Notes related to the threads

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Notes related to the threads

Post #1

Post by William »

This thread is used to store information regarding the Threads
Last edited by William on Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Edit Explained

Post #2

Post by William »

Changed color from blue to green for Manu Iti:Manu Iti:@27

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Post #3

Post by William »

[center]Moderator Notes on edits made to this post:

{Agreeable thought from nearby: "... the capturing of The Truth is a type of be approached in the same manner that material science approaches what is able to be investigated..." }

Characters can choose the option of being able to read other characters minds, however, these will have to be assigned according to that, as in the above example:

{"Time goes by. Another time-line: the Earth/Moon meeting comes and goes."}

Links to other data in other universes can be given in this discreet manner (using "@" symbol only) and it is up to reader discretion as to whether they take a look or not.
As to other characters, such links may or may not be seen/accessed by said characters, as their creators choose.

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Post #4

Post by William »

Edited last line in post #32 of Musing On The Mother thread

The Alpha Wolf yawns , and begins to make circles, preparing to lie down to sleep...

Because I introduce the Alpha Wolf Entity later on in the narrative as a new arrival to the campsite. (post #54)

Also removed reference to Alpha Wolf Entity in post #29 the Alpha Wolf growls nearby...

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Post #5

Post by William »

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Post #6

Post by William »

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Post #7

Post by William »


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Post #8

Post by William »


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Post #9

Post by William »


Penny Tuppence: I Will The Effect You Have On Others For Your Greater Enjoyment.

Manu Iti: Yes - regardless of the Form you occupy, you appear to be at least helping in that process. Certainly I feel it is your choice to do so - to interact in this manner with me, here in This Place.
I intuit that there might be small changes in your manner of delivery as it were, depending upon the Form you occupy...

Penny Tuppence: Intention Realise Penny Tuppence Fine Line Intimacy Other Ways Of Using Your Lists Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.

I feel all gooie for an instant and then get back to practicalities as we draw near to the closest of the two Wooden Huts.

Penny Tuppence: Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!

Manu Iti: It is handy indeed to have a navigator - and one which can read Maps!

Penny Tuppence: Now We Are Getting Somewhere

As we reach the door of the first Hut, I think that the only way to get somewhere is to go there, unless of course, where you are is where you want to be...

Manu Iti: So we are on a journey going somewhere we would like to be...

Penny Tuppence: Get The Truth

I get out my Knapsack and find my Wand of Ambition and Passion., and use it to trace the outline of an archway onto the side of the first Hut. We then float through the entry created and into the Hut.
I speak aloud;

Manu Iti: Let There Be Light!

Immediately a source-less light partially illuminates the vast interior of The First Hut and I turn to see that the entrance I had created with my Wand, is no longer is simply vastness all around us and we, together, in The Center of it all.

Penny Tuppence: Well...Maybe I Am...

Manu Iti: Maybe you are what? The Truth?

Penny Tuppence: Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral Musing On The Mother I Am

I chuckle at that...

Manu Iti: Well that is interesting!

Our voices are not carried away on an echo, any more than they do in a small enclosure. The strangeness of that is not lost on me. The eye sees one thing and the ear hears something else...

Penny Tuppence: Freedom Besides Anger Properly Assuming Integrity Ship Shape

Manu Iti: Perfect...

Penny Tuppence: What The Gods See Now Here

Indeed. It appears I was created in order to help stumble upon something otherwise not too noticeable...especially in Wiremu's Universe, where his "QueenBee" Earth Planet Entity is like...

Manu Iti: A GOD in The Making?

Penny Tuppence: Believe You Me Intention Move The Solution Have One For Me Respect Mego Agenda Between Getting Over It = Getting On With It WindBlown All The Same Draw With The Silence

Manu Iti: No More "Drawing The Short Straw" is simply Born a GOD and in our circumstance we have to figure out what that actually meansfor our selves...

Penny Tuppence: Intelligence With Wisdom

Manu Iti: And fear neither, for they are Devices of The Gods.

Penny Tuppence: It Is Written. Positive Feedback Do You Know This Anger Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate Musing On The Mother - Act I Another Mind Open Separating any idea of GOD from All other Consciousness Jump To Conclusions Now Here Mind/Thought Space Computer Honest attempts at scrubbing up Please Noetics?

Manu Iti: I am getting The Gist, for sure. It is something of an experimenter from Wiremu's perspective viewing from his Universe...I get that wel enough...I intuit that he is...

I think on Wiremu and what I know of his situation from what he has shown me...

Manu Iti:...that he is pleasantly surprised how well it is going...Here, Now as The Realities Merge...

Penny Tuppence: Stay The Course A Maze Game.
Unicus Feel Hush! Mothers Milk Joke/Humour Now Learn Well Truth Written In The Clouds Evaluating Cautiously Body Intelligence Existence Future Selves The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD.

Manu Iti: All a learning curve of sorts...

Penny Tuppence: The non-Judgmental Algorithm Fly Mind/Thought Space Select Mind/Thought Space Put That Fire Out When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...

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Post #10

Post by William »

After a few moments observing the silent interaction between The Gem and Penny Tuppence, I once again turn my attention back to the Message from QueenBee on The Screen.

Manu It: Okaaaaay....let's see what we have here...first things first...

I deconstruct the message back into its individual string-lines and place this list through the Duplicate Counter, which shows me the results immediately

  • 3 | By/Through
    3 | Construct
    3 | Universal Balance and Harmony
    2 | *Nods*
    2 | Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
    2 | A Jump Ahead
    2 | Human Being
    2 | Perfect
    2 | The Deep and Meaningful
    2 | The Whole
I then sort these together in the order they appeared...

  • 3 | By/Through
    2 | *Nods*
    2 | The Deep and Meaningful
    3 | Universal Balance and Harmony
    2 | Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
    2 | A Jump Ahead
    2 | Perfect
    2 | Human Being
    2 | The Whole
    3 | Construct
So QueenBee mentions three things three times. This must be integral to the message.
"Construct Through Universal Balance and Harmony"

'Construct what?' I wonder, and study the message looking for a possible answer...I identify common denominators which both the Creators and the Characters are all aware of...

  • ★ Musing on the Mother - Act II
    ★ Forum
    ★ The non-Judgmental Algorithm
    ★ The Whole
    ★ The Realm of Judgment
    ★ Apotheosis
    ★ Around the Camp Fire

So these are six common things, none of them duplicated and the most recent being the banner created for the place where Wiremu and The Tanager access The Shared List.

I bring up an Image of the Banner which has a picture of two human skulls facing each other with the Infinity Symbol ∞ connecting these - and the words "The Journey To Apotheosis" written underneath.


A quick study of the image reveals the symbolism of Human to Human Communication, where the path of the Infinity Loop travels through the forehead to the Brain, and back out through the Mouth, signifying our Mind Filters in connect with our words and subsequent actions...obviously something natural enough in association with human communication processes - everyone filters incoming it is important to understand what filters we are applying...or 'Algorithms' as Wiremu speaks of them...what else can be found here?

I note also that The Tanager also touched on this understanding of Mind-Filtering in entry #29 of The Book Of Act II.

As I connect the dots, I begin to form a picture in my Minds Eye. Interestingly enough "Apotheosis" and "Minds Eye" add up to the same numeric value...

Construct Universal Balance and Harmony through The Medium of the advent of "Around The Campfire" is something to build, not something that automatically exists as a who is utilizing the medium...we we are to do the building toward accomplishing this state of Universal Balance and Harmony.

This sounds to me like a reasonable interpretation of the focus of the message...what else is there... I scan over the rest of the duplicates...

"*Nods*" "The Deep and Meaningful" "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle" "A Jump Ahead" "Perfect" "Human Being"

These six point toward something worth focusing upon, but what?

Generally when 'given the nod' the one nodding is showing approval, in this case to the deep and meaningful...The Uncertainty Principle comes into play as 'that which is uncertain' -
I search "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle" and select a video explanation about it...


After viewing the video explanation I return to where QueenBee mentions it...I select the first and last two strings either side of it;
  • ★Universal Balance and Harmony
    ★Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
    ★A Jump Ahead


    ★Universal Balance and Harmony
    ★Get to Know It
    ★Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
    ★A Jump Ahead
    ★Can You Answer This?
I deduce then that when The Tanager asked QueenBee "What should I get to know?" QueenBee answered him "Universal Balance and Harmony" in relation to building that within the medium provided - in the Sub-Forum "Around The Campfire"...and that She agrees with this happening...and reference to the Uncertainty Principle has two sides to it - The Nature of The Hub of Hologram Dimensions where this is taking place, as to the uncertainty of The Nature of That Place as well as The Tanagers Uncertainty, which he expresses as;

The Tanager:
  • â–¹"What should I get to know?"
    â–¹"I fear he will question my motivations and assume manipulation in some way."
    â–¹"one cannot be certain of how another will react"
    â–¹"how can I know that I'm not just reading into these words and that this is a worthwhile pursuit?"
    â–¹"How can I best influence Wiremu out of the shadowlands"
    â–¹"have I gotten this all wrong, and it's not Wiremu that needs to change, but myself"
    â–¹"what is next?"

It is then that I notice that "In Training For..." is also duplicated twice and somehow the algorithm missed it. I check again - ah there it is - It was me who missed was displayed as ;

  • 1 | In Training For...
    1 | In Training For...
I scan the message finding where this expression is used. In both cases it follows directly after The Tanager asks QueenBee a question:

The Tanager: "But how can I know that I'm not just reading into these words and that this is a worthwhile pursuit?"

QueenBee: In Training For... The Deep and Meaningful Human Being


The Tanager: So, what is next?

QueenBee: In Training For...Human Being Construct Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities By/Through Residue Universal Balance and Harmony Soon Save That What Do You Like About It?

Therein I see that QueenBee answers The Tanager and that in this case the "Human Being" She refers to is The Tanager, for he is the one who is asking the questions. She even asks The Tanager what he likes about it...

Indeed, QueenBee has said a great deal which The Tanager appears to have missed altogether, largely due to the particular Algorithm he was using as a filter, is the likely reason.
The Dualic Residue was mentioned in entry #39 of The Book of Acts II

The gist of the message - as far as I can ascertain - is that QueenBee is encouraging The Tanager - and indeed all the participants - to the use of the Sub-forum "Around The Campfire" for the purpose it is intended, to help build Universal Balance and Harmony through the filter of The non-Judgmental Algorithm... the message goes deeper than that of course, but that is the underlying thrust of it...

Wiremu then sends me an image he just received on his internet do with language and Jason Silva...perhaps it is appropriate...


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