Ann Coulter's new book? Godless Liberals.

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Ann Coulter's new book? Godless Liberals.

Post #1

Post by 1John2_26 »

ENIGMA wrote:
Did anyone ever get around to providing a question for debate?

Why would a liberal claim to be a Christian when their preaching, statements, beliefs and actions are contradicted by the Gospels and the letters of the New Testament?

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Post #131

Post by 1John2_26 »

I think it is the whiptail lizard that has only females. They still go thru the mating ritual that causes them to lay their eggs but the x chromosome has disappeared. It is shrinking in human males. Maybe Homosexuality is nature experimenting (mutation and change) and some day there will be neither male nor female but just humans have children. We may even continue with a mating ritual. It could even be nature’s way of controlling runaway population growth.
Ooooo Whoooo ooooo.

Twilight Zone episodes are so cool.

Maybe we are witnessing the twilight of the whiptail lizard mutatting their way into history?

Ceratinly humanity being female or male homosexuals would last but a few short years. Then? Just cochroaches. Male and female one that is.

In this months Glamour magazine, I was shown an article about India's shrinking female poulation. They have killed 10-million females be selective abortions over the past decade. Now just lots of guys with shrinking "chances."

I agree with you premise that our species is doomed.

So does the Apostle John.

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Post #132

Post by Grumpy »

I will take my stand (and my opinion) with the God of the Bible against your atheist godlessness that you use with Biblical facts to attempt to prove whatever it is you are trying to prove. The messenger has a message he has received from someone and is trying to deliver.
"As ye have done to the least of these, so you have done to me."
Message sent, are you ready to receive???
Either way, you are on one side and I on the other, where your offerings have been soundly refuted by the Biblical writers and I who agree with them. No matter if you change the rules or not.
You should know by now that I consider just your "say so" to be worthless. The "I say so" of those who agree with you is also of no value. Where is your evidence, where is theirs?(siting yourself in your references is just a form of circular reasoning). My "I say so" would also be useless, that's why I used the very texts themselves, the original Greek words themselves, the actual history of the times and the non-Biblical record we have from that time(what little there is) to outline my hypothesis. You have yet to do more than impugn my character and motives and repeat your "I say so".

So the hypothesis that an anti-gay spin to the scriptures in question is unwarranted and based on a centuries old corruption of the original story. A corruption that is used to justify bigotry and hatred which is directly in conflict with the teachings of Jesus.
Crack. Stress. Maybe even liberal mindset? Thoughts are powerful.
Ad hominim
Liberals have so discarded the OT as to be irrelevant entirely. No Genesis, no flood, no Jonah, etc., etc..
That would be science and reality.
That is correct. Even in the NT homosexuality and pagan detestable practices are equated.
You erronious opinion.
Let the NT writers testify against liberals.
Your problem is that when we actually study what they say, they testify against your...uninformed prejudices, in fact they say you should not be judging at all(and the reason they give is that you are not qualified to judge)
Which is ONLY a problem for the godless. For rabid secularists: What to do with the Christians that will not be tricked?
AH(ad hominim, I have to use it so much , AND I CAN'T SPELL). Not all people who disagree with you are godless(though some are), Secularists are not rabid(most of them anyway). And why should I need or want to do anything with any Christian, I ARE ONE.
Which Christ Jesus and Paul refute. Same-gender marriage is not "marriage" to Jesus. Paul? No one can misinterpret really. That is why his very words are under attack. Typical of liberalism.
Pederasty was as close as the Bible came to the modern meaning of a gay relationship. The Roman officer and his youthful/ slave/batsman/ servant/lover were in a mutually advantageous relationship where the officer had his needs seen to and could concentrate on his job, and the "aide de camp" recieved valuable training, a boost of status and shared in the loot of the officers soldiers. Some ancient armies were built around this practice and it was common in all armies of the times.

The "slave" was a willing participant in the relationship, and while young, above the age concidered to be a child of the times(12-13). So, no, it was not pedophilia.

When the Roman officer approached Jesus about healing his beloved slave, Jesus's only comment was about the officer's strong faith. Jesus was not a stupid or uninformed man, he knew the relationship of these two men, yet he did not condemn nor even chastise the officer, and that is one of the best indications in the Bible that these two men, in a mutually sought after relationship, were commiting NO SIN.
No one can misinterpret really. That is why his very words are under attack.
Actually it is you and those like you who have been misinterpreting for centuries, just as passages were misinterpreted for centuries to support slavery!!! We are simply trying to rectify that error.
Christ Jesus said this as a warning of apostacy to the Sanhedrin members and anyone listening to Him. Peter, Paul, James, John, Jude, all make the same dire warnings to Christians.
Then you have a very good reason to reexamine these things of hatred you are attributing to Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, John and Jude. If you put words of hatred into Jesus's teaching(which are all about loving thy neighbor) that would be blasphemy indeed. You check your consious, I'll take care of mine, HMMM???
Liberals help people choose anti-Christian beliefs and practices. Un-Christian Marriage as the nail in the coffin.
AH. Why can you not speak without denigrating someone, what a truly hateful, unpleasant old man you seem.
...liberal politicians that have criminalized and silenced Christians in public, education and the justice systems.
You have yet to come up with ONE example of this, so I assume you cannot, therefore you know this to be untrue and your post of it a false witness. Is there some Christian conservative group named"Liars for Jesus"????
Liberals have too many wrongs to not be able to accuse them of being godless is a justifiable and proveable assertion.
To not be able to accuse them of being godless is a justifyable and provable assertion.

Slip of the tounge let the truth slip out.
Ann Coulter has not gone out on a limb in her assertion and the accusation that followed her observations. In fact she has just studied the fruit on those limbs and called them what they are. She cannot be blamed for pointing out facts.
Anne Coulter is a liar and her books the most expensive toilet paper in the world. And the TP is defective, having been used previous to you buying the book.

Grumpy 8-)

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Stupid Comments from 1John

Post #133

Post by melikio »

Liberals have so discarded the OT as to be irrelevant entirely. No Genesis, no flood, no Jonah, etc., etc..
This is such a stupid thing to say. And you too often make the mistake of thinking, that just because someone doesn't intepret biblical text the same way/s you do, that they are somehow "wrong" and you are THE one who is correct.

By your ridiculous logic, what you said means that "Conservatives" have ALL embraced the TRUE meaning of all biblical books. (Show me proof of that, please.)

To me, it all looks like you believe only your opinion has to be "right", or else you simply cannot handle the most basic truths; so you ignore them. I may be wrong, but that is what you prove more than anything else by your comments.

"It is better to BE more like Jesus and assume to speak less for God." -MA-

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Post #134

Post by Jose »

1John2_26 wrote:
I think it is the whiptail lizard that has only females. They still go thru the mating ritual that causes them to lay their eggs but the x chromosome has disappeared. It is shrinking in human males. Maybe Homosexuality is nature experimenting (mutation and change) and some day there will be neither male nor female but just humans have children. We may even continue with a mating ritual. It could even be nature’s way of controlling runaway population growth.
Ooooo Whoooo ooooo.

Twilight Zone episodes are so cool.

Maybe we are witnessing the twilight of the whiptail lizard mutatting their way into history?
No, just witnessing parthenogenic egg activation. A lot of species do this. Wasps, for instance: females are diploid, from fertilized eggs. Males are haploid, from unfertilized eggs that the Mom activates parthenogenically. With mammals, where sex determination is based on the SRY gene carried on the Y chromosome, any parthenogenic offspring would have to be female. This would be true of any so-called virgin birth.

Now, why do you suppose you see the whiptails as "mutating their way into history"? You know that the females have lesbian sex and then have baby girls; you know there are offspring. Hmmm...if we have a species that has offspring, but always female, always parthenogenic by Mom activating her own eggs, then the species can't "become history" by dying out from lack of reproduction. The only possible way to die out would be through lack of genetic variation during a time of environmental change. Or, everybody succumbs to a virus or other parasite because of insufficient genetic diversity. Guess what? You've just made a statement that is true only if evolution is true.:lol:
1John2_26 wrote:Ceratinly humanity being female or male homosexuals would last but a few short years. Then? Just cochroaches. Male and female one that is.
Yep, if everyone on the planet suddenly "caught gay," we'd run out of kids in a while. But, our biology being what it is, and natural selection working the way it does, the genetic switch that determines maleness/femaleness is usually flipped the same way in both genitalia and brain. Now, if we happened to come up with a mutation that enables parthenogenic egg activation, then maybe we could ditch those troublesome males.

I might note, by the way, that there'd be a lot more left than cockroaches.
1John2_26 wrote:In this months Glamour magazine, I was shown an article about India's shrinking female poulation. They have killed 10-million females be selective abortions over the past decade. Now just lots of guys with shrinking "chances."
China's done the same thing. The bible doesn't condone such behavior, but achieves the same end by encouraging us to sell our daughters into slavery, and generally repress our women.
1John2_26 wrote:I agree with you premise that our species is doomed.
Yep. It looks like the primary reason, though, is sectarian violence, not sex. Maybe our only salvation is to eliminate all sects.
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Post #135

Post by Cathar1950 »

Ever read Slouching Towards Gomorrah by Bork? No wonder the liberals screamed him away.
Yes and it is a little liberal bashing booklet. I would say evangelical bible-believers are the sign of or decadence.
Ever read Mere Christianity by Lewis?
When I was 12 again when I was in my 20. What is your point?
Nice try. Israelites ate human children during wars when and where they were surrounded by their enemies. (Why the heck this has been kept in the Bible is anyone's guess. Usually people developing totalitarian political systems do not list their horrors and bad deeds.) But anyway . . . I'm sure pigs would have been no problem to consume out in the desert by wandering starving misfits following an ex-Egyptian. But then again, upon contemplating Biblical realiies . . . real fear of the real God may make one keep in the stories one would rather not remember. Maybe Yhwh wasn't kidding around about consequences. Some Israelites took the story seriously enough to keep in the embarrassing stuff. Too.
There is a lot of speculation on your part. What does eating their children when they ere starved have to do with it? Embarrassing stuff does not prove anything. Even in Jesus’ day there were many interpretations and diversity. Why would the stuff be embarrassing?
People that wanted to tell a story wrote the stories some did leave out things. You make no sense with you quaint little sermons. Maybe YHWH did not tell them anything.

Obviously. But there is a limit. A line once crossed that steps a person out of the faith. Too many Liberals have crossed line now, that Christians think of liberals as a mission field.
I think to many right-wing reactionaries have crossed the line and freedom is almost a joke.
And many Jews (in fact all) make a place setting at their Passover Seders for Elijah. Who never died. A place setting that remains unfilled to this day. May Elijah come soon and find his place.
Or maybe it is John the dippers place. How is this relevant?
That is debateable now isn't it? Growing up usually means "seeing things right (correctly). Wallowing in excuse is not growing up. It is remaining pre-Bar Mitvah.
How cute. Does this mean you have not grown up yet?
Who is wallowing in excuse; You the Jews?
I can almost smell the anti-Semitism.
I defend the truth. She is absolutely correct about liberals as they have evolved today.
Now that is debatable isn’t it?
There is no such thing as abortion for convenience, taxing the believers to pay for whoreish consequences, not holding criminals accountable, etc., etc., and of course no such thing as celebrating sodomy or same-gender marriage. All things the liberals have against God-believers. I just use logic to come to conclusions that are always there. When Ann is wrong I'll agree with that. On liberals - as can easily be seen by my posts before she wrote her book - couldn't agree with more.
Well you got there is no such thing right. They are not against God-believers they are against arrow minded interpreters of religion for everyone. I don’t see the logic in your endorsement or the truth in her slander.

Maybe you’re the inspiration behind her latest trash literature. That would not surprise me a bit.

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Post #136

Post by Cathar1950 »

Thank you guys. It is nice to hear something besides liberal bashing.
I agree with you premise that our species is doomed.

So does the Apostle John.
I think you might be talking about Revelations.
If I remember correctly a third of the world is destroyed not everyone.
Then there is the reign of Christ but no destruction of the human species. It might be nice if you actually read the stuff you use as support for your very individualist uninformed interpretation you hold in common with other narrow views.

Now I am off the cafe for lunch and to the library for books that came in for me.
Life is beautiful for us rich people.

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Post #137

Post by micatala »

1John wrote:
Easyrider wrote:
Even if by chance your theory is true that God creates homosexuals (rather than abnormal chemical imbalances being at work in the mother's womb),
micatala wrote:and who would be responsible for these chemical imbalances, other than God?
Crack. Stress. Maybe even liberal mindset? Thoughts are powerful.
This is truly ridiculous.

All three of these are completely speculative and without any evidence in fact. They are simply offered to dodge the fact that evidence supporting the contention the homosexuality in most cases is inborn implies, for those that believer in God, that God is ultimately responsible.

Do you have any evidence that even a large percentage of homosexuals are a result of the mother using crack, undergoing stress, or being liberal?

I thought not.

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Post #138

Post by 1John2_26 »

1John wrote:

Easyrider wrote:

Even if by chance your theory is true that God creates homosexuals (rather than abnormal chemical imbalances being at work in the mother's womb),

micatala wrote:
and who would be responsible for these chemical imbalances, other than God?

Crack. Stress. Maybe even liberal mindset? Thoughts are powerful.

This is truly ridiculous.

They're relevant questions. Something makes a person chose to use their sex organs wrongly.
All three of these are completely speculative and without any evidence in fact.
And there is only specualtion about the whole "born gay" thing. No supporting facts except politics.
They are simply offered to dodge the fact that evidence supporting the contention the homosexuality in most cases is inborn implies, for those that believer in God, that God is ultimately responsible.

It actually and literally means that something went wrong in the womb if you assertion is to be looked at logically.
Do you have any evidence that even a large percentage of homosexuals are a result of the mother using crack, undergoing stress, or being liberal?

Why are the born wanting to do things that their genitalia proves they shouldn't have the thoughts to do with them? Genitalia are a sexual orienting statement.
I thought not.
Then please, by all means start.

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Post #139

Post by 1John2_26 »

Ever read Slouching Towards Gomorrah by Bork? No wonder the liberals screamed him away.

Yes and it is a little liberal bashing booklet. I would say evangelical bible-believers are the sign of or decadence.
The ones over in Africa feeding the millions starving over there? Or the liberals marching in comfy downtown streets?
Ever read Mere Christianity by Lewis?

When I was 12 again when I was in my 20. What is your point?
It's just a question. Trust me, I am not trying to convert you. That ain't my gig.
Nice try. Israelites ate human children during wars when and where they were surrounded by their enemies. (Why the heck this has been kept in the Bible is anyone's guess. Usually people developing totalitarian political systems do not list their horrors and bad deeds.) But anyway . . . I'm sure pigs would have been no problem to consume out in the desert by wandering starving misfits following an ex-Egyptian. But then again, upon contemplating Biblical realiies . . . real fear of the real God may make one keep in the stories one would rather not remember. Maybe Yhwh wasn't kidding around about consequences. Some Israelites took the story seriously enough to keep in the embarrassing stuff. Too.

There is a lot of speculation on your part. What does eating their children when they ere starved have to do with it? Embarrassing stuff does not prove anything.
It speaks like thunder. There is no reason why the Israelite scribes had any reason to paint their God dwelling among that. But they did it anyway. It's why I have such an amazing trust in Jewish people.
Even in Jesus’ day there were many interpretations and diversity. Why would the stuff be embarrassing?
Being honest can be very embarassing. Most people would lie about their graet God and heroes.
People that wanted to tell a story wrote the stories some did leave out things. You make no sense with you quaint little sermons. Maybe YHWH did not tell them anything.

No sermons, just accuracy about the Bible. THAT is my gig.

Obviously. But there is a limit. A line once crossed that steps a person out of the faith. Too many Liberals have crossed line now, that Christians think of liberals as a mission field.

I think to many right-wing reactionaries have crossed the line and freedom is almost a joke.

Point some out please? I have caused this website to alter its rules because of the grueling details I have presented of liberals and others that have crossed the line. Please. I fear not the truth.
And many Jews (in fact all) make a place setting at their Passover Seders for Elijah. Who never died. A place setting that remains unfilled to this day. May Elijah come soon and find his place.

Or maybe it is John the dippers place. How is this relevant?
Bend over buddies. Is that how I should address some of your heroes? John was beheaded. How insensitive and insulting your denigrating him. He was a Jew too. Should I accuse you of anti-Semitism too? As we'll see in a moment you "almost" pulled that card on me.
That is debateable now isn't it? Growing up usually means "seeing things right (correctly). Wallowing in excuse is not growing up. It is remaining pre-Bar Mitvah.

How cute. Does this mean you have not grown up yet?
In some ways yes. In some ways no. I still like to fight bullies.
Who is wallowing in excuse; You the Jews?
Liberals: The modern day version.
I can almost smell the anti-Semitism.

It comes from the dip you use.
I defend the truth. She is absolutely correct about liberals as they have evolved today.

Now that is debatable isn’t it?
Not if truth is involved in the debate.
There is no such thing as abortion for convenience, taxing the believers to pay for whoreish consequences, not holding criminals accountable, etc., etc., and of course no such thing as celebrating sodomy or same-gender marriage. All things the liberals have against God-believers. I just use logic to come to conclusions that are always there. When Ann is wrong I'll agree with that. On liberals - as can easily be seen by my posts before she wrote her book - couldn't agree with more.

Well you got there is no such thing right. They are not against God-believers they are against arrow minded interpreters of religion for everyone. I don’t see the logic in your endorsement or the truth in her slander.

I usually repair sentences of even my opposition but, the use of the typo "arrow minded" was just to accurate a description of the conservative moral thought process. But please, please, ferret out any hypocrites "on the right" that want to take money from good people to pay for the bad choices of others. Or that want to alter marriage etc., etc..
Maybe you’re the inspiration behind her latest trash literature. That would not surprise me a bit.
My dealings on this website have gotten me noticed by some people that surprised me (friends that is). I use many things offered here in my dealings with youth. It has been very useful. Many decent people have no real idea that some people really do hold some of the views presented here.

But mostly as I look at this thread as so many others, I can understand Lot's position in a way.

Though I am not scared of the crowd and certainly my children will not be offered up.

This is just fun.
Last edited by 1John2_26 on Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #140

Post by 1John2_26 »

1John2_26 wrote:
I think it is the whiptail lizard that has only females. They still go thru the mating ritual that causes them to lay their eggs but the x chromosome has disappeared. It is shrinking in human males. Maybe Homosexuality is nature experimenting (mutation and change) and some day there will be neither male nor female but just humans have children. We may even continue with a mating ritual. It could even be nature’s way of controlling runaway population growth.

Ooooo Whoooo ooooo.

Twilight Zone episodes are so cool.

Maybe we are witnessing the twilight of the whiptail lizard mutatting their way into history?
No, just witnessing parthenogenic egg activation. A lot of species do this. Wasps, for instance: females are diploid, from fertilized eggs. Males are haploid, from unfertilized eggs that the Mom activates parthenogenically. With mammals, where sex determination is based on the SRY gene carried on the Y chromosome, any parthenogenic offspring would have to be female. This would be true of any so-called virgin birth.

Now, why do you suppose you see the whiptails as "mutating their way into history"? You know that the females have lesbian sex and then have baby girls; you know there are offspring. Hmmm...if we have a species that has offspring, but always female, always parthenogenic by Mom activating her own eggs, then the species can't "become history" by dying out from lack of reproduction. The only possible way to die out would be through lack of genetic variation during a time of environmental change. Or, everybody succumbs to a virus or other parasite because of insufficient genetic diversity. Guess what? You've just made a statement that is true only if evolution is true.
These whiptails are going to evolve into a squirrel or frog or Democrat (OK; or a Republican) when? All you have shown is a "kind" of lifeform breeding after its own kind. And that environemt can force adaptation. I get tan when I go surfing without a wetsuit.
1John2_26 wrote:
Ceratinly humanity being female or male homosexuals would last but a few short years. Then? Just cochroaches. Male and female one that is.

Yep, if everyone on the planet suddenly "caught gay," we'd run out of kids in a while. But, our biology being what it is, and natural selection working the way it does, the genetic switch that determines maleness/femaleness is usually flipped the same way in both genitalia and brain. Now, if we happened to come up with a mutation that enables parthenogenic egg activation, then maybe we could ditch those troublesome males.

Catching gay seems a reality looking at the quest for educational outlets of the Gay Agenda as young as kindergarteners. Sexual orientation takes on its reality of word meanings.
I might note, by the way, that there'd be a lot more left than cockroaches.

No comment.
1John2_26 wrote:
In this months Glamour magazine, I was shown an article about India's shrinking female poulation. They have killed 10-million females be selective abortions over the past decade. Now just lots of guys with shrinking "chances."

China's done the same thing. The bible doesn't condone such behavior, but achieves the same end by encouraging us to sell our daughters into slavery, and generally repress our women.
Wow, Jose a denigrating dig on Bible believers? Those females in the Bible are left as breeders. Very evolutionary I may add.
1John2_26 wrote:
I agree with you premise that our species is doomed.

Yep. It looks like the primary reason, though, is sectarian violence, not sex. Maybe our only salvation is to eliminate all sects.
Which would give credence to "our species is doomed."

But the again, "a new heaven and a new earth," and "the old order of things having passed away . . ." may indeed have the Bible supporting your dream.

I love being a fundamentalist Christian (now). It makes so much sense of things. Even your hopes.

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