects about it and if left unchecked with total, unlimited power would wreak havoc in the lives of americans though some totalitarism regim.
Most humans are uneducated, ignorant, irrational, greedy, lustful no matter the relgious/political affiliation.
Its a red flag when a person calls only other people whole "tribe"/"group" worst and ignores the problem with his/her/them "tribe"/"group" .
Tribal mentally is a negative psychological mechanism that should not be overlocked and left unchecked.
Just saying. ;)
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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #7

Post by Diogenes »

[Replying to alexxcJRO in post #6]

I would like to think there is at least some element of principle or behavior based value in tribal religions like the Abrahamic ones. Islam likes to refer to itself as the religion of peace. Christianity stresses love. Islam emphasizes the requirement of helping the stranger, the traveler, the guest. Jesus used the example of an enemy, a Samaritan as 'your neighbor.'
Yet when a leader who brandishes the Bible and touts it as his 'favorite Book' doubles down on his use of Adolf Hitler's hateful, inflammatory language calling immigrants "poison" of the nation's "blood," few Christian's speak out against him. Instead, white evangelicals support Trump more than any single group. The same was true of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The rare exception was Martin Niemöller.

Where today in "Christian" America are the Martin Niemöllers? I would think every Christian on this forum would be condemning Donald Trump for echoing the anti-Christian hate of Adolf Hitler. Even Niemöller did not speak out early and after the war criticized himself for that.
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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #8

Post by alexxcJRO »

Diogenes wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:50 pm [Replying to alexxcJRO in post #6]

I would like to think there is at least some element of principle or behavior based value in tribal religions like the Abrahamic ones. Islam likes to refer to itself as the religion of peace. Christianity stresses love. Islam emphasizes the requirement of helping the stranger, the traveler, the guest. Jesus used the example of an enemy, a Samaritan as 'your neighbor.'
Yet when a leader who brandishes the Bible and touts it as his 'favorite Book' doubles down on his use of Adolf Hitler's hateful, inflammatory language calling immigrants "poison" of the nation's "blood," few Christian's speak out against him. Instead, white evangelicals support Trump more than any single group. The same was true of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The rare exception was Martin Niemöller.

Where today in "Christian" America are the Martin Niemöllers? I would think every Christian on this forum would be condemning Donald Trump for echoing the anti-Christian hate of Adolf Hitler. Even Niemöller did not speak out early and after the war criticized himself for that.
https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/ ... socialists

Religion does not make Christians behave better. Reality proves us this every day.
Because their god in non-existent and their religious text are just mirroring humans awful, moronic nature. The texts being full of despicable, awful, moronic things.

Aztecs sacrificed infants and no one batted an eye because was done in name of religion and because humans could condone the most awful things as long they are socially acceptable.
Romans watched people being mauled in arenas no one batted an eye because they were socially acceptable.
Medieval people watched as women were burned at the stake and/or drowned and no one batted an eye because was done in name of religion and because humans could condone the most awful things as long they are socially acceptable.

There is no surprise people are not bothered by the awful, moronic Trump words even though they are religious.
People have condoned much more awful things in the past and will in the future.
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived."
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"Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer."

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #9

Post by Clownboat »

Diogenes wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:50 pm [Replying to alexxcJRO in post #6]

I would like to think there is at least some element of principle or behavior based value in tribal religions like the Abrahamic ones. Islam likes to refer to itself as the religion of peace. Christianity stresses love. Islam emphasizes the requirement of helping the stranger, the traveler, the guest. Jesus used the example of an enemy, a Samaritan as 'your neighbor.'
Yet when a leader who brandishes the Bible and touts it as his 'favorite Book' doubles down on his use of Adolf Hitler's hateful, inflammatory language calling immigrants "poison" of the nation's "blood," few Christian's speak out against him. Instead, white evangelicals support Trump more than any single group. The same was true of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The rare exception was Martin Niemöller.

Where today in "Christian" America are the Martin Niemöllers? I would think every Christian on this forum would be condemning Donald Trump for echoing the anti-Christian hate of Adolf Hitler. Even Niemöller did not speak out early and after the war criticized himself for that.
https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/ ... socialists

I think too many (no one specific here) are ignoring the fact that when there are two choices. Finding one choice to be better than the other does not necessarily mean a person likes/supports that option option. Any person, Christian or not that supports Trump over another means just that, they support one over the other.

Imagine that they consider that Trump has 3 strikes against him, but they see the other option as having 5 strikes against them. Surely we can understand who they will vote for an why and Hitler would be irrelevant.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Re: Evangelical Support for Trump Proves Religion is Tribal, not Principled

Post #10

Post by Diogenes »

Clownboat wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:44 am I think too many (no one specific here) are ignoring the fact that when there are two choices. Finding one choice to be better than the other does not necessarily mean a person likes/supports that option option. Any person, Christian or not that supports Trump over another means just that, they support one over the other.

Imagine that they consider that Trump has 3 strikes against him, but they see the other option as having 5 strikes against them. Surely we can understand who they will vote for an why and Hitler would be irrelevant.
I usually agree with you, but not this time. There is no moral relativity here. When a 'man' parrots Adolf Hitler and openly opposes the Constitution and has been convicted of running a fraudulent business, no sane, moral person could vote for him as the lesser of two choices. I understand not voting at all. But what you suggest is the equivalent of a German in 1932 voting for Hitler, because he didn't like the other guy, despite the fact Hitler put it in writing that he would exterminate the Jews, that he was a racist.

I only agree to the extent there are many, sadly, in America who cannot or will not read the obvious signals about who and what Trump is. The same could be said for "good Germans" in the 1930's who, out of ignorance or worse, didn't get it.

Trump has openly said if elected again, he will subvert the Constitution and prosecute his political enemies. I do not understand how anyone cannot see what he is saying. Every criticism he makes of others is an obvious projection of his own heart and intent. Chamberlain compromised with Hitler in Munich. We should not do the same with Trump.

We have been given a chance to learn from the tragic mistakes that put Hitler in power. Let us learn from from
history rather than repeat it.

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