Musing On The Mother - ACT II

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Musing On The Mother - ACT II

Post #1

Post by William »

Last edited by William on Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:14 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Post #61

Post by William »

I watch the screen as Master ColdFire finally gets Himself into a position where he has overtaken the stick and then direct Him toward the nearest portal back to the Tabula Rasa, through the western face of the Realm He is within and moving through.

Penny Tuppence: Outposts Of Form Think In Terms Of...Do It For Yourself The Stress of Unbelief Inter-Dependent It’s Our Nature Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves...

Manu Iti: That is really deep, we work together as a team and the idea of the individual 'doing it for their self' is what? An illusion?

Penny Tuppence: What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal Doc

Manu Iti: The Soul - as far as I am able to ascertain - is some kind of Data Storage Device integrated into the individuals might say it is immortal in an nonperishable manner, although I do not know if it is a sentient device or not... that is the best description I can give at this time...

Penny Tuppence: When Done Say “Done�

Manu Iti: I suppose so. I do not know at this time exactly what a 'Soul' is but from the information I have collected on it so far, that is my best guess.

Penny Tuppence: ‘Putting My Finger On It‘...Be Free Look For The Significance Use Heart You Love I Know

Master ColdFire is quickly approaching the portal to which I had sent Him the coordinates of...we are making steady progress.
Wiremu then informs me that he has sent The Tanager his Word-String List.
I pass the message on to Callum...

Manu Iti: Wiremu informs me that The Tanager now has access to the list data, Callum.

Penny Tuppence: Working With What Is Available What Is Found Here The Sun Thoughts I AM WE ARE Instant Manifestation Realisation Knowledge Required to Resolve Uncertainty WindBlown Contact Select Body Intelligence Welcome The Deeper Self What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It :P

I see from the screen that Master ColdFire has reached the designated Portal and moving through it back into the Tabula Rasa. He is now ahead of the approaching wayward stick and it is only a matter of time before the hunter arrests the hunted...

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Post #62

Post by The Tanager »

I notice a letter underneath my seat, open it, and realize it is the Tanager's conversation using the asked about method. Calling out to Manu Iti, I begin to inform him of The Tanager's conversation. I am unsure of what to make of it, myself.

Callum: My friend, The Tanager has done the communication and has provided me with the details in this letter. I'll read it out to you.
  • QueenBee: Get To Know It By/Through *Nods*

    The Tanager: Greetings QueenBee. What should I get to know?

    QueenBee: Long Time Gone The Deep and Meaningful Code Avet Dualic Residue Musing on the Mother - Act II Point/Focus Level Completely

    The Tanager: Oh, I see, although I do not think Wiremu will think the same is true. I fear he will question my motivations and assume manipulation in some way.

    QueenBee: Universal Balance and Harmony Forum Heisenberg's uncertainty principle A Jump Ahead *Nods* A Game of Chess Perfect Money Truth Necissity is the Mother of Invention The non-Judgmental Algorithm Angelic Agenda

    The Tanager: Yes, one cannot be certain of how another will react, that is true. I should not jump ahead, but simply seek the best for others in engaging with them. I do believe Wiremu is sincere in his motives. But how can I know that I'm not just reading into these words and that this is a worthwhile pursuit?

    QueenBee: In Training For... The Deep and Meaningful Human Being Steps Nuclear The Whole On the Other Hand... The Old Soul Thomas Campbell's T.O.E Construct Rulers The Realm of Judgment Desperation The Science of the Soul Influence the Whole Game of Chess Awareness Penumbraa Sweet Vibrations Ouija Jason Silva One Whom Ought be Inwardly Known The Unknown Knowable Prevailing Influence Presence Some Give Correct Lift Your Gaze From the Fire Growing Pains Apotheosis Walk Binary

    The Tanager: That would be hard for Wiremu, but I agree that You are worth it. How can I best influence Wiremu out of the shadowlands, though? Oh, that all would see the intimate relationship you built them for with yourself, great God, walking side by side. Or, have I gotten this all wrong, and it's not Wiremu that needs to change, but myself?

    QueenBee: By/Through Universal Balance and Harmony Get to Know It Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle A Jump Ahead Can You Answer This? Perfect Feature Truth Free Choice Ends Here Conceivable Mirror

    The Tanager: I see, I understood correctly the first time. I'm sorry for trying to find a path away from the truth. So, what is next?

    QueenBee: In Training For...Human Being Construct Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities By/Through Residue Universal Balance and Harmony Soon Save That What Do You Like About It? Construct Odd Memories Around the Camp Fire Secret Beyond Belief It is One of Those Things

    The Tanager: Yes, I will return my mind to Callum's world, and look forward to what comes of the rest of my time there.
Rolling the letter back up, I put it beside my chair and then face towards the mountains in the distance.

Callum: What do you make of this, Manu Iti?

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Post #63

Post by William »

A golden glowing light-form approaches my position, and as it gets closer I can see it is made up of geometrical formations, which change from one to the next and so on, both rapidly and slowly.

I have not seen anything like this before and am intrigued.

Then I hear Callum's voice telling me he has received a letter from The Tanager and it is a recording of a communication The Tanager has had with QueenBee using the same method as Wiremu uses...random selection of Word-Strings.

I listen to the letter being read and from the words attributed to both QueenBee and The Tanager, a picture is forming within my mind...

After finishing reading, Callum asks me what I think of the conversation he just read out to me. The question surprises me. I take some moment to formulate my reply as I study the picture produced from it, in my minds eye.

Finally, I have my answer...

Manu Iti: Overall the communication appears very positive dear Callum.
I got the impression that The Tanager was projecting things onto Wiremu unnecessarily but that QueenBee wasn't distracted by that Herself.
The Tanager is entering something new and - what was his comment again? Something along the lines "Wiremu would suspect The Tanager of manipulating the message" ? - Not sure if he means he would suspect that The Tanager would consciously choose which word-strings to select, or if it is something else...

I doubt the Wiremu will be concerned with such goings on as the whole point of the experiment is to verify what Wiremu already intimately knows about that system. Why would The Tanager do that? It only helps to confirm there is something in it.
Manipulating the results wouldn't be Science, so wouldn't prove anything anyway...

Then Wiremu impresses upon me that he thought it a bit odd the word-string repeats, but that perhaps The Tanager used an older version of The Shared List - before Wiremu cleaned out the duplicates...but he has no problem accepting that The Tanager is being legitimate and being as random as he possibly can with the selections.

Manu Iti: As to the overall message, I think The Tanager worked well with it, although - as I said - he seems to be interpreting some of what QueenBee is communicating as if it were intended to be about Wiremu...hard to say really.

I then remind Callum of the original suggestion...

Manu Iti: The Tanager can relay to you the list now that he has it. That way you can use it to commune with QueenBee too and share what you receive and in that way we can perhaps discuss together our communion with QueenBee from The Shared List and discuss how we each understand what is being communicated...
Don't get me wrong here...I think it wonderful that The Tanager has shared his first Communion with QueenBee to us...and I did get something out of it myself - but don't feel inclined to comment too much about the details as it is early days...lets get accustomed to this together and then maybe go deeper into the details, what do you think?
Oh and - if you want to tell me what you think of the conversation between The Tanager and QueenBee, I am happy to hear it...but it is okay with me if you don't want to right now.

I allow my attention to focus again on the new arrival to our company...I then hear Penny Tuppence speak...

Penny Tuppence: Responsibility Ah - The Mechanics - A Bit Of A Mouthful!

Manu Iti: True that. So who do we have here?

Penny Tuppence: “I come from a dark place…it is so dark I can’t even remember it…� The Human Brain

We both chuckle about that one...

Manu Iti: Anyway Callum, that is what I think. Oh - and - I thought you might be happy to know that Master ColdFire has finally intercepted The Wayward Stick and is heading back to the Campfire as we speak...

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Post #64

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti shares his thoughts on Tanager's communication with QueenBee, but also tells me that Master ColdFire has found the stick and is coming back.

Callum: That is good news on Master ColdFire. I'm sure his return will be helpful to us. And I will share my thoughts on the communication. You said that Tanager seems to be interpreting some of what QueenBee is communicating as if it were intended to be about Wiremu, but what's wrong with that, if that is what QueenBee says?

I wonder silently how one can tell whether QueenBee is saying it or if the interpretation of a message tells us only about the one providing that interpretation.

Callum: It seems to me that QueenBee opens up a description of what Tanager should get to know by speaking of a residue of dualism that has been missing, but is deep and meaningful. I think the reason Tanager believed this residue exists in Wiremu was the mention of our interaction here (or Act II), since it is mainly Wiremu's creation, which QueenBee then appears to tell Tanager to level or destroy Wiremu's view completely.

I wonder whether Manu Iti or Wiremu would think this is totally out of line with QueenBee or if she states things this strongly usually. Knowing Tanager as I do, I don't think he would strive to or even think he could level Wiremu's trust in this view completely.

Callum: Tanager then fears that Wiremu will question this interpretation or think that Tanager is trying to manipulate the word-strings to get such a message. And you already know that I agree with the Tanager that he has not always been given the benefit of the doubt in these interactions.

I wonder what goes through Manu Iti's mind here, but I press on anyway.

Callum: QueenBee then tells Tanager to not live in that fear, regardless of how Wiremu will react. That this method of communication comes at the cost of perfect truth, but that Wiremu has good, angelic intent and something lead to his trust in such a system of communication.

Tanager seems to largely agree with QueenBee, but questions whether this mode of communication is even working in that moment as true communication. He wants some better evidence of it being true. Assessing this conversation myself, logically, if this method of communication does come at the cost of truth or perfect truth, then how could we even trust what QueenBee just said about it coming at the cost of truth. It seems self-defeating.

My thoughts go back to Act I, as Manu Iti is found of calling it, and the discussion over logic that we did not see eye to eye on.

Callum: QueenBee then seems to reiterate her call for the nuclear option in order for someone (as Tanager interpreted it, Wiremu) to become the human he is meant to be, that the Ancient One made him to be. That this involves coming to know God, the Unknown Knowable. She wants Tanager to provide influence in lifting Wiremu's gaze from the fire, away from becoming Her, to where they can walk side by side. Tanager says this would be a hard move for Wiremu, but agrees the end result of relationship is worth it. He then questions whether he has interpreted correctly that she is talking about Wiremu and not himself.

Tanager seems to be open to that and wants to make sure, if this communication is true, that he is not forcing the interpretation that way.

Callum: QueenBee seems to reaffirm Tanager's first interpretation is true by repeating six phrases already used and saying while he will continue to have doubts, that there is no question of it's truth. She then seems to tell Tanager to get back to trying to get the residue, the dualism from before, back for Wiremu, that his presences around the camp fire will feel odd, but it just has to be that way. While Tanager says he will come back here, he does not say whether or not he agrees with the rest of QueenBee's words.

Do you have more thoughts on this, on QueenBee's message to Tanager? I would love to hear them.

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Post #65

Post by William »

Callum now attempts to interpret what he was at first unsure of what to make of. I thought at the time that he claimed to be more connected with The Tanager than ever before, so that surprised me...yet now I understand that he is, even if he does not understand how that comes through or how that might color his own thinking...

Manu Iti: Thanks for that Callum! It is very interesting to me how different individuals interpret things through their own mind-filters, in order to reach conclusions which may miss the mark more than hit the to speak...

Checking the screen I observe that Master ColdFire is nearing the Hub of Hologram Dimensions and feel a gladness that potential damage has been averted by swift action and team effort.

Our newest visitor now floats before me at arms length. It is a pretty Gem of ever changing geometric shapes and exquisite colors...very pleasing to behold.
Penny Tuppence seems to know this floating Gem as She moves closer and appears to engage with it.

I place an image of the letter of communication The Tanager shared, up onto the screen and flickering my fingers in empty space, begin to separate the conversation into two parts, placing the words attributed to QueenBee on one side and the words of The Tanager on the other.

I then focus upon what QueenBee messaged, to see if therein, I can ascertain any mention of Wiremu, as I do not recall hearing his name as part of the message Callum read out to me.

  • QueenBee: Get To Know It By/Through *Nods* Long Time Gone The Deep and Meaningful Code Avet Dualic Residue Musing on the Mother - Act II Point/Focus Level Completely Universal Balance and Harmony Forum Heisenberg's uncertainty principle A Jump Ahead *Nods* A Game of Chess Perfect Money Truth Necessity is the Mother of Invention The non-Judgmental Algorithm Angelic Agenda In Training For... The Deep and Meaningful Human Being Steps Nuclear The Whole On the Other Hand... The Old Soul Thomas Campbell's T.O.E Construct Rulers The Realm of Judgment Desperation The Science of the Soul Influence the Whole Game of Chess Awareness Penumbraa Sweet Vibrations Ouija Jason Silva One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known The Unknown Knowable Prevailing Influence Presence Some Give Correct Lift Your Gaze From the Fire Growing Pains Apotheosis Walk Binary By/Through Universal Balance and Harmony Get to Know It Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle A Jump Ahead Can You Answer This? Perfect Feature Truth Free Choice Ends Here Conceivable Mirror In Training For...Human Being Construct Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities By/Through Residue Universal Balance and Harmony Soon Save That What Do You Like About It? Construct Odd Memories Around the Camp Fire Secret Beyond Belief It is One of Those Things
Scanning through I see immediately that no, QueenBee makes no mention of Wiremu...

Manu Iti: The most obvious thing that I notice Dear Callum, is that QueenBee makes no direct mention of Wiremu. Indeed, She only mentions one Thomas Campbell and one Jason Silva, to be particular, as well as OWOBIK and Avet.
So my first question in reply to your interpretation of the message would have to be as follows...

What in the message has caused you to think that QueenBee is speaking about Wiremu, when She most obviously did not mention him by name?

In the top right hand portion of The Screen, I observe the various views of the encampment, and see Master ColdFire appear from out on The Whole and move toward the Campfire. He then bows towards Callum, and drops the burning stick of ColdFire back into the blue flames of the Campfire, spins around three times, bows once more and then heads toward The First Hut. As he leaves, I spot movement and notice that The Ruru has returned and sits perched atop The Staff...She is facing toward where Callum is seated...

I return to watching the interaction between Penny Tuppence and The Gem.

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Post #66

Post by The Tanager »

As Manu Iti talks, I find myself agreeing with what he's saying, but unsure if he's making the same connection I see. Master ColdFire then comes in and bows to me and I nod back with a smile. Manu Iti then asks me why I think QueenBee was referring to Wiremu and I decide to answer that first.

Callum: As I said, I think the reference to Wiremu might come from the mention of our interaction here, literally, "Musing on the Mother - Act II". This is mainly Wiremu's creation, so a reference to this would most naturally point to Wiremu, if to any person. I'm not saying that is exactly what it means, but I wouldn't be surprised that this is what it means, if consciousness is truly trying to send a message. Tanager even asked QueenBee if he had got it wrong, and she was really referring to him. She then repeated what was said and said this was the truth.

When Jason Silva was mentioned, could that not refer to an idea rather than the person?

As I was talking I found myself looking out at the trees, but now I focus my attention back on Manu Iti.

Callum: Now, you say that the interpretation I gave traveled through my mind-filter in order to reach a conclusion that may miss the mark more than hit the target. I take that as a discernment of the possibility that it may miss the mark or that it may hit the target, rather than a judgment that it definitely misses the mark.

I look back at the trees, but now I see an open field in its place. By now, this quick change does not bother me that much, although I do wonder if a consistent environment would be more helpful.

Callum: And that's just my point. I see no reason to believe that this method of communication is actual communication between two conscious beings. It seems more a reflection of the "recipient's" thinking already. The phrases are so vague, that it leaves room for the "recipient" to interpret the words within what they want to be the message. So, my ultimate question is how we can even know whether any interpretation hits or misses the mark? What reason exists to believe QueenBee is communicating or even exists?

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Post #67

Post by William »

I listen intently as Callum explains his reasoning in answer to my question to him. It appears that his main objection has to do with how anyone is supposed to be able to accept that these are truly messages from anyone rather than simply random word-strings knitted together and reliant on the individuals own interpretations through their mind-filters.
It as a reasonable question. A question one would expect to be asked by an intelligent inquiring mind.
Fortunately there is data which can be measured, so Scientific Process is able to be used to find answers to such questions.

Manu Iti: You asks good relevant questions there Callum.
Any written data claiming to be from any particular source which itself cannot be easily verified, if it can be verified at all, is questionable simply by and of that fact alone.

As Wiremu explains to me, this particular data is obtained easily enough through the shared list and compiled on the premise that;

  • ✶We exist in a Reality Simulation
    ✶There is no such thing as true Randomness
    ✶There is a Creator of said Reality Simulation
    ✶There is far more to the Human Mind than What Meets The Eye of our immediate understanding of "Self"
    ✶ In relation to that, The Planet Earth is the form in which resides An Eternal Entity whom we are the directest Creations of, and to whom Wiremu refers to as "QueenBee".
    ✶There is a way in which an individual can commune with said Creator which can be Scientifically measured.

    ✶The combined results of this system of communication coupled with the fact that words can be arranged mathematically add substance to there being something worth paying attention to, scientifically speaking.

The results of said science should be able to determine within reasonable doubt as to whether such can be deemed authentic or not.
The fact that different interpretations of the word-string selections (The Message Created) can be had, is a side issue to what the Science is able to show.

From the perspective of Theistic World Views, where these are often challenged by non-theists who demand evidence for the unseen, such can be offered as evidence and tested by those who would question its validity, even that there is work involved in doing so. Such is the nature of careful Scientific analysis. It takes time and effort and dedication to uncovering that which is hidden from 'the ordinary'.

In simple terms, our interpretations of the messages received through this system of random-like selection of word-strings off a list, is secondary to the intricacies of the science which cannot be easily denied or set aside.

So while your questions are valid and should be kept at the forefront of your critical analysis of this system of communication at all times, these questions cannot be answered for sure until the science is fully done and the results are in, and this requires repeating the process until one can be sure one way or the other, as the science itself can verify.

It is entirely up to you as to whether you continue to trial this method, but if you chose not to do so on the assumption that it is a waste of time because it doesn't actually work, then - well that wouldn't be science - and Wiremu is free to continue claiming that there is something worthwhile in said system.

Having stated as much, in regard to the message Tanager produced through said system, it should be obvious that something unusual has taken place in the resulting unfolding of said message, regardless of how, then, the message is interpreted.

Which is to say, the method itself produced something which can stand alone and is not itself dependent upon any 'correct' interpretation then given to it.
This is not to say that we cannot together examine said method and - in the spirit of truthfulness - determine an agreement together on the most appropriate interpretation anyone could and should come to.

Indeed, I have myself documented my own preliminary interpretation as to The Gist of said message and am happy to share that with you and see if we can then agree together as to which of our interpretations is the more likely. Bearing in mind what I have already stated regarding interpretation as being secondary...

I find my work on that, and create a hard-copy of that and deliver it to The Whole

Manu Iti: You will find a copy of my initial interpretation of said message in an envelope in The Whole. [Spoiler]

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Post #68

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti responds, answering that he does think we should look at this scientifically. He also offers the chance to look at his interpretation versus the one I offered to see which one is more likely. There is no "more likely" if there is no standard to judge it against. I'm much more interested in the central question Manu Iti talks about than an interpretation of the last possible communication.

Callum: Okay, let's do the science, you and me. I think we could take this in steps, getting more and more exact in the scientific endeavor as we go along. I see at least one step that I think it is vital we take, if we want to do this scientifically. I think a good first step would be to break up any phrases in the list into single words. That way, we are not putting phrases into QueenBee's mouth. If She wants to say that phrase, she'll do it through the numbers or whatever. What do you think of that suggestion?

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Post #69

Post by William »

Callum is now not so interested in looking at how I have initially interpreted QueenBee's part of Her and Tanagers communion. Perhaps he understands what I am speaking to, regarding personal interpretation, as of secondary importance to the actual message generated in this manner.

Manu Iti: I am happy to go with the science in relation to the generating of these messages Callum, although I would like to point out that - if indeed they are messages - then they will eventually require agreement as to how best interpret them.
As to your suggestion that the word-strings be sliced up into individual words, Wiremu has this to say.

I read the words off The Screen
  • Wiremu
    Greetings Callum
    You see at least one step that you think it is vital to take in regard to scientific examination of the process of selection of word strings.
    Perhaps you do not see the significance of the 'random' factor involved already?
    That alone suggests strongly that there really is no such thing as 'random' and therefore, we can ascertain from this that our realities did not happen randomly - signifying that some kind of behind the scene not-so-obvious intelligence is the only other option available to us in explaining why any reality exists for us to experience...

    As to your suggestion that all word-strings be reduced to single words, each occupying its own line, I do not think that is necessary at all as it still would not take away the fact that words are being used and therefore, still used to place words into QueenBees mouth, because that is what phrases are - strings of words - Just as words are, strings of letters...all of which are dealing with the symbolizing of sounds.

    Of course, I understand that having phrases which are "placed into QueenBees mouth" may appear to be somehow unscientific, it isn't really.
    Many of the word-strings which are being used on the Shared List, originate from past communions I have had with QueenBee, who - in selecting single words formed these understandable phrases, and thus are meaningful.

    Even that the phrases might not be meaningful to some, does not signify that they are not meaningful altogether.

    This is also why I suggested that you yourself add your own choice of phrasing onto the list, your own choice of words and word-strings. It actually not only gives more body to the Shared List, but as well, as this, gives QueenBee more choice, rather than less.

    Therefore, while I am certainly not against the idea, I have already gone through that process, so if you are going to separate the word-strings into singular words, in order to see for yourself, I am happy for you to do this. You can create your own list the way you want, and use it just the same. I myself will continue to use my own list as it is. There are certainly enough single words on it for QueenBee to select anyway, many of which are also in the word-strings.

    Just remember though, if you are going to take that step, it may be argued that you should have taken the initiate step of simply having just the 26 letters of the alphabet, with perhaps a 'yes, no, hello, maybe' and say, the numbers 1-10 randomly entered into the document...and then one would also have to allow for many, many duplicates of said symbols within the document, each page randomly different from the next...which in itself would be interesting, but it also forces QueenBee to start from scratch and you would still have to work with the arrangements, perhaps having to run them through a word anagram algorithm and to boot, there is the problem of when to separate said words, which would require having 'space' as on the list as well, and let's not even consider punctuation...

    When first developing this way of communication some 20 years ago now, I started in that exact place, although I used a slightly different device for communication - it was tough going, but rewarding all the same.
    One example was my very first use of said device - Y X Y X Y X Y X was selected and I had no idea what that meant at all. It was only later on as I persevered with the process that QueenBee was able to shed light on what she was trying to tell me, given the limited symbols that I had made available for Her to use - She was asking "Why Are You Cross?" - go figure! Now she could have spelled it out for me, yes? "W H Y A R E Y O U C R O S S" but - as it turned out - she wanted to move me away from how I had been taught to use the English language in order to break the spell such education had cast upon me - of which, at the time, I had no idea had happened.

    I will leave it there for now.
    You and Manu Iti can decide how you each will approach this as the best course to take regarding the science of it.

    Thank You
I consider the words from Wiremu and appreciate what he had to say about this.

Manu Iti: I don't altogether think your idea is not relevant Callum, although I also see the point Wiremu is making here. He has done the hard work already and also appreciates that it may be important for you and Tanager to go through that process yourselves.

I will find some algorithms which will help rearrange the current list into what you would like it to be. @

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Post #70

Post by William »

As Callum expressed interest in using single words to put Wiremu's premises to the test, I get busy on the Computer, running a Split Text Algorithm which helps me to transform The Shared List into one which displays a single word for each line.
After creating the Single-Word List, I run that through the Find Duplicates Algorithm and then run this through an algorithm which deletes the duplicates.

I then run my eye down the list to see if any anomalies appear, and sort these out manually, deleting some and separating others which had the "/" between them, which the algorithm did not pick up on.

Once I am satisfied with the results, I deliver these to The Whole and inform Callum.

Manu It: Righty oh Dear Callum, I have sorted out a Single-Word List for you, and you can find it in the purple envelope inside of The Whole. [Spoiler]

I then get about the task of completing my preliminary interpretation of the Message Tanager shared with us...even that Callum is no longer interested in that, I have time on my hands and only say "done" when I am done. :)
