Why does man need to create religion?

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Why does man need to create religion?

Post #1

Post by Donray »

Both Homo Neanderthal and Homo sapiens demonstrated religious beliefs tens of thousands of years before man created the Jewish religion that Christians and Muslims took over as their own. Why did the homo species feel the need to have religion?

People are Superstitious
People from the beginning of their existence seem to be very superstitious. People feel they need to ware their special underwear to a baseball game for there team to win. They need to talk with gods to get rain or stop bad weather. A religion depends heavily of superstitions.

People are Anthropomorphism
People talk to inanimate object like computer, etc. Have you ever talked out loud “where did I put my keys?� So why not talk to gods or mother earth? What about talking to the weather to ask for rain. Religions support this talking to non-existing things.

Need for Purpose
We seem to have a natural ability to see purposes for things. We want to know what our purpose in life is. Religion can help answer this question. We need to have a purpose for disease and religion answers that question. The Christians blame Eve for starting all the bad things

Belief in Justice
People simply hate to see wrongdoing unpunished and it’s a common factor in religions that there’s a *lot* of punishment going on. So, the invention of heaven and hell in religions.

Hope of Afterlife
The other side of the belief in justice; when someone dies, one of the stages of grieving that people go through is anger—it just seems so wrong, so unfair that someone we love is gone. Who would not like it to be true that we’ll see them again?

It Brings us Together
Humans are social animal and feel the need to be with others. Religion fills the need the need to be like others and be liked by others. Religious belief brings people together—or more precisely, that it allows lots of people to live together without killing each other. Religion gives us a set of common beliefs. One interesting point about the theory is that it doesn’t matter what the religious beliefs are, but it is important that everyone in the community believes the same thing. That may explain some of the bizarre beliefs in religions.

Are there other reason man needed to create religion?

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #21

Post by Donray »

[Replying to post 20 by William]

The problem is that there is no such thing as "Astral Projection".

You have proof that it exia thing. I did agree that a vivid imingnation would be a reason for religion and I guess why some people that there is such a thing as "Astral Projection".

So, Astral Projection and reling can be looked at with things commobn. All thing that I mentioned as reason to create religion also apply to man creteing other things like Astral Projection.

Again, what proof do you have???????

You have no idea what the thing is that leavest the body is made of. You have no idea how the brain wroks when leaving the body. You have no idea how many realms there are. You have no idea what you appear like in the other realms. ETC. Again no idea at all.

Surly by now there are scienticif papers by accredited scientis that appear in accoted magizaes about this Astral Projection junk. Just list the science studies that have investigated this.

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #22

Post by William »

[Replying to post 21 by Donray]
The problem is that there is no such thing as "Astral Projection".
If there is no such thing, then many individuals who have experienced such a thing think otherwise.
I assume you have not, which is why you claim that there is no such thing?
You have proof that it exia thing.
Sorry, could you repeat that please.
I did agree that a vivid imingnation would be a reason for religion and I guess why some people that there is such a thing as "Astral Projection".
And it was pointed out to you that is is not a case of 'vivid imagination.' as you are assuming.
So, Astral Projection and reling can be looked at with things commobn. All thing that I mentioned as reason to create religion also apply to man creteing other things like Astral Projection.
Not my argument. Rather, the natural existence of OOBE is most likely the main reason religion exists, not the other way around.

If humans were unable to do such a thing, I doubt religion and spirituality etc would have evolved as as it has done.

That is also why I doubt that such things will fade from the human experience, no matter how hard people try to eradicate it from human society.
Again, what proof do you have???????
Again, I have my own subjective experience, which trumps anything you have.

As I said, you can gain your own evidence through personal experience and from that point make necessary assessments. Making belief based assessments is simply putting the horse before the cart and won't go anywhere.
You have no idea what the thing is that leavest the body is made of. You have no idea how the brain wroks when leaving the body. You have no idea how many realms there are. You have no idea what you appear like in the other realms. ETC. Again no idea at all.
You are projecting your own ignorance about this subject onto me. I have some idea. I have some experience.

Certainly I don't know everything about it, but never claimed to either. What I do know allows me to understand that all forms of human spirituality have their root cause in the Astral Realm because people can have OOBE.
Surly by now there are scienticif papers by accredited scientis that appear in accoted magizaes about this Astral Projection junk. Just list the science studies that have investigated this.
If this were to be actively investigated by scientists - funded by investors who want to know - then it would have already been done. There are scientist who have indeed done this (you can get that information on the net, and I have left links in the thread I already linked to, here.

It is easy enough to figure out why investors don't fund scientists to investigate this. If it were to be shown to be true, it would fundamentally change the way everyone sees life and undermine projects which are focused upon making lots of $$ by having humans fixated on only this reality.

IOW to answer your Q, there is no money to be made in fully investigating Astral Projection and besides which, no one needs scientific verification that people can do this. You can do it for yourself, and get that verification far better than scientific papers could provide you with.

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #23

Post by Donray »

[Replying to post 22 by William]

Again, you have no answers to question about your beliefs. And it is a vivid imagination that people think they leave there bodies. It is not as you imagine, real.

I have asked what scientific support you haveyour beliefs and you have none.

You most likely can tell me nothing about a specific realm you vested and then answer questions I have.

Don't you see it has purely your vivid imagination that makes you think you visited another realm.

I tale it that ghosts are nothing but people from these other realms visiting our realm?

Where are these realms? Are they within our universe? Can you travel faster than light while projecting? If so can you explain how?

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #24

Post by William »

[Replying to post 23 by Donray]
Again, you have no answers to question about your beliefs. And it is a vivid imagination that people think they leave there bodies. It is not as you imagine, real.
Our interaction here has become circular. You claim that it is imagination is based upon assumption rather than any personal experience. Until you have that personal experience you cannot know with any certainty that this is the actual case.
Once you have had that personal experience, then - based upon my own experience and the accounts of thousands of others who also have had such experience - the most likely thing which will occur with you is that you will change your current assumption-based position and declare otherwise.
I have asked what scientific support you have your beliefs and you have none.
I have explained that it is not belief but knowledge through experience. Any individual (scientist or otherwise) can do the same IF THEY APPLY THEMSELVES. If you or anyone else cannot apply themselves to try and seek personal experience through investigation, one is unlikely to attain any such experience. In some rarer cases, such as my own initial experiences, individuals attain the experiences without any prior conscious will to do so.

Therefore any opinion anyone might have on the subject which is assumption - based, is irrelevant. Science is not based on assumption but on practical application and exploration.
You most likely can tell me nothing about a specific realm you vested and then answer questions I have.
Don't you see it has purely your vivid imagination that makes you think you visited another realm.
I have visited no alternate reality. As I said in the link I provided to the post I made;
My own experience in Out of Body projection is limited to three main incidences. The first two were a surprise and the third was a purposeful effort.

I have not ventured into the Astral Realm and have not fixated on wanting to adventure more outside of my body. As far as I am concerned those 3 experiences were enough to convince me of the validity of alternate realities and more importantly, that I am not the body I am presently occupied within, but am a conscious 'spirit' being who fully expects that when my body finally dies, that won't be the end of me or my experiences.

Knowing that, my primary focus for now, is with this life as a human being, passing on information which can be accepted or rejected by the reader, as they so choose and open to discussion and debate regarding ... well my Members Notes speak plainly to that.
Included in these experience I have personally had, while I have not visited or meet with entities IN an obviously alternative reality, I have been visited BY entities from alternate realities. They are as real as anyone I have experienced in this (physical universe] reality experience.

But my word is hearsay. If you want to know if there is any truth to this, you will have to work at ways in which you can also experience this. If not, then all you have is assumption, and assumption isn't science.
I tale it that ghosts are nothing but people from these other realms visiting our realm?

What is a 'ghost'? I do not know what you think a ghost is, so cannot say I have seen any.
Where are these realms? Are they within our universe? Can you travel faster than light while projecting? If so can you explain how?
It is not for me to provide answers for you to these questions. First you have to do the work and then when you have learned how to leave your body and explore, you can gain the answers to these questions yourself, if you so chose to.

My own understanding is that all realities (realms) exist within the mind of First Source (GOD), including this universe.

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #25

Post by Donray »

[Replying to post 24 by William]

You are right, I will never convince you that you and others are just hallucinating.

Again, you have no proof expect your own and others hallucinations.

Just show me a science study that supports your beliefs. Surly if one can cause this to happen then it can be done in a scientific setting. Why has this not happened?

When know people hallucinate and with drugs and mental conditions it happens a lot. Why do you think people take/took LSD? To have an experience like you want describe.

Have you discussed this with a mental professional and see what they say about out of body experiance?

You keep repaeting the same thing and have no answer to my questions. The only thing you can say is try it. I have tried it and determined I was dreaming.

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Post #26

Post by mgb »

What makes you think mankind created religion? How do you know religion is not a way of trying to make sense of spiritual reality?

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Post #27

Post by Donray »

[Replying to post 26 by mgb]

You are saying that man create religion to try to make sense out of the unknown. What exactly is the spiritual reality? I don't think the two words go together but if you explin and answer some about it we will see what develops.

Sounds a lot like William out of body going to different realms like a fairy realm or Lord of the Rings realm. Or maybe just dreams or hallucinations.

So, please explin nd we will discuss how you know that the spiritual is real.

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Post #28

Post by mgb »

Donray wrote: [Replying to post 26 by mgb]

You are saying that man create religion to try to make sense out of the unknown. What exactly is the spiritual reality? I don't think the two words go together but if you explin and answer some about it we will see what develops.

Sounds a lot like William out of body going to different realms like a fairy realm or Lord of the Rings realm. Or maybe just dreams or hallucinations.

So, please explin nd we will discuss how you know that the spiritual is real.

The mind exists and it thinks. How is that not a spiritual reality? Do you really believe that the mind can be merely an arrangement of molecules with electricity going through them? The person is the highest point of physical and spiritual evolution. Do you think molecules can create a person?

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #29

Post by William »

[Replying to post 25 by Donray]
I have tried it and determined I was dreaming.
You have made the effort to leave your body and succeeded in that?

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Re: Why does man need to create religion?

Post #30

Post by ThePainefulTruth »

Donray wrote: Both Homo Neanderthal and Homo sapiens demonstrated religious beliefs tens of thousands of years before man created the Jewish religion that Christians and Muslims took over as their own. Why did the homo species feel the need to have religion?

People are Superstitious
People from the beginning of their existence seem to be very superstitious. People feel they need to ware their special underwear to a baseball game for there team to win. They need to talk with gods to get rain or stop bad weather. A religion depends heavily of superstitions.

People are Anthropomorphism
People talk to inanimate object like computer, etc. Have you ever talked out loud “where did I put my keys?� So why not talk to gods or mother earth? What about talking to the weather to ask for rain. Religions support this talking to non-existing things.

Need for Purpose
We seem to have a natural ability to see purposes for things. We want to know what our purpose in life is. Religion can help answer this question. We need to have a purpose for disease and religion answers that question. The Christians blame Eve for starting all the bad things

Belief in Justice
People simply hate to see wrongdoing unpunished and it’s a common factor in religions that there’s a *lot* of punishment going on. So, the invention of heaven and hell in religions.

Hope of Afterlife
The other side of the belief in justice; when someone dies, one of the stages of grieving that people go through is anger—it just seems so wrong, so unfair that someone we love is gone. Who would not like it to be true that we’ll see them again?

It Brings us Together
Humans are social animal and feel the need to be with others. Religion fills the need the need to be like others and be liked by others. Religious belief brings people together—or more precisely, that it allows lots of people to live together without killing each other. Religion gives us a set of common beliefs. One interesting point about the theory is that it doesn’t matter what the religious beliefs are, but it is important that everyone in the community believes the same thing. That may explain some of the bizarre beliefs in religions.

Are there other reason man needed to create religion?

People desire good order, and for that we need a moral code to which we can point and adhere. Religion comes up with the moral code, usually some version of the Golden Rule, but then it smothers it with all kinds of extraneous "sins" and superstitions in order to keep the population under its control and thence provide it with power and money.

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