Okay, now I see we're going to be involved in
actual discussion.
AlAyeti wrote:What have Democrats done to MY children? I can no longer watch network TV for starters. Hollywood votes how? The Left Coast is called the Left Coast for what reason? My children have to hear the normalizing of sexual perversion every day. If they dare speak a word about their religion they face pure ostracizing by children of open-minded diversity promoting Liberals. Almost every day Chrstians that believe the Bible are ridiculed and nothing is done about.
I assume by Hollywood you mean the entertainment industry as centred in Southern California? If so, then they don't vote as an entire industry - many producers of movies, and many actors, are Democratic. However, political affiliation does not drive the
content of movies. Numbers at the box office do. And, sad to say, sex and violence get the box office records or the network ratings. It's capitalism at work - it's one of the reasons I don't watch network TV. (I don't feel I'm missing anything, by the way.)
As a former student at an inner-city, largely liberal East Coast high school, I've never been ostracised for speaking from a Christian point-of-view. I've never been ridiculed for being Christian. Heck with it, it was common knowledge at my high school that I was an altar boy at St. Martin's, and it didn't affect my social life at school in the slightest. So, as far as the liberal ostracism and ridicule go, I'm just not seeing it and - no offense - I'm much closer to this particular issue (as a college sophomore) than are you.
AlAyeti wrote:But, Democrats being held to accountability starts with the truth. Show one abortion on 60 Minutes. The loathe the truth. Show deviant sexuality as it really is on the streets and bathrooms in parks and bath houses, instead of showing one tiny fringe of deviants as some sort of downtrodden hero class.
I thought it was you complaining about the graphic depictions of sex and violence on network TV, and now you're advocating
more? Do you honestly think the FCC will allow such displays? Abortion is wrong and it is definitely not pleasant, I agree there; but don't you think that the truth about it can be handled with a little more tact and decency? Part of what I dislike most about modern consumer culture is the use of shock tactics.
AlAyeti wrote:Democrats (Liberals) support and pass laws that children can get abortions or any medical needs met without parental notification. That is not in keeping with Christianity, or anything decent. And please, the amount of parental abuse being grounds to take away every parents rights is bogus. Liberals seem to me to be after promoting sexual licentiousness.
I haven't heard of these laws, or even acts in the process of passing. The closest thing I've heard of to this is anonymous testing for venereal disease that didn't involve notification of relatives - nothing about abortion. Could you post a link for that?
AlAyeti wrote:Quoting that rapper was interesting. Think he was a conservative? Do you know how many children die on the streets emulating rappers. Quit blaming the gun and start blaming the disgusting immoral people who think it is OK to shoot someone for their shoes or the color of their hat. I grew up with a mother and a father, had guns in the house, knew how to shoot very well, and never once thought to put a cap in some mother-f----- if he looked at me wrong. C'Mon man do the math.
I don't think the members of ANS-Jump have an official party affiliation, but then again, they're not an American band, either. On an off-hand guess, though, I'd say no, they're liberal. And no, I don't know how many children die on the streets emulating rappers. I take it you have some figures for me?
The hip-hop I listen to doesn't say it's OK to shoot someone for the way they look. In fact, the very ANS-Jump song I quoted you has a line in it telling old folks not to presume they're disobedient kids just because they wear loose clothing or chains around their necks. But then again, hip-hop Longmenzhen-style is pretty tame.
As far as gun ownership goes, it is a very grey issue - and yes, the gun is partly to blame. I think gun owners should be
required by law to take safety precautions to ensure that they don't fall into the hands of children loaded, and I think this a reasonable requirement. Guns, like any weapon, must be treated with proper caution - I have no objection to hunting. What I do object to is the complete lack of concern the gun lobby has over whose hands the guns fall into.
AlAyeti wrote:Democrats (Liberals) promote abortion. It is simply a total lie to use the term rare, safe and legal. It is not pushed onto society by Democrats as something loathsome. Which it completely IS to a Christian or any decent human being. It is washed away in political correctness hypnosis as being a choice. A choice to do what? Kill your unborn child for the convenience of not having to deal with consequences. May God soon remedy this situation.
From what I've heard from both Democrats and Republicans, the end goal is to reduce the number of abortions, preferably to eliminate them altogether. I've already told you why making it illegal seems to me like asking for disaster. So don't presume to judge us for going about the problem a different way than you would.
The Democratic mentality (and this is from someone who knows) says that through better education and more generous domestic policy, people will be better-equipped to make good choices. And abortion is a sure sign that people have made the
wrong choice. You better equip people to handle their problems, personal and economic, and the end result is fewer abortions. Making it outright illegal doesn't help people make better decisions.
AlAyeti wrote:Democrats are for high taxation to pay for their Liberal Socialistic agenda. Forcing good and honest people to have to pay the way of miscreants. A good person should oppose that. Welfare should only be paid to people who are enrolled in schools. And higher minimum wage is absurd. The median price of a decent house in in a safe and decent neighborhood in California, Massachusetts or New York is a impossible to reach unless you are making a very high income.
Where are you getting this garbage? As a political liberal and a fiscal conservative, I'll tell you right now why
I'm in favour of increased taxation. Here's my liberal-socialist agenda:
pay off the national debt. My generation's already going to have to pay through the nose for the fiscal evils of Reagan and now for the fiscal evils of Bush, Jr. - we should at least cushion the blow now by
raising taxes and
cutting unnecessary spending, especially in the military sector where we least need it.
Higher minimum wage is not a cure-all, but it is a step in the right direction - definitely not an absurdity. As you are probably well aware, the price of real estate in
any state is widely variable. We've got good, reasonably-priced housing in the inner city (as most of my high-school teachers will attest, not being particularly wealthy themselves), but get a few miles out into the suburbs and the prices go straight through the roof. Most of Western Massachusetts is like that, I'll bet, but that's not Boston.
AlAyeti wrote:Now, as a union member in California, I assert that anti-war protesters are cowards and mostly interested in getting laid and what they can do to not have to deal with the real problems in the world. Please show me where in America that the anti-war demonstrators are protesting Al Queda? They'll attack anything American under the first amendment but anything that harms Americans is left alone.
No indeed the image of the dope smoking hippy wanting free love (licentiousness) is more prevalent in marchers now as when they started the downfall of American society in the Sixties. You really don't see them as that? I've been there among them. All screaming Liberals in actuality.
I wouldn't join the Army now because few Americans are worth a hang nail let alone my life.
PETA is a good example of the absurdity of liberalism. And c'mon, they are liberals.
What does being a member of a union have anything to do with anti-war movements? And how does it make you an authority on pacifism?
I grew up in a church that was philosophically opposed to war in all forms, and in my 12 years there I never met one person in that church who smoked marijuana or who cared more about 'getting laid' than the problems in their community. Of course I don't see pacifists as dope-smoking, free-love hippies, because the ones I know just simply
And what would the point of protesting al-Qaeda here be, exactly? It isn't an issue and it isn't a controversy - it's widely agreed that what al-Qaeda did to this country was well beyond the pale, among liberals just as much as conservatives. People march over controversial issues, not over consensuses - I don't see conservatives marching against al-Qaeda either, just against gun regulations.
AlAyeti wrote:I wouldn't join the Army now because few Americans are worth a hang nail let alone my life.
Congratulations on another straw man well-lit.
AlAyeti wrote:PETA is a good example of the absurdity of liberalism. And c'mon, they are liberals.
Then explain the prevalence of Seventh-Day Adventists in animal-rights and vegetarian movements (including PETA).
AlAyeti wrote:Even Liberals drive cars. I've seen them on the way to protest American soldiers dying for them overseas. They Blame Bush for everything and don't see that Socialism is the most expensive political ideology of all.
Anyone who's been in a real anti-war demonstration knows perfectly well that it isn't the soldiers who are being blamed but the people who order them about from afar, Bush included.
Socialism may seem an expensive economic policy to the individual taxpayer, but I've seen enough of the ravages of laissez-faire economics and consumer culture to know that in the long run, socialist policies may very well save the society from bankruptcy. I'm willing to pay those extra few cents on the dollar to clear my part of the check.
AlAyeti wrote:Where are the Democrats helping the poor? The projects in Illinois or the slums in DC or Watts or Oakland or the masses of illegal aliens on welfare killing the states in which they are parasitizing the society, while bringing the noose with which to hang the capitalist pigs?
Standard Christianty (Bible believing Christians) cannot support what Democrats want to force on American society.
I know that in Providence, they run the soup kitchens and in Boston, the homeless shelters. In Madison they did municipal services for the downtown, did volunteer work for the library system and helped old people repaint and replaster their dilapidated homes. I'd hardly call these activities parasitic.
What do these terms mean, 'standard' and 'Bible-believing' Christianity? Is there any other kind?