The ascension career

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Bro Dave
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The ascension career

Post #1

Post by Bro Dave »

I thought we might start a discussion on the path to paradise. This is from paper 30. I only posted the first, "Planetary Mortals" section. We can discuss it, and then continue, or if you'd rather, we can jump to waking up on mansion world #1. :?:


While the mortal survivors of time and space are denominated ascending pilgrims when accredited for the progressive ascent to Paradise, these evolutionary creatures occupy such an important place in these narratives that we here desire to present a synopsis of the following seven stages of the ascending universe career:
1. Planetary Mortals.
2. Sleeping Survivors.
3. Mansion World Students.
4. Morontia Progressors.
5. Superuniverse Wards.
6. Havona Pilgrims.
7. Paradise Arrivals.

The following narrative presents the universe career of an
Adjuster-indwelt mortal. The Son- and Spirit-fused mortals share portions of this career, but we have elected to tell this story as it pertains to the
Adjuster-fused mortals, for such a destiny may be anticipated by all of the
human races of Urantia.

1. Planetary Mortals. Mortals are all animal-origin evolutionary beings of ascendant potential. In origin, nature, and destiny these various groups and types of human beings are not wholly unlike the Urantia peoples. The human races of each world receive the same ministry of the Sons of God and enjoy the presence of the ministering spirits of time. After natural death all types of ascenders fraternize as one morontia family on the mansion worlds.

Any questions? :?: :?: :?:

Bro Dave


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Post #21

Post by Bro Dave »

you know that this book was dictated through a medium?
Actually, it was not dictated through a medium. Dr. William Sadler, was a well respected physican, who fought agains the mediums. While it is true that the material was "given" through a patient, who simply spontenously "went to sleep", he was not induced to do so. In fact, it took a while for Dr Sadler to realize the nature of the material being offered. God has always found ways to bring truth to us, and to give us an understanding commencerate with our levels of understanding at the tiime. It was decided that we now have a grasp of our local universe, and were capable of a clearer understanding of how God administers this universe. No magic, no mumbo jumbo. Why was this sleeping subject used? It is an effort to keep the messenger from getting in the way of the message. We are so easily distracted! Think how much time has been wasted on trying to discover if the "shroud of Turin" is legit! Who cares!!! We are facinated, rather like a child who plays with the wrappings and the boxes, and ignores the gifts.

I understand all the fears you have been programmed with. But, if you can gird yourself with the Spirit of Truth, and pray that God watches over your effort and protects you from any harm, reading the life of Jesus will bring you so close to him, you will feel you are walking with him while he was with us. It is up to you.

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Post #22

Post by Amadeus »

Ok, no medium.

Demon posession while the patient was asleep? :D

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Post #23

Post by Bro Dave »

Amadeus wrote:Ok, no medium.

Demon posession while the patient was asleep? :D
Play whatever word games you like. But, the ultimate test of any book, is its contents. This book stand well in both consistancy, and its contents. Here in you will find a Father you can love, not fear. How indeed does one truly love God, if the live in fear of Him? That too is reflective of an abusive human parent, not our Loving Father!

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Post #24

Post by Amadeus »

Fearing God doesn't mean you run from Him. It's kinda like how you fear your earthly parent: "Oh, I better do what is right 'cuz I'll get in trouble if I don't! Plus I'll disappoint Him!"

That kind of thing.

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Post #25

Post by Bro Dave »

Amadeus wrote:Fearing God doesn't mean you run from Him. It's kinda like how you fear your earthly parent: "Oh, I better do what is right 'cuz I'll get in trouble if I don't! Plus I'll disappoint Him!"

That kind of thing.
I know of no earthly parent who would put thier child in danger, to say nothing of subjecting them to ETERNAL pain! Besides, we cannot "disappoint" God, He knows us in eternity, and loves us unconditionally. Any failures that occur, are due to our free will decisions not to share eternity as His sons and daughters. But for all of us who want to go adventuring with Him... WOW!!!!

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Post #26

Post by Colter »

Well Hello Bro Dave,

It's been a while, glad I found you, I read through your post here and enjoyed the work you put into them. I was just asked to give up my Christian icon on an orthodox website because the say I committed heresy. Imagine that, well fortunately I got away before they burned me at the stake. :shock:

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Post #27

Post by Amadeus »

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Post #28

Post by Amadeus »

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Post #29

Post by Bro Dave »

Colter wrote:Well Hello Bro Dave,

It's been a while, glad I found you, I read through your post here and enjoyed the work you put into them. I was just asked to give up my Christian icon on an orthodox website because the say I committed heresy. Imagine that, well fortunately I got away before they burned me at the stake. :shock:
Hi Colter. I have been tracking many of you posts as well, and am continuously impressed with your Biblical knowledge, and the brotherly way you engage everyone. It is difficult when so many folks are mentally locked up with fear and guilt, because of the terrible things they have been taught about our Father. Oh well, the truth will out!

Keep up the good work, Father is leading the way.

Bro Dave

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Post #30

Post by Colter »

Hi Amadaus,

I took the time to read all three of the links you posted. The author made some valid points, I'm sure his intentions are good. The Sanherin that conspired to put Jesus to death for his teachings more than likely thought along the same lines.

The spirit of truth lives in your heart Amadaus, as well as the Spirit of God your father. You have to do what you think is right in your life. If you think the UB is evil then don't read it. I have a post for you and am curious if you think it is right or not. A yes or no answer will do.


The brotherhood of men is founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God--God is love. God the Father divinely loves his children, all of them.

The kingdom of heaven, the divine government, is founded on the fact of divine sovereignty--God is spirit. Since God is spirit, this kingdom is spiritual. The kingdom of heaven is neither material nor merely intellectual; it is a spiritual relationship between God and man.

If different religions recognize the spirit sovereignty of God the Father, then will all such religions remain at peace. Only when one religion assumes that it is in some way superior to all others, and that it possesses exclusive authority over other religions, will such a religion presume to be intolerant of other religions or dare to persecute other religious believers.

Religious peace--brotherhood--can never exist unless all religions are willing to completely divest themselves of all ecclesiastical authority and fully surrender all concept of spiritual sovereignty. God alone is spirit sovereign.

You cannot have equality among religions (religious liberty) without having religious wars unless all religions consent to the transfer of all religious sovereignty to some superhuman level, to God himself.

The kingdom of heaven in the hearts of men will create religious unity (not necessarily uniformity) because any and all religious groups composed of such religious believers will be free from all notions of ecclesiastical authority--religious sovereignty.

God is spirit, and God gives a fragment of his spirit self to dwell in the heart of man. Spiritually, all men are equal. The kingdom of heaven is free from castes, classes, social levels, and economic groups. You are all brethren.

But the moment you lose sight of the spirit sovereignty of God the Father, some one religion will begin to assert its superiority over other religions; and then, instead of peace on earth and good will among men, there will start dissensions, recriminations, even religious wars, at least wars among religionists.

Freewill beings who regard themselves as equals, unless they mutually acknowledge themselves as subject to some supersovereignty, some authority over and above themselves, sooner or later are tempted to try out their ability to gain power and authority over other persons and groups. The concept of equality never brings peace except in the mutual recognition of some overcontrolling influence of supersovereignty.

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