Christian-Sponsored Hatred for Gays

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Christian-Sponsored Hatred for Gays

Post #1

Post by Jagella »

Do you support Christian hatred for gays?

I was inspired to broach this topic after reading a column in the January 2020 issue of Scientific American. The column written by the editors is entitled Time's Up for "Anti-Gay Therapy." According to those editors:
Although medical and psychological associations have asked explicitly that Congress and state governments ban anti-gay conversion (by Christians), there has been a backlash from (Christian) groups like the Liberty Council, which promotes "evangelical values."
The column condemns the "detestable practice" of the attempt by many Christians to alter a person's homosexuality because the practice does "irreparable harm" to people. Forty-two percent of a subgroup who have had this "therapy" inflicted on them have committed suicide.

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Post #131

Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 126 by marco]


The bible condemns sexual contact between members of the same biological sex. That said, one can disapprove of an action but still love and treat the individual with kindness. One should not equate standards (or law), even those standards with which one disagrees, with hatred. One can believe over indulgence of alcohol is harmful for example(even support total prohibition of it by law) without harbouring hatred for alcoholics or going around "drunk bashing"


Does the bible condemn homosexuals or homosexual activity? (sexual intercourse/sexual contact)? ... 40#p994140

Does the bible condemn homosexuality? ... 30#p979130

Where in the NT are homosexual acts condemned? ... 83#p994483

Were Paul's references to "homosexual practices" alluding to temple prostitution? ... 97#p756197

WHY does God prohibit homosexual acts? ... 94#p994394

Who should decide if an action is good or bad? ... 97#p993397

Does the God of the bible treat homosexuals unjustly? ... 21#p926621

Does DOES classifying homosexual acts as sinful equate to hating gays or encouraging mistreatement? ... 94#p995694

Is the prohibition of certain sexual behaviours HATEFUL? ... 50#p993650

Was Jesus secretly gay? ... 77#p768477


Should Christians repudiate the biblical laws calling for
the execution of those guilty of performing homosexual acts? ... 78#p994278

Do Jehovahs Witnesses support the death penalty for homosexuals? ... 61#p993261

Since many believe "Old Testament" law has been abolished, does this mean God now APPRROVES of homosexual acts? ... 41#p993341

Did David and Jonathan have a homosexual relationship? ... 03#p710603
To learn more please go to other posts related to...

Last edited by JehovahsWitness on Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
INDEX: More bible based ANSWERS ... 81#p826681

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Post #132

Post by Tcg »

JehovahsWitness wrote:
The bible condemns sexual contact between members of the same biological sex.
This proves not to be the case when the language used is properly understood:
  • What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

    The Biblical passages that have been identified historically as ones that condemn homosexuality are found in both the Hebrew (Old Testament) and the Christian (New Testament) Scriptures. Most of the Hebrew references translate the Hebrew "kedah" into the English word “homosexual� or “sodomite.� The Hebrew word, however, means “temple prostitute.� Judaism, as a monotheistic religion (one God), was threatened by many competing pagan religions. Many of these religions included worship of fertility gods. Worship at these pagan temples included sex (both heterosexual and homosexual). It was those practices that the Hebrew scriptures were prohibiting.

    Similarly, in the Christian scriptures, the Greek word, "malakos" is translated into the English word "homosexual." Malakos referred to a Greek practice of pederasty – that is, older men having sex with boys. A unique-for-the-times hallmark of the early Christian church was that it was based on mutual, affirming love and care. So pederasty would be condemned as the abusive, coercive, power-over sexual activity it is, and clearly a violation of Jesus’ command to “love one another as I have loved you.� ... osexuality
Once this language is properly understood, we see that the Bible condemns certain types of sexual contact. It certainly doesn't address the fact that some individuals are naturally sexually attracted to the opposite sex nor does it condemn those for whom this is the case.

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Post #133

Post by Jagella »

EarthScienceguy wrote:You said it again.
You're not answering my questions again! Please answer them: Why would you oppose addressing a high rate of suicide among gays as a threat to the public health? And why do you oppose society taking action to decrease any such high suicide rate among gays?

If you dodge my questions, then we cannot have a productive discussion. OK?
You seem to think it is possible to decrease the suicide rate in the gay community.
I'm hoping that the suicide rate among homosexuals can be decreased, of course. Do you share my hope?

By the way, two of my brothers are gay. Both of them are law-abiding citizens, work full-time jobs, and are reasonably well-adjusted men. They don't seem to fit your image of gay men. Maybe they are exceptional cases, or maybe your image of gay men is distorted by your Christian prejudices.
If the homosexual act is the trigger to destructive behavior then the solution would be to get rid of the trigger.
I assume you mean that gay sex triggers "destructive behavior." I'm not convinced that gay sex can have such an impact. Even if it does, therapy with a valid scientific basis may well help gay men to enjoy gay sex without any such side-effects.

Do you support an effort on the part of scientists to develop such a therapy if homosexuals can benefit from it?
With your so called love or whatever it is you want to call it, simply condemns people to death because you seem to think trying to treating the symptoms is as good as treating that actual problem.
I'm in favor of treating any "root problems" that gays may have and not just the symptoms. I just want the treatment(s) if they are needed at all to be based on valid science and not the pseudoscience being pawned off by the religious right.
In every society the homosexual community has a higher rate of suicide.
If that's true, then let's use legitimate science to find out why and help gays avoid taking their own lives.
The Trevor project was a 1 survey study that asked questions about the last 12 months. Anything a little more scientific. Like a multiyear study that tracked these young people over time. That might give more accurate results.
Scientific American obviously thinks the findings of the Trevor Project are valid. Now why should I believe you over Scientific American?
This argument again does not hold water.

1. Because this suicide rate happens regardless of how accepted homosexuality is.
You can only accept this claim by denying the findings of the Trevor Project.
Suicide rate does in increase in Christian communities when they are persecuted.
One of the problems in your analogy here is that you appear to assume that gays and Christians are distinct groups. The reality is that many gays are Christians, and many Christians are gay. So your comparing the two groups is not a valid comparison. Heck, if Christians don't commit suicide under persecution, it could be that their being gay gives them the strength to carry on!
Suicide rates did not increase among African American slaves when they were persecuted.
No doubt many of them were gay. So again, the comparison is not valid.
Do you agree that both sexually active gays and heterosexuals should use condoms if there is a risk of STDs?
All sexual deviant behavior is risky or deadly, this is why one man and one women for life what the Bible says is appropriate sexuality.
You are not answering my questions! Do you agree that both sexually active gays and heterosexuals should use condoms if there is a risk of STDs?

And you are wrong if you claim that marriage isn't risky. It can lead to divorce! Not to mention domestic violence, rape, and child abuse.
I have given this list before but it does need to be repeated.
What is your source, and why is it trustworthy? A Christian source is probably biased against gays due to its Biblical dogmas that call for the execution of gays.

And if you want gays to avoid what is deadly to them, then to be consistent, you should recommend they avoid the Bible!
I addressed this above abuse is not the reason for the destructive behavior i the homosexual community.
Christians screaming "God hates fags!" may well lead to destructive behavior among gays.
If people look to the Bible hoping it has the key to immortality, then such hope may cause them to deny its very obvious antisocial and destructive injunctions.
Again that is not what the research shows.
I've seen Christians turn a blind eye to the Bible's horrors many times. It's the price we pay for their determination to get to heaven at all costs including the costs that others must pay.
Religious/spiritual beliefs and practices are commonly used by both medical and psychiatric patients to cope with illness and other stressful life changes. A large volume of research shows that people who are more R/S have better mental health and adapt more quickly to health problems compared to those who are less R/S. These possible benefits to mental health and well-being have physiological consequences that impact physical health, affect the risk of disease, and influence response to treatment. In this paper I have reviewed and summarized hundreds of quantitative original data-based research.
What you're claiming here, even if true, has nothing to do with Christians turning a blind eye to the Bible's horrors because they want to get to heaven.
No, I am living in a real world in which there is justice for the victims. Where there are consequences for behaviors. There are always consequences for behaviors even when people refuse to see the obvious for what it is.
Of course there are consequences for behaviors. Let's just make sure we find the real consequences for behavior and not what our religion tells us.
Homosexual is defined as: a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
Homosexuality is not pedophilia. Most homosexuals are not pedophiles.
In Bible times those 12 and older were considered adults.
Where did you get this claim? In any case, it does demonstrate that our modern notion of "underage sex" didn't hold for the Jews and early Christians. Biblical "morality" is outmoded and has been superseded by secular morality which works much better.
Men are not created to engage in this sort of sin. Men are hardwired with some innate information, like speech. Morality is also hardwired in to man. This is why people who commit homosexual acts are depressed to the point that they want to commit suicide. This is why there is no therapy that has decreased the problem that homosexuals have with suicide.
What you're claiming here is completely unreasonable. If homosexuality is so terrible, then it makes no sense for any man to choose to be gay! Can you choose to be gay? Is it some tempting sin for you? It isn't for me. I'm heterosexual, but I never chose to be. It just happened.

By the way, when I was a teenager I became bisexual for about two years. I was attracted to other boys. It didn't last. I never chose to be attracted to boys then, and I never chose to stop being attracted to them. It just happened naturally.

So you're wrong about homosexuality being a choice.
You can believe all you want that homosexuality is morally right and good.
I wouldn't say homosexuality is good or bad. I just leave people alone if they do no harm and mind my own business.
Christian morality is the only answer to the issues that homosexuals face.
To be consistent, Christians should call for the execution of gays like their Bible demands.

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Post #134

Post by brunumb »

[Replying to post 122 by FWI]
...the male died prematurely, not from suicide, but from HIV, which could be classified as a form of self-destruction.
Only if he deliberately set out to be infected. Unless you know all the circumstances involved you should not be reaching such distorted conclusions.
George Orwell:: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
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Post #135

Post by benchwarmer »

brunumb wrote: [Replying to post 122 by FWI]
...the male died prematurely, not from suicide, but from HIV, which could be classified as a form of self-destruction.
Only if he deliberately set out to be infected. Unless you know all the circumstances involved you should not be reaching such distorted conclusions.
Precisely. Straight people are not immune from HIV. Sexual orientation has absolutely NOTHING to do with contracting HIV. Having sex has EVERYTHING to do with it (or coming into contact some other way with bodily fluids).

Let's face it. Sexual orientation is NOT the problem. The distorted perceptions of some people about OTHER peoples sexual orientation IS the problem.

If there were no stigma regarding gay sex, there would be NO feelings of guilt by those who are simply attracted to those of the same sex. It is those, often religious people who think they are somehow magically right because they read it in a book, that are the real issue.

I would be willing to bet that if cultural attitudes to gay sex changed (as they seem to finally be doing), that suicide rates among gay people will come back in line with the average rate of any other group of people.

I'm sick and tired of people who think they hold the moral high road all the while acting no more morally (often less so) than those they vilify.

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Post #136

Post by Zzyzx »

benchwarmer wrote: Let's face it. Sexual orientation is NOT the problem. The distorted perceptions of some people about OTHER peoples sexual orientation IS the problem.

WHY are so many people obsessed with the sex lives of others? What difference does it make who sleeps with whom? Whose business is it to anyone other than the people involved (excepting pedophilia and rape)?

If some 'god' doesn't like certain sex practices, that is his/its problem -- which shouldn't require human enforcement.

ANY of the thousands of "gods" proposed, imagined, worshiped, loved, feared, and/or fought over by humans MAY exist -- awaiting verifiable evidence

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Post #137

Post by marco »

JehovahsWitness wrote:

The bible condemns sexual contact between members of the same biological sex. That said, one can disapprove of an action but still love and treat the individual with kindness. One should not equate standards (or law), even those standards with which one disagrees, with hatred. One can believe over indulgence of alcohol is harmful for example(even support total prohibition of it by law) without harbouring hatred for alcoholics or going around "drunk bashing"
I don't know of people who go around "drunk bashing" but there is certainly a prevalence of "gay bashing" and that possibly arises from the condemnation you have given of gay people actually demonstrating mutual love. It is an odd position to say one understands that homosexuality is acceptable and yet condemn any attempt of people to put their homosexuality into practice. If a man and wife were forbidden by some rule never to have close contact, that would be an unacceptable imposition.

There is a certain religious coldness in the affirmation that somebody hates the sin but loves the sinner. I am sure that attitude brings great comfort to children whose parents oppose their homosexual ways. It seems obvious that the parents not their offspring who display wickedness.

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Post #138

Post by marco »

Zzyzx wrote:
If some 'god' doesn't like certain sex practices, that is his/its problem -- which shouldn't require human enforcement.
It is interesting that the same God required bits of male genitalia as a covenant with him. An intelligence that fashioned the cosmos would have no requirement for such nonsense and it would be astonishing if he felt that two people demonstrating human emotion offended him. When we realise rules were made not by deities but by brutal male nomads, all becomes clear. What is unclear is why people today heed savage advice.

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Post #139

Post by SallyF »

The column condemns the "detestable practice" of the attempt by many Christians to alter a person's homosexuality because the practice does "irreparable harm" to people. Forty-two percent of a subgroup who have had this "therapy" inflicted on them have committed suicide.

Best to just stay with the crooked sexuality "God" gave you.
"God" … just whatever humans imagine it to be.

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Post #140

Post by Jagella »

SallyF wrote:Best to just stay with the crooked sexuality "God" gave you.
If homosexuality is not inborn but is chosen as the sinner gives in to her or his lust to have sex with someone of the same sex, then I'm left wondering how many Christians need to resist such an urge. If they do not need to resist such an urge, then how is it that they lack that urge? Isn't sin something we are tempted to do?

In any case, trying to "convert" homosexuals makes as much sense as trying to get heterosexuals to become gay. None of us choose our sexual desires. If God exists, then he created a lot of gay men and lesbians.

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