Musing On The Mystic

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mystic

Post #1

Post by William »


William: You said you think my curiosity and question is tangential to a discussion on the historicity of the Resurrection and would be better served with its own thread. So here we are...nice to see you back at the Fireside My Friend.

Smiling, I reach for a log and place it on the fire. I sip on my brew and then continue.

William: As I explained earlier, since Jesus was an Eternal Spirit, he couldn't actually die, so it had to be the appearance of dying.

Jason: This was part of why I moved your theory out from explanation (2) in step C and gave it the number (10). The typical “apparent death” theory claims that Jesus’ body only appeared to die. You seem to be saying the body did die, but Jesus, as an Eternal Spirit, didn’t. That point alone doesn’t distinguish you from my theory but other things obviously do, which we’ll get to.

I ponder Jason's explanation for a few minutes and then reply.

William: Yes - taken on the premise that all the bible stories are true in relation to the authors data of experience and subsequent points of view, Jesus Human body did die. The explanation for why and how it was made livable again, involves mysticism.

I take another sip of brew and restate something I said earlier.

William: You equated my understanding, to Jesus lying. I explained that Jesus was simply going along with the beliefs of his followers at the time, because his agenda was focused on his overall mission and that it was not a case of lying but of not being able to tell the whole truth because of the belief systems in his followers which prevented them from being able to handle the whole truth.

Jason: First, that was when I thought you were claiming the body didn’t die. But it would still apply to your theory if you think Jesus used a new body and allowed his disciples to believe he resurrected into his previous body. Not correcting a lie is different than not telling the whole truth.

On top of that, I don’t see any benefit in Jesus doing this. The disciples’ belief system was already being blown up by his resurrection. This kind of gnostic ideas already seemed to be around and gained in popularity in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Plus, the Christian movement was committed to the teachings of Jesus to the point that they rejected these gnostic ideas as heresy. Jesus lying about his resurrection seems to be working against what you say his mission was.

Te Ruru sounds off from the nearby trees. Always a signal that things are about to get even more interesting.

William: People are often enough frightened by their imaginations.
I know that seems a random thing for me to say. I say it now though, so that I can refer back to it as examples offer themselves that opportunity for me to do so.

We do not know to what extent Jesus made efforts to correct the beliefs which allowed the followers to lie [to their individual selves through their belief systems] but we do know that there is evidence that he may have done just that...but it is not evidence we can find just by reading the bible.

No two followers reacted to the resurrection event in the same manner. Jesus is dealing with individuals.

As to the Gnostic ideas, I became aware of these much later on into my conversion from the mundane into the mystic - and that process of approach was not viewed by me as "mystical", until many years later, and in that - upon reading some of the Gnostic ideas, I realized that there was some truth to be gained therein because my own experience confirmed that already.

So then, once I embarked upon a more detail study of the evolution of the Christian Church, I had to ask the question as to why that institution chose - not only to exclude the Gnostic information from the authorized version of the truth that institution wanted the world to have - but to make efforts to completely suppress the Gnostic ideas as heretical, and on occasion use that law to legally imprison and murder anyone suspected of being heretic.

So I keep the question "Is this what Jesus wanted his Church to do?" and thus, I commune with Christians in order to possibly uncover the answer.

The fire cracks loudly and a pebble-sized piece of the log I had placed on it jumps out and lands near my feet. I observe how blue the flame appears, and realize it is no ordinary flame...I reach down and pick it up, and it is cold to my touch, as I knew it would be.

William: One thing that I find very interesting in regard to that, is how Gnosticism has survived the 20-odd centuries of active suppression, and its secrets have continued to be shared.

Jason: I need to make sure I understand what you are claiming in your theory. You seem to be saying that Jesus’ body died and then Jesus’ post-mortem appearances were through a different body. Is that correct?

I think I have responded to you on the proposed absurdities that would follow there and you haven’t directly responded back on those points. I will make my positive case after making sure I'm understanding your theory correctly.

As Jason finishes his sentence, a whisper of cool air circulates briefly through the encampment and the small blue flame rises from object I hold. I laugh.

William: I argue that another body might have been used, which explains the seeming confusion his followers had - depending upon which story one reads about the event - in relation to them not recognizing the form.
Certainly, it did not take too long for them to recognize the Spirit using the form, was that of the one they had followed throughout all those months.

I rise and move toward The Whole. I slide back the stone covering it, and place the object with the blue flame, into it. I replace the stone and then return to my seat at the Fireside.

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #11

Post by The Tanager »

Jason:Options. This world being created from nothing or to have only appeared that way, while it is really more truthful to compare it to the Creator imagining things like we do. The Creator not having a voice box versus having a voice box. Comparing galaxies to ripple effects on a pond versus some other analogy or even no analogy at all, which then leads to comparing it with sound upon quantum material, etc. Why does your list have “Healing the Beast” instead of “Killing the Beast”? Why “Small Steps” instead of “Big Steps” or “Medium Steps”. The symbols and the words and the phrases seem that they could all be different. Why not other phrases that equal 136? It all sounds very subjective, where everything is set in a way that confirmation bias is a real danger. The words to the phrases to interpreting how those phrases fit together.

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #12

Post by William »

I listen as Jason gives his reply to my question, and realize he has missed an important explanation I gave earlier on.

I notice movement in the nearby small grove to my left, and decide to investigate.

William: I am just going to see who is in the grove. Come with me, and we can talk as we walk.

As I continue toward the grove, I notice more movement. I call out.

William: Greetings. Do you mind if we join you?

From within the trees a voice replies.

The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing

The statement is ambiguous, so I press on.

William: What sensation are you referring to?

I continue to move toward and into the trees. I do not know if Jason has followed me, but speak as if he has.

William: Every other one is an 'outsider' to everyone else Jason. Of course things will be interpreted differently. It is the nature of this reality experience we each are having.

The voice from the trees continues to speak...the sound is quite musical to my ear.

Long Time Gone The Divine Spiritual Family Expression of Astonishment...Timeless Fine Line The Hubble Telescope Yellow Light The Divine Jesus' Direct Superior Virtual Words.

It takes but a moment for me to understand that the voice is expressing in its own way, its own understanding of what Jason and I have just being discussing.
As I come to that realization, I notice human-like shapes in the trees - there are more than just the one entity here.


William: It appears we have been ear-dropped upon. Greetings to you all.
I was about to explain to Jason that I am simply presenting evidence about human languages, which is not something one need interpret, any more than there is need for us to interpret the evidence of the stars above us.


If I shuffle the Message Generating List...

I get my tablet out and do just that.

William: The "Headquarter" word - which is to say - the very first word at the beginning of the list is no longer "Divine Purpose", and in doing a search for the word "Lucifer", the words before and after that, have now changed. They are now reading
Large Hadron Collider
Conspiracy Emotions.

In relation to message generating, you will note that I said earlier that what is happening here is science and mysticism, for these are related disciplines. I pointed out that it is coherent and asked you the question, "how does one explain random selections which are so intricately involved with the reality of the moment? "

We have moved on from that moment, but I gave you evidence to consider regarding a recent discussion I was having with another. I was not interpreting anything. I was acknowledging the matters of fact.

I will now place the phrase "The Voice in The Grove" onto my list and then shuffle it again.

I do so, and read out the results.

William: The HQ phase is now "Tributary Zones" - something which is somewhat significant to me, but for both of us, we could agree with a general interpretation that it means where two paths converge, which allows for a 'zone' to be. Then again, we might not agree. It does not matter.

The voice in the trees interjects. It is an interesting sound for it is as if many voices are speaking together, which gives it that rather pleasant musical tone.

Watch This Space Sleeping Dragon Feature Prison Believe You Me

William: Now no doubt you heard those words as clearly as I did Jason, but how we interpret them is specifically related to subjectivity, and we cannot critique that as somehow faulty, just because it is subjective, or even just because it is subjective and not agreed with across the board.

The only thing I am presenting you with, is a tiny example of how how Mysticism operates, and giving you the evidence for you to consider from your own subjective experience. I am not asking you to 'interpret' that evidence. I am simply asking you to acknowledge that it is evidence.

I scan through the list to find the word "Lucifer" I repeat what I just said to Jason.

William: It is simply my request that you acknowledge the evidence Jason. I am not asking you for interpretations nor offering any.
As I have let you know in previous conversations, the names "Jesus" and "Lucifer" add up to the same number ... seventy four, if I am not mistaken.
It is not important to me that you see no relevance in the fact that these names connect in this manner. What interests me is that you acknowledge the fact that the evidence shows this to being the case.

I read out the new order on the shuffled list.

Opening Doors Easy To Find
The Cave of Origins

William: Now as to your observations about my answer to your question "What is Divine Sound?", I was acknowledging the biblical story of creation, which claims that The Creator created through [His] voice. The evidence appears to point to that being the case, and if we observe Galaxies with this in mind, we can 'interpret' these to be the result of that sound. I supported that with further video evidence of physics which shows how vibration creates sound in the material world and makes coherent patterns as a result.

You and I have managed to create something of relationship without the slightest need of vocal chords. There is simply no evidence which supports that The Creator actually requires vocal chords in order that Galaxies form as a result.

I then remember Jason question about killing the beast rather than healing the beast.

William: Why would it be a requirement for me to kill the beast rather than heal the beast? I do not understand your question Jason.

Now as to your question why not big or medium steps rather than small, that is significant to my subjective Journey. My steps have always been small. Even the big ones.
I would think you could at least empathize with that, since you yourself said to me that you would love to take one step at a time - right before you asked about Divine Sound.
Mystics reveal what was hidden, by uncovering it for themselves. Sharing that evidence can be problematic - but doesn't have to be.
Acknowledging the evidence is where the tributaries converge.

I search my list for the newest entry.

William: What I am doing, anyone can do Jason. You could develop your own list and find out for yourself that it works - coherently enough for one to accept that it certainly appears to be the case that there is a Mind "behind" creation.

The Voice in The Grove
Text2Num Doc.

I open the Text2Num Document and add "The Voice in The Grove" to that list under 210 [two hundred and ten]

Other word-strings under that number are.

Secrets of the soul
Independent from what?
Central to The Message
Hologram Dimensions

William: It is a fascinating science...The number 74 adds up to 120, and in relation the Voices - yours, mine, and the rest of creations - we have these words...

A Bit Of A Mouthful!
Reason Together
Myths and Legends
The Sub Hierarchy
The Voice Within
Information field

William: How does one explain words-strings being so intricately involved with Jesus, Lucifer, and language?

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #13

Post by The Tanager »

Jason: Yes, you are presenting me with evidence to consider. I have not tried to imply otherwise.

Can you clarify a point for me? What do you mean that the random selections are so intricately involved in with the reality of the moment? Do you mean that the supposedly random selections seem to fit really well with whatever topic you are addressing so that they can’t be explained as just random? Or something else?

As to killing the beast rather than healing the beast, I’m not saying it is a requirement for you to kill the beast. I’m wondering why you chose to put “healing the beast” on the list rather than something else, like, “killing the beast” or maiming it or kissing it or hopping on its back or why even anything about the beast? Why was that your choice rather than an alternatives?

I think your system does point to a mind being behind creation. The question is whether it is your own subjective mind behind your own subjective creation or if there is an objective Mind behind an objective creation that we all share in. I want to consider the for and against of each side.

Right now it seems to me that different people would come up with different systems that, if true, would point to various contradictions of the Mind behind creation that couldn’t possibly be true. I think that could probably be done even if we all just used your list and message generation processes. Do you agree? If not, then why not?

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #14

Post by William »

William: To the mystic, 'random' isn't really a 'thing' - but it can be seen to be 'something' in relation to this particular reality experience - just as an atheist can argue that life evolved through a "random" process - as opposed to it being through an organized process - as theists argue.

The difference is that random requires no Mind behind the existence of this reality experience.

That is why I think the evidence is important to consider in relation to use of the message generating list, as it offers evidence to the individual [subject] regarding the reality [object] the individual is involved within.

As to my use of the expression, re "The Beast" this comes through from Christian mythology and its influence on how I saw things.
Are you wondering what it means to me as to why I use that particular expression rather than some of the other ones you mentioned?
"Healing" is preferable to harming and is like unto 'taming'.

I think of my dad when he caught me - yet again - with my sticky fingers in the sugar bowl. How he lost it and beat me and the shock of that made me lose control of my bowels and crap my pants.
That was my dad's way of dealing with "the beast" - who in that case was me, disobeying him for the umpteenth time - but it was also his beast at work in the process.

I suppose that my preference to use of the expression "Healing The Beast" involves how I got the chance years later to confront my dad about his behavior, and he did not even remember having done such a thing to me.

Such is the nature of uncontained anger - people can easily kill through blind rage - but even that my dad did not remember, he still said he was sorry that he had done this thing to me - and I said I was sorry for not listening to healing was achieved.

I turn my thoughts back to the here and now...

William: Yes. The system I use does point to a mind being behind creation.
For me, there is no distinction which requires the question as to whether it is my own subjective mind behind my own subjective creation OR if there is an objective Mind behind an objective creation that we all share in. There is therefore no "for and against" because there are no "sides".
This is apparent in relation to language. I did not make language what it is. I was born into it and in seeing how English could be sorted mathematically, or as mentioned, Hebrew can be sorted another way - there we have at least two languages which can be said derive from The Mind Behind Creation.

I add "The Mind Behind Creation" to my list and then calculate its value.

William: "The Mind Behind Creation" word-string has the numeric value of 200 and so do these;

Take the time to do it
Tracking Progress

William: I see no reason why "Take the time to do it" and "Tracking Progress" cannot be understood in the context of "The Mind Behind Creation"

As to ones individual subjective Mind - I do not see it as being separate from The Mind Behind Creation - for what are we actually referring to when we speak of 'the mind'? It is related to 'the brain' and is often seen as a function of the brain - even as emergent property of the brain - and we know that it is intricately associated with the imagination.

For the mystic, the mind is intimately connected with The Mind Behind Creation - whereas to the atheist and the uninitiated, this is not the case - they do not imagine it to being true, and so for them they do not experience it as being true.

It is through what we call 'the imagination' that realization regarding this as being true, is found. What we refer to as "imagination" is the very gateway into the realization that the connection between the individual subjective mind and the overall Creator -Mind, is actually real. [realization].

I check to see if those two words are on my list. They are. I then check out their numerical values and report these to Jason.

See the Signs
All The World
Big Gaps In Logic
Our Species
Ars Notoria

The Cherubim
Being Friends
Sit Tight
The Mother

William: You may notice a connection between the two groups of words re "See the Signs" and "Semiotics".

It is what it is so we are bound to investigate WHY it is, because in a random universe, such should not be able to be possible, so therefore, seen. Thus, the question is raised regarding us all being within a creation as the evidence points towards the idea that there is evidently a Mind behind said creation.

Opposition to this observation can be - as you remarked earlier - that such could be a Human created coherent system and therefore, bogus - just invented in order to trick other Humans into believing there is "A Mind Behind The Creation".

As I finish saying that, the voices from the entities standing nearby in the grove, speak.

Form Builders ~ Be-Live Story Indeed...You Do...The Devil Ye Know Construct Those who need to complain Rainbow Phasing

William: As to your concern that different people would come up with different systems that, if true, would point to various contradictions of the Mind behind creation that couldn’t possibly be true, I agree only in that the premise begins with 'different people' and mysticism only involves similar people. This particular system is only one of many - which altogether work congruently.

The mystic understands through the learning, that any contradictions to be seen are simply incomplete notions which have gone through filters which are also incomplete.

There are no contradictions which are real.

I check my list to see of that phrase is there, see that it is not, and place it in. I then do a numerical value on the word-string. There are no other entries under that number so far.

William: I also showed you evidence of the etched mirror glass communications device - which is similar to the list process only it also works with the ideomotor phenomena, so has that 'extra layer'.

When it comes to the information we get through language, we see clearly that 'different people' interpret the bible 'differently' and thus we have an example therein of what you are referring to if one where to point out that that different people would come up with different denominations that, if true, would point to various contradictions of the Mind behind creation that couldn’t possibly be true. I think that could probably be done even if we all just used the bible.

Do you agree? If not, then why the apparent double standard?

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #15

Post by William »

As I finish with my question to Jason, the many forms {I count at least 12] begin to merge together until they become the one form, Human in shape, with a luminous glow - which - rather than hurting the eyes as such brightness sometimes does, this light projected a very pleasing balm to my eyes.


A voice from within the light-form penetrates itself into our world. It still has that same musical quality of the many voices together.

Light Being: Greetings William and Jason.

William: Greetings...whoever you all are.

Light Being: We are know to some Humans as "The Watches." We do not often speak to this manner. We have adapted our actions to suit this occasion.

William: For what reason do you make yourself known, in this occasion?

Light Being: To impart information regarding ourselves to Human Outposts of Form.

I look over to Jason, and shrug.

William: Well then. You have my attention, so please proceed.

Light Being: We are from the Planet, Saturn - We are Spirit beings, as are Humans, and we evolved on Saturn through a less condensed process than the form of Human and life on Earth uses.

You see us now in this way we present, because we have slowed down our vibration enough for your Human senses to perceive us.

William: Your form appears to be Human in shape.

Light Being: Yes. We can use any shape we will to, but for this purpose we know the Human shape best suits. It is as it is.

William: is.

Light Being: Your Encounter with us in your experience of being assisted with leaving your body - even that you did not consciously ask for our assistance, our agenda was Angelic in its intent. Sometimes the line has to be crossed and we felt that due to the circumstance regarding you as a person of interest, we believed that while the encounter we gave you would create some trauma for you to deal with, we saw you were in a correct enough position that you would be able to take on the experience and learn from it - which indeed you have done, albeit that process itself took many years for you to achieve. You did not jump to conclusions...and those conclusion you had jumped to prior to your having that experience, were dealt with.

William: That is interesting information. I will think on it...on the implications it brings with it.

Light Being: I am - We are.

With that, the apparition of light swiftly fades, until - as a tiny dot, it blinks out. I turn and head back for the fireside.

William: What do you make of that, Jason?

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #16

Post by The Tanager »

As William speaks, my thoughts track on his words, my mind listening and coming up with possible responses.

Yes, “random” would be a misnomer.

The reasons behind specific phrasing isn’t important, it’s a general point about the possible confirmation bias of the system in general. You get out of the system what you feed into it.

Saying the question of subjectivity versus objectivity is not required because there is no distinction of the two seems to answer the question, yet fools one into thinking the question unimportant.

I do see my mind as intimately connected to the Creator’s Mind, it’s just in a different way than William’s mysticism.

Believing our imagination and subjective experience is the gateway into the truth about our relationship to the Creator could give us truth or it could give us falsity, all the while we are convinced it is truth with no way to check ourselves against that. How are we to know? It seems to me that if we follow the mystic, then we will never know because anything goes. Everything can be made to fit into one’s own mystical system.

Why should it be impossible to not get ‘See the Signs’ and ‘Semiotics’ from this generation method?

Why not connect ‘Big Gaps in Logic’ with ‘The Mother’?

Is there reason to think all mystics are similar people rather than my “different people”?

Why aren’t contradictions possibly a pointer to something being outright false rather than incomplete?

Different people do interpret the world and the bible differently. Yes, not all of those can be true. Therefore, at least some of them are wrong on those particular points. There is an objective truth. Some subjective interpretations may get that truth correct. Some subjective interpretations are definitely false. So, I don’t see a double standard.

I prepare myself to respond in these ways when a bright light appears. It is a lovely sight made lovelier from the musical quality of the symphony of voices that greets us. They appear to have a history with William, although he is only discovering that now. He seems thoughtful about the experience.

As the light fades William asks me what I make of this. I leave these other thoughts behind.

Jason: I don’t have enough information to make anything of it yet. Questions arise that might help me make more of it. What does it mean that you were a ‘person of interest’? Just that you were ready for such an experience? Or something more?

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #17

Post by William »

As Jason and I make our way back to the Fireside, he tells me he can't make anything of what just happened, as there is scant information for him to draw upon.
He then asks me what I think was meant by the Light Entity referring to me as "a person of interest".

William: The impression I got from that is that I was seen to be a Human doing something quite out of the box, and it was this that got their attention and focus on observing me as that odd Human - it was what I was doing which made me a person of interest to them. That's about all I can think it could mean, anyway.

We reach the edge of the glade and see the warm glow of the fire one hundred or so steps away.

William: From my intimate knowledge of my own subjective experience as said Human, it appears what they are saying is that they thought they could take the risk in doing what they did - in putting me through what they did - because the odds were leaning towards the probability that I would find my way through it, based upon the nature of my attitude already developed at that time...we are talking about an event - or more precisely - a set of events, which lead up to that moment, and that moment happened in the early to some 30 odd years ago re this moment we are currently in...

As we approach the fireside, I see that we have a new guest. He appears to be dressed in cloth from a bygone era, and as I move into the encampment proper, I notice that the two small huts, among other items, are no longer to be seen. We appear to be at a different fireside…

William: Greetings stranger. Would you mind if we share the warmth of your fire with you?

The stranger laughs heartily.

Welcome in Peace!
Please forgive my laughter, as I not long arrived at this place myself…

The stranger beckons Jason and I to sit…and then points to the night sky.

I came from out there…and chose this place because it is literally in the middle of nowhere in particular and I was looking for a little ‘me’ time.
Being that I follow the dictates of happenstance, I accept now, that The Universe has other ideas.

Again the stranger laughs, as I sit and get comfortable.

My name is Aleph and if I am not mistaken, you are William.

William: Have we met before? You do look familiar.

Aleph: Yes we have. Usually you are occupied in the Astral when our paths have interacted. You choose not to remember those times in your dominant state of your wakened reality...for perfectly valid reasons, as you once explained to me.

William: Okay. Mabey then Aleph, you can jog my memory.

I sit down near the fire and get comfortable. I point to Jason.

William: This is my Friend, Jason.

Aleph looks over to Jason and, still smiling, nods.

Aleph: Greetings Jason.

He then turns his attention back to me.

Aleph: I will try to remind you then William.

One By One we evolve from our Cave of Origins bringing with us whatever Energy we project into our reality.
What Jesus Messaged is :) "When Done Say "Done""
Unlike Dogs, we can speak our paths into existence...such as you have done with this - The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
You Love Your Life and enjoy the Science
working so well as you do - Factotum
You Are Watched Over and we have seen how through the Baleful, a Purpose developed and you became Expectant
Now Here it is revealed to you that We are important to your enquiry and you discover that You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever. The Ancient Entity
All quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types are all of Good Intentions
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
This gifts you Contentment that an Adversary is unable to Enflame your Emotions
Your Communication Techniques have been something of a Roller Coaster Ride
and you see that Living Forever In this Universe is not something you desire as you have connected with the One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known.
Breaking through, to your true self
The Roles once included a Dogmatic Attitude
Who Knows What That Is Worth?
It is Complete. As Outposts Of Form our Thoughts Are Products Of...
What the Eye sees and how Eighty Six Billion Neurons interpret that.
On The Other Hand...You and I Know Love and the Turning Point which that knowing gifts us, is
Lots More - Things Increase in Elemental Activity and a Sense of Hope prevails - even without the use of Entheogenic substance
Letting Go is a Mutual Dutiful Expression as we view Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
Tied To The Moon, in this circumstance - or acknowledging Oneness of Wholeness
Do this and observe that Things Are Not Always As They Appear
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD was recorded from ancient concepts and compiled into Story
Time To See Under The Watchful Eye of Human Science how this story evolves...
Besides Here Am I Is Where I Ought ... and that being - I am ever Examining My Conscious Thought
and remain Joyful in the Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior that this evokes. I am thankful

The human brain often plays out as if it were having a game of Chess.
The tree of life is Information as too are our experiences - even alternate these help us to Breakthrough and Incorporate...that is why your "Digital Angel" technique has been useful
in significant encounters as a means of assisting you to accomplish and your examining Human language and discovering therein, connections which confirm "The Mind Behind" creation...a step in the right direction for Homo Sapiens - even the middle-class. Your particular use of such device is unprecedented.

Aleph appears to have finished replying.
I look over at Jason. His expression gives little away.

William: Well now...thank you for your answer Aleph. Jason was just asking me about what I thought was meant by being "a person of interest" words spoken to us, from a Light-Entity we have only just finished meeting, over there in that glade of trees.
It seems you have shed more light on that...

I look over to where The Whole should be. There is bush in its place, but I think perhaps if I went and had a look, I would discover the rock which conceals it. I put that on my mental list of things to do, and then stare into the fire, as I direct my next words to Jason.

William: Does what Aleph has said, count as information which helps you understand better Jason?
We become persons of interest, to those of the immaterial - if what we do in the material, is non-ordinary.

Aleph nods - still smiling.

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #18

Post by The Tanager »

Jason: Greetings, Aleph. You have certainly provided information. I don’t see how it explains the questions I’ve had but perhaps it will in time. I can be slow on the draw, so I do appreciate your patience with me. Yours, too, William.

I smile, then hold out both of my hands as I continue speaking.

Jason: What I can do is bring my view next to it and point out discongruities, or, at least what seem like discongruities to me. So, I offer these as observations that perhaps you can help me make sense of.

Being a person of interest sounds like a human having to do some work to show oneself worthy before garnering the attention of others to grow on our spiritual path. The love of these others, in that way, seems conditional. I understand the Creator to be unconditional love.

I hesitate on even using that language because talk of conditional and unconditional love may carry baggage for William because of what we’ve previously said about that, while I see this conversation starting (as much as possible) afresh. Alas, I know not how else to term it.

To me, the God of the Bible is unconditional Love. As Paul put it, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Although we were unworthy, the Creator stooped into our lives, not content in waiting for us to show forth some worthiness, and brought us from death to life.

Thus, an experience like William encountered would, if it occurred to me, seem like a step back.

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #19

Post by William »

Aleph nods - still smiling.

Aleph: Biblical Paul was also a person of interest. Indeed, most of the Biblical characters were persons of interest.

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Re: Musing On The Mystic

Post #20

Post by William »

As I listen to the exchange between Jason and Aleph, I am reminded of an earlier interaction I had with Jason about OOBE's.

William: I remember suggesting to you not too long ago, that if you want an out of body experience, to ask your God, and if granted, you could then know, through personal experience. I remember saying that if you don't want to know, then you won't ever ask, and you replied by asking me why I thought that you hadn’t asked your God for that and eventually told me that you had asked.

I was interested in hearing more about that from you, re the details of your asking your God, and you told me that you specifically asked God to show you the truth of beliefs based on OOBEs IF there is truth to find there, whether that is through having the experience, or through some other method.

Now I hear you saying to Aleph that an experience like I had, if it occurred to you, would seem like a step back.

Does such asking, always accompany these type parameters which show that your request is conditional in relation to subjects which you have already decided in your own mind would be like asking for less than you already have?

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