Question to Non-Christians

Argue for and against religions and philosophies which are not Christian

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Question to Non-Christians

Post #1

Post by Truely Free »

To anyone who would not describe themselves as an Orthodox, Bible believing, Christian: what is one thing you would like specifically Christians, but in general people who don't share your particular belief system or philosophy to understand about you.

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Re: Question to Non-Christians

Post #2

Post by Divine Insight »

Truely Free wrote: To anyone who would not describe themselves as an Orthodox, Bible believing, Christian: what is one thing you would like specifically Christians, but in general people who don't share your particular belief system or philosophy to understand about you.
The only thing I would like specifically Christians (and other Abrahamic followers) to understand about me is that my relationship with God is every bit as sincere, genuine, and righteous as their relationship with God.

They can never see the respect I have for their beliefs until they can respect mine. ;)

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Post #3

Post by Truely Free »

Thanks for your honesty.

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Re: Question to Non-Christians

Post #4

Post by McCulloch »

Truely Free wrote: To anyone who would not describe themselves as an Orthodox, Bible believing, Christian: what is one thing you would like specifically Christians, but in general people who don't share your particular belief system or philosophy to understand about you.
That I reject your religion not out of ignorance. I know Christian theology. I know the gospel story. I have read the Bible. They don't make sense to me. They do not square with what I know about reality. Please don't preach at me as if I have never heard your gospel. It is a waste of your time and mine.
I have not rejected your religion because of some bad act or bad attitude encountered at some church. So, please don't waste more time trying to discover who or how I must have been offended or turned off by a bad church or group of Christians. My reasons for leaving the Christian faith are well thought out, rationally considered and not the result of emotional trauma.
That's two things. Sorry.
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Post #5

Post by playhavock »

The one thing I want others to know about me?
I like sushi.

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Re: Question to Non-Christians

Post #6

Post by Divine Insight »

McCulloch wrote: That's two things. Sorry.
That's quite impressive actually. You have just revealed that you are a doubly-productive member of our society. When asked to contribute one thing, you go the extra mile and offer up two thing. If everyone were this ambitious and productive we could go far indeed. ;)

With that in mind, I'd like to offer a second thing myself.
McCulloch wrote: That I reject your religion not out of ignorance.
I definitely feel the same as McCulloch on this point as well. My rejection of Christianity (and all the Abrahamic religions generally) is the result of extreme study over many decades. Not only a study of the Abrahamic religions, but a study of all major world religions. In fact, during my study of the History and evolution of Buddhism it became clear to me that Jesus was most likely a Mahayana Buddhist. I am very convinced that this is indeed the most likely truth.

One point that I would like to make in regard to what McCulloch just said above. I prefer not to refer to Christianity as "your religion". It's not "your religion", but rather it's the religion of your choice. And that's really a huge difference.

I was personally born into Christianity. I was baptized as a Christian, I accepted Jesus as my savior, I was "born again in Christ". The whole shebang. I was even determined to become a preacher and help to spread the "Word of God".

It was actually during my studies to become a preacher that I realized the religion cannot possibly be true. I won't go into the details of that here.

But the point is that Christianity was "My Religion" too. In fact, it's a religion that claims to be the religion of all humans. In fact, that's the whole point to it, it claims to be the only true "Word of God". Therefore it cannot be said to belong to anyone.

I have rejected it as simply being false on many levels, not the least of which is that it basically proclaims lies about me personally. That's right. This religion, taken as a whole canonical collection of scriptures accuses me of being a heathen sinner who is purposefully and knowingly rejecting a supposedly benevolent God, and choosing to follow, worship, and obey an evil demon who is the enemy of this supposedly benevolent God.

I know for an absolute fact that this is not true.

Therefore, the religion cannot possible be true because it's making accusations about me personally that I know to be false. ;)

Of course, that's nowhere near the only reason I reject it, but in truth, that single reason right there should be sufficient in and of itself. O:)

Personal Note:

I have not become an atheist due to my discovery that the Abrahamic religions are false. I still consider myself to be a spiritual person to the core. And if there exists a benevolent God, I'm certain that She will be very pleased with me as I too am benevolent. And there's really no sane reason in the world for a benevolent God to not embrace a benevolent human.

I have actually expanded the way that I think of "God" and the God that I know now is far above and superior to anything the ancient Hebrews were even capable of imagining.

For me to return to Christianity today would require that I reduce God from being truly omnipotent to being highly restricted, personified, and dramatically flawed in ways even worse than my own flaws.

So I would never have any reason to want to do that. ;)

But is this "Your religion versus my religion"? No not at all. Christians don't own Christianity, they don't own God, and neither do they own Jesus.

This is why I can be a "Disciple of Jesus" yet totally renounce the Christian demigod version of Jesus.

For me, Jesus was a Jewish Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva (a real person). And the God of Abraham was never anything more than a myth that has no more merit than the myth of Zeus in Greek Mythology. And as far as I'm concerned, even the New Testament Gossip Rumors of Jesus show that Jesus himself did not agree with the teachings that had been attributed to the fictitious God of Abraham.

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Re: Question to Non-Christians

Post #7

Post by jaysus »

surely coming to the same conclusion after a couple of years, and a few pints here and there, is a breezy way to do it

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Post #8

Post by Truely Free »

Thank you all for the good answers. Id also like to apologies, after some wandering around on the site I noticed that this was probably not the best place for this thread, and it should have been added some where below. Forgive me. I should probably do my research more carefully next time.

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Post #9

Post by Nickman »

Know that I was a christian and very devout. That I never had any particular sins that I wanted to just do so that I gave up my faith. To add, I came to my atheism through reading and studying the bible extensively, and I am a better person without my 25 year relationship with my former god.

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Post #10

Post by Divine Insight »

Nickman wrote: That I never had any particular sins that I wanted to just do so that I gave up my faith.
But see, that's why you were excused from Christianity by Jesus himself.

Jesus said, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

See. Christianity is only for those who are sick Nickman.

Jesus knew that you weren't sick so he helped you find your way out of the Christian hospital and released you into the world where your healthy spirit can flourish and be a testament to the glory of God. Even through atheism.

God doesn't care about religion. All God cares about is healthy spirits, and your spirit shines forth the light of God, even as you support an atheistic view of reality.

Your righteousness outshines any religion, and everyone can see your righteous shining like the midday sun.

And that's all that's truly important in the eyes of the real living God. O:)

Hallelujah brother! What a testament to God's righteousness!

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