Hell's Immigrants

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Hell's Immigrants

Post #1

Post by WebersHome »

According to Jesus Christ's testimony as a credible expert witness in all matters pertaining to the afterlife; most of the world's responsible souls haven't been making it to safety when they cross over to the other side.

Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto him, master, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Webster's defines "many" as consisting of, or amounting to, a large but indefinite number; while "few" is defined as consisting of, or amounting to, only a small number; viz: relative to many then, few is the lesser. Bear with me while I flesh this out.

According to the US Census Bureau: as of Sept 18, 2017 @ 11:36 pm New York Time, the resident population in the United States was approximately 325,908,667 with a death rate of approximately one every 12 seconds; which translates to an average of 7,200 American deaths of all ages, races, and genders during just one 24-hour calendar day.

According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths are under the age of 19, which would indicate that approximately 5,234 of the current daily death rate per 24 hours are adults.

Giving the "many" the benefit of the doubt by limiting their maximum percentage to 51%, would indicate a minimum of 2,670 American adults transferring to perdition every day: which translates to roughly 111 per hour.

That's a very conservative estimate as Christ didn't really specify exact percentages to represent the quantities of "few" and "many". But just think: by the time CBS completes its half hour evening news report, a bare-bones minimum of 55 Americans become new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld.

Using the ratio of 2,670 condemned souls per 325,908,667 population: computing the number of condemned souls worldwide from a currently estimated global population of 7,422,223,068 people, would suggest something like 60,806 new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld every 24 hours; which translates to approximately 2,534 souls every sixty minutes on the clock.

That rate would fill the 51,800 seats of the new Yankee Stadium to capacity in roughly 20 hours and 44 minutes. In other words: if the world's daily number of condemned souls started filing into the stadium at 06:00 am this morning, then by 02:44 am tomorrow, the stadium would be full to capacity.

Christmas and New Year are even worse. A study done of 26 years of death certificates shows that coronary fatalities are, on average, 11.9% higher on those days than any other days of the year; with non-heart deaths spiking to 12.2% higher.

Christianity's hell never closes; no, not at all: it's open for business 24/7/365 nonstop and indifferent to global warming, Wall Street crashes, massive layoffs, outsourcing, high school shootings, terrorism, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, storm surges, nuclear meltdowns, air, water, and soil pollution, a mission to Mars, freeway pile-ups, brown-outs, threatened species, the price of oil, student debt, GMO, trade deficits, protests, Federal debt, factory recalls, outsourcing, overpopulation, desertification, genocides, revolutions, civil wars, acid rain, road rage, oil spills, conscious decoupling, ISIS, LGBT marriage, Obamacare, blood diamonds, fracking, twerking, and/or President Donald Trump's tweets.

If Christianity's perception of Jesus Christ and the hereafter is correct; then it's apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in an endless procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers passing annually through Tyson chicken-processing plants on their way to Wendy's, McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A, KFC, A&W, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and restaurants all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The slaughtering and the butchering never stop.
Last edited by WebersHome on Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #341

Post by WebersHome »

God prohibits dishonesty.

Lev 19:11 . . You shall not deal falsely, neither lie one to another.

I think it's probably safe to posit that more liars are now, and more liars will be, in Hell than any other category simply because deceit, deception, fraud, hoax, fibs, cover ups, slander, malicious gossip, propaganda, dissembling, cheating, false impressions, pretense, scams, sophistry, double-speak, rumors, half truths, and perjury are far more common.

Rev 21:8 . . . All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Living in a world of liars below shouldn't be much different than living in a world of liars up here so that folks who end up down there should fit right in; requiring only minimal adjustment.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #342

Post by WebersHome »

Ps 73:3-17 . . I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

Matt 16:26 . . For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

It's been my observation that many of the powerful folks controlling education, finance, manufacturing, governance, entertainment, food production, health care, pharmaceuticals, print media and broadcast news, etc, are quite lacking scruples, and conduct their affairs as if they're autonomous sovereigns with no one to answer to beyond the sphere of their existence; indifferent that the path of their success is leading them down a road of no return.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #343

Post by WebersHome »

The Almighty isn't a political appointee like members of the US Supreme Court, viz: He isn't biased towards the left or to the right, i.e. the justice of God is fair across the board regardless of age, race, gender and/or religious preference, so that affiliation with a church-- any church --grants no one a certain amount of special consideration. (Rom 2:6-11 & 1Pet 1:17)

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #344

Post by WebersHome »

Gen 2:15-17 is a favorite among critics because Adam didn't drop dead within 24 hours of tasting the forbidden fruit. In point of fact, he continued to live outside the garden of Eden for another 800 years after the birth of his son Seth. (Gen 5:4)

Some say Adam died a so-called "spiritual" death, and that's true, but not entirely true, viz: the explanation isn't misinformation, rather, it's missing information. In other words: human life came out of the box with perpetual youth, which Adam lost when he tasted the forbidden fruit.

The aging process is a lingering death rather than sudden death, i.e. it's slow, but very relentless. Mortality feels neither pain nor pity, nor remorse nor fear; it cannot be reasoned with nor can it be bargained with, and it absolutely will not stop-- ever! --until our useless corpse is ready for burial.

Eccl 7:2 . . It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of mirth, for death is the destiny of every man: the living should take this seriously. (cf. Luke 12:16-21)

NOTE: Superhuman bodies like Arnold Swarzenegger's look indestructible while young, but their youth isn't permanent. Today Arnold is pushing 76 and taking on the appearance of spoiling vegetables.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #345

Post by WebersHome »

1Cor 4:4 . . My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.

During former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's assassination back in 2011, he was overheard to complain: Why are you doing this? I've done nothing wrong.

Former US President Richard Nixon once stated-- in so many words --that when a President breaks the law, it's not a crime.

Those two men serve to demonstrate just how unreliable the human conscience can be at times.

Man was created with as near a perfect conscience as a creature can be given.

Gen 1:27 . . God created Man in His own image, in the image of God created He him

But then came the forbidden fruit incident by which Man's near-divine conscience underwent something that caused it to become that of a tin God.

Gen 3:22 . . The Lord God said: The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

Man was able to discern between good and evil before his fall, but that was by means of a conscience influenced by its maker. The forbidden fruit incident altered Man's conscience to become his own influence, i.e. Man became defensive, and he rationalizes a lot too. (Rom 2:14-15)

I think the writer of 1Cor 4:4 was well aware of just how tricky Man's conscience can be so he was reluctant to insist upon his innocence-- a little sophistry here and a little there, and even monsters like Communist China's Xi Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jong-Un can be persuaded in their own minds to believe themselves okay guys.

Jer 17:9-10 . .The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it? . . . I, The Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.

The upside is: Christ's crucifixion not only serves to save people from their sins, but according to Heb 9:8-14 his death saves them from their conscience too.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #346

Post by WebersHome »

One of my favorite lines from the movie
TITANIC is when Mr. Ismay protests that the ship can't sink; and Mr. Andrews responds: "She's made of iron, sir! I assure you, she can . . and she will. It is a mathematical certainty".

There are folks at large all across the internet, and around the globe, sincerely believing that Hell isn't a place of conscious suffering. They, like Mr. Ismay, will be utterly stunned and bewildered to the limits of human astonishment to discover it's exactly that.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #347

Post by WebersHome »

In the movie "Shawshank Redemption" a man is given two life sentences for murders he didn't commit. At first he feels very strongly that the truth will come out that he's innocent and doesn't belong in prison: he expects to eventually be exonerated and set free.

Well, one of the old-timers cautioned him about that with the advice: "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It's no use on the inside. You'd better get used to that idea."

I'd imagine that most new arrivals in Hell take quite a while to get used to the idea that it is what it is, i.e. they're never getting out.

Were Hell a normal penal colony like San Quentin or Riker's Island; then I think most folks would eventually settle down and accept it as a way of life. But the element of fire makes adjustment very difficult. If only there was at least some water to help folks beat the heat, that would be very helpful. And maybe recreation and/or something to occupy their minds like reading, writing, art, and construction projects. I really don't know how people keep from running mad with insanity from mental atrophy down there. And where do they sit down; on top of each other?

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #348

Post by WebersHome »

1Tim 6:7 . .We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

That rather blue note impacts everyone: both saint and sinner alike. Regardless of one's afterlife destination, we all suffer the loss of everything we hold dear: our photos, our collections, our souvenirs, our hobbies, our favorite sights, sounds, and locations along with every project and every endeavor. I should think that even Heaven, though a nice place, is nevertheless a difficult adjustment for nostalgic folks.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #349

Post by Mae von H »

WebersHome wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:58 pm .
According to Jesus Christ's testimony as a credible expert witness in all matters pertaining to the afterlife; most of the world's responsible souls haven't been making it to safety when they cross over to the other side.

Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto him, master, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Webster's defines "many" as consisting of, or amounting to, a large but indefinite number; while "few" is defined as consisting of, or amounting to, only a small number; viz: relative to many then, few is the lesser. Bear with me while I flesh this out.

According to the US Census Bureau: as of Sept 18, 2017 @ 11:36 pm New York Time, the resident population in the United States was approximately 325,908,667 with a death rate of approximately one every 12 seconds; which translates to an average of 7,200 American deaths of all ages, races, and genders during just one 24-hour calendar day.

According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths are under the age of 19, which would indicate that approximately 5,234 of the current daily death rate per 24 hours are adults.

Giving the "many" the benefit of the doubt by limiting their maximum percentage to 51%, would indicate a minimum of 2,670 American adults transferring to perdition every day: which translates to roughly 111 per hour.

That's a very conservative estimate as Christ didn't really specify exact percentages to represent the quantities of "few" and "many". But just think: by the time CBS completes its half hour evening news report, a bare-bones minimum of 55 Americans become new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld.

Using the ratio of 2,670 condemned souls per 325,908,667 population: computing the number of condemned souls worldwide from a currently estimated global population of 7,422,223,068 people, would suggest something like 60,806 new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld every 24 hours; which translates to approximately 2,534 souls every sixty minutes on the clock.

That rate would fill the 51,800 seats of the new Yankee Stadium to capacity in roughly 20 hours and 44 minutes. In other words: if the world's daily number of condemned souls started filing into the stadium at 06:00 am this morning, then by 02:44 am tomorrow, the stadium would be full to capacity.

Christmas and New Year are even worse. A study done of 26 years of death certificates shows that coronary fatalities are, on average, 11.9% higher on those days than any other days of the year; with non-heart deaths spiking to 12.2% higher.

Christianity's hell never closes; no, not at all: it's open for business 24/7/365 nonstop and indifferent to global warming, Wall Street crashes, massive layoffs, outsourcing, high school shootings, terrorism, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, storm surges, nuclear meltdowns, air, water, and soil pollution, a mission to Mars, freeway pile-ups, brown-outs, threatened species, the price of oil, student debt, GMO, trade deficits, protests, Federal debt, factory recalls, outsourcing, overpopulation, desertification, genocides, revolutions, civil wars, acid rain, road rage, oil spills, conscious decoupling, ISIS, LGBT marriage, Obamacare, blood diamonds, fracking, twerking, and/or President Donald Trump's tweets.

If Christianity's perception of Jesus Christ and the hereafter is correct; then it's apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in an endless procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers passing annually through Tyson chicken-processing plants on their way to Wendy's, McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A, KFC, A&W, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and restaurants all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The slaughtering and the butchering never stop.
Is your point that a lot of people die each day and many go to hell? It’s not “Christianity’s hell.” It was made by God for the “Devil and his bunch.” Are you trying to say it’s not there because it’s bad?

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #350

Post by WebersHome »

Mae von H wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:54 pmIs your point that a lot of people die each day and many go to hell? It’s not “Christianity’s hell.” It was made by God for the “Devil and his bunch.”
The Greek word translated "angels" per Matt 25:41 doesn't necessarily refer to spirit beings but just simply means messenger, for example Matt 11:10 where it tags John the baptizer, and Luke 7:24 where it tags John's assistants, and Acts 23:8-9 where the word is juxtaposed with spirits, and Jas 2:25 where it tags Joshua's scouts, and Rev 1:20-3:14 where it tags church managers, i.e. shepherds. (1Pet 1:5-3)

Genesis 3:15 tells of the Serpent's seed, i.e. his offspring. I think it is safe to assume that everyone following the Devil's lead --for example Eph 2:2-3 --are accounted the Serpent's seed and thus reckoned the Devil's bunch; for example:

"You are of your father the Devil." (John 8:44)

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