Coronavirus - Is it spreading

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Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #1

Post by Yahwehismywitness » ... gets-sick/
Breaking: “Cured� Coronavirus Victims Becoming Sick With Virus Again! Watch Live ... ve-updates

Americans "Should Prepare For Community Spread," CDC Warns As HHS' Azar Admits US Lacks Mask Stockpile: Live Updates ... xpert-says
Coronavirus fits criteria for 'Disease X,' WHO expert says

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Post #61

Post by AgnosticBoy »

Here are more facts;
(CNN)Most people who contract the novel coronavirus experience mild symptoms, according to data from China, where the worst of the epidemic now appears to be over.

Last month, scientists from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a research paper analyzing the data for the first 72,314 people diagnosed with Covid-19.

The researchers also looked at how severe the illness was for those who were diagnosed. The good news: more than 80% experienced only mild symptoms. Almost 14% were classed as severe cases, while the condition of almost 5% was determined to be critical. ... index.html


Post #62

Post by koko »

I find it difficult to discuss this issue because news updates keep changing our views about any possible solution to the crisis. But I'll try to contribute my views.

The USA now has more cases than any other country in the world. The general rule about social conditions is that responsibility always goes to the top. Yet, our dear leader says he is not responsible for the state of unpreparedness that we see. He claims to have inherited a mess from the previous administration even though he did not specify which faults were done by the past leadership and he has had three years in which to correct any such "mess". Thus, baseless and supportable finger pointing by the leadership is no solution.

According to news reports, South Korea has had the greatest success in minimizing the outbreak. If these reports are correct then let us set aside all partisan differences and follow the examples set by that nation. I understand they immediately isolate a victim of the illness and that almost everyone wears a preventive mask. Let us do the same. The only problem being that try though I may, I cannot find surgical masks in any store as all are gone. Because of that I have had to improvise by wearing a bandana. Hopefully, this will provide a good solution until the day comes that surgical masks are fully available for all. I understand SK also conducts more sanitation measures than any other country. Let us do the same - clearn all buses, trains, subways, streets, etc. Well, after all, cleanliness is next to Godliness. Maybe that's the solution we really need.

Meantime, stay well folks.

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Post #63

Post by Purple Knight »

koko wrote:The only problem being that try though I may, I cannot find surgical masks in any store as all are gone.
This is greedy peoples' fault as they hoard and try to resell.

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Post #64

Post by AgnosticBoy »

Earlier I mentioned that those who are low risk for severe infection from covid19 should not be forced to stay at home. I'll also add that those who are immune should not be forced to stay at home. I still maintain that it is irrational to treat the low risk and immune groups the same way you'd treat the high risk groups. Apparently countries like Germany are beginning to think along these lines while America is still lagging behind, being bogged down by media hype and politics.
Figuring out how much of the population has fought off the virus and whether they truly are immune — and for how long — will be essential for informing sweeping, long-term decisions about when to lift stay-at-home orders, reopen schools and resume business as usual. And it could also be a targeted way to safely restart normal life sooner.

Serology testing is becoming a new pandemic buzzword, at the center of many of the most ambitious and reputable recovery plans.
These “serology tests� aren’t aimed primarily at people who currently have the disease caused by the coronavirus, but anyone who has ever had it — those who were very sick and got better, those who had mild symptoms they mistook for something else and those who never felt sick at all. Those people, whether they know it or not, may have disease-fighting antibodies that give them some immunity to the new coronavirus.
The theory is that such testing could be used to divide the world into people who’ve had it and aren’t at risk anymore — and those who are. Health-care workers with immunity could return to the front lines. Large employers could test their workers to find out who could return to work first.
Germany has said it will start looking for disease-fighting antibodies in a study of 100,000 people, and could issue certificates that indicate someone has immunity.
Source: ... ood-tests/

To date, about 193,700 people have recovered from the novel coronavirus. In the US, there are 8,500 documented recoveries which is about 2 or 3 thousand more than US covid19 deaths. While the mainstream media is quick to report on the increasing number of deaths, but the number of recoveries are also increasing.

My source for stats:


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #65

Post by koko »

The latest report I heard was that cloth masks are adequate protection against spreading of germs. This along with hand washing. It has also been reported that you should adopt a "one and done" plan for your clothing. After every use, wash your outer garments including your shoes and hats. Use a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol and clean your shoe tops and bottoms as germs can accumulate on them. I also rinse off my glasses upon returning home and only go out once a week for grocery shopping.

Please stay safe. O:)


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #66

Post by koko »

Sadly, up to now, too many Republicans have been dismissive of the virus crisis. Just now it has been reported that conservative Herman Cain (one of the biggest and most dismissive critics) has died from the disease: ... m-COVID-19

Former Republican presidential contender Herman Cain has died due to COVID-19. Cain was hospitalized on July 2 for COVID-19 symptoms; his last apparent public appearance was at Donald Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma rally two weeks prior, on June 20. That event was intentionally structured to ignore pandemic safety recommendations, and Tulsa, Oklahoma saw a spike of COVID-19 cases in the weeks afterwards that public health experts believe was connected to Trump’s appearance.

Cain was a fierce public critic of mandatory mask efforts. The day before his hospitalization, he had praise for Trump’s no-mask policy a Mt. Rushmore event, declaring in a now-deleted tweet that “PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”

Regardless of anyone's political leanings, we can all agree that this was a tragedy. And in this case, one that was needless had Cain taken greater precautions.

Commentator Ann Navarro-Cardenas pointed out this truth:

Herman Caín thought Covid was a hoax, scoffed at wearing a mask. Died of Covid.

Bill Montgomery, co-founder of pro-Trump, Turning Point USA, scoffed at virus. Died of Covid.

Rep. Gohmert refused to wear a mask. Has Covid.

See a pattern?
Covid doesn’t care about partisanship.

Hopefully, this will now stimulate Republicans to work with Democrats to find a solution to the crisis.


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #67

Post by koko »

People in New Zealand set aside their partisan differences and united against the virus: ... 61696.html

Coronavirus: New Zealand marks 100 days without domestic case

In summary - NZ avoided the spread of the disease by mandatory isolation. However, it appears to have relaxed these strictures and there is fear of a resurgence in the spreading of the disease as happened in Australia and Vietnam. Quarantine remains the best way to avoid spreading. We need to do the same in the USA and the rest of the world. Hopefully, medical science can then find the vaccine we are all hoping for and then we can finally end this crisis.


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #68

Post by koko »

Meanwhile, corona deaths continue to proliferate in the USA:

176,000 deaths. By contrast, the spread of the disease has largely been contained throughout most of the Western world. Clearly, this is attributable to good government control by those nations in marked contrast with the incompetence of the Trump regime.


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #69

Post by koko »

I have to say that it is remarkable how so many people on this forum are hung up over urban unrest in which there are maybe one or two casualties per week, but how those same critics side step the matter of corona deaths which now exceed 180,000. And while the unrest has created some economic disruption, the plague has nearly destroyed the economy which had been propped by the President Obama with Trump benefiting from his successful practices. There continue to be endless criticisms of mayor in blue states in the forum over these numbers. By contrast, in many parts of the USA plague casualties are accelerating because schools are being reopened meaning that now many children will die. All throughout the world, the plague progression has been arrested. But not in the USA where it continues to grow. Yet, we do not see a word of criticism over Trump's ineptitude in handling the crisis.

So why are people in this forum so selective in their emphases and criticisms?


Re: Coronavirus - Is it spreading

Post #70

Post by koko »

195,000 Americans dead to corona virus and Trump's incompetence.


Canada reports zero COVID-19 deaths for first time since March

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada reported zero COVID-19 deaths in the past 24 hours for the first time since March 15, according to public health agency data released late on Friday.

Canada’s death toll from the pandemic stood at 9,163 as of Sept. 11, the same as the number of the deaths reported on Sept. 10, government data showed. The number of positive cases rose by 702 to 135,626 on Sept. 11 from the previous day, the data showed.

With most provinces easing lockdown restrictions and as schools reopen for in-person classes, Canada’s infections have seen a mild pick-up in recent days. Authorities have been on high alert to avoid fresh outbreaks, and provinces including British Columbia have imposed new curbs to tackle the spread of the virus.

Still, Canada’s situation looks relatively healthy compared to its southern neighbor. Across the border in the United States, more than 190,000 people have died from the pandemic and more than 6.38 million people have been infected. ... SKBN26301J

We need the same type of health care they have in Canada. We also need that same type of leadership. Clearly, Trump is too incompetent to lead the USA. The only path he is leading us into is one of death and destruction.

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