What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared??

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What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared??

Post #1

Post by konagold3 »


Is it possible that Christians have Jesus' Gospel [good news] message incorrect or very incomplete??

Jesus sent the Apostles out door to door two by two sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Reportedly the people, the folks, heard them gladly.

The current Christian version of the gospel message is too premature to be the good news the Apostles of Jesus shared door to door since Jesus was yet to be put to death.

The current gospel runs along the lines [in part and a condensed version for purpose of this question], that God's only begotten Son, Jesus, died for the sins of mankind; it is only through Jesus sacrifice that mankind, humanity, is forgiven; and one must be saved, redeemed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus and then born again taking Jesus into ones heart and soul to enter eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven.

Given that the Apostles could not accept it when Jesus told them he would die and rise, it would not make sense for the Apostles to have said door to door in folks homes, words to the effect that : "Rabbi Jesus, Teacher, our master, is going to die for your sins to mortify "Our Father,[who, Jesus taught IS love,by the way] to appease a angry God who couldn't get over the default of Adam and Eve in the Garden to not live up to God's command to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge"

Wouldn't it then make more sense if the Apostles door to door message were along the more appealing lines about the love of God that Jesus taught, something like the loving core of Jesus teachings perhaps that God is our Father and we are all members of the family of humanity each of us a child of God; that we are all family because we all have a Creator Parent in common; we should love God; we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves and do unto them as we would have done unto us; that the spirit of God resides in all of us we only need to listen and wholoves each one of us; and by belief in this we have life eternal

So is it possible in the aftermath of the resurrection and in reacting to the resurrection, did Peter and the Apostles and later Paul substitute the Big News for the Good News, thus creating a religion about Jesus rather than teaching folks how to live the religion OF Jesus and diluting His message of love??


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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #31

Post by JehovahsWitness »

konagold3 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:01 am the Kingdom of God is experienced within, in our heart, soul and mind, it is a thought experience
No it is not. GOD'S KINGDOM is not a thought. Its a GOVERNMENT.

I understand what you have been told but its important to try and reason, think reflect on the words on the page. And be humbly ready to change long held beliefs if need be.

First question: Who was Christ speaking to on that occassion?
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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #32

Post by konagold3 »

[Replying to JehovahsWitness in post #31]
Aloha JehovahsWitness

Mahalo for the reply:

You write : " konagold3 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:01 pm
the Kingdom of God is experienced within, in our heart, soul and mind, it is a thought experience

No it is not. GOD'S KINGDOM is not a thought. Its a GOVERNMENT.

Of course the concept of God's Kingdom is a thought 'cause God thunk it [wink] and then it was and is.

Otherwise one would not know about it.

Some One thought it first and that was the first source and center Our Father.

A PART of that Kingdom is the thought EXPERIENCE that a mortal creature may have with Our Creator FATHER.

This Kingdom, according to Jesus in the quote, is found not in some far off place in the heavens but within!!

Within our hearts we feel Gods presence;
Within our minds we communicate with God;
Within our soul we commune with our Heavenly Daddy
Our best friend forever

You write :
"I understand what you have been told but its important to try and reason, think reflect on the words on the page. And be humbly ready to change long held beliefs if need be."

I agree and request the same!
Please do reason also I hope we can agree to be reasonable;
Yes lets be thoughtful;
and in reflecting on the words ,
tho one may disagree one should not be disagreeable!

You write :"First question: Who was Christ speaking to on that occassion?"

Answer: You and me!!!

Not exclusively of course [chuckle].

And the 'first question' is one I asked, which seems to be avoided, is how many times does a scriptural quote of Jesus need to be recorded for it to be true??

Further lets cut to the chase is Gods Kingdom within or not ??

[A kingdom is made up of a King in this case God and the citizens of the kingdom in this case all His children you me and everybody else and the area which in this case is all space/time and the embassy for this kingdom is the factual presence of God which is found within each of us]

{I have personally experienced God within as I assume and hope you have also}

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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #33

Post by JehovahsWitness »

1213 wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:50 am Probably. If the Gospel of the Kingdom would have been preached, the end would have come. Jehovahs Witnesses can testify that we have done the above during the period since 1914. So the prophecy has been Fulfilled and de await eagerly the Lords arriva!

This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matt. 24:14
Any day now my friend!

Jesus prophecy means that true Christians will have preached the gospel in every nation on earth before the end of the system. Jehovahs Witnesses can testify that we have done this so everything is in place for the end to come.



FURTHER READING All True Christians Are Evangelizers


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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #34

Post by 1213 »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:25 pm Any day now my friend! ...
Hopefully. :)

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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #35

Post by onewithhim »

1213 wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:36 am
JehovahsWitness wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:25 pm Any day now my friend! ...
Hopefully. :)
Yes, we have a real hope. :)

And the Kingdom is certainly more than someone's thoughts. How can we not take seriously the verses in Isaiah and Daniel?

"For a child is born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on his shoulders....There will be no end to the increase of his government or of peace." (Isaiah 9: 6,7, NASB)

"In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed; ...it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but will itself endure forever." (Daniel 2:44, NASB)

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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #36

Post by konagold3 »

[Replying to onewithhim in post #35]
Aloha onewithhim
Mahalo for your input!

You write: "And the Kingdom is certainly more than someone's thoughts."

I agree!

I stated earlier that the Kingdom of God consist, at least, of the King the citizens the area and also, not to leave out of course, the Kingdoms organization with its emissaries its embassies and other structures: e.g. the King is God Our Father; the citizens are you and me and everybody and all the Celestial Personalities [the Angles etc..]; the area is all of space/time [recent estimate is ~2 Trillion galaxies] and of interest are the embassies of God's Kingdom ever present everywhere as found within in our hears minds and souls.

I see several in these replies seem to assume that the Kingdom of Heaven will come ........... someday ...... ~soon.........hopefully??

If so one misses Jesus' point that the Kingdom HAS come!!!



The Kingdom has always been here, it just up to US to live up to it [something about be ye perfect.....].

The hallmark of the Kingdom is its rule [the only rule] the golden one .

And the evidence of the Kingdoms existence is the too often unheralded acts of love and service and kindness we all in one way or another give to each other each and every day; small and great acts everything from offering someone a drink of water or to let them step ahead in line or let someone pull into traffic to donating a kidney .

The Apostles were Jesus' ambassadors for Our Father's Kingdom .

And just what was the good news of the Kingdom of those days that was shared door to door ??

It is obvious that it contrasted sharply from the current version of the good news that is frequently stated which to paraphrase goes along the lines of; Jesus died for your sins and resurrected; is the way the truth and the life ; one must profess belief in Jesus; confess one's sins and be washed in the blood sacrifice of Jesus; and become born again; as this is the only way to secure eternal life because Jesus died for the sins of humanity and paid the price to secure forgiveness of sin.

So then the good news currently is about saving one's soul and securing eternal life and getting one's sins forgiven

According to Luke and Matthew Jesus taught a quite different requirement for eternal life::

[Luke 10:]
25And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
26He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
27And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
28And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

So Jesus did not equate eternal life on the ransoming of souls or upon his resurrection but upon doing what is written in the law to love God and equally important is the loving of one's neighbor as one's self.

So such was the good news taken door to door and the folks heard this good news gladly!!

Not only that but Jesus states that all the prophets [onewithhim's references to Isaiah and Daniel included] HANG on these the two great commandments; they being MORE important than all the rest.


" which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
[Matthew 22]

So what was the good news taken door to door was to it to fear God because every one is a sinner??

Or --

To accept the gift of the Love of Our Heavenly Father accepting that one is a child of Our Divine Parent and to love one another?? [I hear "all you need is love " yeah yeah yeah -- wink]

Does the following image evoke some truth??


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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #37

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to konagold3 in post #36]

The Kingdom is not something within a person. It is a real government that will soon decimate all other governments and rule the earth forever.

"In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed...It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms , but it will itself endure forever." (Daniel 2:44, NASB)

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on his shoulders;...There will be no end to the increase of his government or of peace." (Isaiah 9:6,7, NASB)

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Re: What was the gospel/good news that Jesus taught the Apostles to share door to door and is the same currently shared?

Post #38

Post by onewithhim »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:37 am
konagold3 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:01 am the Kingdom of God is experienced within, in our heart, soul and mind, it is a thought experience
No it is not. GOD'S KINGDOM is not a thought. Its a GOVERNMENT.

I understand what you have been told but its important to try and reason, think reflect on the words on the page. And be humbly ready to change long held beliefs if need be.

First question: Who was Christ speaking to on that occassion?
Christ was speaking to the Pharisees. They certainly didn't have the kingdom in their minds or hearts. Jesus clearly trying to get them to see that the kingdom was in their midst. He, as the King of that kingdom was there in the midst of the crowd.

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