Two hot topics for the price of one

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Post #1

Post by 2Dbunk »

It seems all one reads or sees in the news these days has to do with police shooting unarmed blacks for hardly felonious crimes. Yes, some are more serious than others, and most are just plain stupid.

But racial disparity is America's one big dirty secret (actually not a secret since our dirty linen is open for all to see and our adversaries cite it at every opportunity).

Please, can anyone tell me why it has to be this way. If God exists, why would "He" present us with this conundrum? Why would "He" lay such a burden upon a race (or races) of people that they can be subjugated, manipulated, enslaved, discriminated against, just because of their obvious difference in color?

If "He" exists, then it is on "Him" to explain "His" motive. It better be a good reason because as it stands now, more rational people are leaving the enclaves of the brain-washed, indoctrinated, superstitious, and unquestioning blind followers of Faith.

I await to hear ONE good reason for this unnecessary disparity.

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Post #2

Post by Divine Insight »

This is nothing new.

This God supposedly sat back and did nothing when Christians were burning innocent women to death tied to stakes in HIS NAME. His entire church and religion was supporting this IN HIS NAME.

If he's not going to step in and put to stop that, then he has no sense of decency at all.

Christians support, defend, and worship the most evil and disgusting God of all the religions of the world. I can't think of a single religion that has a more disgusting God.
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Post #3

Post by tam »

Peace to you 2dbunk,
[Replying to post 1 by 2Dbunk]

If God exists, why would "He" present us with this conundrum? Why would "He" lay such a burden upon a race (or races) of people that they can be subjugated, manipulated, enslaved, discriminated against, just because of their obvious difference in color?

God did not "present" you with this conundrum. God did not "lay" such a burden upon a race of people; God did not subjugate, manipulate, enslave or discriminate against a race of people because of their obvious difference in color. Nor did He even TEACH such a thing.

Men did that. Men presented you with this conundrum. Men laid this burden upon a race of people, subjugating, manipulating, enslaving and discriminating against a race of people because of their obvious difference in color.

Now men are dealing with the consequences of their OWN actions. Actions that they committed despite all that Christ taught and commanded against such things, in word and in deed.

This is not God's fault. This is the fault of those who did NOT listen to God, and who did NOT listen to Christ. Those who showed NO love toward their fellow man. Fault lies at the feet of those men who did these things and who taught others to do these things as well.

But it was not God who did this. Nor was it His Son.

Peace again to you,
your servant and a slave of Christ,

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God's love is for all

Post #4

Post by Overcomer »

God doesn't play favourites. He loves everyone. Jesus Christ came for all humankind. As is says in John 3:16," For God so loved the WORLD . . . ."

And Paul puts it this way in Gal. 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

It doesn't get more egalitarian than that.

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Re: God's love is for all

Post #5

Post by Tcg »

Overcomer wrote:
God doesn't play favourites. He loves everyone.
Actually, he does play favorites and doesn't love everyone:

Romans 9:10 - 13
"10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.� 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."

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Post #6

Post by morefish »

[Replying to post 1 by 2Dbunk]

Disparity exists because we still SIN. Notice, I said 'we' which includes YOU AND ME. :(

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Post #7

Post by morefish »

[Replying to post 2 by Divine Insight]

And yet this supposedly 'disgusting' God allowed HIS ONLY SON to die on the cross to save your soul. . .Now isn't THAT DISGUSTING? :shock: :P :P

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Post #8

Post by Divine Insight »

All of these excuses for Christianity are absolute nonsense.

Like I say, this God allowed men to burn innocent women at the stake IN HIS NAME using HIS RELIGION to support these atrocities.

The idea that this was men's idea and God can't be blamed is absolute hogwash.

This is a God who either cannot control his very own religion, or he doesn't care what people do IN HIS NAME.

If he's the latter then he doesn't represent any inkling of morality or justice.

Jesus supposedly had no problem violating Paul's free will by revealing himself to Paul, yet he couldn't reveal himself to the Christian clergy who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum?

This is absolute nonsense. This religion is out of excuses, and had been for centuries.

How people can continue to defend an obviously indefensible religion is beyond me.

"It's all man's fault! God is PERFECT!"

Yeah right. :roll:

That argument might seem to make some sense in terms of the modern day atrocities carried out by bad cops. But it fails miserably when the entire religion was supporting the burning to death of innocent women accused of being "witches".

This religion was dead centuries ago when it comes to having any moral high ground.
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Post #9

Post by Divine Insight »

morefish wrote: [Replying to post 2 by Divine Insight]

And yet this supposedly 'disgusting' God allowed HIS ONLY SON to die on the cross to save your soul. . .Now isn't THAT DISGUSTING? :shock: :P :P
Yes! In fact that is one of the most DISGUSTING things about this ignorant immoral religion.

Are you going to CONDONE having God's son brutally butchered to pay for your sins?

If so, then I don't think much of your moral values.

I'll choose death before I would allow an innocent person to be brutally crucified to so that I could have an eternal life that I am supposedly unworthy to have.

If that's the case then, by all means, put me to death.

Only those who are so cowardly and afraid of death would embrace having God's Son brutally crucified as their Penal substitute.

Not only that, but there's no way that I would want to live for eternity with such disgusting people anyway.

If you are willing to crucify Jesus to save your unworthy soul, then you are far beneath me in terms of morality.

And if you aren't willing to crucify him yourself on your own behalf, then you are fooling yourself to think that you have accepted this act on your behalf.

You can't have it both ways. You can't renounce his crucifixion on your behalf and accept it too. You've got to make a choice.

If this is the sole ultimatum this dastardly God has given me then I chose death.

Thank you very much.

The blood of Jesus will be on YOUR HANDS, not on mine.
Spiritual Growth - A person's continual assessment
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Post #10

Post by tam »

Peace to you DI,
Divine Insight wrote: All of these excuses for Christianity are absolute nonsense.
Please note that I did not make a single excuse for the religion, "Christianity."
Like I say, this God allowed men to burn innocent women at the stake IN HIS NAME using HIS RELIGION to support these atrocities.
This was not HIS religion doing these things, DI. He did not give us a religion. He gave us HIS SON. His Son is the Truth, and the One we are supposed to be listening to and following.

Not men. Not religion. There is no true religion.

And just because someone claims to do something in the name of God (or in the name of His Son, though most do not because they do not know the name of His Son)... that does not mean that their claims are true OR that their actions and claims are APPROVED... or that they even came FROM God and His Son to begin with.


Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I NEVER knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’

The idea that this was men's idea and God can't be blamed is absolute hogwash.

But it was not God's idea. And it was not His Son's idea. So whose idea was it? And why would you not blame them for this, rather than God and His Son whose words and deeds speak against such things?

This is a God who either cannot control his very own religion, or he doesn't care what people do IN HIS NAME.
Answered above.

Peace again to you,
your servant and a slave of Christ,

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