irrefutable truth?

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irrefutable truth?

Post #1

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

some people mime intelligence. they don't know a single true fact about us, about life. all we know is from experience. even mendeleev's periodic table is a deduction. it is logical, it is the only explanation, but no one saw an atom, an electron, a proton, a neutron ever.

mendeleev was a christian, do you know a discovery made by an evolutionist? let's hear about it

the biggest discovery made by the particle accelerator is the web, something they never thought, billions and billions euros spent. second discovery was cheaper solar panels

all is infinite big and infinite small, what are you waiting to discover? free energy?time machine? immortality? this is what satan promised us that we will become wise like God

let's hear what "we" know for sure

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Re: irrefutable truth?

Post #2

Post by Divine Insight »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: free energy?time machine? immortality? this is what satan promised us
Don't you have this wrong? Wasn't it Jesus who promised us immortality? :-k

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: let's hear what "we" know for sure

We know for sure that science has reveled truth. The very computer you are typing on would not work if science was wrong.

We also know for sure that the Bible is false. There can be no doubt due to the extreme contradictions the Biblical story tells.

Let's look at the one of the greatest contradictions in Christian theology.

1. The God of the Bible must be unchanging.

The Bible demands that we can trust God. This means that God cannot be changing his character on a whim. Yet this is precisely what the Biblical God does.

In the Old Testament the Biblical God judges me to be sinners and drowns them in a great flood. While we may see this as being a violent act, at least it's consistent with his brutal behavior. We can "trust" this God to kill us if we displease him.

2. God's character changes dramatically.

But then we have the New Testament where God comes to earth pretending to be his own Son. He then arranged to have humans brutally crucify him on a pole, and then we are told that this act of God was done to offer us free amnesty for being sinners.

Not only this, but while he's alive on earth he tells us to ignore all his previous instructions and to behave differently. Although, I'm not sure why our behavior would be important anymore since he is supposedly now offering us undeserved amnesty that we supposedly cannot even earn on our own merit anyway. (that's a contradiction in and of itself)

So now who is to trust God? We certainly can't trust God not to change his mind and character since he just did precisely that. And if he did it once, then he might do it again. So all trust has instantly gone out the window.

Now we have a God that can no longer be trusted to be consistent.
let's hear what "we" know for sure
Well, we can know for sure that the God described in Christian mythology cannot be trusted to remain the same in either character, or in what he expects from us.

That alone should be enough to dismiss these ancient tales as clearly being false.
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Re: irrefutable truth?

Post #3

Post by Divine Insight »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: immortality? this is what satan promised us that we will become wise like God
According to the Christian Bible Satan was simply telling the truth. Try reading Genesis Chapter 3.

Satan told Eve that if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil her eyes would be opened and she would see as the Gods see things.

And that's exactly what happened, right? So Satan told the truth.

Satan also know of the "Tree of Life" that Adam and Eve could eat from and magically obtain eternal life.

Again, Genesis confirms that such a magical tree did indeed exist in the Garden of Eden.

So all the Satan ever did was tell Adam and Eve the truth.

And for that the evil jealous God of the Bible cursed Satan to crawl on his belly and eat dirt for the rest of his life.

For doing what? Telling the truth? :-k

Apparently the Biblical God despises truth, for the Bible tells us so.
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Re: irrefutable truth?

Post #4

Post by brunumb »

[Replying to post 1 by cristian_gavrilescu]
even mendeleev's periodic table is a deduction. it is logical, it is the only explanation, but no one saw an atom, an electron, a proton, a neutron ever.

mendeleev was a christian, do you know a discovery made by an evolutionist? let's hear about it
Discoveries made by applying the scientific method are not conditional on religious beliefs. Darwin was a Christian, but that did not prevent him from going where the evidence took him. The Theory of Evolution (ToE) has withstood attacks from creationists for 150 years and is stronger than ever. Disagreeing with it is not the same as demonstrating that it is wrong. If there was irrefutable evidence that the ToE was wrong it would have been presented by now and those responsible for tearing it down would have received their Nobel prizes.
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Post #5

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

did you see electricity?

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Post #6

Post by Divine Insight »

Genesis 3:

[22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
[23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
[24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

See, Satan just told the truth.

And besides, why in the world a God put Adam and Eve in a Garden with a magical tree of the knowledge of good and evil and a magical tree of eternal life, if he didn't want them to eat from these trees?

The story makes no sense unless it was indeed written as total fantasy. Then we can understand why the authors would make up such silly things.
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Post #7

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

darwin is the beast

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Re: irrefutable truth?

Post #8

Post by Divine Insight »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: mendeleev was a christian, do you know a discovery made by an evolutionist? let's hear about it
There are no such things as "evolutionists". That just make-believe tribal warfare created by religious zealots.

And yes Mendeleev was a Christian as was Darwin. So why would these Christians discover things that go against Christian theology? That makes no sense.

Let's not forget that at one time Christian theology demanded that the earth was the center of creation. We know that's not true. Surely you're not going to try to cling to that obviously false idea.

Christianity is based on many misguided and false ideas. Why keep pushing it?

Why not accept reality?

If you want to believe in a God, you can still do so. There are religions that have survived the discovery of truths of reality. Buddhism is completely compatible with all known science.

So if you want to believe in a God why not go with a theology that's at least compatible with reality?

Christian theology is not only incompatible with known truths of reality, but it's not even self-consistent in terms of it's own dogma. It's it's a self-discredited theology.

I don't even need to turn to science to see that the Bible is false. The Bible shoots itself in its own feet.
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Post #9

Post by Divine Insight »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: darwin is the beast
The truth of evolution would have come out without Darwin. Darwin was simply credited with the first observational evidence that revealed the truth of evolution.

In fact, there were other people who were already suspecting that life evolved before Darwin. The problem is that they didn't have sufficient evidence to make a compelling case for their realization.

Keep in mind, that Christianity ruled back in those days. To suggest that life could evolve without the hand of God was seen as heresy. So it wasn't something that anyone wanted to propose without sufficient evidence to back up the the claim.

But yeah, of course you need to believe that anyone who speaks out against the Biblical God is Satan. Because that's what the Biblical mythology has taught you to believe. You can certainly point to Biblical scriptures that make these claims. But so what? We can point to Greek mythology about Zeus too, but that doesn't make all the claims about Zeus true.
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Post #10

Post by brunumb »

[Replying to post 9 by Divine Insight]

Alfred Russel Wallace was actually pipped at the post by Darwin. There is an excellent book showing how, long before Darwin, there were already people who had similar inklings about how the diversity of species came to be.
Darwin's Ghosts: The Secret History of Evolution
by Rebecca Stott
George Orwell:: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Voltaire: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
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