Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

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Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #1

Post by Miles »

One can only hope. Anyway . . . . .

"Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis may have breached a federal court order when she heavily modified marriage licenses to remove her name, an attorney for one of Davis’ deputies warns in a filing Friday.

Davis, the elected county clerk who believes same-sex marriage is a sin, spent five days in jail for refusing to obey a federal judge’s order that she issue the licenses to same-sex couples.

Deputy Clerk Brian Mason began providing the forms to couples earlier this month while Davis remained in jail, and he has continued to give them out following her release.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning warned Davis not to interfere with deputies when he released her from custody, but she altered the marraige licenses in several places when she returned to work the following week.

The changes removed any mention of Davis’ name or her office, and the form now states that it was issued pursuant to a federal court order rather than the county clerk."


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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #41

Post by Danmark »

Why is it OK for Christians to impose their ecclesiastical law, but Muslims can't impose their Sharia law on the public. The answer is it's not OK for either. Davis, as long as she is a public official, needs to abide by the Constitution as interpreted by the courts, or go to jail where she belongs.

Same for Muslims trying to impose their rules on others. The problem comes when religious folk are so numerous they have the numbers to change the Constitution. Until then, it is only the Constitution that protects us from religious oppression. Whenever you find yourself steamed up about Muslims wanting this or that, ask yourself if you think it is OK for Christians to do exactly the same thing if it fits THEIR religious rules.

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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #42

Post by Divine Insight »

KRBondar wrote: [Replying to post 30 by Divine Insight]

Am I to understand that gay households don't have domestic violence?
No. I don't believe I ever made that claim.

All you need to acknowledge is that many heterosexual households do, and then your position is already dead in the water.
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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #43

Post by Black Sheep »

[Replying to post 37 by Bust Nak]
By all means ban members of groups such as ISIS or Al Qaeda from the country. But why paint all Muslims with the same brush?
They are all painted in the same book, same false prophet, same false god.

I understand your concern and I know I'm a bit on the extreme side about this, but so are 74% of people in NH. NH and Mass. have taken quite a hit even since Sept. 11 to Muslims. How can you separate 'peaceful Muslims" from Radical Muslims, from Jihadist? You can't because Islam was founded on terror and has NEVER snapped out of it. People who are caught up in Islam are afraid to get out, and women are treated as second class citizens especially "over there." How do you know how many would jump the fence of peace and participate in jihad?

Muhammad started his religion around 632 after hearing voices and having visions. After about 15 years of converting people peacefully, he only had about 100 followers. Then he started converting people by the sword and the religion took off. After 3 tries he finally took Mecca. Muhammad died in his early 60's I think, but 100 years after the religion began, in 732 Mohammadanism was powerful enough to almost take out Europe. Had it not been for Charles Martel, some say all of Europe could have fallen to Islam. AND.

If you've never seen the list of wars Islam has been involved in since it began you would be amazed.

One Muslim from a university who goes on Fox News was saying how radical Islam needs reformation. Sorry. That would be mathematically, demographically, and historically proven impossible.
Then why not go elsewhere right now, you don't seem to like laws that protect Muslims.
Why do I want to have laws protecting the followers of Islam, who worship the same God as those who killed my friends maid of honor in the plane that hit the South Tower, beheaded James Foley and Steven Sotlof, and several others from, or with ties to, NH? I like laws that protect people from any organizations that kill people by vengeance or simply to get their way. And guess what? The Koran and the Hadith tells them to do it. It's in the books of the religion. Guilty by association is the way I look at it. Let me tell you what's coming and what could happen.

The US and the EU are soon going to take a big hit, possibly late this year or beginning of next. The attacks will be simultaneously or within a few days, and the world as we know it will quickly fade. IF the federal government doesn't step in and take care of it, common eventually citizens will. They call it the third jihad. it's the last round of the Crusades that will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ. That's all I'm going to say about it.[/quote]
Last edited by Black Sheep on Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #44

Post by Danmark »

KRBondar wrote: [Replying to post 1 by Miles]
I think there should be two categories of marriage licences: heterosex and same sex.
Right. And licenses for blacks, whites, browns, protestants, hindus, et al.

Your 'should' is ridiculous. Maybe everyone should have to go around wearing a big red "A" if they ever committed adultery. How about a yellow star if they are Jewish?

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Post #45

Post by Danmark »

KRBondar wrote: [Replying to Kenisaw]

I took political geography in college ans some of my courses consisted basically just reading certain books with some discussions in class. The books were interesting but I thought the discussion part was a waste of time
Yes. Why be exposed to others points of view? Why go to class at all. Just read the book.

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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #46

Post by Danmark »

KRBondar wrote: Yes, there are dysfunctional heterosexual families, so why not just address the issue of the dysfunction?
The most often question asked in abusive situations is, how can God permit this happen?
It may be asked often, but the answer is easy enough: Because there is no god. If there were a God she would have a lot more to answer to than family dysfunction. We can start with cancer and birth defects. The list is VERY long.

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Re: Kim Davis’ May Be Headed Back To Jail

Post #47

Post by Bust Nak »

Black Sheep wrote: They are all painted in the same book, same false prophet, same false god.
Why don't Muslims get to cherry pick their holy book, other religious people do.
I understand your concern and I know I'm a bit on the extreme side about this, but so are 74% of people in NH. NH and Mass. have taken quite a hit even since Sept. 11 to Muslims. How can you separate 'peaceful Muslims" from Radical Muslims, from Jihadist?
The same say you separate peaceful Christians from radical Christians and Militant Christians. i.e. by their actions.
You can't because Islam was founded on terror and has NEVER snapped out of it. People who are caught up in Islam are afraid to get out, and women are treated as second class citizens especially "over there." How do you know how many would jump the fence of peace and participate in jihad?
Judaism and Christianity grew up. Islam would too.
Muhammad started his religion around 632 after hearing voices and having visions. After about 15 years of converting people peacefully, he only had about 100 followers. Then he started converting people by the sword and the religion took off. After 3 tries he finally took Mecca. Muhammad died in his early 60's I think, but 100 years after the religion began, in 732 Mohammadanism was powerful enough to almost take out Europe. Had it not been for Charles Martel, some say all of Europe could have fallen to Islam. AND.

If you've never seen the list of wars Islam has been involved in since it began you would be amazed.
As an atheist who bashes Islam as I do Christianity, I would like to think I have an good idea how bloody their history is. You don't need to remind me of history violence associated with Islam, or indeed how bad things are in Islamic country today. I am trying to convince you that Islam will grow up despite its roots, just like Judaism and Christianity did.
One Muslim from a university who goes on Fox News was saying how radical Islam needs reformation. Sorry. That would be mathematically, demographically, and historically proven impossible.
The mere existence of law abiding, moderate Muslims shows it is possible.
Why do I want to have laws protecting the followers of Islam, who worship the same God as those who killed my friends maid of honor in the plane that hit the South Tower, beheaded James Foley and Steven Sotlof, and several others from, or with ties to, NH?
I answered that already, because those laws also protect everyone else.
I like laws that protect people from any organizations that kill people by vengeance or simply to get their way. And guess what? The Koran and the Hadith tells them to do it. It's in the books of the religion. Guilty by association is the way I look at it.
That's not something you should be proud of! Guilt by association is a fallacy.
Let me tell you what's coming and what could happen.

The US and the EU are soon going to take a big hit, possibly late this year or beginning of next. The attacks will be simultaneously or within a few days, and the world as we know it will quickly fade. IF the federal government doesn't step in and take care of it, common eventually citizens will. They call it the third jihad. it's the last round of the Crusades that will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ. That's all I'm going to say about it.
And you think shopkeepers turning Muslims customers away, going as far as kicking them out of the country if you had your way, would improve the situation?

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