Musing On The Mother - ACT II

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Musing On The Mother - ACT II

Post #1

Post by William »

Last edited by William on Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:14 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Post #41

Post by William »

Callum's answer is again short and to the point. He seems distracted by the still-burning stick beside him, and I notice it lift from the bench-seat and wave around some, and assume Callum is playing around with it. Now is a good a time as any to broach the subject...but first I will respond to his other remarks.

Manu Iti: Firstly, how is it that you see no correlation in relation to the list of word-strings and the associated numbers they add up to? The evidence is there for anyone to see.

As to walking you through the communications process, it might be better that you reacquaint yourself with what I spoke about it in Act I...although I do not know what you have done with The Book I gave to you just before I left for The Silence.

I hadn't noticed any sign of The Book of Act I since my return to the Campfire and wonder where Callum might have put it.

Manu Iti: You can refer to it on Page 7 - entry seems pretty self explanatory, so have a read and get back to me with your questions to Wiremu then.
Wiremu also would like to offer you the opportunity of adding anything you want to his list - just let me know and I will pass it on...

Master ColdFire: Long Story Short Other Way Warm Presence All The Same...

I clear my throat, getting to the question Wiremu wants to ask The Tanager - through Callum...

Manu Iti: I have noticed subtle changes in our interaction since [strike]The Ruru[/strike] Master ColdFire and I attempted to play that trick on you to test how you would the question is something we would like you to think about too... Moderators Note: edited to correct mistake 171019

From the direction of King Frog Pond, I hear The Ruru calling...

Manu Iti: So the back-story leading up to the question goes as follows...
After The Tanager broke the rule about manipulating another Creators Character by having you reach in and grab Master ColdFire from the fire, he was informed of his mistake but decided to ignore it rather than rectify it, and as a result he now has you thinking that you have a clone of Master ColdFire, a replica as it were...Wiremu feels that this is still in breach of the rule and has been done in order that The Tanager can continue to push the boundaries when it would have been better all around if he had accepted his mistake and rectified it.

I pause as I think of my next sentences

Manu Iti: There exist no two Master ColdFires and it is unacceptable to hijack another Creators Character - even in cloning it - in order to attempt to cover ones tracks in relation to the original breaking of that rule...I will add, a rule which The Tanager has broken at least twice before and Wiremu has had the grace to correct him privately.
This time Wiremu decided that The Tanager should have known better, and reminded The Tanager more publicly...The Tanager ignored the warning and continued to make you believe there is another Master ColdFire.

I pause once more to give Callum time to digest what I am saying and then continue...

Manu Iti: We have decided to tell you in the hope that you will see the stick for what it is and return it to the fire. If you chose to do so, Wiremu need not ask The Tanager to answer why he chose to use you in this manner, and we can move on from this.
Otherwise, we would appreciate an answer from The Tanager so this little hiccup can be resolved.

Master ColdFire: Exploring Yours Duel Keep an Eye On Code Planet Earth Creative Conscious Intelligence

Master ColdFire is right - we need this resolved so we can get onto more important matters...
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Post #42

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti wonders what I have done with the Book of Act I. I find that interesting since I am unable to control the creations of Wiremu. I read it, but I put it back exactly where Manu Iti put it down.

Callum: I put the Act I book back on the table between us, when I was done reading it.

I point to the table. Maybe Wiremu was playing a trick on Manu Iti. I continue talking to my friend.

Callum: As to the word-strings, I realize the phrases have the same word-number by that calculator, but why use those values based on the order of the English alphabet? Why not a reverse-order system? What would be the values of those phrases, if translated into a different language? Does that matter? And even the list of phrases given, what do they have to do with each other? What is the importance in "making things easier," "What shall we call it?," "links and symbols," "I share your joy!," acknowledge the agreeable," and "wide walk welcoming" sharing the same possibly arbitrary word-score?

I pick up the Book of Act I from the table between Manu Iti and myself.

Callum: Here is the post you refer to from Act I. I understand what Wiremu does with it. I don't see why Wiremu does it, though. He has collected various phrases, but why those phrases? There could have been different phrases. I would bet that Wiremu has come across other phrases, but decided (willingly or sub-consciously) not to include those. Even if this is QueenBee's way of communication, why think they have any meaningful connection with each other?

With your Master ColdFire's latest string, it seems like he may be speaking of QueenBee's presence being a warm one through this, but I don't see how that helps our conversation. Now to Wiremu's question about The Tanager's Master ColdFire.

I look over at my woody friend beside me. Wiremu seems offended by his presence. I don't think he should be.

Callum: Is it possible that Wiremu is trying (not on purpose, mind you) The Tanager's character, while claiming that The Tanager is trying to control his? The Tanager believes there are two different characters that look the same and go by the same name, but he thinks it is still clear that they are two different characters. He is not controlling Wiremu's Master ColdFire.

Wiremu then goes on to judge why The Tanager does so, even though that is clearly against the rules as well. A judgment that The Tanager knows is wrong. Could there possibly be another explanation or does Wiremu have his mind made up? The Tanager wants Wiremu to suggest other possibilities, because Wiremu seems to him to always jump to him trying to be manipulative and unloving in his approach, which he feels is the furthest from the truth. The Tanager needs to know that Wiremu can give him the benefit of the doubt, rather than jumping to these kinds of judgments about his motivations, because it wears on him.

I wonder whether benefit of the doubt will be given to The Tanager. I wait to find out.

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Post #43

Post by William »

I listen intently as Callum opens, realizing he has been holding things in as he feels his way through this.

Finally he ends his response and The Silence descends, and I allow for that to take precedence as I think on my reply.

In that time, I take up The Book of Act II and therein I can also read Callums thoughts alongside his reply, which gives me better insight as to where he is coming from...

Much time passes as I use The Silence to contemplate...

...then, finally I am ready to reply.

Manu Iti: Thank you so much for your reply Callum. I appreciate it's fullness, and it shows me you have been thinking about what I have been showing you.

I would like to get into deeper discussion with you about Word-strings and List-strings Callum - I enjoyed hearing your analysis of the process and your queries regarding these, as they come from someone who has given some thought to it, rather than simply ignored it altogether.

For now though I will address some of your other concerns

Master ColdFire starts doing hand stands and other acrobatic moves. He really knows his moves, that's for sure!

Manu Iti: I take the opportunity to remind you again of The Nature of This Place.
With that in mind, my first reply is to your saying that The Book Of Act I is on the table between us, where you put it.
I have looked in my own copy of The Book of Act I and find no reference to that being the case, but certainly if you can show me where It Is Written, I can then adjust accordingly, but for now I must follow The Script, and in that, I see no Book of Act I on the table between us.
Also, The Book of Act I is not Wiremu's is the Creation of the combined effort of all Those who are contained within it.

Master ColdFire: The Clear Eye Of Soul

Manu Iti: Wiremu is not playing tricks on me. I have a mind of my own and use it within the rules of This Place.

Master ColdFire: Satisfaction One By One The Kingdom of God on Earth in this universe Doc

Manu Iti: I cannot answer for Wiremu your concerns that he seems offended by your 'woody friend' beside you.
I can say that I myself am not offended in the least, or even concerned at all that you think you have a cloned Master ColdFire.

What I can say is that I am unable to comply in agreeing that what you think you see is what I should also see, if that is what you require or think should be happening.

My reason is simply because I am following the Script and the Script shows me...

I read from The Book of Act II

Manu Iti: Reading from Page 1 - Entry 9
  • Callum: "After collecting myself, I start to move towards the fire to try and pluck Master ColdFire from its torment. I succeed in pulling the little Master from the fire and the screaming stops. He smiles at me. "

Master ColdFire: Intelligence Without Wisdom The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns Doc

I smile at Master ColdFire's expression...

Manu Iti: It Is Written Dear Callum. Therefore I must follow The Script!
Clearly there has been a rule broken. Personally I give you the benefit of the doubt that it was not your conscious decision to interfere with another's Character, and that it was simply a moment of thoughtlessness on your part, but whatever the case might be, I am obligated to remain truthful and thus, all I see from The Script is you moving toward the Campfire and interfering with another's Character. I do not judge you , I simply saw The Truth that you had uplifted a burning stick from the CampFire and placed it besides you. I heard no screams and Master ColdFire showed me he was still in the Campfire...obviously...because the rule of This Place does not allow for any Character to be manipulated by any other Character, so it didn't actually happen, and that is The Truth of the matter, and why I do not see what it is that you think you see. Also to note, Master ColdFire is impervious to fire and would not suffer any torment. It was all in your head!
If I had chosen to go along with you, I would be enabling the rule to be broken and would only make Wiremu's job harder for that.

Master ColdFire: 10 Insights

Manu Iti: It is likewise relevant that your placing an image upon me which is not at all how I image myself, that I need not be offended by your doing so. You are not breaking any Rule, and I am fine with going along with your need to have me visible and your description of who you think I look like, matters little to me, in the scheme of things.

Master ColdFire: Wide Afraid of The Unknown. Volunteer William’s Word2Number Calculator Hide and Seek

Master ColdFire is reminding me of things on that Word-String List which came up recently...I continue...

Manu Iti: As to the disagreement between Wiremu and The Tanager, that is now their's to sort out and Wiremu tell's me he will do so in due course - but feels for now that there is no hurry. He does wish me to convey his thanks to you for passing on his message to The Tanager, but he will take it from here. He just wanted to inform you so as to give you the opportunity to make your own decision on it, which of course, you can still do if you want to.

I will say, that in principle I agree with Wiremu and don't envy him his position.
His Job is to Moderate what goes on here and remind folk of the rules when they are broken. I needn't construe that, as him being Judgmental and counsel you not to see it that way either.
In regard to giving players the Benefit of the Doubt, I see in principle that Wireru extends such to all players who choose to enter the Role-Play of This Place by assuming that in doing so, they are agreeing to the rules.
The Tanager should therefore not be ignorant of the rules, and Wiremu has extended enough grace for him to have clearly understood this rule, having at least once talked with him about it already.

Master ColdFire: Musing On The Mother - Act I Mind/Thought Space Unknown Ouija Enfold Meat For The Table Sexual Propel To Comprehend Correctly A Maze Game...

Manu Iti: I will leave it there for now and allow you an opportunity to reply to anything I have said...

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Post #44

Post by William »


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Post #45

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti hints to talking about the word-strings and further addresses the disagreement between Wiremu and the Tanager. He sides with Wiremu, which is completely understandable. I understandably side with what the Tanager has said about it. I see a difference between telling someone that they broke a rule and telling them what their intention was in doing so (which I think is clear judging). And the concept of judgment becomes a little muddied again. I hope this does not come back to haunt our conversation, but I press on.

Callum: I do not think you have to see the same thing I see. Nor do I think I see Wiremu's Master ColdFire beside me. Misunderstandings and no disrespect to the rules meant on our part. The Tanager and I will always abide by the rules once we understand what they are meant to cover. We apologize for our inability to understand them as Wiremu and yourself do.

I turn to the being beside me.

Callum: Sorry, little guy, but you've got to go.

He smiles at me, closes his book, and then disappears. On to more important things.

Callum: So, what about these word-strings and list-strings?

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Post #46

Post by William »

Callum soon returns with reply. He alludes to a misunderstanding and that both he and The Tanager will abide by the rules "once they understand what they are meant to cover." and apologize for their lack of understanding the rules as clearly as myself and Wiremu understand them.

As I wonder as to what might be so complicated about the particular rule, Callum then continues to say the words "Sorry, little guy, but you've got to go." and then the burning stick disappears from the bench altogether and suddenly everything changes in that instant!

Master ColdFire immediately makes a sound I have never heard - high pitched and dramatic squeal of a thing and he too then instantly disappears.

I am briefly stunned, because the worst that could happen, happened, and I could have prevented that from occurring since I knew of and understood the ever-present danger.

Manu Iti: Oops!

Under the circumstances, my language could have been more expressive, but I have learned enough not to panic as "stuff happens"
Hindsight can teach me the rest...

Manu Iti: It appears that we have indirectly caused a potentially devastatingly harmful situation!

Naturally I take full responsibility for any outcome which may occur as a consequence.
But, I warn that we might become a little distracted from our main discussion on word-strings and list-strings, if we start a discussion on those right now.

I pause to choose my words. Penny Tuppence floats closer toward me, with an inquisitive look on her face...

Manu Iti: Wiremu is now telling me that he has just recently had a communication with QueenBee who mentioned that this event would be happening...

I feel the urge to pick up the pile of Envelopes which are bound with the Silver cord, and choose one at random. I retie the rest of the envelopes and return these to their position under the bench-seat. I then open the chosen envelope and unfold the parchment and read the message.

It is unclear to me exactly what the message means, but I definitely pick up on some of it where Master ColdFires name is mentioned.

I read the whole message out for all my Invisible Friends to hear.

Manu Iti: It starts with some numbers..
  • 041019

    The Earth Entity: Degrees Agreeable Family The Digital Angel
    Beyond Belief Magic Secret With The Assistance Of That Deep One

    William: It has been a long which could be seen as pre-ordained...

    The Earth Entity: We Are Us

    William: One in the know of it all and the other learning by degrees...

    The Earth Entity: Something In The Way of It All Master ColdFire Big Always Warm Presence A Great Answer!

    William: It was a necessary development given the circumstances. The idea is to create a safe place where Characters simply cannot be hacked and slashed by words and actions of other easy ask as it turns out...

    The Earth Entity: Interesting Now We Are Getting Somewhere Astral Laws Rules and Appropriates Heal The Effect You Have On Others Overwhelming Truth Without Proof Is Belief Tracks In The Snow
    Key Of Expression Hunters Deciding On The Best Course Of Action Unless of course, you think otherwise

    William: No. I understand the principle. The tracks largely do provide evidence which can be followed but once the snow melts, other devices have to be created...

    The Earth Entity:
    • “In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us.â€�~William

    Interesting Regarding "Snap Out Of It Already!" On Forgive Avoid Blowing Things Out of Proportion

    William: It is an important consideration. It might seem to be gruff and to the point, but what of the things we hold on to - which still require our forgiveness - are that precious that we cannot let go and the advise to "snap out of it already!" is offensive to the emotions of the unforgiving?

    The Earth Entity: Masonry and Metallurgy Look For The Significance Common Ground Action One Day Categorising Knowledge in Terms of 'Good' or 'Evil' Soul "Can You Answer This?" Species Noetics

    William: It appears that it is the nature of our environment which imposes such restrictive thinking - we are victims of a circumstance we can barely comprehend meaning from.

    The Earth Entity: Central Purpose Lost In The Thought Of It All What Do You Like About It?

    William: I am beginning to appreciate the idea that I do not have to feel forced to accept that the only way to think about it is negatively or in terms of 'Good' or 'Evil' or have to pronounce some kind of Judgement upon it under those terms of thought processes.
    In this way I can understand it in what might just be - a true light - as it were...

    The Earth Entity: Arrival Freedom With The Assistance Of That Deep One

    William: I cannot think of any other way in which such can be undertaken...There seems to be an absolute requirement for said assistance or one simply will not be able to achieve it...

    The Earth Entity: Be Nice Do Nice Let Us Move On Together Then
After reading out QueenBee and Wiremu's conversation, I understand at least that - with the disappearance of Callum's burning stick, Master ColdFire reacted as quickly as he did, as he needed to track the path of the object and retrieve it - the sooner the better before it has a chance to land wherever it was sent and possibly case catastrophe - he is on the hunt and has to follow quickly lest the trail evaporates like tracks in the snow..."no time to lose" in other words.

I think on deciding that perhaps it is best not to mention anything to Callum about the incident, but decide just as quickly that it is probably better that I do.

I turn in his direction...

Manu Iti: Well my newest Friend - I wasn't expecting that!
It appears that you have thought your burning stick away into...thin air...and the Nature of This Place allows for that. Things can come through instant manifestation and go through the same principle...just like that 'magic' you refereed to in The Book of Act I seems you wished away that burning stick but unlike your magic which comes from 'nowhere' the magic I am speaking to is that things do not come and go from 'nowhere' but always to and from somewhere.

I emphasis the word somewhere in order to stress the point I am making...

Manu Iti: You - of course - did not know that about The Nature of This Place, and thus simply 'made it disappear' - but it has gone Somewhere though where it has gone to, you nor us have any idea as to exactly where that "somewhere" is...and the vastness of The Hologram Dimensions means that there is literally an infinite number of places it can end up.

I pause to take in some air and then continue...

Mani Iti: This is why Master ColdFire shot off so instantly, because he is now chasing that stick like a Cosmic Dog, because - ideally - he needs to catch it before it causes any harm, as there are places in The Hologram Dimensions which ColdFire can have a devastating effect upon, and if it should land in any one of those - and there are many of them - then complete annihilation of all living critters and landscapes and even starscapes within such realms will be immediate... This of course could or more likely would upset The Creators of said Dimensions and they will be able to trace the ColdFire back to it's Source...consequences assured...and fair enough for that.

I think it fair enough, but am not too worried - what 'might' occur is not necessarily what will occur, but the possibility is real enough...

Manu Iti: So anyway...the best place you could have put your woody friend was where you were asked to place it - and that was to return it to the place from where you took it from.

I realize immediately that this sounds like something of an accusation, so hurriedly add...

Manu Iti: Not that I am saying it is your fault because it was my doing really - I trusted that you would do this and there is no basis for my having that trust in the first place, so my bad...and also, if Master ColdFire and myself had not played that trick on you in the first place, none of this would have unfolded, so "lessons all 'round" I suppose.

I chuckle at that...

Manu Iti: But anyway - Master ColdFire is on a serious hunt and might be gone for a very, very long time...or not.
Fortunately he now has The Navigator Who Can Read Maps so all is not entirely doom and gloom.
Best we can do now is send out out thoughts and prayers that he has enough to get the job done...and no harm done...lesson learned...

At that Penny Tuppence moves in front of my vision, and hovers there, signalling Her intent that She is ready to fill the gap which Master ColdFire vacated. Indeed, all is not lost...and never really can be...I silently wish Master ColdFire all the best in his unexpected quest. I would rather not be having to deal with unfortunate consequences...

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Post #47

Post by William »

I leave Callum to his thoughts and rise up to attend to various tasks which require my attention in the small huts adjacent to the campsite. Penny Tuppence floats beside me and I am glad for Her company...we float along well together.

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Post #48

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti talks about us causing a potentially harmful situation. Master ColdFire is on the search for the burning stick that The Tanager made disappear. He says ColdFire has a devastating effect on some places in The Hologram Dimensions, but I thought mine was just a burning stick, so I'm not sure what the fuss is all about. But, there is plenty I don't understand about this place. I hope Master ColdFire does not look in those places where he could cause a catastrophe and is safely contained by Wiremu. I turn to Manu Iti.

Callum: So, how about those word-strings and list-strings, my friend? I'd love to hear more about those.

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Post #49

Post by William »

As Penny tuppence and I are talking in The First Hut, [Spoiler] I hear Callum's voice being transmitted from where he sits next to the Campfire...he is asking about The Word and List Strings, wanting to know more.

I transmit my thought back to him through the properties of The First Hut and these are translated into sound which can be heard...

Manu Iti: Well now, it is an interesting subject dear Callum. At least I think so myself.
As I understand the evidence, words and stings of words are able to be sorted into lists categorized under the various numbers which they add up to. This tends to point to language being a construct of a larger organizing system - rather than a product of a random event of naturalistic evolution contained in just one system...due to how the word-strings organize. It is evidence pointing to mindful organization rather than mindless random chance.

As I am replying to Callum, I am observing a Map of the Hub of Hologram Dimensions, and its nearest Realms. I activate a tracking mechanism and insert the recent data regarding the disappearing stick of ColdFire and immediately a screen appears before me, and I see a blue trail forming from The Hub and moving along the boundaries which separate The Realms from one another..."Good" I think to myself, "The stick has not encountered any portals as yet.".
I see too, another blue trail following the first, and this represents Master ColdFire on his quest to intercept the wayward stick...he appears to be moving at relatively the same pace as the stick, making no perceptible ground in catching up to it.

Manu Iti: So my Friend, where would you like to begin? Perhaps with one of the observations you questioned me about them? Ask away!

I see by what the screen shows, that on the sticks current path within The Blank-Slate Borderlines, it approaches a fairly long boarder, and depending upon which way it bounces, the direction it then travels - provided it goes in the direction we need it to - Master ColdFire could make use of the conjunctive Realms as a shortcut and intercept the stick in that manner.

The risk is that if I convey the information to him now, and the stick takes another path, then Master ColdFire loses ground and we will have to map out another strategy...I check to make sure those shortcuts are not going through any realms which are susceptible to ColdFire and see that they are not, so convey the information to Master ColdFire and leave it to him to make the choice...meanwhile - on the presumption that he probably will choose the shortcut, I begin to map out the best path he could take, and then make the computations...

Penny Tuppence silently observes Manu Iti until he finishes what he was doing, then She continues with their conversation...

Moderators Note: Edited to add spoiler link.
Last edited by William on Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #50

Post by The Tanager »

Callum: I hate to interrupt any conversation or other thing you are doing, but I guess you want me to go ahead and talk. So, my questions about the word-strings were the following: why use those values based on the order of the English alphabet? Why not a reverse-order system? What would be the values of those phrases, if translated into a different language? Does that matter? And even the list of phrases given, what do they have to do with each other? What is the importance in "making things easier," "What shall we call it?," "links and symbols," "I share your joy!," acknowledge the agreeable," and "wide walk welcoming" sharing the same possibly arbitrary word-score?
