the buddha and never straining

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the buddha and never straining

Post #1

Post by GADARENE »

rumors fly, but who knows? he did have a fascination with the morbid and deprivation was essential to his world view. but what do we really know for sure about him? having spent his youth in luxury and never lifting a finger to do anything that required work, is it any wonder that his crazed fans never accomplish much? look at india.

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Re: the buddha and never straining

Post #2

Post by GADARENE »

GADARENE wrote: rumors fly, but who knows? he did have a fascination with the morbid and deprivation was essential to his world view. but what do we really know for sure about him? having spent his youth in luxury and never lifting a finger to do anything that required work, is it any wonder that his crazed fans never accomplish much? look at india.
what did Buddha say about heaven? did he believe in the coming messiah? do you think he would have followed jesus immediately, or would it have been a few days before he turned his life over to him? did the big guy suspect that mankind had a bent for screwing up? his remedy?

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Post #3

Post by GADARENE »

hopefully some of the elite Buddha guys will teach us some meditation techniques although as far as getting centered and experiencing a mystical dance among the mythical non-gods of Babylon, I hear many rumors they get into hash and never break free. I don't believe every rumor I hear but in reading the new testament and comparing it to my bud the booodah, I don't hold him is very high esteem on sundays.

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Re: the buddha and never straining

Post #4

Post by TheTruth101 »

GADARENE wrote: rumors fly, but who knows? he did have a fascination with the morbid and deprivation was essential to his world view. but what do we really know for sure about him? having spent his youth in luxury and never lifting a finger to do anything that required work, is it any wonder that his crazed fans never accomplish much? look at india.
what did Buddha say about heaven? did he believe in the coming messiah? do you think he would have followed jesus immediately, or would it have been a few days before he turned his life over to him? did the big guy suspect that mankind had a bent for screwing up? his remedy?

Buddah said the earth is heavens just like Christ. you get reincarnated through over and over, eternally.

As stated in the Bible,

"Kingdom of God is within you and all around you".

And as I said " Energy is never dimisnishing and we all come from energy and go back to the source of energy therefore eternaity is right here on earth".

All the same thing really.

Messiah was never mentioned by him because Messiah represents savior of mankind, but he thoght everyone had a God in them and had to find redemption on throgh their own life.
"And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." -Ezkiel
"The big bang theory is just a detailed information of Genesis verse 1, and 2."

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Post #5

Post by TheTruth101 »

GADARENE wrote: hopefully some of the elite Buddha guys will teach us some meditation techniques although as far as getting centered and experiencing a mystical dance among the mythical non-gods of Babylon, I hear many rumors they get into hash and never break free. I don't believe every rumor I hear but in reading the new testament and comparing it to my bud the booodah, I don't hold him is very high esteem on sundays.

Meditation done by Buddahism really goes down to the fundamnetal of thinking of refraining from ones own pleasure of the flesh, and how to refrain from sin.

Christian meditation or prayer goes down to the fundamental thinking of requesting and repeantence.

Both have the similarity to go against "flesh" and of earthly ways.

Both were true prophets by God because both teaching teaches to stay away from flesh. And this is the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet of God.

Christs prayer formation is to kneel and put hands together to admit one is a sinner (tied up hands) and kneeling involves humbleness or lowering "oneself" in front of God.

Buddahs prayer or meditation consisted of sitting down and with legs crossed and BACK STRAIGHT.

This resembles one is humbled to another being (thus sittiing/ meaning lowered to another) And back being STRAIGHT signifies that the burden on their back have been let go. (World)

When he greeted someone (whether its his own disciples or an outsider) he bowed and held one hand up while bowing.

Bowing signifies humbleness to another, (head being wisdom and wisdom being all to life) he bowed his head to another.

One hand ONLY up signifies they let go of the other hand, or the other side, evil.
Here buddah signified two hands as good and evil, good being under one hand, and evil being of the other hand. So in all, one hand up signified he has turned away from evil.

Rolling circular beads and them rolling one circular bead over another repeadedly while meditation signified of ressurection repeadedly on planet earth, thus earth is round.
"And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." -Ezkiel
"The big bang theory is just a detailed information of Genesis verse 1, and 2."

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Post #6

Post by GADARENE »

I think he would have fallen down at his feet and said I am not worthy to look upon your glory. have mercy on your servant for I am a man of unclean thoughts.

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Post #7

Post by GADARENE »

GADARENE wrote: I think he would have fallen down at his feet and said I am not worthy to look upon your glory. have mercy on your servant for I am a man of unclean thoughts.
one might expect the mb conspiracy theorists would not have such flattering things to say about Christ, you know? but, they respect and adore him like they were his followers

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Re: the buddha and never straining

Post #8

Post by bernee51 »

GADARENE wrote: rumors fly, but who knows? he did have a fascination with the morbid and deprivation was essential to his world view. but what do we really know for sure about him? having spent his youth in luxury and never lifting a finger to do anything that required work, is it any wonder that his crazed fans never accomplish much? look at india.
Seems you do not know to much about the Buddha, or his worldview...that is not surprising. What do we know about him, primarily legend and myth in my estimation.


What about India? What do you know about India, have you ever been there?

Just so happens that I am there at the moment, about half way through a four week sadhana (intensive spiritual practice). Had quite the ceremony last night, a fire ritual, a Sudarshana homa, that is more about human weakness and struggle than the divinities it was addressed to.

what did Buddha say about heaven? did he believe in the coming messiah? do you think he would have followed jesus immediately, or would it have been a few days before he turned his life over to him? did the big guy suspect that mankind had a bent for screwing up? his remedy?
Not sure the Buddha said anything about heaven though he did have a lot in common with Jesus as he was radical not in agreement with the established priesthood and viewed the divine as accessible to all. Not sure if he would have followed Jesus but Jesus would have no doubt recognised the influence Buddhist and Vedantic thought had upon his own worldview. Doesn't take much to see that mankind struggles with mistaken ideas that give rise to suffering. Whether the Buddha's remedy is correct or suitable is a personal decision not a corporate one.

The Buddha himself, it is said, had something to say on this issue.

Believe nothing on the faith of traditions,
even though they have been held in honor
for many generations and in diverse places.
Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it.
Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past.
Do not believe what you yourself have imagined,
persuading yourself that a God inspires you.
Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests.
After examination, believe what you yourself have tested
and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.

May you be happy, wise, loving and peaceful.
"Whatever you are totally ignorant of, assert to be the explanation of everything else"

William James quoting Dr. Hodgson

"When I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I see I am everything, that is love. My life is a movement between these two."

Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Post #9

Post by Divine Insight »

My question would be to ask why bother?

Why bother casting stones at Buddha, Buddhism, or India?

Especially in a Christianity and Apologetics forum?

The Buddha, nor Buddhism in general has ever accused anyone of being a sinner, or having fallen short of the glory of God, nor has Buddhism ever labeled anyone as a heathen or accused them of being an immoral person if they refuse to believe in the Buddha or Buddhism.

Why why cast stones at the Buddha and Buddhist, when they aren't casting any stones at you?

Being that this is in Christianity and Apologetics, I can't help but wonder if this is just is just more hatred being spewed from a Christian perspective that lashes out against anything and everything that doesn't support Christianity.

The Buddha and Buddhism have never accused non-Buddhists of anything.

But can the Christians or Christianity make the same claim?

Hardly, the Christian doctrine is filled to the brim with accusations toward non-believers, accusing them of all manner of hideous immoral behaviors.

Just listen to the horrible accusation a very famous Christian (an author of 75% of the New Testament no less) has to say about those who refuse to believe in his God.

Romans 1
[28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
[29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
[30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
[32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Is it any wonder that people who do not believe in his God offer rebuttals to these totally false and vile accusations?

Here's more:

Mark.16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

John.3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Outright condemnations and damnation toward anyone who doesn't believe in their jealous God.

And the Christian Evangelists then take this stuff and run around accusing all non-Christians of being immoral people who are worthy of condemnation by their just and righteous jealous God. :roll:

So there's no wonder that people offer rebuttals to these horrible accusations that are constantly be spewed at them by Christianity in the name of Jesus as The Christ.

But where's the justification then to attack Buddha, Buddhism, and India?

This can only be incited by a follower of Christianity who is frustrated with all the rebuttals against the evangelical charges of Christianity toward non-Christians.

Christianity deserves the rebuttals it gets.

When you make horrible accusations at others, you should expect rebuttals.

And this is what Christianity does, it constantly makes horrible accusations toward non-Christians, and then it screams FOUL when people offer rebuttals to those charges.

And eventually after a while we see threads like this one emerge where a frustrated Christian will start taking random pot shots with an apologetic assault rifle at people like Buddha, Buddhists, and the entire nation of India.

People who never accused anyone of anything.

From my perspective this just goes to show how the hatred of Christianity can so easily get totally out of control.
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Post #10

Post by Bust Nak »

Divine Insight wrote: My question would be to ask why bother?
The answer is you shouldn't bother.
From my perspective this just goes to show how the hatred of Christianity can so easily get totally out of control.
All the more reason to ignore his posts. You have the Buddhist tag, just let him know that holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

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