Musing On Catholicism.

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On Catholicism.

Post #1

Post by William »

I receive an incoming message from Wiremu.

Wiremu: Greetings Manu Iti.
This morning I was having breakfast with my wife and had conversation regarding her mother, who is in a home for the elderly and currently going through the process of slowly fading away...and our concerns regarding that have to do with her experiencing panic and confusion and her saying that she 'isn't a good Catholic"...only in passing, but we think this may have something to do with her condition - she does not like being alone, but unfortunately this has to be the case as there is no one who can sit with her 24/7.
Recently on the Debate Forum I have been communicating with a ghost called "Right Reason" who has been educating me on her particular understanding of what being a Catholic is all about.
From what Right Reason has informed me, it seems obvious enough that my wife's mother has doubts and these doubts will have their affect in the next phase.
Ma [as I call her] has already had 'the last rites' ritual performed over her by Catholic Priests on a number of occasions, and we tend to think of her as something of a miracle that she is still in this phase considering the things she has been going through for a number of years now.
Personally I think of Ma as a lovely soul who [as Matriarch] accepted me into her Family much more readily than many of the other Family members did.
So I am wondering what teaching the Catholic Church has fed her which gives her these doubts, or whether they come from some other source.
As per such questions, I hand them to The Creator who I know will always provide answers eventually...and share them with you as is my custom.
I have given the ghost [RR] a link to this communion in order to allow access to the information I am musing upon in relation to Catholicism, in order to show the ghost how I deal with questions and what space I prefer to play within.

Perhaps one day RR will visit you at The Campfire...


I sip my brew and ponder on Wiremu's message to me. I decide to use the Message Generator for possible insight which may help Wiremu with his question...

Message:: Eloah Mysterious process The Soul Eats Experience Fear of the Unknown That Is Sad But Don't Let It Distract You Builders Returning -Well Its A Start- The Nature of Role-Play Within Story-Lines Sensory Data Quality Zero In On It What Is Our Purpose Simulacra Birthing That's More Like It In Human Form This Translates To That. Is...

I nod to myself and then send the GM on to Wiremu...with a note attached;

Manu Iti: Greetings Wiremu.
It appears that all is as it should be. Ma is going through her processes preparing for the next phase experience. One can hope that she creates something pleasant for herself but by all accounts she is bound for The Realm of Judgement, so therein it is Even-Stevens so perhaps if she can focus upon who will be there to lovingly greet her, that should be helpful...
Keep me in The Loop

I push *send* and then place another log on the owl hoots from the trees beyond the clearing...The stars above twinkle in their usual grandeur.

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Re: Musing On Catholicism.

Post #2

Post by William »

Immediately my Tablet informs me I have a reply from Wiremu. It is an image.


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Re: Musing On Catholicism.

Post #3

Post by William »

After some time has passed I receive another incoming message from Wiremu.

Wiremu: UBH Manu Iti.
Yesterday my wife and I talked more about our concerns re Ma and my wife then visited Ma at the home for the elderly and asked Ma if she was concerned about dying and what came after that.

Ma was adamant that she expects to see her loved ones and God and that she will be happy. She has no doubts about this.

So we have taken this to mean that Ma's panic attacks and feelings of loneliness are a manifestation of her physical ailments, of which there are many. Those things being natural and normal for anyone to experience who are in the condition she is in, re her body.

Thank you for your Generated Message as it put things into perspective and has been shown to be correct and given food to thought on another matter of interest - one which I call "The Doctrine of Satan"

Here is the link, if you are interested... :!:


Wiremu [and his wife] :)

I smile and pour myself another is always so interesting...I press the yellow symbol and it takes me to a thread topic he has started in the Realm of Judgement - the dominant reality he is currently experiencing.

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