Christian marriage is man and woman/husband and wife.

Debating issues regarding sexuality

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Christian marriage is man and woman/husband and wife.

Post #1

Post by 99percentatheism »

There is no secular or theological challenge to be made that a "Christian marriage" isn't immutably a man and woman/husband and wife. Therefore, it should be a criminal act under current hate crimes laws, to accuse a Christian of hate, bigotry, or irrational . . ., if they assert the immutability of the structure of marriage as man and woman/husband and wife.

As Jesus proclaimed it in the Gospels and the writings reaffirm and define it so.

Why would anyone, religious or secularist, NOT support and affirm Christians adhering to the consistent and immutable Biblical teaching that a marriage is a man/husband and woman/wife?

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Post #1221

Post by Danmark »

99percentatheism wrote:
Danmark wrote: You just view 'them' as people you won't let into your church. Many Christian churches disagree with you and openly welcome anyone who wants to follow the example of love and forgiveness that Christ taught. Inherent in your posts [which are almost exclusively on the issue of homosexuality] is the notion that YOUR interpretation of Christianity is THE interpretation. Most Christians I have known disagree with you, as do many Christian denominations. Who appointed [or is it 'annointed'] you to speak for Christ?
Why would I have to answer an atheist about any "authority" based on scriptural truth?

The irony of you even making the demand is irony to the extreme.

If you would take the time to notice, it is not my positions that are demanding any authority other than to be able to understand how sentences make sense in English.

Who appointed you my authority to demand anything of me? You and your side can't find one supportive word or group of words running together anywhere in the bible that supports the celebration of homosexuality.

Who appointed gay activists the new editors of Christian writ?
Your response has almost nothing to do with what I wrote.
I did not 'demand' you do anything.
I am not an 'atheist.' I am a non theist. Inherent in what you write is the assumption that a non Christian cannot read and understand what the Bible says. Many Christians have a very poor understanding of scripture. Many atheists are Biblical scholars or have read and studied the Bible for decades as Christians before coming to the conclusion it is not the inspired word of god. That does not mean they don't understand the Bible. In fact it may mean they understand it very, very well.
Also, please show me where I wrote that either you or the Bible should "celebrate" homosexuality. I simply pointed out that your position on homosexuality is not the only Christian perspective. You have been provided with a long list of Christian churches who accept homosexuals in their fellowship and church membership.

I freely admit that I am not aware of a single passage in the Bible that explicitly states that Christians should 'celebrate' homosexuality. But I, and many of your Christian brethren see that the core of Christianity is love, forgiveness, acceptance of others, and not blaming people or holding them accountable as 'sinners' for qualities they did not choose, but were born with.

I questioned why the issue of homosexuality seems to be the ONLY issue you are concerned with. Looking back at the last 6 months of posts in 'Christianity and Apologetics' I note you have started 3 topics. All 3 are about homosexuality. Your last 30 or so posts have been exclusively about homosexuality. I 'demand' nothing. I simply ask why you have this particular focus on this single issue.

This is an important question, particularly when you must note that Jesus had nothing to say about homosexuality. As Ann Naffziger wrote:
If you were to read all four gospels thoroughly in search of Jesus’ teachings on homosexuality it would be a futile endeavor. Not only would you come to the end of the gospels without finding anything attributed to Jesus on the subject, you wouldn’t even find a single reference to the issue in any context.
In fact, there are only a handful of references to homosexuality in the entire Bible, but they are found in the Old Testament and Paul’s writings. (To put it in perspective, while there are only seven references to homosexuality, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of references to economic justice and the laws governing the accumulation and distribution of wealth.) ... osexuality

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Post #1222

Post by Danmark »

99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.
Are you seriously suggesting that there was a point in your life when you could or would have chosen to be a homosexual, but that since your mother and father taught you that homosexuality was 'wrong' you CHOSE to be heterosexual? Are you indicating you could or would have CHOSEN to be gay, but your 'moral' training was effective in getting you to make a conscious decision to reject homosexuality and prefer a girl/woman as a sexual partner?

Frankly, I would be very surprised to hear that anyone made a conscious decision to be gay or straight. I've never talked to anyone who would say he "chose" his sexual orientation. I have always assumed that other heterosexuals have shared my own experience that for as long as I can remember, from maybe as early as the age of three, I was simply physically attracted to girls and later women. I never made a 'choice.' Attraction to women, and women only was and is the way I was 'wired.' There was never any choice involved.

Are you saying your experience is different than this?

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Post #1223

Post by 99percentatheism »

help3434 wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:

I'd like one of the pro homosexuality people posting here to answer my above post point for point.

Or is it too much to ask for a theogical response in the apologetics section?
Maybe it is too much. If the only type of answer you were looking for here are verses from the Bible, why didn't you ask this in the theology subforum?
Apologia means defending your position. If I put the gay agenda in a theology context it would exist in paganism or cult or completely secular movement.

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Post #1224

Post by 99percentatheism »

ElCodeMonkey wrote:
help3434 wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:

I'd like one of the pro homosexuality people posting here to answer my above post point for point.

Or is it too much to ask for a theogical response in the apologetics section?
Maybe it is too much. If the only type of answer you were looking for here are verses from the Bible, why didn't you ask this in the theology subforum?
Indeed. Definitely miscategorized if simply debating from the Biblical perspective and not the world-wide perspective.
A perfect example of the gay agenda and gay culture existing in and coming from the world and its ways. That's why it is proclaimed by atheists, progressives and liberals. It is other-woldly in both behavior and belief system. Now of course, from the roots come the fruit.

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Post #1225

Post by 99percentatheism »

ElCodeMonkey wrote: Is there anyone on the forum that believes a Christian should not have a right to voice his opinion that a Christian marriage should be between a man and a woman?

I don't think anyone will say yes, but who knows. If all you do is voice your opinion by Christian for Christian, I don't think anyone will call it a hate crime.

If, however, you're rude, belligerent, hateful, spiteful, condemning, etc, etc, yes, people will call it a hate crime even when it comes from one Christian to another.
Why isn't it a hate crime to demand that Christians submit to the morality of the godless and licentious?

When Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel declared that people with the belief that marriage is immutably a man and a woman, per their Christian beliefs, are not welcomed in Chicago, how was that not discrimination and hate speech?

It was as indicated by the necessary retraction of his position. For now.

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Post #1226

Post by 99percentatheism »

ElCodeMonkey wrote: Is there anyone on the forum that believes a Christian should not have a right to voice his opinion that a Christian marriage should be between a man and a woman?
How many Christians are brave enough to go up against the onslaught of hateful labeling when daring to speak out against homosexuals and homosexuality cruising the Church?

It is daunting to stand for orthodoxy.
I don't think anyone will say yes, but who knows. If all you do is voice your opinion by Christian for Christian, I don't think anyone will call it a hate crime.
Guess again.

If, however, you're rude, belligerent, hateful, spiteful, condemning, etc, etc, yes, people will call it a hate crime even when it comes from one Christian to another.
There are several kinds of people here that claim to be a Christian yet agree with their atheist and pagan counterparts here on just about everything. It's virtually impossible to tell them apart.
I agree that it would be very surprising if anyone said a Christian should not voice her opinion about her beliefs.
Look how I am treated. And I am not a woman or a gay activist.
But for clarity I want to reiterated that the boorish and hateful behavior you describe, but such attitudes and expressions are protected by the 1st Amendment. It is not a 'hate crime' to be rude, obnoxious, hateful, or mean.
Was the First Amendment even written about the godless and secular? Looking at the wording and the context of the day in whcih it was written. it looks to be addressing religion and thr Christians of that day and age that were in multiple denominations trying to establish rach one over the other as the ruling expression of religion. Have you ever read the Danville Baptist Church's letter TO President Jefferson?

Almost no one has. But Jefferson's reply only addresses Christians and their varied denominations.
To rise to the level of criminality the behavior has to be more than true speech; it must include violence or the threat of violence. And the threat has to be more than mere words to be a crime. The threat must be regarding an imminent physical, violent attack that the listener reasonably believes will actually be carried out.
Not even the oft-used single and referenced congregation that pickets about homosexuals asks for physical violence to be meted out to homosexuals and their legions of supporters this side of Judgement Day.
It is for this reason that groups like the Nazis are allowed to spew their hateful filth publicly, as long as they don't transgress the line regarding actual threats of physical harm that fit the definition above.
Do you know that "Nazi" stands for National Socialst?

They were once a wonderful patriotic movement for the rose from a minority group to a totalitarian rulership. And anyone that refused to follow the belief system of "Nazi's" were labeled and categorized and eventually eliminated from the new society. It was even attempted to be clothed in Christian garb until the trap was srung on the duped populace.
I mention it here because 99% as previously revealed he either does not understand this distinction, or wants to alter the 1st Amendment so he can pass a law that could imprison for mere speech.
That statement is idiocy or worse. When you look at everything I have written here, I don't care the slightest what homosexuals and their legion of supporters do with each other or what they believe in. And I have never once said that homosexuals can't attend an orthodox Church. My positions are based in protecting the Christian position that that homosexuality and of course same gender marriage are simply antithetical to Christian truth.

Why do people like KCKID want to force Christians to live like pagans or the godless and celevrate and support a movement that is decidely anti-Christian?

Shall we study the history of the Natioal Socialists or 20th Century Germany and the propaganda they used to obtain power an control socially and politically? And remember (please) many "Nazi's" went to Church and claimed Christian identity could be justified for their behaviors and actions. Some still do right?

Isn't it fascinating that KCKID demands that Christians should act a certain way according to the scriptures as proof of their value as Christians? That is the basis of his railings on and on about adulterers and the divorced plying their wares in the Church. So then, there is a measuring as to what is and what isn't appropriate actions for Christians to engage in and some that are not. Simple. Gay culture and homosexual behavior exists outside of Christian life. It needs to be repented of and that's it. Like any other sinful act.

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Post #1227

Post by 99percentatheism »

Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.
And how do you go about now denying your homosexual attractions?
You don't seem to be able to comprehend how weak a demand that is.

Try answering ALL my positions point for point or admit that you have no other response to the truth of biblically sound positions other than subterfuge and pathetic jabs.

There are plenty of other threads for you to look for Christians to bash. I am not one that is afraid of you or your kind at all.

Admit that you have absolutely no Biblical truth to demand that we celebrate homosexuality and move on.
This is simply evasion.

How do you now control your homosexual attractions? Was the question, please answer it.
"Now control?" How pathetically propagandist. How do you control not raping dogs and cats? Are you denying that you have the desire to rape dogs and cats? Are you in denial? When did you stop hating Bible affirming Christians that refuse to live as a pagan or an atheist? Please answer my questions.

Homosexuality is an abomination. I do not have a reprobate mind and God has not given me over to one. In simple terms, I do what is right and I stay away from depravity and those people that not only do these kinds of things but approve of thise that do. Pretty simple math.

And of course fisrt written to Roman (and Greek) Christians. Some things never change.

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Post #1228

Post by 99percentatheism »

KCKID wrote:
Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.
And how do you go about now denying your homosexual attractions?
You don't seem to be able to comprehend how weak a demand that is.

Try answering ALL my positions point for point or admit that you have no other response to the truth of biblically sound positions other than subterfuge and pathetic jabs.

There are plenty of other threads for you to look for Christians to bash. I am not one that is afraid of you or your kind at all.

Admit that you have absolutely no Biblical truth to demand that we celebrate homosexuality and move on.
This is simply evasion.

How do you now control your homosexual attractions? Was the question, please answer it.
It's all "Bible" as far as 99percent is concerned to the very exclusion of the human analytic mind. Except when it comes to divorce and remarriage, that is. He avoids that biblical 'no-no' because its far too common (and accepted by the majority of Christians) for 99percent to tackle. Better to play it safe and stick to condemning the far fewer gay population.

It's unlikely that you'll get a straight answer from 99percent so you may as well give up.

There is a reason you implement Ad Hom attack incesantly. You simply have no other justification for celebrating and encouraging homosexuality based on any scripture or Christian reality. You are left with the frustration that many, many, many Christians will not become like the world and its ways as you demand. Why this frustrates you so intenslely is for another place to be debated. I'd get banned here if I use the perspective I would have to as a Christian that views the Bible as important to defining what is and what isn't truth.

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Post #1229

Post by 99percentatheism »

[Replying to post 1219 by Danmark]

I'll be back later on today to answer your post with your quotes.

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Post #1230

Post by Joab »

99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.
And how do you go about now denying your homosexual attractions?
You don't seem to be able to comprehend how weak a demand that is.

Try answering ALL my positions point for point or admit that you have no other response to the truth of biblically sound positions other than subterfuge and pathetic jabs.

There are plenty of other threads for you to look for Christians to bash. I am not one that is afraid of you or your kind at all.

Admit that you have absolutely no Biblical truth to demand that we celebrate homosexuality and move on.
This is simply evasion.

How do you now control your homosexual attractions? Was the question, please answer it.
"Now control?" How pathetically propagandist. How do you control not raping dogs and cats? Are you denying that you have the desire to rape dogs and cats? Are you in denial? When did you stop hating Bible affirming Christians that refuse to live as a pagan or an atheist? Please answer my questions.

Homosexuality is an abomination. I do not have a reprobate mind and God has not given me over to one. In simple terms, I do what is right and I stay away from depravity and those people that not only do these kinds of things but approve of thise that do. Pretty simple math.

And of course fisrt written to Roman (and Greek) Christians. Some things never change.
So you are now admitting that you NEVER made the choice to be heterosexual? You have never been romantically or sexually attracted to men?

Is this now your CLAIM?
