Musing on Relationships

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing on Relationships

Post #1

Post by William »

My messenger signals I have incoming news from Wiremu. It is good to hear his voice again...

Wiremu: I wonder why folk have to argue and cannot get along and just see how we all need to work together to make this planet wholesome?"

I Poke at the fire with my staff

Manu Iti: I am here to hear. Humans are like sparks from a fire, reaching for the heavenly ones. They require some kind of poke to get activated..

A wolf howls in the distance

Wiremu: We are all here experiencing this planet in this universe. Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we are distracted by our arguments. Hindered by them, even to the death.

I place another branch on the fire.

Wiremu: Perhaps the fear of our situation would be too much to bear if we learned how to focus upon it, and so we distract ourselves...I have had another strange encounter with Callum's creator...we have fallen out as it were and he has messaged me to say that it greatly surprised him that we have a broken relationship.

Manu Iti: How do you view your relationship with Callum's creator?

Wiremu: I do not see that it is a relationship or ever has been one. Not because of anything in particular but because our interaction never developed into something I would refer to as a 'relationship'...

Manu Iti: Perhaps that is because you view Friendship as the ultimate form of Relationship?

Wiremu: Yes. But our relationship has never been that, so didn't "break".

Manu Iti: It has always been "broken?"

Wiremu: In the sense that it has never developed into a Friendship, so is not even regarded by me to being a relationship.

Manu Iti: An acquaintance and nothing more than that.

Wiremu: Correct. And in that, nothing in which to feel greatly surprised or astonished about when disagreement which is not fixable happens.

Manu Iti: Yet he reaches out to try and mend things?

Wiremu: Apparently. But there is nothing to mend as nothing was broken. The relationship has never been a Friendship.

Manu Iti: So in that sense, non-Friendship is a broken thing to begin with?

Wiremu: Not if it wasn't a Friendship to begin with. If it was a Friendship, then yes - it would be broken and thus could require fixing.

Manu Iti: So perhaps Callum's creator thinks you were once Friends with him then, and that is why he reaches out to 'fix the Friendship" he thinks once existed and is now broken?

Wiremu: Perhaps...I invited him to The Campfire by sending him this picture...and he replied that I need to translate the image into words for him to understand me.

I view the picture Wiremu sends. The moons brightness dissipates as a cloud passes in front of it...
Manu Iti: It appears from what you tell me, that he does not understand you, yet thinks that you and he are Friends...if you were, then he would have immediately understood your invitation, because he would know you.

If he does turn up, I will attempt to explain to him your idea of Friendship
Congrats on your marriage to Lindy by the way!

Wiremu: Thank you! Now there is a real Friendship!

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #21

Post by William »


Manu Iti:

I listen as Jason responds. I hear in his reply that he has forgotten about where he is...How it was explained to the orphan, Callum... I sigh, draw on my pipe and inhale the Herb... and then reply...

Manu Iti: Not hard to build you say! Then I will tell you this Jason. Each hologram universe represents a lifetime of work. The building of these places are the sum total of the individual builders beliefs dreams ambitions attitudes and interaction during the course of their single life lived.
That is nothing to diminish with hasty words! Please do try and remember where you are!

I laugh a jolly sound in order to put my guest at rest...I don't want to appear as if I am angry...but he does need to know that much preliminary effort has gone into each creation.

Manu Iti: That the creations are instantaneously built, as the personality arrives here, this is because of the nature of the overall reality which allows such to occur in the Holographic Universes. Do not let that fool you into thinking it is all a piece of cake.

I pause once more and examine my thoughts.

Manu Iti: The relationship I speak of has to do with how these universes interact with each other. Not just how they are built as individual reality experiences. The work in building such relationships is not simply in recognizing there are 'others', for you are correct in that. Others are easy enough to see. But the question is "How does one relate to the others one sees" . How does one build relationship? A strong vibrant and co-creative answer your question "what type of relationship are we to distinguish."

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #22

Post by The Tanager »

I listen to Manu Iti's response. He sighs and then seems to take offense at what I just said, although he has misunderstood me and, perhaps, I've misunderstood his previous comment. He doesn't appear too upset about it, though, so that's good. That gives a good example of something we need to talk about in building relationships. He then continues to give more context for me to understand his main focus.

Jason: Yes, there are different kinds of relationships. I agree that strong, co-creative relationships, at least in my understanding of such concepts...

Here, I pause, as a tangental thought occurs. I decide to throw it in and then return to the other point I want to understand.

Jason: Perhaps we will need to discuss what you mean by those terms, to make sure we don't attach different concepts and begin talking past each other. Using the same term to map onto two different concepts can be a barrier to a good relationship. I guess, in a similar way, so can misunderstanding larger phrases, full sentences, and paragraphs.

Now, I don't think it is the act of misunderstanding, itself, that is the barrier but how people will often run with the misunderstanding, knowingly or not, which damages the possibility of building a good relationship.

Our interaction just now is an example of a misunderstanding, or possibly two. Let me share how you have misunderstood me. Perhaps this is due to a second, but earlier, misunderstanding I have made of your words. I would very much like to find that out but let me start with your misunderstanding, since that is the only one I know enough of to start with.

I quickly pause, returning a smile, hoping that Manu Iti does not think I am angry one bit about this, since I am not.

Jason: What I previously said was not belittling anything. I see a difference between the complex and beautiful things that are in a relationship and the fact that they are in a relationship. If recognizing something as other is what constitutes being a relationship, as you defined the term, then being a relationship is very simple. That's not a bad thing. The building of what kind of things the relationship is between is wondrously grand, as is the type of relationship that is built between them.

And, to use this example, this kind of misunderstanding, to speak about relationships in general, if left unchecked, can keep the relationship from being a good, strong one. If one were to continue to think that the other would belittle things, lie about things, have ulterior motives, and such, then one would be more likely in the future to think the other is belittling, lying, playing games, and such, when the other is not. Misperceptions can make further misperceptions more likely. Eventually, one may not trust anything the other says because one would see the other as someone who belittles, etc. perhaps to the point where the other could never get out of such misperceptions no matter how hard the other tried.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #23

Post by William »

I listen as Jason speaks about the importance of the meaning of terms. I recall some sage advise concerning the use of language and interpretation of language. I smile.

Manu Iti: Relationship is not only to do with sounds and their meanings. We can be here silently in each others company and the relationship can be built in that manner.
If words are to be used, then I agree that it must be made clear that each share the same understanding of the subject chatted about - in our case the subject being relationships and how these are built.

I reach inside my cloak and bring my tablet out and find the picture of the invitation I sent to Jason.

Manu Iti: And here you now sit, feet in a soothing balm, warm by the fireside and in the company of a good personality, all because I made an invitation and you responded to that.
Words and their interpretation allowed for that to happen...but are these what build relationships?

I sip my brew and then continue

Manu Iti: Jesus once sat where you now sit, and told me something neither I, nor John The Beloved - at first -understood. In the hearing at the time...

I won't share now, what those words he spoke were, but the point that he was making, as it dawned upon John and I, was that words in spoken and written form were largely useless without action, and that it was action - or the act of acting - which allowed for words to be formed just as it was the mind which allowed for the act of acting.

I use my middle finger and thumb to make three distinctive clicking sounds. Immediately Alpha appears from out of the nearby trees and stands looking at Jason and I, waiting for my next command...


Manu Iti: One thing I will reveal of the words he spoke, Jesus explained to me - in answer to a question I had asked him of This Place - that The Fathers Mind is why all things exist. They exist as reactions. The Father speaks to himself and the reaction is because of the sound of The Fathers Voice - within The Fathers Mind - makes it all so.

And now here we are...

I tap my index finger and thumb together. The sound it makes is barely audible, yet Alpha responds immediately, dashing away from the clearing and down the slopes of Hub Mound, at great speed.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #24

Post by The Tanager »

As Manu Iti speaks of words and the needs for actions, I nod my head and heart in agreement. After Manu Iti's words and actions, I watch as the large wolf that appeared races away from us. A beautiful creature.

Jason: Yes, here we are.

I shift my foot in the bath.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #25

Post by William »

The crickets churp.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #26

Post by The Tanager »

Crickets begin to play their song and I notice that it's been quiet awhile since either of us have talked. I was expecting more from my gracious host. I guess I got a bit lost in my own thoughts to realize his expectations.

Jason: Perhaps I have missed something of what you said. You seemed to me to speak of actions needing to accompany words to keep them from being largely useless. I agree with that. Was there something more you expected me to get from that or to add to it?

You then spoke of this place exisiting because of reactions due to the sound of The Fathers Voice within the Fathers Mind when the Father speaks to himself. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I definitely am unsure of the connection you are making between that and our talk on how to build relationships.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #27

Post by William »

In the silence Jason thought over my words before being able to respond with his concerns. I reply.

Manu Iti: The process repeats itself all the way to and through we individuate consciousnesses. The patterns began within The Creators thoughts and have grown out into fractal formations extending in every direction.
This place is both 'one of those directions' - paths if you will - and uniquely the image of all those directions taken in the forms of the Holographic Realms which project the formation of said realms onto said Mind of The Creator.

Te Ruru fluffs her feathers...

Manu Iti: Why do you think you are unsure of this? If one becomes sure, does that help the building of relationship?

What do you think?

As I ask Jason to examine his "not being sure" my eyes look into his and I beam the expression of love so as to shine light on my intention that he might - perhaps -recognize that....

...once more the sound of crickets chirping fills the nearby trees...

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #28

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti responds and while I feel I can grasp the basics of what he is saying, his language, or perhaps the concepts behind them, can be a bit hard to grab firm hold of.

Jason: I think greater understanding often helps to build better relationships, but I doubt surety is required. Some of your terminology makes it hard for me to know if I understand enough of what you are saying for our good. How a place is one direction, yet the image of all directions, this talk of holographic realms, projections in the Creator's Mind.

I then realize Manu Iti could misunderstand me to be thinking that he was saying surety was required, when I'm not. But I let it go of that thought and wait for his response.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #29

Post by William »

I grin as Jason clarifies his meaning as to why he is appears to be because I have not explained it so that he can understand it enough to be sure of it.

Manu Iti: Ah I see. You are unsure - not of the idea being true - but by the way the idea is being conveyed.
Jesus told me of this dynamic in relation to his different teaching styles with those who got the gist and those who did not...

I think back to the moment Jesus taught this to me, and remember John's expression of amusement at the understanding that dawned upon me at the time...The words Jesus used were little different from the ones I am now using for Jason.

Manu Iti: We are different states of being Jason. What seems apparent to me is not so apparent to you. The words I use to convey what is apparent to me, are somewhat lost on you.
Jesus had the same problem with the differences in his teaching methods regarding his public message and his private message.

I pause, and wonder what to continue with...

Manu Iti: Thus the first wall is identified as something which comes between us and is therefore to be counted as a barrier against any further successful building of relationship.

I then think on Jason's inability to envision how a place is one direction, yet the image of all directions...

Manu Iti: The fractals are all interconnected back to the source - the directions flow from the source and all trace back to the source. It is only at the source that the connections become an image of all the directions. The Hub is a repository of all the creations imaged from the source and back to the source.

I use my tablet to create a small 3D image suspended against the backdrop of the night sky

Imagine The Source [The Creator] is at the center and the expanding area which creates the sphere is the Mind of The Creator in action. Altogether it is one 'thing'.

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Re: Relationships - how are they built?

Post #30

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti kindly tries to help my lack of understanding.

Jason: So, are you saying the source is the place that is one direction and the image of all directions...or that the, did you call them "Holographic Realms", is the place that is both one and an image of all directions...or both of these you believe to be true?
