Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

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Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

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Post by michaelgabriel88 »

We have freewill God lets us decide to do good or bad and our purpose in life is when we make that decision. it?s easy to not know that purpose because we are different. But freewill God gives it but he also gives us the law and the law is not wrong and niether is freewill just soceity itself is wrong and we have forgotten what is the normal back in those days. Society mistakes and thinks G-d is against freewill but gave freewill the right to choose and they have invented freewill is voting, paying taxes, and civics duties.

No people those things are the mistake modern society makes because they think they have evolved in such A way they surpass all of Israel back in those day but truth G-d is fair and gave us all. We have lost what is important love because human society is wrong and it?s foundation is false and invented by masons.

G-d created it all the rocks, the atmosphere, everything has been giving and from all that we have built buildings and empires everything we have built has come from him modern world is our work and act but we do not acknowledge them we take the glory and everything for we are sinful. The concept of government we have created but we emulated it from G-d and his kingdom the order G-d has it first, the structure he establish since the dawn of the universe.

We have created rights but we cannot use our rights agaisnt G-d and say he has violated them or civic manner say our freedom and establishment of our democracy hits against G-d and his kingdom. For he has the kingdom and the law. The law of his word and we do not have that for G-d gave us words but we are babylon the law is only his. Nor it belongs to hebrew people, eunuchs, or angels it only belongs to him to judge.

Our own system is flaw because we copy from each empire that has been establish Babylon, Rome, Greece, Britian, and Nazi Germany. Each has given its concept of right and law and all have copied each other and failed. Because again bible has establish that G-d and his system works and we with our notion of democracy and rights have copied on Rome and Babylon and they are wrong.

The most important things that because we have technology which has help us after world war 2 we think we have surpass it all and enter the digitla world and we circumvalent our promblems of family, corruption, and normal things we had before the 1950?s and think we are gods. And we want to be eternal and to be like powerful like G-d because it is what we have always been thinking because all of it is copy. When we are original and have the right system like he does everything works but our government and system does not because we are with flaws and our own boundaries aren?t the solutions they are A reminder that we will never have A perfect system thus our rights and belief in them cannot be the truth.

The freewill is revealed that there is A difference from freewill with G-d on accepting the right and wrong and succeeding in that way and from freewill from our modern concept which has failed and clashes with G-d?s law which is right and truth and unless we do not use our rights against G-d freewill is that what we make only A lie and it existence false.

Freewill from that point of view is that of society and since society has masonry in it and all foundations of masonery is babylon and Dagon it compells people to make G-d like unfair despotism but you cannot apply that to G-d for he is G-d and he is God of Gods those words are just feeble people who make laws copying the old empires and fallacy arrives in it?s policy.

There is A way government can follow G-d?s politics but that will be another day. But people and society will always collapse confronting and using thier rights and saying there is no freewill when you have to one understand things from G-d?s point of view understand what serveth the law, how the law is completed thru love and how faith as A tool helps you make A better realtionship with G-d.

When you find the truth and love in his way that G-d establish thru Jesus Christ you understand A secret way which freewill co-exist with G-d and love is what that bound unites it and makes freewill work but not under modern society but thru G-d mosaic law and know that is true freewill has been given to you but from the stance of modern world and republics establish go into error.

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #41

Post by onewithhim »

Brightfame52 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:34 am Mans will isnt free from Gods sovereign control nor from its sinful heart, yet man is accountable for his sinful actions.
We have a sinful heart, but that doesn't eliminate free will from our minds. Jehovah simply granted us free will so that his intelligent creation would be able to CHOOSE to love him, rather than be forced to. What satisfaction of any sort for Jehovah could there be if everyone was forced to be nice to him? Instead, he takes delight in the freely given love that many of his creations give to him. He looks at them like precious diamonds sparkling in the darkness of the world alienated from him. We can choose to live and be benefited by his graciousness, or we can choose to lose all benefits, just as what happened to Israel time and again.

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #42

Post by Brightfame52 »

onewithhim wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:38 pm
Brightfame52 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:34 am Mans will isnt free from Gods sovereign control nor from its sinful heart, yet man is accountable for his sinful actions.
We have a sinful heart, but that doesn't eliminate free will from our minds. Jehovah simply granted us free will so that his intelligent creation would be able to CHOOSE to love him, rather than be forced to. What satisfaction of any sort for Jehovah could there be if everyone was forced to be nice to him? Instead, he takes delight in the freely given love that many of his creations give to him. He looks at them like precious diamonds sparkling in the darkness of the world alienated from him. We can choose to live and be benefited by his graciousness, or we can choose to lose all benefits, just as what happened to Israel time and again.
The mind, heart are pretty much the same, or closely related, so mans mind and heart, and will is controlled by sin by nature. Eph 2:2-3
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Man cant help being a sinner, yet he is a slave to sin, and accountable.

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #43

Post by onewithhim »

Brightfame52 wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:15 am
onewithhim wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:38 pm
Brightfame52 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:34 am Mans will isnt free from Gods sovereign control nor from its sinful heart, yet man is accountable for his sinful actions.
We have a sinful heart, but that doesn't eliminate free will from our minds. Jehovah simply granted us free will so that his intelligent creation would be able to CHOOSE to love him, rather than be forced to. What satisfaction of any sort for Jehovah could there be if everyone was forced to be nice to him? Instead, he takes delight in the freely given love that many of his creations give to him. He looks at them like precious diamonds sparkling in the darkness of the world alienated from him. We can choose to live and be benefited by his graciousness, or we can choose to lose all benefits, just as what happened to Israel time and again.
The mind, heart are pretty much the same, or closely related, so mans mind and heart, and will is controlled by sin by nature. Eph 2:2-3
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Man cant help being a sinner, yet he is a slave to sin, and accountable.
That is true.

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #44

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

More information on freewill from different point of view

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #45

Post by Revelations won »

Dear michaelgabriel88,

Thank you for introducing this topic.

Yes, we all have free will or agency to choose for there must needs be an opposition in all things.

We have the God given power of agency to choose, but we do not have the power to choose the consequences.

This power was given to all of us during our premortal life in heaven.

This power was all reaffirmed to us in the Garden of Eden.

As this little couplet says:

“I have only a minute

Only 60 seconds in it

A tiny little minute

Didn't seek it

Didn't choose it

Must give account if I abuse it

But eternity is in it”

As I understand this most powerful principal of agency as given by God, it empowers each and every one of us to achieve the highest absolute possible level of salvation and exaltation and become joint heirs with Christ to receive all that the Father hath. The flip side of this is that we can by abusing this mighty power of agency sink to the lowest depths of failure and despair.

We must always remember that the great creator endowed us with the power to”ACT” and “NOT TO BE ACTED UPON”.

Kind regards,

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #46

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

This is the point only God who is creator of good and evil of light and darkness is who moves it all, we were never meant to understand. What would of happen if he would of not put the tree of good and evil and would of never enter this world. We would of being like children still with our envelope of innocence and be in front ogf God protected by him ?

Yes, our purpose was not good or evil and by human fault we felled. If the tree was not their we would of fallen one will ask ? Nope, everything has plan and God never wanted man in this position what was the purpose of the tree afterwards ? if he would never eaten of it would of other animals eat of it and not man ? or later remove as time passed ? We will never know ? What was really the purpose just as A test of not to be eatena nd alter remove by God ?

But still we know God said that man was like him and the angels that knoweth good and evil ! And still we realize the devil had freewill before us and he fell ! But we know that in our error of Adam we can decide not like the devil but do good in the mistake and rely on God's effort and not our owns and put things in God's hands. Our destiny can change and move but some of you question we cannot escape him or his destiny he saved for us. The question do you want the destiny he did not prepare and leave us in possibility of A million to one what will happen and man just be thrown in space and let him decide ? What will be the outcome if you can plan everyhing since your born from A baby and turn into an adult that instance and God gave you all the power of the future and destiny you wanted ? you will know what you know and you will make A decision better ?

No, this why it is better that inside this world we live we can live in many possibilities and be saved by grace and baptized from sin into salvation and put love into salvation ! We would not of found our destiny if we could decide our destiny in that moment from baby to adult in space. He put us in Eden to be protected and choose not to eat the tree of good and evil and let use have choice ! If we didn't eat we will be perfect and without sin ! But we felled and he gave As econd chance in Jesus and glad that even those scientist believe if they had possiblity to be free into choosing thier future our possiblities from predestination would make thier sum of equations and free from God soveriegn and have freewill ?

You have freewill protected and relying in God's effort and his soveriegn that you are not in space making decision but here in the world where in his care of law of moses and law of genesis. They would not of eating the fruti they will live in the probabilities in those rules and soveriegn of G-d's law and love. Be under his guidance and be saved. Knowing we can change those probablities and change our destiny from being A shoe salesman and into lawyer or governor of A state and reach our max and be what we want !

Moses chaneg those probabilities and also Huldah in her prophecy, G-d could reverse those action make us forget it and then done but he let those error stay and destiny was changed seeing he does not make it all effect in a sense of our errors do not ruin our future and in error the Eden will return and heaven on earth and we will be saved despite our errors in Jesus. God could of just erase us and no one will know of our exsitence and done but he lets us know and see those error have existed and predestiantion can change and destiny and sum of those variables and one million in one probablities can change and anything is possible. Let us do good and make knowing of good and evil in God's favor and find our purpose in life and pray to him.

See he made probablities and the sense some people say that one can make decision and really can't change thier future or predestiantion just fear and laziness that future can change and just like Moses and Huldah made mistake know we can make success into our favor and do good and change our future with him and play hard ball i life and into all the promblems life does go thru and breakthru it all and not passive christian that rolls over and breaks the mold life give and make good in life and saves his family.

Kicks and screams and changes his future his predestiantion and not this that with God you can't change your future or predestiantion I see you can't change your future idea and you do not understand it still ! This why you do not understand how freewill works in God's favor and his plan of God. But still stuck with the laws of modern world and liberalism USA faces ! You have freedom to choose and better under God's wing and not in space where psycologist and scientist say they don't get to choose and if they choose they would make more errors and wouldn't recognize them !

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #47

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to michaelgabriel88 in post #46]
Yes, the Devil had free will and he fell. With a third of the angels following him. Yet a majority of the angels did NOT fall, and they also have free will. God wants us to worship him because we really want to, not because we are programmed to do so. Jesus Christ had free will and he proved that a perfect individual could maintain his integrity and remain faithful to God, exercising his free will. We now have the opportunity to prove Satan is a liar and stay faithful to God in spite of our suffering under Satan's control of this system of things. (I John 5:19) Many of us have proved that we can stay faithful to God, with our free will, and we continue to exercise that free will to stick with Jehovah and show that we love Him.

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #48

Post by Miles »

onewithhim wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:31 am [Replying to michaelgabriel88 in post #46]

Yes, the Devil had free will and he fell.

With a third of the angels following him.

Yet a majority of the angels did NOT fall, and they also have free will.

Jesus Christ had free will
Curious as to where in the Bible these four bits of information lie. Chapters and verses if you would.


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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #49

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Miles wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:12 pm
Curious as to where in the Bible these four bits of information lie. Chapters and verses if you would.

[Replying to michaelgabriel88 in post #46]

Yes, the Devil had free will and he fell.
JOHN 8 :44
You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father.+ That one was a murderer when he began,+ and he did not stand fast in the truth,

With a third of the angels following him.
A great fiery-colored dragon,+ with seven heads and ten horns and on its heads seven diadems; 4 and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth (compare Job 38:7)

Yet a majority of the angels did NOT fall, and they also have free will.


And the angels who did not keep their original position but ,forsook, their own proper dwelling place, he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgment of the great day

Jesus Christ had free will[/u]


Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship,+ and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”+ 11 Then the Devil left him,+ and look! angels came and began to minister to him.
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"For if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah" -
Romans 14:8

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Re: Do we have freewill or is it biblical ? Does applied to us ?

Post #50

Post by Miles »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:22 pm
Yes, the Devil had free will and he fell.
JOHN 8 :44
You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father.+ That one was a murderer when he began,+ and he did not stand fast in the truth,

With a third of the angels following him.
A great fiery-colored dragon,+ with seven heads and ten horns and on its heads seven diadems; 4 and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth (compare Job 38:7)

Yet a majority of the angels did NOT fall, and they also have free will.


And the angels who did not keep their original position but ,forsook, their own proper dwelling place, he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgment of the great day

Jesus Christ had free will


Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship,+ and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”+ 11 Then the Devil left him,+ and look! angels came and began to minister to him.

As I asked in post 48.
Miles wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:12 pm
onewithhim wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:31 am [Replying to michaelgabriel88 in post #46

Yes, the Devil had free will and he fell.

With a third of the angels following him.

Yet a majority of the angels did NOT fall, and they also have free will.

Jesus Christ had free will
Curious as to where in the Bible these four bits of information lie. Chapters and verses if you would.
Your answers hardly qualify.


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