The Last Days

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The Last Days

Post #1

Post by Justin108 »

For those believing we live in "the Last Days", a few questions...

1. How do you define "the last days"?

2. When do you think "the last days" officially started?

3. How long a period do you expect "the last days" to last? Considering the name "the last days", should one not expect the last days to be... a few days? If you think the last days have been going on since 1914, shouldn't it then be called "the last decades" or at least "the last years"? Does the term "the last days" not strongly imply a period of just a few days?

4. How would you distinguish the last days from the not-so-last days? How would the world have to look like for us to not be living in the last days? For example, suppose you believe we live in the last days due to war and natural disasters. Would your idea of the not-so-last days be a world completely void of war and natural disasters? What was the tipping point for you? What exactly happened that made you think "ok it's officially the last days"? Was it a specific war? A specific disaster? A specific president?

5. How long do you estimate "the last days" to last? Will the end of the world be next year? Before 2020? Will it be this century? Will it be this millennium?

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Re: The Last Days

Post #31

Post by Claire Evans »

Justin108 wrote: For those believing we live in "the Last Days", a few questions...

1. How do you define "the last days"?

2. When do you think "the last days" officially started?

3. How long a period do you expect "the last days" to last? Considering the name "the last days", should one not expect the last days to be... a few days? If you think the last days have been going on since 1914, shouldn't it then be called "the last decades" or at least "the last years"? Does the term "the last days" not strongly imply a period of just a few days?

4. How would you distinguish the last days from the not-so-last days? How would the world have to look like for us to not be living in the last days? For example, suppose you believe we live in the last days due to war and natural disasters. Would your idea of the not-so-last days be a world completely void of war and natural disasters? What was the tipping point for you? What exactly happened that made you think "ok it's officially the last days"? Was it a specific war? A specific disaster? A specific president?

5. How long do you estimate "the last days" to last? Will the end of the world be next year? Before 2020? Will it be this century? Will it be this millennium?
I believe the last days refer to the time that prophecy is started to unfold. "Last days" is not literal. I see it as just a time period.

We do not know how long it is going to last however events are happening to quickly that I don't believe it will be long (could be a few years) before the Anti-Christ takes control of the world.

The indication I have that it is the last days it the plan to have microchips in the hands. That is the mark the Bible is talking about, I'm sure. Without these chips, one cannot buy and sell.

The other is that the time is ripe for the Third Temple to be built. If there is a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians, then that is an indication, too.

I believe we only have a few years left.

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Re: The Last Days

Post #32

Post by 2timothy316 »

Justin108 wrote:
2timothy316 wrote:
Justin108 wrote: Was the definition in there somewhere? Probably. But I'm not exactly eager to delve through paragraph after paragraph to finally find an answer to my question.
Yes, I know this. This failure to delve into information for answers is one of the reasons no one knew about the prophecy of Daniel. People 'not exactly eager' in educating themselves of information that sits right in front of them.

So if you wish to keep yourself in the dark, by my guest. I can lead a horse to know the rest. I can only inform, I cannot be eager to delve into information or learn for you. If you are still having a hard time understanding what people are telling you, then perhaps it is time to change and become eager and learn to delve in?
There are literally millions of books in the world. Can you give me good reason to focus on the Bible over all others?
Yes. Because it is the only book that has been correct in not only foretelling but also explaining what we are living through right now. Because of that evidence I have full faith and trust that the rest of what the Bible has to say about what follows the last days will be correct as well.

I'm so sure of what is to come that I'd suggest you bookmark this post so that when these things start to happen you can look back on this post and confirm everything.

Here are the the things to look for in order.

1. Look for a global announcement of peace and security when actually there is no peace or security. This will be the next thing to look for. When this announcement comes the Bible doesn't say. (1 Thess 5:1-3 and Jeremiah 8:11)

2. The waters (people) supporting Babylon the Great (all false religion) has been drying up now for at last the past 20 years. Churches are shutting down all across the world due to a lack of support. (Jeremiah 50:38, 51:36, 37, Revelation 16:12 and Revelation 17:15) The world governments will turn on all false religion. Expose it for what it is, cease all it's property and dismantle it's leadership. (Revelation 17:16) All the companies that used to sell things to these people will be sad and say 'too bad' because they are going to lose a great deal of profit from these organizations. (Revelation 18:15-17)

3. The attack on religion will be cut short because if it was not then no one would survive. (Matthew 24:22) These means there will be a pause in the Great Tribulation. This is when people will be judged as either righteous or wicked. (Matthew 25:31-34)

4. After that pause there will be a sign that will let the whole Earth know who God is and who His Son is. (Matthew 24:29-31) We do not know what this sign will be but the whole Earth will know who God is there will be no doubts anymore as to who is the rightful ruler of the Earth. (Ezekiel 39:7)

5. Then the attack on Jehovah God's people will begin. Since the nations' armies can't reach Jehovah or Jesus they go after the only people they can get to. These are the only ones left after the attack on religion. They will look weak and unarmed; easy targets. Then the nations of the world will come up against God's people and try to wipe them out. This will trigger the final event. Armageddon. This attack on God's people moves Jesus to action to strike down permanently all of those siding with Satan and the nations to exterminate God's chosen people. (Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 16:14, 16,)

6. The 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ begins.

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Re: The Last Days

Post #33

Post by Justin108 »

2timothy316 wrote: Yes. Because it is the only book that...
How do you know? Have you read every book?
2timothy316 wrote: it is the only book that has been correct in not only foretelling but also explaining what we are living through right now.
Can you give me a non-vague prophecy that is not open to interpretation (i.e can have different meanings) that is not self-fulfilling (i.e would probably have come true anyway) that came true?
2timothy316 wrote: 1. Look for a global announcement of peace and security
What exactly will this global announcement look like? Will someone actually say "There is no more war in the entire world. Everyone has achieved peace"?
2timothy316 wrote: 2. The waters (people) supporting Babylon the Great (all false religion) has been drying up now for at last the past 20 years.
See that's what I meant by open to interpretation. Why do waters = people? Why does Babylon = all false religions? These passages are very open to interpretation. Some would tell you Babylon is all false religions, others would tell you Babylon is the USA, others would tell you Babylon is the UN. As long as a prophecy is open to interpretation, anyone can point to anything and say "see? This is what the prophecy was talking about". If tomorrow we hear that the US economy crashed completely, someone could say "this is what the prophecy was talking about. Babylon the Great (the USA) has been drying up (the economy)".

If the meaning of a prophecy can be changed on a dime, then the prophecy is unreliable. It cannot be proven. It cannot be tested

If I made a vague prophecy like "the north swallow will drink the seas" and then after a few months, we hear that a plane from Canada crashed into the sea, would that mean my prophecy came true? It fits my prophecy. The north (Canada) swallow (plane) will drink the seas (crash into the sea). If I can really see the future, why didn't I just outright say "a Canadian plane will crash into the sea"?
2timothy316 wrote: 6. The 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ begins.
Didn't this begin back in 1914?

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Post #34

Post by brianbbs67 »

i can only tell about the "Waters". In the Torah/Tanakh, Heaven is referred to as Ha'shem, high water. Earth is Shem, water. The world below and the world above. Just like the adversary, satan, is referred to as Ha' satan. The high adversary. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham, and Japhet. Maybe a clue, maybe not.

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Post #35

Post by bluethread »

brianbbs67 wrote: i can only tell about the "Waters". In the Torah/Tanakh, Heaven is referred to as Ha'shem, high water. Earth is Shem, water. The world below and the world above. Just like the adversary, satan, is referred to as Ha' satan. The high adversary. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham, and Japhet. Maybe a clue, maybe not.
This is not correct. Ha Shem is "the name". Water or waters is mayim. Also ha does not mean "high", but is equivalent to the definite article "the" in English.

The phrase "the last days" is b'acharyth ha'yom and is an idiom first used by Yeshiyahu in reference to a time when the people of the nations will come to the Temple mount to learn Adonai's ways and have disputes settled. (Is. 2) Micah repeats this usage, using the exact same words. Hoshea uses it to refer to the time when Israel will be brought back from prostituting herself with the ways of the nations. In this context, Peter, at the feast of Shavuot (Acts 2), takes liberties and applies the idiom to Yoel's prophecy regarding the events that will occur after Israel has returned, been reestablished in the land and been granted prosperity. He uses this to explain how the Jews, who had come from other nations, all heard what was being spoken in the language of the nation from which they had come. Also, the use of the phrase by Paul in one of his letters to Timothy, Yocav's(James) in his letter and Peter in one of his letters, also appear to be generalizations, because they speak of difficulties and corruption, not prosperity and a return to Adonai's ways.

In spite of the quite general usage of the term referred to above, many have incorporated it into there eschatology, liberally applying it to any reference to a future event. Most notable of these are the dispensationalists, who use it as one of their tools to support their view of distinct ages in which Adonai deals with people differently. In my opinion, this use of the term to refer to a distinct age, rather than generally referring to the time when Israel would prosper in the land and the Temple mount would be revered, is a bit self serving. I personally see this as referring to the time when Adonai's people will recognize the pilgrimage feasts and proclaim "Baruch haba b'shem Adonai", "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Therefore, it is my view that the dispensationalists, with their rejection of the so called "ceremonial law" appear to be discouraging the very thing that they say they desire.

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Post #36

Post by dio9 »

the last days come at the end of the messianic restoration which began at Jesus resurrection. The last days is when each human being becomes completely identified with Jesus as son or daughter of God. The last day is the complete restoration of Adam and Eve.

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Re: The Last Days

Post #37

Post by 2timothy316 »

Justin108 wrote:
2timothy316 wrote: Yes. Because it is the only book that...
How do you know? Have you read every book?
No. Do you know of another book that got what we are experiencing these days right and was completed 2000 years ago? If you do let me know.
2timothy316 wrote: it is the only book that has been correct in not only foretelling but also explaining what we are living through right now.
Can you give me a non-vague prophecy that is not open to interpretation (i.e can have different meanings) that is not self-fulfilling (i.e would probably have come true anyway) that came true?
It's not vague to me. Why is it vague to you? There are no dates needed. You have read the scriptures yourself describing that the last days would be like. Do you see that these are the last days or will you refuse because of your prejudice of the Bible?

If I told you that one day while going about your life that on one day of the current year, you'd see a person in pink dinosaur costume, a car crash, a parade, a building collapse, a burglary and a murder on the same city block on the same day. Would you seriously need to know the exact day to be convinced that I knew the future?

You have read all the scriptures that say what is going to be happening in the Last Days at the same time. If that is not enough nothing ever will be. Even if you knew the dates you'd still say, “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation’s beginning.� 2 Peter 3:4. Even the way you think was predicted as happening at the same time as the increase in the reports of wars, protects, natural disasters and the wicked attitude of people. People care more for animals than people because people are so wicked minded. How many memes do you see that say 'I hate people'. Do all of these things happening at the same time not alarm you?
2timothy316 wrote: 1. Look for a global announcement of peace and security
What exactly will this global announcement look like? Will someone actually say "There is no more war in the entire world. Everyone has achieved peace"?
The Bible doesn't say that it will look different. It says, 'when they are proclaiming peace and security'. Look up any synonyms you'd like. However, the Bible doesn't say anyone will proclaim 'there is no more war'. Peace is not always synonymous with war. Luke 21:9 lack of peace in different translations includes uprisings, rebellions, riots, protest and commotions.
2timothy316 wrote: 2. The waters (people) supporting Babylon the Great (all false religion) has been drying up now for at last the past 20 years.
See that's what I meant by open to interpretation. Why do waters = people?
People, especially the restless masses alienated from God, are symbolized by waters. Babylon the Great, in her earth-wide domination, is said to sit “on many waters.� These waters are explained in John’s vision of the great harlot to “mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.�—Re 17:1, 15; compare Isa 57:20.

The Bible interprets what things mean.
Why does Babylon = all false religions?
The Bible also explains this. The ancient city of Babylon was known for its many religions. (Jer 50:1, 2, 38) It was a known enemy of God's people and is through out the Hebrew Scriptures as an enemy. In Revelation it refers to a Babylon the Great. Which simply means the same type of place like old Babylon only on a much bigger scale.

I know you told me that you don't like to 'delve deeper' but if you change your mind here is a link to a more in depth focus on Babylon the Great.
If the meaning of a prophecy can be changed on a dime, then the prophecy is unreliable. It cannot be proven. It cannot be tested
The Bible prophecy is the same and will be fulfilled as it is supposed to. How people try to understand what exactly is happening is what may change. For example the Bible students understood that Satan would be hurled down in 1914 having great anger. World world I was certainly an event that would could see Satan's great anger. However, the Bible Students also thought that Jesus would start Armageddon that year. ON that point they were wrong. The Bible was not wrong in it's timing, they were wrong in theirs.
If I made a vague prophecy like "the north swallow will drink the seas" and then after a few months, we hear that a plane from Canada crashed into the sea, would that mean my prophecy came true? It fits my prophecy. The north (Canada) swallow (plane) will drink the seas (crash into the sea). If I can really see the future, why didn't I just outright say "a Canadian plane will crash into the sea"?
Your example is not even close to the complexity that the Bible has prophesied about the Last Days. Take your example and add: The name of the pilot. What made to plane crash. The time the plane would experience trouble. What the pilot would say in the Mayday call and if there would be survivors or not. Then you'd have a parallel example.

Heck, if you were able to do this then I'd certainly be paying close attention to your next prophecy. Would a person be wise if they didn't?
2timothy316 wrote: 6. The 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ begins.
Didn't this begin back in 1914?
No. The Last Days began in 1914.

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Re: The Last Days

Post #38

Post by Justin108 »

2timothy316 wrote:
How do you know? Have you read every book?
No. Do you know of another book that got what we are experiencing these days right and was completed 2000 years ago? If you do let me know.
What exactly did it get right? That there will be wars and natural disasters?
2timothy316 wrote:
Can you give me a non-vague prophecy that is not open to interpretation (i.e can have different meanings) that is not self-fulfilling (i.e would probably have come true anyway) that came true?
It's not vague to me. Why is it vague to you?
Why is what vague to me? You haven't given me a prophecy yet.
2timothy316 wrote: You have read the scriptures yourself describing that the last days would be like. Do you see that these are the last days or will you refuse because of your prejudice of the Bible?
Quote the scriptures and I'll take a look.
2timothy316 wrote: If I told you that one day while going about your life that on one day of the current year, you'd see a person in pink dinosaur costume, a car crash, a parade, a building collapse, a burglary and a murder on the same city block on the same day. Would you seriously need to know the exact day to be convinced that I knew the future?
No. You gave me several very specific and unpredictable details.

1. You specified that it will happen in the current year.
- the Bible doesn't specify a year, nor a decade, nor a century,nor even a millennium in which the events will take place.
2. You very specifically mention a person in a pink dinosaur costume.
- the Bible never gives such a specific prediction. The Bible usually mentions something metaphorical, like "the Great Babylon", or something that is bound to happen regardless, like "there will be wars". There have always been wars. Saying "there will be a war one day" is like saying "it will rain one day".
3. A car crash, a parade, a building collapse, a burglary and a murder on the same city block on the same day is exceptional (even without the man in the pink dinosaur costume). Which prediction did the Bible accurately make that is equally as exceptional as this example?
2timothy316 wrote:Even if you knew the dates you'd still say, “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation’s beginning.� 2 Peter 3:4. Even the way you think was predicted
Predicting that some people will not believe you is, again, an obvious prediction.

To demonstrate:
Justin108: I am a man of many supernatural powers. Among which, I can read minds. Reading 2timothy316's mind, I can tell that he does not believe me.

I bet I got that prediction right, didn't I? Does that prove that I can in fact read minds?

2timothy316 wrote:
What exactly will this global announcement look like? Will someone actually say "There is no more war in the entire world. Everyone has achieved peace"?
The Bible doesn't say that it will look different. It says, 'when they are proclaiming peace and security'. Look up any synonyms you'd like. However, the Bible doesn't say anyone will proclaim 'there is no more war'. Peace is not always synonymous with war. Luke 21:9 lack of peace in different translations includes uprisings, rebellions, riots, protest and commotions.
So what you're telling me is that this is again open to interpretation?
2timothy316 wrote:
See that's what I meant by open to interpretation. Why do waters = people?
People, especially the restless masses alienated from God, are symbolized by waters.
How do you know??
2timothy316 wrote: The Bible interprets what things mean.
Then why do so many Christians disagree on the correct interpretation?
2timothy316 wrote:The Bible prophecy is the same and will be fulfilled as it is supposed to. How people try to understand what exactly is happening is what may change. For example the Bible students understood that Satan would be hurled down in 1914 having great anger. World world I was certainly an event that would could see Satan's great anger. However, the Bible Students also thought that Jesus would start Armageddon that year. ON that point they were wrong. The Bible was not wrong in it's timing, they were wrong in theirs.
I'm not saying the Bible is wrong, I'm saying the Bible cannot proven to be true if the prophecies used to prove it are vague and open to interpretation.
2timothy316 wrote:
If I made a vague prophecy like "the north swallow will drink the seas" and then after a few months, we hear that a plane from Canada crashed into the sea, would that mean my prophecy came true? It fits my prophecy. The north (Canada) swallow (plane) will drink the seas (crash into the sea). If I can really see the future, why didn't I just outright say "a Canadian plane will crash into the sea"?
Your example is not even close to the complexity that the Bible has prophesied about the Last Days.
Would you consider my example a true prediction? Yes or no?
2timothy316 wrote:Take your example and add: The name of the pilot. What made to plane crash..
Oh? The Bible did this? Did the Bible predict who would start World War 1? When did the Bible ever make a prediction of that much detail?
2timothy316 wrote: What the pilot would say in the Mayday call and if there would be survivors or not.
Again, when did the Bible make a prediction of this much detail?

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Re: The Last Days

Post #39

Post by 2timothy316 »

Justin108 wrote:
2timothy316 wrote: What the pilot would say in the Mayday call and if there would be survivors or not.
Again, when did the Bible make a prediction of this much detail?
Again, in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

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Re: The Last Days

Post #40

Post by Justin108 »

2timothy316 wrote:
Justin108 wrote:
2timothy316 wrote: What the pilot would say in the Mayday call and if there would be survivors or not.
Again, when did the Bible make a prediction of this much detail?
Again, in the book of Daniel and Revelation.
Is quoting a challenge to you?

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