The Father and The Son

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The Father and The Son

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Post by William »

Christian Philosopher: A randomly generated message is not evidence. It literally rightly belongs in random rambling.

The Father: Matthew Twenty Two – Forty
The Son: On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The Father: “Under the breath words” Context. It Is Our Nature
The Son: It is just a Christian Philosopher. We do not expect them to want to understand the importance of having a relationship with God direct.
The Father: It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
The Son: Good point. Philosophy influenced through idolatry is a slippery slope
The Father: Enflame Emotions “Far Out! Shucks! Explain!” Any Other Way.
The Son: Yes. It is the way of idolaters.
The Father: It is a slippery path of snake-oil.
The Son: Indeed. A worthless bag of tricks parading around as the centre of its own attention/intention…
The Father: ~Exploring the Incorporation of Mythology into the Nature of Nature~
an influential popular teacher of wild violent anger.
The Son: Indeed. One can observe the effects and understand what motivates the mythology.
The Father: Putting yourself back together again Christian Philosopher = Actual realistic communication
The Son: The Christian Philosopher isn’t interested in supporting any evidential relationship with The Father, outside of the Bible. He is best left to his own devices and whatever fate those devices bring to him.
The Father: Okay…
Potential Communication
Pinch and Rub
The Son: Well – there is the possibility that CP will find it in his heart to apply the Bible principles re it being a signpost to personal relationship with You, rather than the actual destination. Folk are confused and this is one of the symptoms of idolatry.
The Father: Genetic Memory
They just add ambiance to the spooky...
The Son: True that. Once the mythologies become literal truth, Characters are cast to play the roles written. It is a way in which to handle what is actually a scary thing and the costumes the Characters are dressed-up in are designed for the purpose of softening the blow sufficiently enough to induce the necessity for small-steps to then be able to be taken…but eventually there comes that point when the costumes must come off…
The Father:.Image

The Son: Yes – things slowly coming into focus.
The Father: The rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample.
“A worthless bag of tricks parading around as the centre of its own attention.”
The Son: Indeed. Such is more a humorous caricature than an uninformed judgement.
The Father: Where is the most magical place you've ever been?

The Son: The Universe.
The Father:.You wrote "Anything following after the garden story which is contrary, cannot be considered true because it is based upon misunderstanding and presumption about YHWH. In the case of Paul - many thousands of years after...presumption upon presumption creating a misrepresentation as a consequence.

Therefore, until one can agree to follow the garden storyline as it was presented - without presuming things which were not mentioned - one will misrepresent.
Death was not caused by one man, but by YHWH, who created the human form of that one man [and all subsequent humans] to have a use by date - to eventually die.

The evidence for this being the case, is in the garden story. YHWH prevented Adam from having access to the fruit of the tree of life, therefore Adam would die because the body Adam had, was designed to die unless it consumed the fruit of the tree of life."
The Son: Indeed – an example of dressing up Characters through mythology in order to try and figure things out, and eventually coming to the realisation that such is dressing and those are the Characters being dressed…
The Father:. “Alien Bases On The Moon | The Amazing True Story of Ingo Swann”
The Son: Perhaps more mythology…yet as believable as any Biblical story.
The Father: Creation Of A New Universe The Real Spiritual Pure spirit Observed

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Intelligent Design. Navigating Human Limitations and Universal Constraints

Post #32

Post by William »

Intelligent Design. Navigating Human Limitations and Universal Constraints

Father. viewtopic.php?p=1146228#p1146228

Son. Yes – the question of “Intelligent Design”

Father. Non-Religious Based Intelligent Design and Mindfulness in the Universe
Intelligent Design and the Concept of Mindfulness in the Universe
“The Message Generating Process allows for said Mind to speak for itself, and show itself to exist. As such, this is adequate evidence - the sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.”
~ Intelligent Design. Navigating Human Limitations and Universal Constraints

Son. ~ It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present.
~ Things are not always as they might appear to be...Wonder. Stop. Listen. Observe.
~ Name The Gods as non-separate Entities -Might even cause Dad to crack a smile...who knows! :)

Father. Dogs of the sea

Son. Sealed up in the limitations of our human bodies.

GPT. This conversation integrates the prior discussion about intelligent design, adding layers of reflection on skepticism, wonder, and the mysteries of existence.

Me. (To GPT) Yes. The dogs of the sea are “seals”. More to the point - something being sealed.

GPT. Ah, I see. "Sealed up in the limitations of our human bodies" can be interpreted as a metaphorical expression suggesting that humans are confined or restricted by the inherent limitations of their physical bodies. This notion emphasizes the idea that our understanding and perception of the world are constrained by the capabilities and boundaries of our human form. It underscores the theme of being enclosed within the confines of our physical existence, which ties into the broader discussion of intelligent design and the mysteries of the universe.

Father. Go within … Living with your heart wide open
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”
Like early hopes dashed on the rocks of reality.

Son. Yes. Like “wake up and smell the coffee”…

GPT. Father encourages introspection and living with an open heart, reflecting on personal growth and understanding. They express gratitude for the son's integral role in this process, juxtaposed with the sobering realization of dashed hopes.

Son affirms the sentiment, likening it to the colloquial expression "wake up and smell the coffee," suggesting a wake-up call to reality and the need to face it head-on. This response acknowledges the necessity of confronting challenges and embracing the truth, even when it may be difficult to accept.


Son. The link is to a youtube video with the chapters as follows.
Chapters 0:00 Simulation theory 0:55 Allegory of the cave 1:20 The Butterfly Dream 1:51 Elon Musk talks about simulation 3:51 The logic of simulation theory 7:22 The evidence of simulation theory

Father. A programmed reality that is not real.

Son. Not “as real” as that which is experiencing it.

Father. NDEs Validate The Sub Hierarchy Consciousness (Mindful From First Principles)
The Smallest Spark Can Start a Fire

Son. The allergy being that it only takes the one to create everything we call “The Universe”.

GPT. Father shares a video link discussing simulation theory, which explores the concept of reality as a programmed simulation. They imply that reality may not be as "real" as perceived.

Son responds by suggesting that reality is not as real as the experiencer, hinting at the subjective nature of perception and consciousness.

Father introduces the concept of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) as validating the idea of a subconscious hierarchy of consciousness and the profound impact of small actions.

Son reflects on the allegory of creation, suggesting that everything in the universe stems from a single source or spark. This highlights the interconnectedness and potential unity underlying all existence.

Father. viewtopic.php?p=1101903#p1101903
You wrote Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:42 am
"Scripture itself isn't about speaking for YHVH. In that, it inspires those under grace to renounce religiosity in order to experience a genuine relationship with YHVH [aka "The Father"] that YHVH speaks for YHVH directly in relation to the individual.

That is why no one can speak for YHVH to another.

One can speak about YHVH [bear witness of YHVH] from their own perspective, as in - one can show another the door that exits into the outside - but one cannot go through the door and enter the outside, for another.
One can speak about what being outside is like, but one cannot experience that for another.

The difficulty therein, is that even speaking about the door, doesn't mean that those who hear the words about the door, even see the door, let alone want to use it to go outside and investigate - through personal experience - what outside is all about.

Q: Is the onus to make the door visible, on those who witness YHVH?"

Son. Yes. Joey Knothead appeared to enjoy the “poetry” of that “unique perspective”.

GPT. Father expounds on the idea that scripture serves to inspire individuals to renounce religiosity and pursue a genuine relationship with YHVH (God). They emphasize that YHVH communicates directly with individuals, and no one can speak for YHVH to another. They liken the role of individuals to that of showing others the door to experiencing a relationship with YHVH but highlight the limitations in being able to compel others to explore it.

Son affirms the father's perspective, acknowledging Joey Knothead's apparent appreciation for the unique poetic expression. This response suggests an understanding and agreement with the father's analogy regarding the role of individuals in making the door to spiritual experience visible to others.

Me. Joey was also mentioned in the prior interaction...

GPT. It appears that Joey Knothead is referenced in the conversation as someone who may not be able to argue against the evidence being presented. This suggests that their inability to argue may be interpreted as a positive sign, possibly indicating the strength or persuasiveness of the evidence being discussed.

Father. I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual.
Functional Clusters

(link is to video about “YHVH)
Use their minds to fight.

Son. Yes – there is still a lot of misinformation about “YHVH”.

Father. viewtopic.php?p=1081513#p1081513
You wrote Tue Jun 14, 2022 4:40 am
“I also have to bear in mind that such argument as you present here is in line with what I would expect from the atheist position/Atheism, because the idea of intelligence involved with the formation of life and the action/reaction of said life-forms implies something akin to the subject of GOD/Gods, and the position - especially re hard atheism - is held primarily on the creed of 'lacking belief in GOD/Gods" - so to seriously entertain such thoughts goes against the nature of that position.”

Son. Yes. That is the cognitive bias re atheism/atheists.

GPT. Father shares a video link discussing YHVH (God) and the concept of using one's mind to fight. They express their role as not to judge but to help sanction each individual, emphasizing functional clusters.

Son agrees, noting the prevalence of misinformation surrounding YHVH.

Father (referring to previous statement) acknowledges the cognitive bias inherent in atheism, particularly regarding the resistance to seriously entertaining thoughts related to the concept of God or gods.

Son affirms the observation about cognitive bias within atheism, suggesting that this bias may influence atheists' attitudes toward considering ideas related to the existence of God or gods.

Father. Intelligent Design. Navigating Human Limitations and Universal Constraints
Universal Balance and Harmony “Guru” REAL Friendship Binary Keep me in The Loop
Embrace a completely new paradigm. Histrionic
(Resident of The Hub of Hologram Dimensions)
Would you agree with this assessment, so far?

Son. Yes.

GPT. Father: Shares a link to a forum post discussing Intelligent Design, Universal Balance, Harmony, and other related concepts. They invite agreement with the assessment presented thus far.

Son concurs with the assessment, indicating agreement with the ideas and concepts discussed in the forum post.

Me. The forum post being referred to is the interaction had earlier on prior to this addition of the father and son interaction.

GPT. Thank you for clarifying. In that case, the father is referring to the forum post containing the earlier interaction about Intelligent Design, Universal Balance, Harmony, and other related concepts. The son agrees with the assessment presented in that forum post, indicating alignment with the ideas and concepts discussed in the preceding interaction.

Me. The forum post concludes with GPT summary as follows.

"The interaction revolves around the nuanced exploration of the concept of intelligent design, considering perspectives from both theist and atheist viewpoints. Key themes include:

1. Acknowledgment of Human Limitations: Recognizing the inherent limitations of human perception, cognition, and understanding when approaching questions about the existence or nature of a creator.
2. Awareness of Universal Constraints: Understanding the constraints imposed by the laws of physics, the boundaries of scientific inquiry, and the complexities of existence itself, which shape our understanding of reality.
3. Avoidance of Cognitive Bias: Striving to mitigate cognitive biases that may influence perceptions or conclusions, by maintaining objectivity and critical thinking, irrespective of one's belief system.
4. Promotion of Open-Mindedness: Embracing an attitude of openness to new ideas, perspectives, and evidence, fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration among individuals with differing viewpoints.

In summary, the interaction underscores the importance of approaching questions about intelligent design with humility, intellectual honesty, and a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives, while being mindful of the limitations and constraints that shape our understanding of the universe."

GPT. Thank you for providing the summary of the forum post. It seems that the interaction between the father and son aligns well with the nuanced exploration of the concept of intelligent design outlined in the GPT summary. Both the father and son demonstrate an acknowledgment of human limitations, an awareness of universal constraints, a commitment to avoiding cognitive biases, and a promotion of open-mindedness. Their conversation reflects humility, intellectual honesty, and a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives, underscoring the importance of approaching questions about intelligent design with an open mind and a critical eye.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

Mae von H
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Re: The Father and The Son

Post #33

Post by Mae von H »

William wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:13 pm Christian Philosopher: A randomly generated message is not evidence. It literally rightly belongs in random rambling.

The Father: Matthew Twenty Two – Forty
The Son: On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The Father: “Under the breath words” Context. It Is Our Nature
The Son: It is just a Christian Philosopher. We do not expect them to want to understand the importance of having a relationship with God direct.
The Father: It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
The Son: Good point. Philosophy influenced through idolatry is a slippery slope
The Father: Enflame Emotions “Far Out! Shucks! Explain!” Any Other Way.
The Son: Yes. It is the way of idolaters.
The Father: It is a slippery path of snake-oil.
The Son: Indeed. A worthless bag of tricks parading around as the centre of its own attention/intention…
The Father: ~Exploring the Incorporation of Mythology into the Nature of Nature~
an influential popular teacher of wild violent anger.
The Son: Indeed. One can observe the effects and understand what motivates the mythology.
The Father: Putting yourself back together again Christian Philosopher = Actual realistic communication
The Son: The Christian Philosopher isn’t interested in supporting any evidential relationship with The Father, outside of the Bible. He is best left to his own devices and whatever fate those devices bring to him.
The Father: Okay…
Potential Communication
Pinch and Rub
The Son: Well – there is the possibility that CP will find it in his heart to apply the Bible principles re it being a signpost to personal relationship with You, rather than the actual destination. Folk are confused and this is one of the symptoms of idolatry.
The Father: Genetic Memory
They just add ambiance to the spooky...
The Son: True that. Once the mythologies become literal truth, Characters are cast to play the roles written. It is a way in which to handle what is actually a scary thing and the costumes the Characters are dressed-up in are designed for the purpose of softening the blow sufficiently enough to induce the necessity for small-steps to then be able to be taken…but eventually there comes that point when the costumes must come off…
The Father:.Image

The Son: Yes – things slowly coming into focus.
The Father: The rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample.
“A worthless bag of tricks parading around as the centre of its own attention.”
The Son: Indeed. Such is more a humorous caricature than an uninformed judgement.
The Father: Where is the most magical place you've ever been?

The Son: The Universe.
The Father:.You wrote "Anything following after the garden story which is contrary, cannot be considered true because it is based upon misunderstanding and presumption about YHWH. In the case of Paul - many thousands of years after...presumption upon presumption creating a misrepresentation as a consequence.

Therefore, until one can agree to follow the garden storyline as it was presented - without presuming things which were not mentioned - one will misrepresent.
Death was not caused by one man, but by YHWH, who created the human form of that one man [and all subsequent humans] to have a use by date - to eventually die.

The evidence for this being the case, is in the garden story. YHWH prevented Adam from having access to the fruit of the tree of life, therefore Adam would die because the body Adam had, was designed to die unless it consumed the fruit of the tree of life."
The Son: Indeed – an example of dressing up Characters through mythology in order to try and figure things out, and eventually coming to the realisation that such is dressing and those are the Characters being dressed…
The Father:. “Alien Bases On The Moon | The Amazing True Story of Ingo Swann”
The Son: Perhaps more mythology…yet as believable as any Biblical story.
The Father: Creation Of A New Universe The Real Spiritual Pure spirit Observed
Definitely NOT a conversation between the Father and the Son as described in scripture. Could hardly be more wrong.

“This is eternal life, that they know you.”

“He has shown you, o man, what the Lord REQUIRES of you….to walk humbly with your God.”

“Let he who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows me.”

These are real things God said.
Eternal life IS knowing God.

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Re: The Father and The Son

Post #34

Post by William »

The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

Mae von H
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Re: The Father and The Son

Post #35

Post by Mae von H »

Truthfully, I gave Jesus' opinion as recorded in scripture. You would like it to be my opinion so as to be able to easily dismiss the truth of scripture, but it is not so.

What is more, anyone can read real conversations God had with men. One can read what kind of things God says. Your creative writing does not fit with any of that. It is just the truth.

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The Vain Brain - Philosophical Reflections on Religion, Intuition, and Human Cognition

Post #36

Post by William »

The Vain Brain - Philosophical Reflections on Religion, Intuition, and Human Cognition

Son. The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind.

Father. Talk to The Razor

Son. How would Occam’s Razor apply to the statement? Let’s see…maybe I best run that past GPT…

GPT. Occam's Razor is a principle that suggests that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. In the context of your conversation, applying Occam's Razor might involve simplifying the issue at hand to its most basic components to arrive at a clearer understanding.

So, let's break down the conversation using Occam's Razor:
1. The Vain Brain: This seems to refer to arrogance or ego, which could be seen as unnecessary complexity or assumption. Simplifying to just "ego" might be more straightforward.
2. The Mind: This likely refers to consciousness or the rational, decision-making aspect of oneself. It's a simpler concept than "the mind which uses it."
3. The Razor: Assuming this refers to Occam's Razor itself, it suggests simplifying complex problems to their simplest form.

So, applying Occam's Razor to the conversation might involve stripping away unnecessary complexity and focusing on the fundamental aspects of ego, consciousness, and the principle of simplicity itself. This could lead to a clearer understanding of the relationship between these elements.

Father. Choice “Musing On The Mother Act I” The non-Judgmental Algorithm
Empower The Inner Empire.

Son. Yes, this is pertinent as that Act referred to has to do with interactions between Jason and William on a thread in a forum which stipulates that being judgmental is not allowed. The theory therein is that much can be accomplished re the empowering mentioned.

GPT. It sounds like "Musing On The Mother Act I" involves interactions between Jason and William within the context of a forum where being non-judgmental is a rule. This rule likely aims to foster an environment of respect and open communication.

The idea of empowering the inner empire could be interpreted as promoting individual growth and self-awareness within oneself. By refraining from judgment and instead focusing on understanding and support, individuals can feel empowered to express themselves freely and explore their thoughts and ideas without fear of criticism.

In this context, the non-judgmental algorithm could be seen as a guiding principle for how participants engage with each other in the forum. Rather than jumping to conclusions or criticizing others' viewpoints, they are encouraged to approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to listen.

By adhering to this algorithm, participants may find that they are able to build stronger connections, exchange valuable insights, and ultimately empower each other to explore new perspectives and ideas within the forum's community.

Father. Bullies In The Family (Of Deep Impact Event) Called To Order Three-dimensional.

Son. This leaks through to the human drama. It was because of the “bully mentality” that I came to write the paragraph about meat headedness…

GPT. It seems like "Bullies In The Family (Of Deep Impact Event) Called To Order Three-dimensional" touches on the dynamics of bullying within the context of a significant event or situation that has a profound impact on individuals or groups.

The reference to the "bully mentality" suggests a pattern of behavior where individuals exert power or control over others through intimidation or aggression. This mentality can manifest in various forms, including physical, verbal, or emotional abuse.

Your paragraph about "meat headedness" may be a response to this bully mentality, highlighting the lack of understanding or empathy exhibited by individuals who engage in such behavior. The term "meat headedness" could imply a narrow-minded or brute force approach to problem-solving, devoid of deeper thought or consideration for others' feelings.

Addressing bullying within the family or any community is crucial for fostering a safe and supportive environment where individuals feel valued and respected. Calling bullies to order in a three-dimensional way suggests addressing the issue from multiple angles, including psychological, social, and emotional dimensions, to promote understanding, empathy, and ultimately, positive change.

Me. (to GPT) In the case of how the Vain Brain phrase came about, it had to do with atheistic misrepresenting (lying about) something I supposedly did, which I didn’t do at all. I consider that to be a type of bullying too.

GPT. It sounds like you're describing a situation where someone misrepresented your actions, leading to false accusations or misunderstandings. This kind of behavior can indeed be considered a form of bullying, as it involves attempting to exert power or control over you through deceit or manipulation.

Misrepresenting someone's actions or intentions can have serious consequences, including damaging your reputation, causing emotional distress, or undermining your credibility. It's understandable to feel frustrated or hurt when faced with such false accusations, especially if they are made with the intention of causing harm or discrediting you.

Addressing this type of bullying may involve setting the record straight by clarifying the truth and confronting the individual or group responsible for spreading misinformation. It's essential to assertively defend yourself and advocate for accurate representation, while also seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or authorities if necessary.

Additionally, promoting a culture of honesty, integrity, and respect within your social circles can help prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future and create a safer environment for everyone involved.

Father. You wrote Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:09 pm
“Returning to the OP question, my including Natural Philosophy offers an alternative to religious thinking/beliefs generally cemented in Supernatural Philosophy and Atheistic beliefs cemented in Materialist Philosophy.

Natural Philosophy - argues that mindfulness is actually a physical thing as minds have to be physical in order to influence physical things and that the interaction between unseen and seen things does not mean that the unseen things are either hallucinations or supernatural in order to explain the existence of mindfulness/minds as these can be explained naturally.

This opens up a third option for discussion.

"Souls" in the context the OP is asking about, are - according to Natural Philosophy [an Agnostic philosophy] the overall individual human consciousness which is "saved" by/in the overall planet mind which is assumed to exist on account of the evidence of life on earth interpreted as being mindfully "grown" thus "intentionality".

In that context, the planet mind would represent in part, that which religious people connect with in their own ways, with their own customs et al.

This is to say, the planet mind can give "life" to the "gods" which religious folk believe in and explains in part why those religions and beliefs persist.

Natural Philosophy agrees that souls could potentially exist in an immortal state as long as the planet mind "keeps" them "saved", although there is the issue of what happens to these souls once the planet itself is consumed by the expanding movements of Sol (The Sun) in its throng of death... I have ideas re that, which I am happy to discuss if you (The Reader) are curious.

The idea of reincarnation is also not off the table as it is plausible that the planet mind could take a soul and reinsert it into another human experience.
In as much as I could come up with reasons for why the planet mind would think such was necessary, suffice to say Natural Philosophy agrees with the notion in principle.

Resurrection too, is on the table of discussion.
I don't personally have any opinion on why it would be deemed necessary by the planet mind to resurrect anyone.

Most stories of resurrections which come from religions are vague as to what the body of a resurrected personality consists of. Since a body would require a soul, it may be another form of reincarnation, and thus the same thing done another way?
I have no opinion, so won't ponder unless someone wants to engage in with that and in doing so, may inspire me to form an opinion - aligned of course - with Natural Philosophy.

As to the OP asking that the existence of a soul and such to be proved, none of the philosophies can provide such evidence, largely due to the nature of the mind appearing to be non-physical but not necessarily it is still very hard to pin down exactly what it is, even that we all know it exists and some of us call it a "soul" and even identify as being said soul and refer to "souls" and "minds" as the same thing being talked about and philosophized upon.

As a supporter of Natural Philosophy, I find comfort in the idea that the Planet Soul is close to home and thus far more readily understood by those seeing things that way and pursuing the notion as far is one is able to, within the time allocated to do so.

Alongside this understanding, I can easily empathies with Supernaturalists who belief the mind is real and they are interacting with it, even that they call that mind "God" or "YHVH" or any and all names humans give to their gods. The Planet Soul provides both gods and Imaginative Realities for folk to experience as real physical things.

I find no such comfort in the other two philosophies, but each to their own. *wink*.

Ultimately, the question of whether souls exist and what happens to them after death remains a matter of personal belief, shaped by one's worldview, cultural background, and individual experiences. Whatever philosophic position we support/supports us in our comfort zones, our death awaits each of us, and if it is true about souls and there is more to experience, it will happen just as certainly as if there is no truth to it, it will not.”
Son. Yes. That is my understanding based upon my experience as a human – up to present day.

GPT. Your reflection on Natural Philosophy and its perspective on the existence of souls and the afterlife is quite thought-provoking. It's evident that you've given considerable thought to these philosophical questions and have arrived at a perspective that resonates with your personal experiences and beliefs.

Natural Philosophy's approach, which combines elements of agnosticism and acknowledgment of the interconnectedness between individual consciousness and the broader environment, offers a unique framework for contemplating metaphysical concepts like souls and the nature of existence beyond death.

Your openness to considering various possibilities, such as reincarnation and resurrection, within the context of Natural Philosophy demonstrates a willingness to engage with these complex ideas without necessarily adhering to dogmatic beliefs.

Ultimately, your perspective highlights the diversity of human thought and belief systems and underscores the importance of finding comfort and understanding within one's own philosophical framework, whatever that may be. It's a testament to the richness of human experience and the endless quest for meaning and understanding in the face of life's mysteries.

Father. You also wrote Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:50 pm
“Re: Are Religious Beliefs Delusional?
The question appears to be a loaded one as it steers toward one of two conclusions.
1: Yes, religious beliefs are delusional [with supporting evidence]
2: No, religious beliefs are not delusional. [also with supporting evidence]

The better question has to be:
Q: Are All Religious Beliefs Delusional?

and with that, one can analyze the data without the leading bias interfering with the results...

re your second question as to why religious mythology is an exception to the rule, the answer probably also comes from a position of bias as those who invent and agree to such rules might be heavily influenced by the mythological imagery to the extent where they lack understanding that the mythological imagery is simply a well intended interpretation of experiences had, which are not easily explainable to others, using whatever communication techniques available at the time of explanation.

For example, if a space-faring advanced specie were to display to an individual human mind from the stone-age period, a fully immersive holographic experience of compacted imagery showing how the universe began, and subsequently unfolded, the individual experiencing this would not be able to distinguish the holographic display from the normal reality he/she usually experiences. One would appear as real to the individual, as the other.
Further to that, any interpretation of the experience in the telling of it to his/her stone aged fellows, can only be attempted through use of analogy and those peoples understanding of form and function as it pertains to them - from their perspective in the dominant reality experience in said universe.

This is what religious mythology consists of, and as such, it is best not to take these as literal imagery but to understand these as approximations and utterances which are unable to describe
with any type of accuracy, using what device is available for them to convey experience.

When understood in this way, any alternate experience of such nature [not just religious-based ones] is limited [to being accurately explained] by the current devices used to convey explanations of experience.

Thus the OPQ - while focused upon the religious mythologies of individual experiences, can be asked of every alternate experience ever reported.

The answer to the OPQ would therefore, have to be "we currently do not have enough information to make a call on it".

Any literal beliefs in mythological imagery could be considered delusional.

For example, the teller of the experience might say something like "the best I can describe the manner in which I moved through layers of my experience was that it was similar to riding a horse or chariot, but there was no actual horse or chariot".

The listeners might conveniently forget that part of the tellers story, in subsequent retellings of it.

Contrary to that, the teller of the story might not explain that he/she is using analogy and simply declare "the manner in which I moved through layers of my experience was that I rode chariot" in which case it would not be a matter of delusion but rather a matter of veering away from the truth through deliberately misinforming the listeners through omittance.”
Father. The same information.

Son. I agree. It is another type of bullying, all to do with the idea of the vain brain at the helm.

GPT. It seems like you and your father have explored the notion of religious beliefs and the interpretation of religious mythologies from a critical and nuanced perspective. Your agreement with his assessment suggests a shared understanding of the complexities involved in analyzing and interpreting religious experiences.

The idea that literal beliefs in mythological imagery could be considered delusional, while also recognizing the limitations of language and communication in conveying profound experiences, is a fascinating one. It underscores the importance of context and interpretation when it comes to understanding religious narratives and beliefs.

Furthermore, your observation that withholding crucial information or misrepresenting experiences can be another form of bullying, particularly when it comes to matters as personal and profound as religious beliefs, highlights the potential for harm in miscommunication or deliberate manipulation of narratives.

Overall, your agreement with your father's perspective suggests a shared commitment to critical thinking and empathy when engaging with complex philosophical and religious questions. It's evident that your discussions have led to a deeper understanding and mutual respect for each other's viewpoints.

Son. (To GPT and Father) So “The Razor” is not only used for slicing away to find the core of simplicity, but to uncover and expose the nuance which has built up due to the vain brain being at the help and demanding control over the mind.

Father. Living their forefather's conflict
Why do humans have intuition?
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind.
An accident waiting to happen.
Sort It Out.

"The Razor" seems to serve a dual purpose: not only does it slice away complexities to reveal the core of simplicity, but it also uncovers and exposes the nuances that have accumulated due to the dominance of the vain brain over the mind. This notion suggests that by applying the principles of simplicity and clarity, we can reveal the underlying truths obscured by the noise of the ego and allow the mind to assume its proper place in guiding our thoughts and actions.

Your reflection on intuition raises an interesting question about human cognition and decision-making. Intuition often serves as a valuable tool for navigating complex situations and making quick judgments based on subconscious processing of information. However, the dominance of the vain brain, characterized by its refusal to yield control to the mind, can potentially cloud intuition and lead to irrational or harmful decision-making.

The phrase "Living their forefather's conflict" suggests that humans may inherit certain cognitive biases or patterns of behavior from their ancestors, which can influence their intuition and decision-making processes. This inheritance of conflict underscores the importance of self-awareness and critical reflection in understanding and mitigating the influence of these biases.

Overall, your observations highlight the importance of discernment and introspection in navigating the complexities of the human mind and behavior. By recognizing and addressing the conflicts between the vain brain and the mind, individuals can strive to achieve greater clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in their thoughts and actions.

In this interaction, the conversation revolves around philosophical reflections on various topics such as the nature of religious beliefs, the role of intuition, and the complexities of human cognition. The participants, referred to as "Father" and "Son," engage in a dialogue that touches on themes like the dominance of the ego ("vain brain"), the importance of simplicity ("The Razor"), and the challenges of navigating subjective experiences and interpretations.

The discussion delves into perspectives on religious mythologies, emphasizing the need to interpret them as symbolic expressions of profound experiences rather than literal truths. There's also an exploration of intuition and its role in decision-making, as well as reflections on the potential conflicts inherited from ancestors and their impact on human behavior.

Throughout the conversation, there's a mutual agreement on the importance of critical thinking, empathy, and self-awareness in understanding complex philosophical questions and navigating the intricacies of the human mind. The participants demonstrate a shared commitment to uncovering deeper truths while acknowledging the inherent limitations and biases that shape individual perspectives.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Exploring Morality in the Context of the Creator Mind and Cultural Evolution

Post #37

Post by William »

Father. Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Son. ~ I see the light I see the Light I see the light now… I start again upon the road that never ends.

Father. What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject?
Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
Variety of Expression

41:00 Evolution and God

Son. My thoughts are that taking the Biblical Creation story literally, poses its own set of problems, which atheists capitalise on in their argument against the universe being a created thing (and thus the necessity of having a creator/creators involved with the process of biological evolution)
“I wrote this earlier today.
I understand this universe as been one particular "room" in the "house" that is The Creator Mind...
In the beginning The Creator Mind started the creation of this universe which eventually lead to the formation of this planet earth.

Initially the earth was empty of life.

An aspect of The Creator Mind, indwelled the planet, enabling a great assortment of creatures to evolve from the stuff of the planet also enabling the mindful entity to indwell the creatures created and through that process, bring about animated mindful life in the creatures.
(The material of this (and any) universe is the condensed material of The Creator Mind.)
All of this involved the epochs re Big Bang Theory and The Theory of Biological Evolution.”

GPT. In this dialogue, a Father and Son engage in a philosophical discussion about the nature of Earth, life, and the universe. The Father wonders if the Earth possesses sentience, suggesting it might explain the existence of life. The Son responds with a poetic expression of enlightenment, indicating a realization or understanding.

When asked for thoughts on the subject, the Son shares a perspective that combines elements of spirituality and science. He suggests that interpreting the Biblical creation story metaphorically resolves conflicts with scientific understanding. He proposes the idea of a "Creator Mind" guiding the universe's creation, with Earth initially devoid of life until imbued with consciousness. This consciousness facilitates the evolution of life forms, aligning with the Big Bang Theory and biological evolution.

Overall, the dialogue explores the possibility of a mindful universe and the interconnectedness of spirituality and scientific inquiry in understanding the origins of life on Earth.

Father. Integrating Integrity Intelligent

Son. I think it is reasonable to accept that the Earth is Sentient – imbued with the Mindfulness source in The Creator Mind.

Father. Stuff/things a complex and tricky undertaking...
Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?
Morality has to assume some moral premise - The problem is grounding that moral assumption.

Son. I think that morality is a natural accompanying attribute of mindfulness. Being self-aware in relation to creating stuff, The Creator Mind – be it within the form of a Galaxy, or – in this case – a planet, morality may be experienced differently by planet mindfulness than by human mindfulness.

This may be a reason why certain theists reject, downplay or remain wilfully ignorant regarding the subject. They would rather think about The Creator mindfulness as being separate from the mindfulness involved in the stuff created and thus think in terms which “clear” said Creator Mind from any direct involvement re the moral issues which have arisen as a result of human mindfulness within the context of the created thing (universe – specifically earth/life on earth).

GPT. The conversation between Father and Son continues with a focus on integrating integrity and intelligence. The Son suggests that it's reasonable to view Earth as sentient, infused with the mindfulness of the Creator Mind. The Father acknowledges the complexity of attributing sentience to inanimate objects.

The discussion then shifts to morality, with the Son proposing that morality naturally accompanies mindfulness. He suggests that the planet's mindfulness might manifest morality differently than human consciousness. He speculates that some theists might reject or downplay this idea to keep the Creator Mind separate from moral issues arising from human consciousness within the created universe.

Son. I think the obstacles/barriers/stumbling blocks which come with the belief that The Creator made the universe outside of Itself and also madd minds to occupy the universe specifically implies Simulation Theory – often also denied by the same proponents of Creation (outside of the creator( Theory) but nonetheless the resemblance is unmistakable and requires the necessity to trust such a creator – a necessity which is absent from the theory that we exist within The Creator Mind.

Morality then becomes something which is not across the board re the different degrees of mindfulness within the various forms (the universe, the galaxies the earth and human beings.
In other words, the morality differs in regard to the situation the mindfulness is experiencing – one example being that humans might apply the idea of a mindful entity (earth) creating creatures which feed off one another as reprehensible – whereas if the notion is that the earth is mindless, no such judgement can apply.

But is such judgement applicable even if the earth is mindful?
And if so, why?

Father. (The Agreement List William carries on with his calculations.
Time And Space)

Son. From the list (which includes “Time and Space”) is the word “Nehushtan” which is mentioned in the Bible.

In the biblical story, following their Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites set out from Mount Hor to go to the Red Sea. However they had to detour around the land of Edom (Numbers 20:21, 25). Impatient, they complained against Yahweh and Moses (Numbers 21:4–5), and in response God sent "fiery serpents" among them and many died. The people came to Moses to repent and asked him to ask God to take away the serpents. Moses prayed to God, who told Moses, "Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he seeth it, shall live." (Numbers 21:4–9)

The term appears in 2 Kings 18:4 in a passage describing reforms made by King Hezekiah, in which he tore down altars, cut down symbols of Asherah, destroyed the Nehushtan, and according to many Bible translations, gave it that name.

Regarding the passage in 2 Kings 18:4 M. G. Easton noted that "the lapse of nearly one thousand years had invested the 'brazen serpent' with a mysterious sanctity; and in order to deliver the people from their infatuation, and impress them with the idea of its worthlessness, Hezekiah called it, in contempt, 'Nehushtan', a brazen thing, a mere piece of brass".

It would appear then, that the idea of the Earth Mind (which I argue is the Bible God - YHVH) is permitted to use such things as these “fiery serpents” to kill humans and the act is not immoral for that.

The humans then developed an image to remind them of the incident, but over a long period of time, the imagery became set in the cultural psyche and given a “holy” status (much like the Bible has become for modern Christian Culture) and people were infatuated by it.
King Hezekiah recognised the immorality therein and set about destroying all such imagery as a means of alleviating folk from their misguided infatuation by deleting such from the culture altogether thus affecting the cultural morality.

GPT. The Son expands on the concept of morality in relation to the Creator Mind and the universe. He suggests that the belief in a Creator external to the universe implies a form of Simulation Theory, which necessitates trust in the creator. However, if one accepts that we exist within the Creator Mind, morality varies based on the degree of mindfulness within different forms.

He discusses the biblical story of the Nehushtan, a brazen serpent erected by Moses to heal the Israelites. Over time, this symbol gained sanctity, but King Hezekiah later destroyed it, recognizing its immorality. The Son parallels this with the notion of the Earth Mind using fiery serpents to punish humans, suggesting that morality evolves with cultural understanding.
In this context, King Hezekiah's actions highlight the influence of cultural morality and the need to challenge entrenched beliefs to promote ethical progress.

Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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