The plan, and design of God

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The plan, and design of God

Post #1

Post by Tart »

Can a man deviate from Gods plan? It has been on my mind... When i was first baptized i was told all my sins have been forgiven. Past, present, and future... Is that true?

Is my life planned out? Is there a destiny for me? Like Ephesians says "We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good work, which God prepared in advance for us to do"

Though how can free will not be true? Surely it is true, isnt it? Scripture also says

"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone"~James 1:13

I am also having a hard time understanding right from wrong. It seems like some things that are set as standards of right and wrong, seem bizarre.. Almost like a standard that is set put in place purely for me to fall to... Though is it? I hate it... Though it is not actual sin, but only through faithlessness. "not doing the good you should do".

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."

But its not me, but voices i hear, setting these standards... I hate it.

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #2

Post by ttruscott »

Tart wrote: Can a man deviate from Gods plan? It has been on my mind... When i was first baptized i was told all my sins have been forgiven. Past, present, and future... Is that true?
I don't know anyone who still believes that baptism is efficacious in salvation and not just a milestone marker of salvative achievement.

But I have a pretty clear picture of what I believe GOD is up to with us here on earth that is NOT founded upon any hint or aroma of blasphemy.

YHWH created us to marry HIM, that is, to have a loving fellowship communion with HIM that is best described by the English word, a marriage. Therefore HE had to give us a free will and the ability and opportunity to accept HIS wedding proposal or to reject this plan of HIS as a coerced or forced marriage is NOT a true marriage and true love cannot be forced upon a person.

This means we each chose our own FATE when we made the free will decison to accept YHWH as our GOD and the Son as our saviour OR to reject HIM as a false god and a liar and, as the first liar in all of creation, the most evil person in all of creation.

To accept the Son as the Savour means that we put our trust in Him to do anything He needed to do with or in us to ensure that we never end in hell if we should ever sin.

For most Christians, the fact that people are sinful proves that we can 'deviate from Gods plan' since it is inconceivable that HE needed to plan our evil for any reason.

Once we became addicted to evil and lost our free will to evil, HE gave us LIVES on earth, predestined to end with the heavenly marriage and predetermined our life events to best bring us to redemption, repentance and sanctification.

So, no, HE did NOT predetermine our FATES by election, HE let us choose our own fate and then responded to that choice by election or condemnation. HE did NOT predetermine our evil nor predestine anyone to hell before they were created. All such ideas are contrary to HIS self revealed nature as loving, righteous and just.
PCE Theology as I see it...

We had an existence with a free will in Sheol before the creation of the physical universe. Here we chose to be able to become holy or to be eternally evil in YHWH's sight. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to earth.

This theology debunks the need to base Christianity upon the blasphemy of creating us in Adam's sin.

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #3

Post by ttruscott »

Tart wrote:But its not me, but voices i hear, setting these standards... I hate it.
I have no advice to give to you about this. Pray for the voices to be Godly and trust that this prayer is answered but I do not counsel anyone to go off their meds.
PCE Theology as I see it...

We had an existence with a free will in Sheol before the creation of the physical universe. Here we chose to be able to become holy or to be eternally evil in YHWH's sight. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to earth.

This theology debunks the need to base Christianity upon the blasphemy of creating us in Adam's sin.

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #4

Post by The Tanager »

[Replying to post 1 by Tart]

I think we have free will. I don't think Ephesians 2:10 speaks against our free will. Genesis 1:27-28 talks about humans being created in His image in order to care for each other, care for the world, in other words, to do good works. But this was always meant to be done (and, I think, could only be properly done) in relationship with God. In Christ, we are returned to this original purpose.

As far as right and wrong put into place for you to fall to, I'm not sure what you mean.

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Re: The plan, and design of God

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Post by Tart »

[Replying to post 2 by ttruscott]

To marry YHWH...

So you believe you married YHWH?

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #6

Post by ttruscott »

Tart wrote: [Replying to post 2 by ttruscott]

To marry YHWH...

So you believe you married YHWH?
No sir, I believe I was created to marry GOD. I also believe I chose to accept HIS marriage proposal (by which I became one of HIS elect) but then rebelled against the call for the damnation of the Satanic. Due to the sins of some of the elect, the wedding had to be postponed until they could be sanctified unto perfect holiness.

When the elect are finally holy and the Satanic are finally cleared from this created reality and banished to the outer darkness, then and only then will the Marriage of the Lamb be called: Rev 19:6 And I heard a sound like the roar of a great multitude, like the rushing of many waters, and like a mighty rumbling of thunder, crying out:


For our Lord God, the Almighty, reigns.

7 Let us rejoice and be glad

and give Him the glory.



8 She was given clothing of fine linen,

bright and pure.� ...the fine linen she wears is the righteous acts of the saints.

9 Then the angel told me to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.� And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.�
PCE Theology as I see it...

We had an existence with a free will in Sheol before the creation of the physical universe. Here we chose to be able to become holy or to be eternally evil in YHWH's sight. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to earth.

This theology debunks the need to base Christianity upon the blasphemy of creating us in Adam's sin.

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #7

Post by Tart »

ttruscott wrote:
Tart wrote: [Replying to post 2 by ttruscott]

To marry YHWH...

So you believe you married YHWH?
No sir, I believe I was created to marry GOD. I also believe I chose to accept HIS marriage proposal (by which I became one of HIS elect) but then rebelled against the call for the damnation of the Satanic. Due to the sins of some of the elect, the wedding had to be postponed until they could be sanctified unto perfect holiness.

When the elect are finally holy and the Satanic are finally cleared from this created reality and banished to the outer darkness, then and only then will the Marriage of the Lamb be called: Rev 19:6 And I heard a sound like the roar of a great multitude, like the rushing of many waters, and like a mighty rumbling of thunder, crying out:


For our Lord God, the Almighty, reigns.

7 Let us rejoice and be glad

and give Him the glory.



8 She was given clothing of fine linen,

bright and pure.� ...the fine linen she wears is the righteous acts of the saints.

9 Then the angel told me to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.� And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.�
Interesting, so what do you think was the rebellion, and what is the repentance?

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Post #8

Post by Tart »

if its personal you should pm me

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Re: The plan, and design of God

Post #9

Post by ttruscott »

Tart wrote:Interesting, so what do you think was the rebellion, and what is the repentance.
IF YHWH did proclaim the gospel to every person ever created (under heaven) as Col 1:23 suggests then it was so we could make free will decisions about its content as true or false including such things as HIS claims to deity, HIS declarations of righteousness vrs evil and the consequences for choosing either one, HIS purpose for our creation to enter a loving communion with HIM (called a marriage) and the nature of the Son in which is the only source of salvation from the enslavement to evil and to the judgement against being evil.

Once we separated ourselves by our free will into those who accepted HIS proclamation as true by faith, ie, without proof, thus becoming HIS elect sheep, from those who rejected HIS proclamation as the lies of a megalomanic false god by faith, ie, without proof, thus becoming eternally evil,

HIS holiness and hatred of evil would make the very next order of business to be the removal of all the eternally evil ones from HIS reality so the marriage could get started. This removal to the outer darkness was an absolute necessity because, as it is written, a little leaven (sin) leavens (corrupts) the whole lump (person, group, reality).

So HE called for all HIS newly elected sheep to 'come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, thoughts', but some would not. They resisted this call because they thought that YHWH was being too precipitous not giving them any time to repent, that HE was being unloving to damn them for only disbelief and they thought damnation was evil.

Thus these also became evil in HIS sight, their free will clouded by an addiction to evil, and just as evil as HIS eternal enemies BUT as HIS elect they were under HIS promise of salvation from these sins (the promise the eternally reprobate scorned to enter into) and could be brought back to their first free will decison.

So the rebellion was against the call for the judgement of the Satanic and the repentance is holiness, the godly and holy life that speeds up the coming of that great and terrible day of retribution against evil, 2 Peter 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and speeding the coming of the day of GOD.
PCE Theology as I see it...

We had an existence with a free will in Sheol before the creation of the physical universe. Here we chose to be able to become holy or to be eternally evil in YHWH's sight. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to earth.

This theology debunks the need to base Christianity upon the blasphemy of creating us in Adam's sin.

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Post #10

Post by Tart »

Ya, I was just wondering what you personally did to break this "marriage", that you talk of? Like what sins made you guilty of this?

Prophesying is sometimes like a head in the clouds... Do you want to get practical with what you are saying?

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