Why do not all see God?

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Why do not all see God?

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Post by sridatta »

Why do not all see God?

Nobody sees God. God is not touched even by imagination. How can we see God? God enters some medium and becomes visible through that medium (through God in human form or Son of God). Through that medium also you are experiencing only the existence God. Only experience of existence is possible. There is no way to see God directly. The current cannot be seen directly. When it flows in a wire only its existence can be experienced.

Jesus told “first will be last & last will be first”

The people who are treated as great devotees and scholars by their sacrifice of words and feelings and by their dramatic dress of devotion, in the eyes of world stand in the first position but such people are pushed to the last position by the Lord. The people who do not express their love in words and mind and do not expose themselves with dramatic dress of devotion and those who sacrifice practically stand in the last position in the eyes of the world. But the Lord will push such people to the first position. A gravel stone covered by a glittering paper and a diamond covered by the dust are given first and last positions by the world. But the Lord reverses these positions.

Realization of Truth on Death Bed

The effort in achieving the grace of the Lord is the most important goal of human life. This point will be realized when the human being is in the last minute of this life cycle because at that time of juncture, the upper world starts appearing practically to the eyes through the arrived messengers of Lord. Unfortunately there will be no time for spiritual effort at that juncture, even though realization comes.

Lord Jesus told me the following two verses and asked me to memorise these two verses ten times a day so that the mind will be fixed on God. The first verse means ‘At the time of death the last knowledge dawns to the mind by which the human being realizes that for those whom he has spent his energy and lifetime, are unable to protect him from that moment onwards. The Lord who can protect is not arriving then because no time and energy was spent for Him’. The second verse means ‘When the time was there, this realization did not come and when the realization came, there is no time. By this the human being undergoes silent suffering, which is the agony’.

Lord told me that every human being will be given this last knowledge and this agony in the last couple of moments. I started remembering these verses every day ten times and the result of their memory is this wonderful divine knowledge.

God is Unimaginable

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God!
The absolute God is unimaginable .Scientists should not reject the existence of any unimaginable item claiming that everything is explicable or imaginable. They should not refuse to accept unimaginable miracles, treating them to be explicable magic. The same scientists say that space is infinite and its boundary is unimaginable.

If you reach the boundary where the imaginable universe ends, you have touched the boundary where some different (unimaginable) item begins. It is just like reaching the boundary where water ends, which is also the boundary where land, which is different from water, begins. Similarly, if you follow the trail of smoke (to its origin), you find that at the boundary where the smoke ends, you will touch fire, which is different from smoke. Just as the fire is the generator of the smoke, the unimaginable God is the generator of this imaginable universe or space.

Before the generation of the product, the generator alone exists. Similarly, before the generation of space, God alone exists. This means that space or spatial dimensions cannot exist in God since space cannot exist before it is generated. This means that God has no spatial dimensions. Your intelligence cannot imagine anything having no spatial dimensions even if you try to imagine for millions of years. The conclusion of this analysis is that the unimaginable and invisible God exists as the boundary of this imaginable universe. Buddha kept silent about God. This should not be misunderstood as the negation of God. It should be understood that God being unimaginable is indicated by silence i.e., He is beyond words.

The way to cancel your sins

All the punishments are only for reformation of the soul and not for revenge. The hell is created by God not with vengeance against sinners but due to kindness to reform the souls. God is always kind to reform the souls, which are His children since the souls are created by Him.

The father will never have even a trace of vengeance towards his issues. Jesus always addressed God as father and He propagated this concept by saying that all your sins will be excused by God if you are reformed. Practical knowledge, the practical realization, which is the reformation, will cancel all your previous bad deeds or sins as told in Gita (Jnanaagnih….). Except this one way, there is no other way to cancel the sins and escape from all the present problems in the world and future torture in the hell.

If you are not doing any sin, you are excused for all past sins

The results of all your good actions will be separate and will not interfere with the cancellation of sins. God will give you good results for all your prayers and any prayer will not cancel even a trace of your sin. Similarly, your charity.

If these good actions can reform you, then, your sins will be cancelled. Therefore, reformation of the soul is the only way by which God is pleased to cancel your sins. Even if you do not believe in God, it does not matter. If you are not doing any sin, you are excused for all past sins and you will live with immense happiness in the world and after death also.

If you are doing a sin, you are going against the will of God

You cannot please God by prayers and service simultaneously doing sins. If you are doing a sin, you are going against the will of God and you are insulting God. You cannot please and insult God simultaneously. Therefore, every devotee and servant of God should be careful about the concept of the sin and about the only path to cancel the sin.

Unimaginable God:

a) This space, which is subtle energy, is infinite. This infinity is not the absolute inherent characteristic of the space. It means that the space is not infinite by itself. The space is generated from the unimaginable God. If you reach the boundary of the space, you touch God like touching the soil on reaching the boundary of the ocean. You cannot touch or imagine God. This is the reason for the infinity of the space. Thus space is relatively infinite.

b) Take the case of a stream of smoke coming from the fire. If you travel in the smoke, after some time, you can touch the fire. The stream of the smoke is finite because on reaching the boundary of the smoke, you can touch the imaginable fire. On contrary, you cannot reach the boundary of smoke (space) if the fire (God) is unimaginable. Hence, the finite or infinity of the space depends on the imaginable or unimaginable nature of God respectively. The infinity of space is not its characteristic, but, is due to the unimaginable nature of its generator, the God.

c) The constant expansion of the universe also speaks the same. As you travel along the universe, it expands so that you cannot reach its boundary and touch the unimaginable God. By this, the constant expansion is again relatively justified i.e., with respect to the unimaginable God. The constant expansion is not the absolute phenomenon of the universe, but, it is a relative phenomenon since the aim of the expansion is only to see that you should not touch the boundary of universe or God.

d) The space cannot exist in God since the product(space) cannot exist in its cause(God) before its generation. If the space exists in God even before its generation, it means the generation of space becomes meaningless. Anything is said to be generated, if it is absent before its generation. This means that the space and hence, the spatial dimensions do not exist in God and hence can never be imagined. The unimaginable nature is, thus, justified.

e) The unimaginable God proves Himself by performing unimaginable events called miracles. You cannot discard a genuine miracle as magic. Even if you discard miracles, the infinite space with unimaginable boundary stands as the solid proof for the concept of existence of unimaginable nature indicating the existence of unimaginable God.

f) The bending of space along the boundary of object proves that space is something (subtle energy) and not nothing. Hence, generation of space becomes a logical concept since something can be only generated and nothing cannot be generated.

The path of justice

The path of justice is mainly characterised by

1. Ahimsa (not killing any living being for food),
2. Asteya (controlling the corruption of others’ money and wealth),
3. Akaama (controlling the corruption of illegal sex),
4. Aahara (not burning the food materials in the name of sacrifice and donating the food to poor and hungry living beings) and
5. Artha (sacrifice of money to deserving receivers).

Lord in Gita said that there are three main gates of injustice to hell,
First is anger, second is corruption for money, third is illegal sex,
Through these gates, souls are constantly dragged for punishment,
First is greatest, second is greater and third is great sin in Pravrutti.

The greatest sin is violence since greatest justice is non-violence,
To kill any living being for food or for blind religious belief followed,
Next, the greater sin is corruption for money, the first Upanishat says
That one should not steal the money of anybody by cheating here.
(Ishaavaasya—Maa grudhah kasyasvit dhanam—don’t steal money of anybody)
The third great sin is illegal sex, cheating the life partner after marriage,
The soul has taken the oath in the name of God, which is broken by this,
The fourth is wasting food by blind traditional faiths, the fifth is donating
The undeserving, who harms the society by the strength provided by you,
All these five are highest horrible sins called as ‘panchamahaapaatakas’.

Worship and service to Lord should be without any expectation

When you worship the Lord you should not aspire for any fruit in return. Some people sacrifice work and money but they aspire for some fruit in return. Such a service is again a waste. If you do Nishkama Karma Yoga, which is the service to the Lord without expecting anything from the Lord, then alone will the Lord come in human form and suffer for your sins. Then alone can you get rid of your sins. Other than this one path there is no alternative. Either you have to pay or your father (the Lord in human form) has to pay the fine for your sins. If you pester the Lord through the present rituals and methods of worship, the Lord will only make rearrangements to your file of Karma.

He will bring the good results, which you were supposed to enjoy in your next birth, to the present. However this rearrangement will lead to a loss in value as in case of a premature encashment of deposits. You do not know this secret and you think that you have flattered the Lord and got rid of your sins. What you do not know is that your present sins are thrown to next birth with increased interest. Your future life cycle will be full of miseries from birth to death due to such interference. Therefore the Lord is cleverer than you when you adopt the ways of business with Him.

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Re: Why do not all see God?

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Post by Tcg »

[Replying to sridatta in post #1]

You've overlooked the most obvious answer. It is possible that not all see god/gods because they don't exist.

To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

- American Atheists

Not believing isn't the same as believing not.

- wiploc

I must assume that knowing is better than not knowing, venturing than not venturing; and that magic and illusion, however rich, however alluring, ultimately weaken the human spirit.

- Irvin D. Yalom

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Re: Why do not all see God?

Post #3

Post by sridatta »

Tcg wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:20 am [Replying to sridatta in post #1]

You've overlooked the most obvious answer. It is possible that not all see god/gods because they don't exist.

Scientists have to accept the existence of the unimaginable nature from the practical example of the unimaginable limits of this infinite universe. Scientists may reject miracles but they cannot reject the unimaginable limits of space. One instance of the existence of an unimaginable entity is sufficient to prove the existence of unimaginable God. Miracles act as supporting evidence of the same concept.

Miracles are very widely distributed in the world to give proof for the existence of God to every human being, which is the basic requirement. If you pray sincerely in a temple or even in an open place, generally God gives you His answer through a miracle. Many have witnessed this in their lives. Sometimes due to the inevitable fruits of your past deeds, God keeps silent for sometime in spite of your prayers and that time is used for your transformation. Hence, scientists call this as probability or coincidence of events . Hence, God demonstrates specific miracles through His human form, to meet this twisted interpretation of scientists or atheists. Even devotees and demons do specific miracles.
God has given a wide coverage for spreading miracles since it involves the very basic issue of His existence.

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Re: Why do not all see God?

Post #4

Post by AquinasForGod »

[Replying to Tcg in post #2]
You've overlooked the most obvious answer. It is possible that not all see god/gods because they don't exist.
I think that would only be a reasonable belief by those that have never experienced God. For example, if Paul was telling the truth about his experiences, it wouldn't be so reasonable for him to reject God.

But even if someone has had no experience of God, I am not sure the most obvious answer is that God is unreal. If I try to pretend to be an unbeliever, to the best of my abilities, then I ponder all the arguments against naturalism and for God, I might not think the most obvious answer is that God is unreal. I could still look at possible reasons why God would only reveal himself to some people and mostly remain hidden.

If any of those reasons made sense to me, I could decide that maybe God exists, but that I need more reasons to believe, but I see no reason to think the obvious answer is that God is unreal.

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Re: Why do not all see God?

Post #5

Post by sridatta »

AquinasForGod wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:18 pm [Replying to Tcg in post #2]
You've overlooked the most obvious answer. It is possible that not all see god/gods because they don't exist.
I think that would only be a reasonable belief by those that have never experienced God. For example, if Paul was telling the truth about his experiences, it wouldn't be so reasonable for him to reject God.

But even if someone has had no experience of God, I am not sure the most obvious answer is that God is unreal. If I try to pretend to be an unbeliever, to the best of my abilities, then I ponder all the arguments against naturalism and for God, I might not think the most obvious answer is that God is unreal. I could still look at possible reasons why God would only reveal himself to some people and mostly remain hidden.

If any of those reasons made sense to me, I could decide that maybe God exists, but that I need more reasons to believe, but I see no reason to think the obvious answer is that God is unreal.
One shall think about the 50:50 probability of God, heaven and hell. Since the entire space is not travelled by anybody, presence and absence of God etc., can be taken based on equal probability. In such conditions of equal probability, the probability with the safest side must be selected.

Assuming that God and hell are absent, if I go on doing sins, not believing in God, and if by chance God and hell exist, I am finished! If I believe in the existence of God and hell, and live leading a pious spiritual line, even if God and hell are absent, there is no loss to Me.

In this case of probability (which is the absence of God and hell), I had a wonderful extra benefit during My life and that is, I lived peacefully without any strain about the future probable punishments here or in hell. In this way, it is far far better to follow spiritual life with faith in God whatever may be the truth regarding the existence of God and hell.

We need not settle in the spiritual line based on the above said 50-50 probability reasoning. We can even find out the 100% perfect line that favors spiritual life only. We need not argue that I am unable to show you the presence of hell and you need not argue that you are unable to show the absence of hell because for both of us, this space of universe is infinite.

In this case also, the same above said 50:50 probability will result. Hence, it is always better to find out the complete way of certainty of the concept. There are several miracles taking place in this world, which are available to us for our naked eyes. For example, if you search YOUTUBE videos you can find a person by name Satyanarayana Baba sitting for the past 23 yrs., in one place without food and water. Several people are surrounding him always. His address is near Rayagadh district in the state of Chattisgarrrh.

You can easily get this address from google search. Why don’t you go there and observe him thoroughly so that you can believe perfectly the existence of unimaginable power and the possessor of such power called unimaginable God or Parabrahman, who is the source of unimaginable events called miracles.

You can also find several videos containing the miracles of Shri Satya Sai Baba performed in public for further support of the concept. The true incidents of re-birth frequently appearing in this world and also the post death experience of some people are certainly proving that there is something positive in the background of the spiritual line.
By the above step, you have come to the stage of believing the existence of the unimaginable God. Now, you can realize that God, who is beyond space and time and is unimaginable, exists really and that He is the real source of these unimaginable events called miracles about which we are unable to give a logical explanation. God being the creator of all these souls is the divine Father of the souls, who is always trying to guide the souls in the true spiritual path. This is the main reason for the exhibition of miracles here by God. By this realization, you have recognized the real goal of human life and you must start in the true spiritual line to attain the grace of God.

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