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Sodom, Greece, Rome and homosexuality.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:00 pm
by AlAyeti
Does allowing for diversity include parents having no voice in what their children are forced to be taught and have to accept?

Do Christians and the many other cultures and belief systems opposed to homosexuality have the right to have their culture and religious views respected in society when it comes to decent and natural sexual behavior in the education system and in public?

Are homosexuals demanding accesss to children under the label of diversity and anti-hate legislation?

This seems the number one issue between average and normal "family" people and the homosexual agenda.

Can there be laws passed that keeps homosexuality from becoming forced on children and families that oppose it, without the homosexual community and homosexual action organizations crying discrimination?

Is there such a thing anymore as heterosexual rights?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:07 pm
by Cathar1950
Thank you Lotan for tossing in some real science.
I was afraid he was talking about me.
I suspect Al might be a little repressed.
I would like to add that sexual behavior and attraction is also a continuum and not an absolute dicodomy.
I never would have guessed coming from a small redneck town in Michigan I would find my self defending gays and lesbians. I see now that it is a must. Sexual predjudice can easily become hate crimes.
My kids went to school with people with those persuasions and they are fine decent people. Many of the heterosexual people I know are assholes.
The word seems to fit very nicely.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:21 pm
by Chimp
AlAyeti wrote:It is clear from reading and rereading chimp and cather's posts, that there is indeed a "homosexual agenda" and it is indeed implemented by force.
I call it the "Do unto others" agenda

AlAyeti wrote: Chimp says, "if you don't like it, leave." Not exactly tolerance, or scientific.
What I was suggesting was...If you are so concerned with the what the
educational system teaches you have the option to teach whatever takes
your fancy with the home-schooling option.

What do you mean by teaching homosexuality? This seems central to the
topic you posted, but you haven't spelled out what this means.
AlAyeti wrote: Homosexuality IS an act. That is if observable fact can be, well, observed. ....
Lothar, indeed believes that there is "sexual deviance," but refuses to use logic and rational empiricism to prove the facts, somehow, picking and choosing, what is and what isn't sexual deviant behavior.
I don't follow your logic...I could be wrong, but this is what I understand
you are saying...

male pedophile + male child = homosexual act
ergo pedophile = homosexual

by this logic...this would also be true

male pedophile + female child = heterosexual act
ergo pedophile = heterosexual

You haven't provided any have defined some words
but not provided any evidence for your claims, empirical or otherwise.
AlAyeti wrote: Pedophiles use the exact same logic.
Pretty sure that is against the forum rules...even if it isn't it's pretty
ill mannered to say the least.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:46 pm
by fire_of_Jesus
homosexuality is wrong and its descusting, for one its not fair its the oen thing that is in all tv shows movies and entertainment, why is that? i hate the fact that no one other then we christians think its wrong. do u like seeing ur own gender making out with another of ur own gender? does it give u pride of being a male or female? all it does is make lusts amd more lusts and the government should end this right now. if u like it go to holland or massachusetts and leave the rest of us in peace.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:28 pm
by McCulloch
fire_of_Jesus wrote:homosexuality is wrong and its descusting, for one its not fair its the oen thing that is in all tv shows movies and entertainment, why is that? i hate the fact that no one other then we christians think its wrong. do u like seeing ur own gender making out with another of ur own gender? does it give u pride of being a male or female? all it does is make lusts amd more lusts and the government should end this right now. if u like it go to holland or massachusetts and leave the rest of us in peace.
Fire, you have presented your opinion clearly on this matter. Now, by the rules of debate, you have to back up your opinions with evidence. We understand that you feel homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. Please tell us why you feel that way. Show us how you would rationalize subjecting those who do not accept your religious code to christian morals.

I am trying not to get sick.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:39 pm
by Cathar1950
AlAyeti wrote:
It is clear from reading and rereading chimp and cather's posts, that there is indeed a "homosexual agenda" and it is indeed implemented by force.

Are you gay Chimp(not that there is anything wrong with that)? I guess they got to us because I am not gay, I am just consumed by the "homosexual agenda" what ever that is.
AlAyeti wrote:
Homosexuality IS an act. That is if observable fact can be, well, observed. ....
I didn't write that.
I also am not in the habit of observing it. How about you?
When was the last time you watched a couple of gays getting it on?
I see heteros doing it all the time. I tell them to go get a motel room.
Please McCulloch do not ask them for evidence AlAyeti is already to graphic with the throat and rectum stuff.
fire_of_Jesus wrote:
for one its not fair its the oen thing that is in all tv shows movies and entertainment, why is that?
What channels do you watch?
and Fire keeps talking:
do u like seeing ur own gender making out with another of ur own gender? does it give u pride of being a male or female? all it does is make lusts amd more lusts and the government should end this right now. if u like it go to holland or massachusetts and leave the rest of us in peace.
Two girls maybe I would watch if there was nothing on tv or something.
What does this have to do with your pride? Is it you never get laid?
Is it that two people of the same sex are having more fun then you? They are obviously happier.
What is this "massachusetts"? I thought all the gays were in San Fransico.
Are you sure your not getting then mixed up wit Demarcates?
Yes your lust should end.
Which Holland are you talking about the one in Michigan is mostly Calvinist.
Is this real?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:58 pm
by AlAyeti
Lotan: ""A disturbing fact continues to surface in sex abuse research. The first best predictor of abuse is alcohol or drug addiction in the father. But the second best predictor is conservative religiosity, accompanied by parental belief in traditional male-female roles. This means that if you want to know which children are most likely to be sexually abused by their father, the second most significant clue is *whether or not the parents belong to a conservative religious group with traditional role beliefs and rigid sexual attitudes." (Brown and Bohn, 1989; Finkelhor, 1986; Fortune, 1983; Goldstein et al, 1973; Van Leeuwen, 1990). From "Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches", by Carolyn Holderread Heggen, Herald Press, Scotdale, PA, 1993 p. 73 "


This is absolutely Christian-bashing hate speech. You deride me for blanket staements about homosexual behavior and use dribble from some anti-Christian pinhead. Define the people who commit crimes by the words of Jesus and show how they fit a "Christian home." Take the act out of YOUR bigotry and you have crimes against children. Priest sexual abuse against children is Pedophilia. When it is male on male, it is homosexual.

You like using the Bible for your attacks against Christians so please use the words of Jesus towards those that will hurt children or lead them INTO sin. Like say the homosexual agenda in the schools demanding access to "Questioning Youth!" Which is of course every child inn history.

You can spin yopur obvious disdain for Christians any way you want and Pro-homosexualists can attempt to paint a rosie picture of licentious and promiscuous people who engage in same-sex sex but empiricism stands against labeling homosexuality as a normal sexual function. Your biology list never once diosproved WHAT the sexual act IS for! Even your Darwin nods in that direction. Homosexuality in nature is still an unnatural sex act. Do the math!

You used typical Liberal Spin!

Male-to-male sexuality no matter the age gap IS homosexuality. Male to female child sexual acts IS Pedophilia too. If you are going to use the Bible to provide fodder for your anti-Christian rants, please show a supportive text FOR homosexuality. I don't like Moses' directives any more than you do but I'm not looking to wipe out anyone for their grievous sins. And wiping away the sinners and the sin "Out of Israel" was indeed the logic behind Moses' directives. You know that though don't you. You have a commanding knowledge of the Bible.

You will arrive at MY view of homosexuals if you could calm down and be fair. Repent and be forgiven. It is called the Gospel message. It is the same for everyone. It's called diversity.

Those that don't want to change, that is not my problem. Defending accuracy is the point. Even you try that one.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:10 am
by AlAyeti
AlAyeti wrote:
It is clear from reading and rereading chimp and cather's posts, that there is indeed a "homosexual agenda" and it is indeed implemented by force.

Chimp: "I call it the "Do unto others" agenda."


I couldn't agree with you more, that IS EXACTLY what the homosexual agenda is as well! Think about the definition of "orientation" and the sickening nature of the homosexualization of a person finds perfect clarity.

The disgusting nature of "it" mentioned by another person in another post, is what I don't want my childrenn subjected to. The first "sexual orientation" lesson of a young person is almost always by force, coersion or by deception. Even lotan points that out.

Now that is the agenda of whcih I speak. Because, if science is presented without a Leftist anti-Christian voice, their is little power left to wield of the homosexualization of our children in the education system.

And bigotry is deflated to empiricism.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:50 am
by Cathar1950
AlAyeti wrote:
The disgusting nature of "it" mentioned by another person in another post, is what I don't want my childrenn subjected to. The first "sexual orientation" lesson of a young person is almost always by force, coersion or by deception. Even lotan points that out.
I think what was being pointed out is the link between abuse, mental illness and the Authoritarianism personality, usually is the guise of Christianity at least in the west.
The literature is out there. What is it everyone who doesn't agree with your anti homo agenda is being paid off or forced by gays?
Your ideas are why we have to have separation between church and state.
What do you mean by:
The first "sexual orientation" lesson of a young person is almost always by force, coersion or by deception.
So the hetros have to beat the homos to the punch?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:23 pm
by fire_of_Jesus
he means a women doesnt turn gay on her own and a guy doesnt start looking at other guys all of a suden because its natural. its not natural. heck even mental disorder isnt natural!
  • 1. god says women be with men and men be with women.2, this homosexuality acceptence has only started up recently (a good sign to the end of the world).
    i really hope u dont really think in ur mind that women with another women is right if so then ur really mest up in the head.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:58 pm
by Chimp

Pedophilia IS sex with a child ( a gender neutral term used to denote
sex with a child ).

You keep making an inflammatory distinction, which is misleading.
The issue with pedophilia is NOT the genders is the
fact that a child is involved.

Adult male and male child = pedophilia
Adult male and female child = pedophilia
Adult female and male child = pedophilia
Adult female and female child = pedophilia

Can we agree to this point and move on?

I am still unclear what you mean, Al. How is the gay agenda
taught in schools? I understand you are offended by gay people
and find everything they do repulsive, however, you still haven't stated
explicitly what they are doing to teach the gay agenda.