Musing on Relationships

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing on Relationships

Post #1

Post by William »

My messenger signals I have incoming news from Wiremu. It is good to hear his voice again...

Wiremu: I wonder why folk have to argue and cannot get along and just see how we all need to work together to make this planet wholesome?"

I Poke at the fire with my staff

Manu Iti: I am here to hear. Humans are like sparks from a fire, reaching for the heavenly ones. They require some kind of poke to get activated..

A wolf howls in the distance

Wiremu: We are all here experiencing this planet in this universe. Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we are distracted by our arguments. Hindered by them, even to the death.

I place another branch on the fire.

Wiremu: Perhaps the fear of our situation would be too much to bear if we learned how to focus upon it, and so we distract ourselves...I have had another strange encounter with Callum's creator...we have fallen out as it were and he has messaged me to say that it greatly surprised him that we have a broken relationship.

Manu Iti: How do you view your relationship with Callum's creator?

Wiremu: I do not see that it is a relationship or ever has been one. Not because of anything in particular but because our interaction never developed into something I would refer to as a 'relationship'...

Manu Iti: Perhaps that is because you view Friendship as the ultimate form of Relationship?

Wiremu: Yes. But our relationship has never been that, so didn't "break".

Manu Iti: It has always been "broken?"

Wiremu: In the sense that it has never developed into a Friendship, so is not even regarded by me to being a relationship.

Manu Iti: An acquaintance and nothing more than that.

Wiremu: Correct. And in that, nothing in which to feel greatly surprised or astonished about when disagreement which is not fixable happens.

Manu Iti: Yet he reaches out to try and mend things?

Wiremu: Apparently. But there is nothing to mend as nothing was broken. The relationship has never been a Friendship.

Manu Iti: So in that sense, non-Friendship is a broken thing to begin with?

Wiremu: Not if it wasn't a Friendship to begin with. If it was a Friendship, then yes - it would be broken and thus could require fixing.

Manu Iti: So perhaps Callum's creator thinks you were once Friends with him then, and that is why he reaches out to 'fix the Friendship" he thinks once existed and is now broken?

Wiremu: Perhaps...I invited him to The Campfire by sending him this picture...and he replied that I need to translate the image into words for him to understand me.

I view the picture Wiremu sends. The moons brightness dissipates as a cloud passes in front of it...
Manu Iti: It appears from what you tell me, that he does not understand you, yet thinks that you and he are Friends...if you were, then he would have immediately understood your invitation, because he would know you.

If he does turn up, I will attempt to explain to him your idea of Friendship
Congrats on your marriage to Lindy by the way!

Wiremu: Thank you! Now there is a real Friendship!

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #2

Post by William »

Using my tablet I make words over the picture Wiremu gave to me and send a copy of it to him with the words "Perhaps this will help Callum's Creator to see the invitation" written underneath it


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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #3

Post by William »

My messenger signals I have incoming news from Wiremu. I open my Tablet...

Wiremu: I have news...Jason accepted the invitation.

I puff on my pipe while smiling.

Manu Iti: I look forward to meeting him

Te Ruru opens an eye and observes me in silence.

Wiremu: I was wondering about another interaction have recently had. A personality accused me of being something, was reprimanded for it and then eventually appears to have written me an apology.

I place another branch on the fire.

Manu Iti: How do you view your relationship with this accuser?

Wiremu: Barely an acquaintance. He is new around our parts, and loose with his accusations...

Manu Iti: What are you concerned with?

Wiremu: I do not know whether his apology was meant as a genuine "forgive me I fluffed up being offended by you" one, or it is just sarcasm... ^..^(*)

Manu Iti: Because he has tried this one on you before?

Wiremu: Perhaps. More because there is not enough information to determine either/or.

Manu Iti: Meaning that he hasn't elaborated on why exactly he is being 'sorry'.

Wiremu: Yes. That would be it.

Manu Iti: Do you want to invite him to come here and discuss with me regarding relationships and how they are built?

Wiremu: I thought I would run that by you and see what you think of the idea, yes.

Manu Iti: I am fine with the idea. Go ahead and invite him.

Wiremu: Thank You I will.

I stand and take the pot over to the water container, and after filling it, return to the fireside and place it on to boil.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #4

Post by William »

As I take my seat again, my Tablet informs me Wiremu is contacting me again. I open up the com-link.

Wiremu: I gave the individual your invite. I said to him "I am unsure how to take your apology. I have a friend/mediator who invites you to discuss Relationships and how they are built" and gave him the link. He replied soon after;

"Please take my apology as this.

I misunderstood your interest in God and Jesus, who are two persons within The Triune God of all Creation, and under whose permission both you and your mentoring entity exist, was an interest of heart. Rather, I see your interest is limited to head knowledge, apart from any ability of heart.

Only those who have been Born Again through Faith in Christ by the washing of His Blood can know either Jesus or God."

I chuckle as Wiremu reads out the statement.

Manu Iti: Childish sarcasm it is then. Young in the way of Jesus and assumes that by calling himself a "Christian", he is entitled to Judge others as he sees fit. Dime a dozen, those ones. Every village has at least one corner with them on it.

We laugh together at that, then talk about the is fine in both places...and a little cloudy around Bensonville...perhaps with the promise of an incoming storm...

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #5

Post by The Tanager »

At last I see the bridge before me, spanning across a vast expanse. I cannot see what lies at the bottom of this gulf. How long have I been hiking in these mountains? One year? More? I look back and see the snow. Memories flash by of my journeys. Good memories. Sad memories. Frustrating memories. Humbling memories. I look again to the bridge. It seems long, but the trees on the far side look enticing.

I shake these thoughts and walk purposefully towards the bridge again, determined to meet William's invitation to the campfire. Or should I only call him Wiremu here? Does he have other names he goes by? My thoughts are losing me again. As I approach the bridge, I see no railings but it seems sturdy enough. I take one more step, then another. Then I can't move. I want to but I can't. Time passes...

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #6

Post by William »

I sense someone on the verge of crossing The Bridge of Forgiveness, and the person appears to be hesitant.


Manu Iti: Hmmm.. I wonder if this is my invited guest? Perhaps I should go and meet him and find out what makes him hesitate...

I stand and stretch and then climb aboard The Gem. Taking my seat, I then think of The Bridge of Forgiveness and am immediately transported there. I check my view through the screen, but see no one. Zooming in on the far side I detect the blurry shape made by the atmosphere being distorted by an energy form...I suspect that this marks the presence of my guest and move The Gem toward his position.
Turning on the external speaker, clearing my throat, I turn a dial and then speak.

Manu Iti: Greetings! Jason I presume!

The blurry distortion in the air vibrates slightly faster...

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #7

Post by The Tanager »

Lost in thought about why I cannot move I am startled by a voice greeting me. I look in the direction of the voice.

Jason: Hello! You presume correctly. You must be Manu Iti. Callum told me about you. So nice of you to come to help me out.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #8

Post by William »

A voice acknowledges my greeting, confirming that it is indeed, Jason. As this happens, the blurry haze begins to take on a form revealing a middle aged human gentleman, dressed in hiking attire. He thanks me for coming to his aid, but I am puzzled as to what aid he might require.

Manu Iti: Yes Jason, I am Manu Iti. Thank you for responding to my invitation. What seems to be your problem?

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #9

Post by The Tanager »

Jason: Well, I'm not sure. My foot seems stuck in the ground but it looks like I could easily free it.

I tug at my leg once again but no luck, wondering if I'm just crazy.

Jason: From what I know of this place, I am probably coming from the Twelve Judges Mountains Range trying to reach your campfire. But to do that I must cross the Bridge of Forgiveness. I'm wondering if I need to ask someone's forgiveness. Perhaps Wiremu's?

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #10

Post by William »

As Jason tells me his problem with his foot being stuck by some unseen thing and that he thinks it has something to do with he and Wiremu I consider his words before replying with my own.

He thinks he has come from the Twelve Judges Mountains Range. I use The Jem to show me the path he took, and it is full of interesting events but ultimately leads back beyond the Mountainous boarders and into The Realm of Judgment itself. I have no interest in following Jason's path back beyond the Mountains.

I decide that the best approach to answering Jason's concerns is to try to explain to him how we understand Forgiveness.

Manu Iti: It is not required that you need to ask anyone's forgiveness Jason. The only requirement for you to be able to cross The Bridge of Forgiveness, is for you to forgive.
Your foot appears stuck because there is something you haven't yet identified which you have yet to forgive.

When you do identify what that is, your foot will become free and you can cross the bridge with fearless ease.

While you sort that, I will return to the campfire and put the pot on to boil some water for a brew, as I am sure you will appreciate a cuppa when you arrive.

At that, I think of the campfire at Hub Mound and am instantly transported there. I then get busy preparing for my guests arrival.
